HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1981.04.20210 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA April 20, 1981 A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was hefdabove date in the City Half Councit Chambers. Meeting wasto order at 8:00 p.M. by Mayor Victor llangini. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OE ALLEGIANCE Led by Rafph E ROLL CALL COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT : MINUTES Kirkup, Director of PubIic Works. AMSTRUP , BARTON, CROSBY , MANGIN I , MART IN NONE on the ca l fed Minute s mee t ing commentdid not te rmined miniums of the regular meeting of April 5, 1981 and of the studyof April 8, 198f were approved and adopted, with thefrom Council,man Amstrup on study meeting minutes that heagree there was Council consensus (P. 2O9l "Council de-that the ordj-nance provisions for conversion of condo-should apply only to projects with 20 or more units.', PRESENTAT I ON ''SHARED HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY'' In a brief address, Mrs. Jo11y Per Kocha, coordinator for this County-wide program, urged Council to advise citizens of thisafternative to the housing crisis. She described the program asan effort to bring about a meeting of senior citizens who have homes r^/ith too much room and senior citizens who need housing. IntervievTs are arranged and successful housing arrangements have been made. ORD INANCES SECOND READING - HEARING 1. ORDINANCE NO. 1201 ,'ESTABLISHING NEW PARKING I{ETER RATES Mayor Mangini were no public ORDINANCE NO.1201 passed its second reading and was adopted on motion of Councilman Martin, second by Councilman Crosby, carried unanimously on rolI cafl vote. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 1202 - "ORDINANCE REQUIRING PARKTNG WITHIN MARKED SPACES " opened pubfic hearing on this ordinance. There comments and the hearing was declared c.Iosed. Mayor Mangini opened pubfic hearing were no comments from the audience, c Ios ed. on this and the ordinance. hearing was There de c I ared ORDINANCE No. 1202 passed its second reading and was adopted on Amstrup,mot ron o f Counc lwoman Barton, second by Councilmancarried unanimously on rolf call vote. 3. ORDINANCE NO. 1203 ''ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING WASTE WATER COLLECTION RATES AND CHARGES,' Mayor Mangini decl-ared public hearing on this ordinance open. There were no public comments, and the hearing was declared closed. .L APPEAL HIGGS, FROM PLANNING COMMISSION VARIANCE DENIAL 16 3 O CAR,I4ELI TA AVENUE JOHN AND LY}INE ORDINANCE NO. I203 passed its second reading and was adopted on mo-€f o;- oT--eouncTTman Crosby, second by Councilman Amstrup, carried on unanimous ro11 call vote. Mayor Mangini set this appeal for public hearing on May 4, 1981. 2LL APPEAL OI'AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL PERMIT - MIKE HARVEY OLDSMOBILE, 1007-1015 RoLLTNS ROAD/1008 CAROLAN By TRAFFTC,SAFETY,PARKTNG COMMISSION City Planner reviewed his staff report of 4/14/8L which outlinedspecial permits for these two addresses. 1007/1015 Rollins Roadwith 25 employees was to have 25 employee designated parking spaces;and 1008 Carolan with 18 ful1 time employees and 1 part time employeewas to have 19 parking spaces. Traffic, safety and parking Com-mission advised in January, 1981 of Mr. Harvey's non-compliance withthese conditj-ons. At the 3/23/81 Planning Commission heirirg, thesepermits were amended to reduce on-site employee parking to 14 spaceswith a review of locaI parking conditions in six monthi. In lelterof 4/10/Bl Michael Harvey exprained that of his 38 fuIl time em-ployees, only L4 needed on-site parking, he would provide a shuttleservice from Oak Grove Avenue to North Carolan, and suggested thatthe city consider allowing parking on the west side of carolan.City Planner suggested the parking on Carolan be referred to Traffj-c,Safety and Parking Commission. Council had no objection, and Mayor Mangini- directed Traffic, Safetyand Parking to consider the matter. Michael Harvey addressed Council. He considered the planning Com-mission approval with review in six months fair; noted his pioposedlarge investment in possibly building a parking garage on the roofof his body shop; the high cost of providing pirtling wi_th the pre-sent cost of real estate; and the difficulties car businesses areincurring at the present time. He noted his past cooperation withthe neighborhood, and promised cooperati-on in the future. There were no closed. further comrnents, and the public hearing was declared Council discussed the reduction of parking spaces from the 44 re-quired to 14, the possibility of using the west side of Carolan forparking, . and hardships of businesses provj-ding parking, but con-sidered 1t should be studj-ed further before spe-iaf permit con-dition of 44 parking spaces should be changed. councilman Martin moved that changes in this specialdeferred pending a study by the Traffic, Safety andmission and Planning Commission, to be finalizea inCouncil at the meeting of June 15, 1981. Report isparking on Carolan. Second by Councilwoman Barton,mously on ro11 call vote. permit be Parking Com-a report toto includecarried unani- HEARING - AMENDMENT TO VARIANCE FOR ROAD CHRIST CHURCH, 7OL FAIRFIELD City Planner reviewed his staff report of 4/L4/81 which detailedprogress of this variance for parkirg, culminating in councilapproval of the variance with the condition that Christ Churchacquire a lease for 5 years from the Burlingame School Districtfor 50 parking spaces on sundays. He reported letter of 3/17/gIhad been received from Douglas Gray, attorney for the church,stating that the Board of ifre school Districl had denied any suchlease arrangement. In the absence of any new information, therewas no staff recommendation. Mayor Mangini declared public hearing open. Douglas Gray addressed Council on the Church,s attempt to findalternative parking. This included an unsuccessful contact withthe seventh Day Adventist church, and an offer from the cityManager of Hillsborough to use L2 spaces at the Town HaII 1ot onSundays. Also they are exploring a to\rn-owned lot at Floribundaand Willow which has 25 spaces. He noted overestimates of seatingcapacity in the church which would necessitate ress parking; thefact that using neighborhood street parki-ng while using anotherchurch in the neighborhood has caused no compraints, and thattheir option to purchase will soon expire. He urged that Council ) 2L2 delete the There were cl-os-:d. Council discussed the of renewal of optioni adequate, with Willow solution. condition for 50 parking spaces. no further comments and the public hearing was declared Schoot District situation; the possibility and the fact that L2 spaces woul-d be in- and Floribunda parking only a temporary City Planner confirmed that if church seating were180, space for 30 vehicles would be to code. Council voiced their regrets that solutions offered did not seem adequate, but in the interest of fairness declined to remove the condition for parking. It was noted thai this particular property would be difficult to sell for other purposesi hence the church probably could stil1 purchase if they found parking' Councilwoman Barton moved that parking variance be denied without prejudice, second by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously on roll call vote. SPECIFIC AREA PLAN THE BURLINGAME BAYFRONT Mayor Mangini set hearing on this plan for the meeting of }4ay 4,1981' RECESS A short recess was declared at 9:00 P.M. after which meeting re- convened. REPORT TRAFFIC, OXFORD-CAMBRIDGE SAFETY & PARKING INTERSECTIONS. coMMrssroN oN ADELTNE/EL CAIIrNO/ RECOM}TENDATION. Councj-I had received 4/L7/Bl Traffic, safety and Parking commission ieport with attachments. This recommended trial period of 6 - L2 months for evaluation of closure of Oxford/Cambridge and north end of Highway Road. It was noted statistics to date indicate safety has b5en improved by the resulting "T'l intersection, and trial should not be terminated. However, alteinative was offered of 90 day trial with present Adeline/E1 Camino ReaI traffic signal; without the barri- cades on oxford/cambridge Roads; and with a stop sign on oxford/ Cambridge Roads at EI Camino. Letters favoring the continuation of the barricades were r' from Jeanne E. 6"19, 1140 Cambridge Road; Mr' and Mrs' Fre ifaS Cambridge noa6; Sn"ffy S. Graham, 1-1-2L Cambridge Road Mrs.Lloyd Coidon, LL32 Cambridge n9.{. _ Letter of 4/15/81 i"iry Uigel, I30O l4i11s Avenue, asked for removal of the b sincl this is the end of the 90 day trial period. ceived Baldra,Mr. and rom l4rs. rricade e d ,f a Director of public Works reviewed in detail in detail Traffic, Safety ;a-p;;king Commission recommendations, noting alternative recom- mendations on signalization both 3 and 4 phase for El Camino Real and Adeline/Oxfo;d. He noted letter of 3/10/81 from Caltrans on signafization, which he consj-dered indicated they were opposed to 3 pfri=" signalization. The 4 phase could cause excessive waiting Li*" o1 i,d.line and oxford, Lut would not slow green time on El Camino ReaI. In response to question from Councilman Amstrup, he stated it could take Caltrans at least two weeks to go back to former ar- rangement of the intersection; and if othei changes were proposed it -could take as long as two months- Mavis Karalius, 1108 MiI1s, stated she understood Council had agreed on 2/27/Bt there was to be a trial of only 90 days on the barricades and that Director of Public Works vras to work with Caltrans for con- sd.deration of a 4 phase signalization. Councilwoman Barton stated she had reviewed t-apes of Lfris meeting and there was no definite commitment by Council that barricades r^rould come down in 90 days. Mayor Mangini noted that the prime concern of Counci-l was the satety of the intersection. He reviewed options suggested by Safeti and Parking Commission, with Director of Public Works the,-aaitiotal opf.ion of a flashing red signal at Adeline and oxford,/cambridge. n" observed that the north end of Highway would stay closed. Traffic noting at Road kjtr t 2L3 AIex J. Hanson, 151- 6it, and protested the pro perty. Highway Road, doubted the value of closing appearance of sawhorses in froraof his Mrs. Eferry Nagel, 1300 Mi1ls Avenue, reminded Council of the I50 signatures on the petition to take down barricadesi noted numeroustraffic counts that have already been made; and stated their de-sire to have the flashing red signals implemented, Director of Publ-ic Works explained in detail the mechanics of thetraf fj-c counts, the difficulties encountered with them, and theadvisability of getting more data before any changes are implemented. He noted that traffic on Mills has decreased. since its initial surge, and estimated the net result would be 30U j-ncrease. tn response toquestion from Mayor Mangini, he stated that the 90 day trial does notprovide enough data. Mary Lou Baldra, 1145 Cambridge, cited the improvementsituation, asked that Council recal1 the main issue ofsafety of this dangerous intersection, and recommendedof the Traffic, Safety and Parking report. in the traffic improving thethe support Chris cans, L423 Laguna, agreed the issue was and suggested a longer time would give a more to reduce accidents, fair picture. There were no further closed. comments, and the public hearing was declared Council discussed aspects of the traffic count, the necessity forfigures on signalization, and the end point of improving safety. Councilwoman Barton moved that the barricades be l-eft up for 90 days in order to get more information, that a report be made on implementation of signalization, with a report from Caltrans onsignalization system for the entire section from Hil-Iside north Ray Drive. Second by Council-man Crosby, carried unanimously, the to CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Ordinance No. 1205 "Establ-ishing 9:00 P.M. Closing Timefor Parks. 2. Ordinance No. 120 6 Appf 1Ca ao n Procedures - "Establishing Condominium Conversion and Requirements, Purchase Restrictionst and Tenant Protect ions " Co un ci lman calendar. Amstrup requested this item be removed from consent 3. Resolution No. 29-8I "Resofution Declaring Noxious a Nuisance in Accord.ance With and l4unicipalDangerous Weeds and Rubbish Code Chapter f1.08" Days Inn of America, 777 Airport Boulevard, minor changes to amended plans 5. Roberti-z'Berg crant Application Crescent Avenue Playground 6. Denial of Claim - Pat Kennel-l-y Construction Company Counc i lwoman exception of Barton moved approval of Items 2 and 4, second by the consent calendar with Councilman Amstrup, carried ORDINANCES - INTRODUCTION 4 By letter of April 20, 198L, Robert Gilmore of the Building and Construction Trades Council of San Mateo County, requested this item be removed from the consent calendar and heard at the Council meetingof May 4, 1987. By memo of 4/15/81 Park Dj-rector requested Council approval to apply for State grant of $6,948 for improvements to Crescent Avenue Playground. By memo of April 17, 1981 City Attorney recommended this claim be denied as a late claim. 2L4 un an imous 1v . ORDINANCE NO. f2O6 - IIESTABLISHING CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS, PURCHASE RESTRICTIONS AND TENANT PROTECTIONS I' Councilman Amstrup stated he had this item removed from the con-sent calendar because he wished to voice objections to theordinance, that he and some other Council members did not want it. ORDINANCE NO. f206 was introduced for first reading by Council- man crosbv. DAYS INN OF AMERICA, 777 AIRPORT BOULEVARD, MINOR CHANGES TO AMENDED PLANS Robert Gil-more of Building and Construction Trades Counc.it addressed Council to the effect that his organization wished this item delayed to May 4, 1981 so that some of the design probl-ems and other pertinent matters could be explored. He stated he considered there had been no public hearing on this project. Staff enumerated the public hearings at Plannj-ng Commission and Council 1eve1 which this project had receivedi explained the pre s ent stages minor a p1 and an changes which involve buil-ding the project in two moving 5 parking spaces; and cornmented changes were so o be informational . City Attorney noted his 1ega1 concernwith reopening discussion on this approved project. Davj-d Keyston of Anza Liquidating Trust, told Council of his belief this request is related to the fact that Days Inn at times doesnot use union labor. He urged approval of these minor changes in this already approved project. Councilwoman Barton moved approval of staff recornmendations for Days Inn of America, second by Councilman Amstrup. Mr. cilmore stated the discussion in two weeks woufd incorporate union and non-union problems, and design and ecological problems. Councilman Martin stated he had no problem with the two weeks' del-ay, but Councilwoman Barton saw no reason to delay the project, nor did Councilman Amstrup. Councilman Crosby preferred to take the reconunendation of the City Attorney. Motion carried on the following ro11 call AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: AMSTRUP, BARTON, NAYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: MANGINI, MARTIN PROCLAMATIONS May 1, f981 - Law Day. Correct Posture Month. Research Ra1ly - April Ferguson. KQED Week - Week - April 26-l:4,ay 2 , vote: CROSBY Mayor Mangini announced the following proclamations: Youth Week - May 1-8, 1981. May, 1981 -April, 198I - Fair Housing Month. California 20-26, l98l . Commendation to Dr..-Samue1 April 20-30, 1981 National Letter-Writing 1981. OLD BUS INESS Councilman Amstrup questioned when the Sheraton parking 1ot would be completed. Director of Public Works reported that building permit is taken out, which requires they complete the parkinq when the building is under construction. It is under construction. APPROVALS WARRANTS warrant Nos. 8575 Through 8935, duly audited, in the amount of $874,602.23 were approved for payment on motion of Councilman Crosby second by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously. PAYROLL Payroll for March, 198I Check Nos. 24759 through 25383 in the amount 3 4 2 7 of $420,633.80 approved for payment on motion of Councifman Crosby, second by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Letter, 4 /L3/ 8l4/4/87.from City of San Bruno re JPAC meeting of Letter, 4/14/81 , from City Attorney re AB f693, f721 and t269. Letter, 4/L4/87 from City Attorney re SB 469, meet and confer. Director of Public Works on Status ofReport, 4/2/81 fromCapitaf Projects. Letter, 4/13/81 , from San Mateo County Councj-f of Citiesre exploratory oi1 drilling off S.M. County Coastline.Council agreed they would not take a stand as a Council onthis issue. Letter, 4/9/87 from City Selection Comnittee, re Council discussed candidates. reappointments. 8. Letter, 2/2/8L, from ABAG re Executive Board financing approval. 10.Letter from Mr. and Mrs, Eugene A. Hannan, 1400 Edgehill restoplight at Hillside and Cabri11o. Letter of 4/8/81 from Margaret cutierrez, 2821 ttiltside, s ame subj ect . 11. L4. 'l( 16. 17. City Attorney, fetter of 4/75/8), Easter Seal Society, request forwifl discuss at study meeting. Fusion Energy Foundation, 4/l/81 |reopening Diablo Canyon. Councilindividual, rather than a Council City Planner 4/ts/81 . Reports : I.{inutes: re Burlingame Hil l-s . funds, 4/13/81. Council request for support 1n members agreed to an stand on this question. 7/ 7/*/l yn Hi 11 City Clerk Negative Declaration transmittal of Police Department, Fire Department. Planning Commission, April 13, 1981. ADJOURNMENT Meeting regularly adjourned at 10:30 P.M E e 215 1. 6. lbfio,4/L5/8f , S. M. County Planning Dept., Draft proposal for C o.unty Position at Airport Variance Hearings. t2. 13.