HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1980.06.1664 BURLINGAME, June L6, CALIFORNIA 1980 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held onthe above date in the City HalI Council Chambers. Meeting wascalled to order at B:45 P.M. by Mayor R. D. Martin, after twoexecutive sessions starting at 7:30, one dealing with labornegotiations and the other with li-tigation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG L,ed by Ralph E ROLL CALL Kirkup, Director of Public Works. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI , MARTIN NONECOUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of June 4, regular meeting of 1980 were approved June 2, and of the study and adopted. HEARINGS 1. ''A RESOLUTION CHANGING NA}4E oF BAYVIEW PLACE To ANZA PACIFIC PLACE AND ANZA PACIFIC PLACE TO VICTORIA STATION PLACE.'' By letter of April 29, 1980 David Keyston of Anza ShareholdersLiquidating Trust made request for name changes. Principal reason stated was to obtain identifi-cation for VictoriaStation Restaurant which is the only development on itsstreet. Memo of May 7, 1980 from Director of Public Worksnoted that with these name changes the street connecting Airport Boul-evard with future on and off ramps would become AnzaPacific Place with freeway sign designating the turnoff as Anza Pacific. Mayor MarLin opened meeting to the public. Mr. Ken Fortenberry, Four Seas Group, 800 Airport Boulevard, requested consideration be given his organi-zation's building byinstead changing Bayview Place to "La Baie Place" or "Four SeasPlace." The Four Seas building has L57' frontage on Bayview Place and will soon acquire 489' more. Also, he said La Baie has same problems of identification as Victoria Station. David Keyston, Anza Trust, disagreed, stating Airport Boulevardservices the entire area, whereas Anza Pacific Place servicesonly Victoria Station which has inadequate signage. There was no further was declared closed- audience response, and the public hearing Council, after determi-ning from the Director of Public Worksthat each request must follow same procedure and noticing, decided to consider only change of name to Victoria Station P1ace, with the Lwo requests for change of Bayview Pl-ace to beheld pending formal appli-cation. RESOLUTION I.IO. 38-80 "A RESOLUTION CHANGING NAME OF ANZA P-ACTT''r'C'pLAelI-T-O-VrCronra STATToN PLACE. " was introduced by Councilman Amstrup who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Crosby, carried unanimously on ro11 call vote. I F bD 2. RESOLUTION NO. 39-80 ''A RESOLUTTON DETERMINING THAT TIIE PUBLIC IN?EREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQU]SITION OF CERTAIN LAND AND DIRECTING TI1E FILING OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS. '' Mr. Michael Nave, special attorney for the City, addressed Council on this procedure. He advised them that in this instance only parties who have fil-ed written request will beheard. Ivlr. Vincent Mt:,zzi, owner of the property, had filed such request. Mr, Nave asked that the City first give explanation and background of intent. Affirmative findings must be made on the following points before filing of emj-nent domain proceedings: Whether the public interest and necessity require the project; Whether the project is planned or located in the mannerthat will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; Whether the property sought to be acquired is necessaryfor the project. Pofice Chief reported on chronological events leading toinstigatj-on of this procedure . a b C t97 3 l-97 4 Former Police Chief requested space personnel- study because of growth of Department.Architect A1 Kahl determined additional space necessary. Developed plan using building adjacent to present police s tation . Process explored further. Reel Grobman study determined more space necessary. Goodwin B. Steinberg Associates site feasibility study of expansion of present police site. Threealternatives explored with deter:mj-nation that any wouldbe expensive to build and destructive to police operations.Citizens Study croup appointed by Council. Made completestudy with determ.ination that relocation was necessary. Trousdale site chosen as most compatible with City needs. Police Chief added this site would provide police accessibilityto all areas in 3 - 5 minutes, better than pLesent site; itis vacant, with least damage to any private business. Mr. Nave acknowledged receipt of Reel crobman report,report, and Citizens Committee report from staff. I{e asked Mr. Muzzi to speak. Mr. Vincent Muzzj-, 360 Elder, Millbrae, addressed Council. He opposed City usefor reasons including: Steinberg then owner of the property ,of site for police station 1 2 3 Police building will be 13,800 SF. Site is 41,000 SF.Property located at extreme north end of town and subjectto railroad cross j-ngs. For the last year he had been in process of planning for own development which, as combination commercial , office, and condo building, would add more to the area.Pol-ice statj-on would negatively impact nursing home acrossstreet and other buildings.Site 2 of coruoittee clloice was only 26,000 SF and moreappropriate. Decision of committee in choosing his site was influencedby cost factors: No structure on Iot; only one ohrner iimmediate availability. Mr. Nave asked Police Chief to address the crossing problem.Police Chief stated that because of mobility of patrol cars,railroad crossings wouLd not present a great problem. Mr. Nave, co(unenting on Site No. 2, noted that the cost of paymentof relocation and goodwill for the three existing businesses wasa factor in choosing the Trousdale site. 1975 - L979 - L979 - 4. 6. 66 There were no further declared closed. speakers and the public hearing was Mr. Nave reiterated acquisition of this the findingssite, as set that must be made in theforth in the resolution. At the request of Mayor Martin, Mr. Nave briefly outlinedthe future progress of this procedure. First step would be thatof negotiation with Mr. Mljzzi in an attempt to acquire property without the filing of a condemnation action. If contlemnation actj-on became necessary, Mr. Muzzi would be entitleil to fil-epleadings on the issues of fair market value antl public necessity. Given County Court schedule, it would probably be a year from date before a court hearing. However, the City has the rightto deposit with the Court the arnount of present appraisal ,which wou.l-d freeze evaluation as of ilate of deposit. Mr. Muzzi would be able to withdraw that amount as he sees fit, subjectto the restraints of the final judgment. This woultl give theCity the right of immediate possession. 1. STEPT{EN C. KIRCHER, 841 FAIRFIELD ROAD, REQUESTING APPEAL HEARING ON PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF SUBDIVISION VARTANCE. By l-etter of June 11, 19 80hearing, which was set by ,Iu1y 7, 1980. asked for this appealfor the meeting of Mr. Kircher Mayor Martin STAFF COMMUNICATIONS 1, YEAR-END BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS & TRANSFERS Memo of June 9, l-980 from Finance Director recommended threeyear-end buoget adjustments and transfers. Notation of June 12, I980 from City Manager recommended approval . Councilman Amstrup moved transfers and adjustments so noted be approved, second by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously. 2. APPOINTMENT OF CITY ENGINEER Memo of June I0, 1980 from Director of Public Works informed Council of the appointment of Mr, Frank Erbacher of Pacifica as City Engineer effectj-ve JuIy 1, 1980, and reviewed hisqualifications. Council approved this appointment. N. SOMMER, 2840 CANYON ROAD. TO ANNEX3. REQUEST OF V. AND TO CITY OF BURLINGAME . City Managerrs memo of June 1-2, 1980 informed Council of thispetition to LAFCO to annex this contiguous property, and attachedletter of June I0, 1980 from LAFCO asking if City demands determinations. City Manager noted Public Works Department sees no problem with this annexation. Council expressed no demands. Mayor Martj-n noted potential problems with County in getting City share of taxes under Proposition 13, and asked that staff immediately start application with County Manager Nichols. RESOLUTION NO. 39-80 "A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC ffiY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITIoN OF CERTAIN LAND AND DIRECTING THE FILING OF EMINENT DOI,]AIN PROCEEDINGSII was introd.uced by Councilman Crosby, who moved. its adoption, second by Councilman Mangini, carried on unanimous roIl call vote. CORRES PONDENCE I 67 4. ''ALIVE'' PROGRAM DISTRICT SPONSORED BY SAN MATEO UNION HIGH SCHOOL Memo of June 12, 1980 from city Manager recommended cityparticipation in this program sponsored by san Mateo unionHigh school District with the use of CETA funds. rt involvescity provision of work for 3 - 5 students for up to one year atno City cost. while council expressed some concerns as to regular employeetime involved in trainirg, and cost of cETA to taxpayers, therewere no objections to City participation i-n this piogram. 5. CHANGE IN DESIGNATION OF SECRETARY, CIVIL SERVICE CO MMISS ION City Managerr sbe directed to Council delayed 6. EXPIRATIONS Iegislation Memo of June 9, 1980 from city Librarian informed councir ofexpiration of terms of Will-iam Nagle and June Weatherbe, neitherof whom have servcid two terms. She also advised of the expiratj-onof Penn Footers term on the peninsula Library system AdvisoryBoard and his decision not to apply for a second term. city Manager's endorsement of June L2, 19go noted TrusteesNagre and weatherbe are willing to serve another term, andthat if council does not wish to appoint member to peninsulaLj-brary Board, candidates' names will be presented for interview. Mayor Martin appointed william Nagle and June weatherbe asLibrary Trustees for another term, with the understanding thatthis is a Council appointment. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. CONDOMINIUM MAP 733 FAIRFIELD ROAD memo of June 72, 1980 recoflrmended thatchange Municj-pal Code Section 3.48. O30. action pending further study. OF LIBRARY TRUSTEE TERMS , Memo of June 11, 1980 from Assistant city Engineer recommendedapproval of this map with the exception or ilie proposed sixfoot storm sewer easement offered for dedication. - 2.CHAI,IBER OF COMMERCE PROMOTfONAL FUND - APRIL 1 JUNE 30, 1980. Letter dated March 21, 1980 from Burlingame Chamber of Commercepresented request for quarterly allocation of g4,250 forApril I - June 30, 1980, substantiated by attached promotionalreport at end of quarter, March 31, 1990. 3 RESOLUTION NO. 4O-BO ''DECLARING IN TENTIONPUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT - PORTION OF LOTS 28OF THE EASTON ADDITON TO BURLINGAME.I' TO VACATE AND ABANDON AND 29, BLOCK 6, 4. ORDINANCES INTRODUCTION a ,IESTABLISHING TENANT PROTECTION MEASURES ON CONDOMfNIUM CONVERSIONS '' Mayor Martincalendar for agreed. requested this item be removed from consentfurther consideration at a study meeting. Council b. ORDINANCE NO. 1182 ''ADDING CHAPTER 25.56 TO THE BURLTNGA},IE MUNICIPAL CODE TO REGULATE THE RENTAL OR LEASE OF VACANT SCHOOL PROPERTIES'' 8 C. ORDINANCE NO. 11B3 ''ESTABL]SHING MINIMUM DIME}trSIONS FOR PARKING SPACES, AISLES AND DRIVEWAYS. '' d. ORDINANCE NO. 1]-84 ''ESTABLISHING BANKS, SAVINGS AND LOANS COMMERCIALAND SMALL LOAN COMPANIES AS CONDITIONAL USES IN zoNES. " C. ORDINANCE NO. 1185 ''ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR SWIMMING POOLS, HOT TUBS AND SPAS." f. ORDINANCE NO. 1186 "LIMITING STORAGE OF TRAILERS, VEHICLES, OF RESIDENTIAL ZONES. ''BOATS AND CAMPERS IN SETBACKS AND YARDS Councilman Crosby moved approval of the consent calendar, secondby Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously on ro11 cal-I vote. PROPOSED BUDGET DISCUSSION FY I9BO-81 Councilman Amstrup, as Budget Chairman, proposed that Councilgive tentatj-ve approval of some department budgets which wouldnot require extensive discussion, and which Council examining member had found satisfactory. He classified this year's budget as one of the tightest the City had ever had. Councilman rYangini reported in detail on Fj-re Department budget and Civil Defense budget as approved by City Manager, inhis memo of 6/L2/80. Addressing Council, he recommended approvalof these budgets wj-th the additional recoflrmendation that twoadditional firefighters be considered as originally reconrmended,at some appropriate future time. Council had no objections to this tentative approval. Councilman Crosby, in his memo of 6/L2/80, reported on theLibrary budget; and in his address to Council recommended an additional amount be budgeted to bring hours at the Easton Branch up to 40 hours a week. Council likewise had no objections to the tentative approval of this budget. Budget Chairman Amstrup reported on City Hall budget and recom- mended the following budgets be approved as submitted: City Council, City Manager, City Clerk, Finance Department, City Treasurer, City Attorney, Planning Department. He suggested Civil Service Commission budget be held in abeyance pending in depth discussion. Council tentatively approved these recommendations, and Councilman Amstrup noted next step would be special meeting for budget hearings. APPROVALS Warrant Nos. 5569 through 5846, duly audited, in the amount of $586 ,797.27, were approved for payment on motion of Councilman Crosby, second by Council-man Mangini, carried unanimously. PAYROLL Payroll for May, 1980, Check Nos. 18305 through 18909 in amount of $378r986.31 approved for payment on motion of Councilman Crosby, second by Councilman Mangini, carried the unanimously. severalMayor Martin acknowledged Commission members and of the presence in the audience of former Mayor Charlotte Johnson. 'tI ! i i I --l69 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I. Proposed budget, Burlingame Chamber of Commerce, July 1,' 1980 June 30, 1981. 2. Memo of June 11, 1980 from Park Director acknowledging donations of funds for Fragrance Garden and street tree replace- ment on E1 Camino Rea1, l-ist of donors attached. Park Director offered to send letters of appreciation to all donors. Council requested letters be sent to a1I donors from the Burlingame City Council. Councilman Amstrup suggested letters of appreciationalso be sent to all committee members who had worked on Burlingame Days. Councj-I approved, with direction to City Manager to implement. 3. Resolution No. B0-5 from California Regional Water QualityControl Board. At request of Mayor Marti-n, Director of Public Works explained intent of resolution and Burlingame's present conformance in control of silting. 4. Letter of May 29, 1980 from San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement District re public awareness program on mosquitoes. Council briefly discussed, questioning whether districtrs staff cutback has resulted in increase of insects. City Manager stated he would research and report on districtrs present activities. 5. Letter of June 9, 1980 from Fire Chief to Dale Armstrong, 1235 Oak Grove, commending this young man for his contribution in rendering first aid and assistance to his neighbor, JohnPovloff, d9e 11, without which the latter might not have survived. Council agreed Dale Armstrong should be given Council commendationalso and that it be presented to him formally at a Council meeting. 6. Letter of June 6, 1980 from Whitmore & Kay re fees for negotiations for the City of Burlingame. 7. Memo of June 5, 1980 from Finance Director re 1979-80 audit and audit committee. B. Mailgram of 6/6/80 from James S Assn. re Proposition 10. Morley, Tri-County Apartment 9. Letter of June 9, 1980 from Public Employees Retirement System re "Two-Tier" System - AB L72L. 10. Letter of May 27, 1980 from SamTrans re proposed contract between CalTrans and Southern Pacific. 11. Letter of June 11, 1980 from Department of Transportation re amendments to State EIR guidelines. L2. Letter of June 3, 1980 from COLAB re SAC 46. 13. Invitation from Columbia Lodge No. 1940, San Mateo for 36th anniversary dinner dance. L4. Letter of June 5, 1980 from Mental Hea1th Association in appreciation of City proclamation for Menta1 Hea1th Day. 15. Letter of June 9, 1980 from Tri-City Concert Associationre financial aid for San Mateo Performing Arts Center. 16. Transmittal of negative declarations dated June 10, 1980 L7. Reports: San Mateo County Convention o Vj-sitors Bureau, Treasurerr s report. 18. Mi-nutes: Library Board, May 20, 1980; Planning Commission, June 9, 1980; Traffic,Safety & Parking Commission, May 22, 1980. t 70 FROM THE FLOOR Mr. Don Spencer of Burlingame Chamber of Commerce reported to Council on his attendance at SMUHSD meeting June 14, 1980 on high school closure, dt which he voiced the support of tire Chamber of Commerce for Alternative #3 on boundaries for BHS and MiIIs. City Manager remj-nded Council of Council of Mayors Meeting. Counci-l set July study meeting for July 9, 1980. ADJOURNMENT Meeting regularly adjourned at 10:00 P.M. ,?e#({dtl'u City Clerk