HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1982.09.07405 BURLTNGAI'{E, CALIFORNIA SEPTE$4BER 7, 1982 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City Council was held on the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was Mayor Gloria H. Barton at Bt02 P.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Dennis Argyres, Citv Manager. ROLL CALL the above date in calIed to order by CROSBY, MANGfNI, MARTINCOUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT : COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT : MINUTES AMSTRUP, BARTON, NONE Minutes of the regular meeting of August L6, L982 were approved and adopted. APPEAL OF DENIAL OF SPECIAL SUPPLY SALES FOR REPO DEPO - USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO INCLUDE OFFICE L669 BA,SHORE HIGHI^IAY planning Department had received a complaint about new office supplies being sofa in the M-l zone at Repo Depo, 1669 Bayshore. Staff in- vestigated and found that this activity was not included in the use perrni[.s issued to the business at this location. At its meeting of July 26, planning Commission determined that the applicant was in vioiation of his special permit. The applicant appealed the decision. Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. Cyrus McMillan, representing Repo Depo, spoke in favor of granting the appeal. He explained that Mr. Rosberg has been in business for 11 years selling new and used office furniture and equipment and those items directly related to that equipment. Mr Rosberg had re- modeled and advertised in the newspaperi some merchants took ex- ception to that advertisement. The volume of office supplies sales is approximately 10 percent of the total sales. He submitted that this- is a serviEe to customers, it fulfills a need and is only a small percentage of the total operation. Bob Ellsworth, Broadway Stationers, spoke in opposition to the appeal. He stated he had investigated Repo Depo some years ago and found they sold office furniture and equipment, but now they have changed their operation and it would prove a hardship to stationers in the retail area if Repo Depo is allowed to continue sale of office supplies. There being no further comments, the public hearing was closed. Council discussed at length the pros and cons of Mr. Rosberg's business. Councilmen Martin and Mangini being concerned about the nice job of remodeling done at Repo Depo, and the need for office sup- plies in that area. Otfrer council members agreed that he was operating a stationery store and competing with the retail areas; and that re- tail sales were not intended for the M-I area. Joan Tucker, Charlespartner had filed apetition with retail Commission decision. Mayor Barton stated and moved that sales and equipment on1y, man Amstrup. Stationers, spoke in opposition. She and her complaint about Repo Depo. He is clearly in com- stores. She requested council sustain Planning Repo Depo is clearly in violation of its permit be restricted to new and used office furniture no more than 20 percent new. Second by Council- Motion carried on ro11 call vote: 406 AYES: AMSTRUP,BARTON, CROSBY MARTINNOES: MANGINI , APPEAL OF DENIAL FOR A 302 SQUARE FOOT CABANA,/ S TO RAGE STRUCTURE AT 1441 DRAKE - SAIT KILKI City Planner reviewed her memorandum of August 20, L982, in which she recorunended council hold public hearing and take action. She explained that this is the third design for this project that the applicant has submitted to the city. In each case the proposal has required review because the recreational or cabana portion of the structure exceeds 50 square feet. The Planning Commission denied the current project because there is no lega1 garage or carport on the site and the structure would preclude building a 1ega1 garage or carport without a variance for l-ot coverage. Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. Sait Kilki spoke in favor of the project. He explained that tried very hard to meet city demands at considerable expense self. he has to him- There being no further conunents, the public hearing was closed. Councilman Martin observed that the covered breezeway under which cars are currently parked could be easily converted to a garage and that tandem parking is IegaI . City Planner noted that Mr. Kilki would have to get a variance to build a garage because buildings would exceed allowed 1ot coverage. Councilman Martin moved to grant a special permit for a cabana/storage structure of 302 square feet as submitted to Planning Department. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. APPEAL OF VARIANCE FOR FRONT SETBACK, SPECIAI PERMIT FOR HEIGHT AND CONDO PERMIT FOR 1449 BELLEVUE City Planner reviewed her memorandum of August 24, 1982 in which she recommended council hold public hearing and take action on the variance,special permit and condomj-nium permit. Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. Speaking in favor of the project was Philip German, project tleveloper. He offered to answer any questions and introduceil his architect, Safwat Ma1ek, who was also available to answer questions. He pointed out drawings of the project on display. A resialent at 1435 Bellevue spoke in favor of the project. He pointed out that onl-y two lots on the block have large setbacks which skew the average front setback figures. He felt the project would be abenefit to the city and the block. Tom Sj-ne spoke in opposition to the project. He stated he is un- alterably opposed to the special permit for height and he was sure the builder coufd build a lower building. There being no further comments, the public hearing was closed. Councilman Amstrup noted the presence of representatives of Red Cross, the land owners. He stated that they own the land but council and the neighbors have to live with what is done with the land. He was opposed to going beyond the 35 foot height. Councilman Martin agreed $rith Mr. Sine and opposed the height and bulk of the proposed project. Councilman ]"langini noted that, if variance or permits are turned down, they can come back with another project. Councilman Martin moved denial of variance and specj-aI permit, and deniat of the condo permit. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously by ro11 calL vote. Mayor Bartonat 9: 30 p. m. declared a recess at 9:20with all memlcers present. p.m, The meeting reconvened NEW GENERAL MANAGER FOR CHA.IVIBER OF COMMERCE Mayor Barton introduced Robert Chamber of Commerce . Jones, the new General Manager of the AUGUST P.M. PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC ALLOCATION City Planner briefly reviewed her memorandum of August 24, J-982. She noted that if aLl allocations are a1loweal, there will be only1.5 percent traffic capacity 1eft. There are presently three re-quests before council, a 600 room hotel-, a 150 room addition to anexisting hotel, and office buildings. Councj-1 expressed. concern that this subject woul-d take a great deat ofdiscussion and would be better discussed at a study session. Councilman Martin commented. there should be a way to ,'tighten up',these aflocations so that proposed projects cannot lock out otherprojects once they get their allocation. If a project does not come up with some specific drawings by a certain date it would lose itsalfocation. clen Bauer, architect for the Ramada expansion project, stated that Ramada has expressed willingness to move ahead rapidly but reluctanceunless it is granted traffic allocation. Councilman Martin stated Ramada has been in business for l7 years andhe thought it unfair to hold up its expansion ptans along with tneother less well kno/n businesses. George Corey, representing CIF, stated they arewithin 10 months of receiving their allocation,part of the a1l-ocation. prepared to construct CIF takes only a small Hernan Santos, representing Carruf, stated he is working on a 600 roomhotel and needs direction from council. Councilman Martin stated that he had some problem with Carruf,they had been planning an office and now they were planning ahotef. Perhaps after they are given an allocation, they will change their plans thereby delaying and holdinq up a]focationsprojects that may be ready to go. Councilman Martj-n moved to grant traffic allocation tofor a four-month peri-od, holding the other two projects October study session. Seconded by Councilman Crosby, mously on ro11 caf l- vote. 600 room againfor the Ramada Inn until thecarried unani- RECES S Mayor l-0:05 Barton decl-ared a recess atwith all members present. 10:00 p.m. Meeting reconvened at GARBAGE RATE STUDY - BFI REQUEST F'OR RATE INCREASE - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RATE INCREASE AND AMENDING AGREEMENT WITH SAN MATEO SCAVENGER COMPANY 55-82 - COUNTY City Manager briefly reviewed his memorandum of August 23, L982, in whj-ch he recommended council approve a 17 percent increase in garbage col-lection rates effective October l, 1982, j-n accordance wj-th the recommendation of the Price Waterhouse rate study and our Franchise Agreement . Counci lman Council-man Crosby moved adop tion of Resolution 55-82.Seconded by Martin, carried unanimously by AMUSEMENT PERMIT GRANDFATHER, S PIZZA - voice vote. 361 CALIFORNIA DRIVE City Attorney reviewed his memorandum of August I7, L982, in which he recommended granting an amusement permit for the new owners of Grand-father's Pizza with the same conditions as the prior ownership. City 407 RECES S I I i I ! l I 408 Attorney suggested that, since council wiLl be reviewing the city's video game ordinance, the permit be granted for a three-month period from October 1 to January 1, 1983. Council-man Martin moved to grant a three-month amusement permit for crandfather's Pizza. secondeal by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously. RESOLUTION 56-82 TO SUE AIRPORTS OPPOSING LEGISLATION DESIGNED TO ABRIDGE THE RIGHT City Managerrs memorandum of August 3l recommended councif adopt a resolution opposing J-egisl-ation passed last week restricting noise lawsuits against San Francisco airport. Councilman Martin suggested the resolution point out County counsel's opinion that this bill severely limits citizens rights to pursue l-e9a1 action. Council- requested this resolution be sent to the governor immediately. Councilman Amstrup moved adoption of Resolution 56-82. Seconded by Councilman Martin, carried unanimousl!-Ey rolIl cElll vote. The item on the Tentative Condominium Map for was removed from the Consent Calendar because denial of variance, special permits and condo 21 Units , 1449 Be11evue, of council's earlierpermits for that proj ect. I DESIGNATION OF VOTING ANNUAL CONFERENCE DELEGATE FOR LEAGUE OF CALfFORNIA CITIES City Manager's memorandum of August 13, of Councilman Martin as voting delegatenate voting delegate. f9 82 recommended appointment and City Attorney as alter- 2 3 4 RESOLUTION 57-82 - ELECTING STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES City Manager's memorandum of August 31, 7982 reconmended approval of this application for State Disability Insurance coverage for certain employees. RESOLUTION 58-82 - ACCEPTING BID - CATIFORNIA DRIVE TRAFFTC S IGNA], CONTROLITER REPIJACEMENT PROJECT - JOB NO. 220 Director of Public Works memorandum of adoption of resolution awarding bid togf $17,675.22 including tax. August 25 Econo lite 1982 recommended Inc. in the sum RESOLUTION 59-82 _ ACCEPTING BID - 1982 STORM DAMAGE AND CREEK REPAIR - PROJECT 240 City Engineer's memorandum of August 31, 1982 recommended award of this project to Arthur H. Smith Engineering, Inc. of Burlingame in the amount of $106,895.50. On August 26 bids were opened, and there being only one bid, and time bej-ng of the essence to repair the creeks before the rainy season begins, staff recommended ac- ceptance of this bid. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 12 32 CHAPIN AVENUE AMENDING IO-HOUR PARKING ZONE ON Director of Public works memorandum of August 27, 1982 recommended council introduce an ordinance amending the parking Chapin Avenue as recommended by the Traffic, Safety Commi-ss ion . zones on and Parking SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR A DTRXCTIONAL SIGN UTILITIES EASEMENT BY DAYS INN - 777 AIRPORT BLVD. TN THE PUBLIC Director of Public Works memorandum of August 30, 1982 recommended approval of a special encroachment permit to place and maintain a smal1 directional sign in the Publ-ic Utilities Easement for Days Inn. 6 CONSENT CALENDAR tr 409 OLD BUSINESS DAVIS BANQUET AND PARTY CENTER - 1450 ROLLINS ROAD Mayor Barton reported that she had spent an evening riding withpolice and had observed personally a violation of the specialpermit given to Davis Banquet and Party Center. She saw about 200 teenagers, drunken behavior, and parking in the private 1ot whj-ch Mr. Morrell had expressed concern about at the publ j-c hearing. She requested that Planning Commission callthis permit up for review and possible revokation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Minutes: Library, August 17; Park and Recreation, August 19; and Planning, August 23, 1982. 2. Park and Recreation Cormissj-on request to discuss Washington Park loitering at a Council Study Meeting. Councif had received a comprehensive report from the Police Chief and requested copies of thj-s report go to the Park and Recreation Commission. 3. LeV)/ Counc i- 1 Bros request for free parking during fundraising event. had no objections to authorizing this request. 1 4 Lette rin the from !'CH Services which is conversion of Northpark to discontinuing its involvement condominiums. 5. Letter from the Burlingame Historical Society regarding theacquisition of the SP Depot. Staff has requestetl a report from Mr. Sine and Mr. Harvey regardingthe cost of repairj-ng the SP Depot. A report will go to councilat the october study Meeting and the Historical Socj-ety wilt be in- formed of that meeting. 6. Letter from Adelaide I'ichtner when her brother was ill and from the Water Department . Fire Department for aidappreciation for service thank ing expre s s ing DLetter from Avrum Pastor, Mof Burlingame Creek. reqarding danqerous condition Perez thanking Fire DepartmentI 9 Letter from R.for assistance M.D., and V. a fire. Brown ,during r0. Letter from Chamber of Commerce enclosing a letter from TonyTaylor suggesting a change in parking tj.cket procedures. Letter from City of Belmont requesting support of implementationof Police Services Study conducted by Criminal Justice Councilof San Mateo County. 1l-. Letter from Council-man Martin to Alvin G1ass, Kerns regarding a comment Council-man Martj-n was purported concerning Burl j-ngame merchdnts . Fine Jewelry, to have made EROM THE FLOOR - NUCLEAR FREEZE AND CRISIS RELOCATION Afan Horn, a resident, stated that hundreds of city councils havetaken a stand against nuclear weapons and also against the Crisis Rel"ocation P1an, which he felt was a boondoggte. He would like tosee Burlingame do likewise. Council,man Amstrup moveil approval- of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote . Councilman Amstrup observed. that the Park and Recreation Commission discussed not aLlowing smoking in the Recreation Center. He thought smoking shoul-d not be allovred in the auditorium where there are hardwood floors. The Corunission decided to continue its presentpolicy of allowing smoking in the ha11s and letting private clubs and groups set their own policy. 7 -.-.-----.--- 410 Mayor Barton stated she personally agreed with him, but that thecouncil would not take a stand on these issues. The council members may take individual stands. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:30 p.m ,/ Q>.',"t-'-'z'1 tt'- Evelyrf H. City Clerk .t Hill Li ) I