HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1982.08.16401 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA August L6, 7982 the Burlingame City Council was held on the above Council Chambers. The meeting was called to orderJ. Crosby at 8:03 p.m. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of date in the City HalIby Vice Mayor ldilliam PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Alfred J. Palmer, Chief of Po1ice. PRESENT: AMSTRUPI CROSBY, MANGINI ABSENT: BARTON, MARTIN (excused, vacation) ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS COUNCILMEMBERS MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of August 2, 1982 were approved and adopted. APPOINTMENT OF NEW LIBRARY BOARD }MMBER - LEO KRILOFF Vice Mavor Crosbv announced the pleasant Library Board member. He introduced Mr. with a new Library Board Badge. duty of appointinq a new Leo Kriloff and presented him APPEAL - REPO DEPO Appellant rec{uested continuance. Vice Mayor Crosbv set hearing for ; September 7, 1982 ORDINANCE 1230 - MAKING TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS IN BURTINGAME AVENUE COMMERCIAL. AREA REGULATIONS SECOND READING . PUBLIC HEARING ; City AttornelT explained thisin ordinance 1214. There is Vice Mayor Crosbv opened the hearing was closed. Councilman seconded, ORDINANCE READING - ordinance is no change in to clear up technical errors substance. public hearing. There being no comments, the Amstrup moved adoption of Ordinance 1230. Councilman Mangini carried unanimously by members present. I23L - AMENDING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS ON AWNING SIGNS PUBLIC HEARING SECOND Citv Planner arvninqs withBuilding Code explained this ordinance will amend the sign code to allow signs tr> be eiqht feet above grade and consistant with the Vice Mayor Crosby opened the public hearing. There being no comments, the hearing was closed. Councilman Amstrup moved adop ti-on of ordinance 1231.Seconded by Council- man Mangini, carried unanimously by members present. AUGUST TRAEFIC ALLOCATION FOR THE ANZA BAYFRONT AREA STUDY ITEM Citv Planner reviewed her memorandum of August 6, L9B2 in which she requested council discuss traffic allocation and impacts o-f this allocation on available capacity. Council will take action on this item at its meetingof September 7,1982. She stated staff's concern that if all reguestsfor allocation are granted city will have only 1.5 percent capacityleft at the Broadway interchange. City is cominq to the end of availablecapacity at the Broadway interchange without roadway improvements. She reviewed the three projects currently requesting allocations, (1) the Legaspi/Caruff project, (2) the expansion of the Ramada Inn, and (3) the II I 402 BEOUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TRAFF'IC ALLOCATION I^]AREHOUSE RESTAURANT City Planner reviewed her memorandum of August 12 council study this item along with August traffic mine if extension is appropriate. in which she requestedallocation and deter- Councilman Mangini moved to extend the traffic allocation for the Warehouse Restaurant until Novemb er L, 1982. Councilman Amstrup second.ed, carried unanimously by members present. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT RENEWAL - GOLDIES SALOON - 241 CAIIFORNIA DRIVE Chief of Police stated this establishment has been sold longer require an entertainment permit after November 1 and will no Councilman Mangini moved renewal of the entertainment permit for three months. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimousllz by members present. EXTENSlON OF ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT PEABODY I S 1819 FL CAMINO REAL City Attorney reviewed hj-s memorandum of August 10 in which he recom- mended approval of an extension for the entertainment permit for Peabody's. He explained that the business is participating in an After Ilours Club for the purpose of sobering drinkers before driving' This will aIlow people to stay at the business until 4:30 a.m. with entertainment, food and coffee. No liguor will be served after 2:00 a.m. Councilman Amstrup expressed reservations about allowing this type of operation. Councj-lman Mangini moved approval of extension for entertainment permit for Peabody's for a sj-x month period. Seconded by Vice Mavor Crosby. Motion carried., Councilman Amstrup voting no. BAYFRONT S I GNAGE STUDY TTEM City Planner reviewed her memorandum of July 29, in which she requested council consider a proposal by a group of businessmen from the Anza area to prepare a signage program for the Anza area. The need is based on the difficult freeway and regionat traffic access in the Anza area. The objectives of the program are to make people aware of pubJ-ic facilities and shorel-ine access and to inform and direct the public traveling the freeway to the private facilities in the Anza area. The signage program would have three components: a new sign adjacent to freeway south of Sanchez Lagoon replacing the "Welcome to Burlingame" sign; directional signs at Airport and Bayshore intersection; and re- furbishing the existing large wooden directional sign on Airport Boulevard. The program would strive for a uniform appearance. Councj-lman Amstrup expressed concern about removal and replacement of the "welcome to Burlingame" sign which involved a lot of work by Council. Vj-ce Mayor Crosby wondered. if more businesses in the area would like to participate in the signage as only four were shown on the illustration. Vice Mayor Crosby stated further discussion and action will take place -at the next meetinq when fu1I council is present. CONSENT CALENDAR I I I I t l Councilman Amstrup statedfree parkinq lot is goinq the absent councilrnembers settlements. not been reviewe parameters of th approve the thre that merchants should be notified that the to be resurfaced. He also inquired t^'hether had received notification of the negotiations City Manaqer replied that absent members are aware of the settlement' there is an additional settfement of the Dispatchers qroup which has d by the absent councilmembers but it is within the e other settlements. City Manager requested council e settlements. CIF office project which is a condj-tional use in the M-I area. She stated that we are at the point where we will have to look more carefuflY at conditional uses and how they will affect the traffic problem. 403 I RESOLUTION B URI INGA]',lE 53-82 - ACCEPTING BID FOR CAI,TRANS AND CITY OT' PARKING LOT RESURFACING - .JOB NO. 205 Director of PubIic l,lorks memorandum of awarding bid to crade l^7ay Construction of $33,859.96 July 28 recommended of Fremont in the amount 2 CLAIMS: SANDRA STURM; FRANK SANDER; PATRICIA REYNOLDS; AND JOANNE THOMAS 3 City Attorney reconrmended NEGOTIATION SETTLEMENTS - denial . POLICE, AFSCME, AND DISPATCHERS 4 7 City Manager recommended approvaf . SCHEDULE APPEAL HEARING FOR CABANA/STORAGE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE AT 1441 DRAKE AVENUE - SAIT KILKI City Planner recommend.ed scheduling hearing for September 7 FINAL CONDOMTNIUM MAP FILE BOOK 5f - PARCEL FOR N INE UNTTS - PARCEL ,'A,' - PARCEL MAP MAP PAGE 50 - 616 ANSEL ROAD - MAP 8O-I1 6 REOUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT FOR 16 UNIT CONDOMINIUM MAP, PARCEL MAP , coNDo, Lors 23, 24 AND 26, TO 5]. EL CAMINO REAL - MAP 81-8BLOCK 1,MAP OF GLENWOOD PARK - 35 Director of Public works requested a one-year extension as recom- mended by the Planning Commission. MODIFICATION IMPROVEMENT TO JOINT EFFLUENT PUMP STATION CONTROL SYSTEM - SOUTII SAN FRANCISCO Director of Public Works memorandum of August 10 recommended authorization of payment from Sewer Fund for Citvrs fair share of the modification repair to the joint effluent pump station at South San Francisco. I RESOLUTION 54-82 - AUTHORIZT}IG E)GCUTION OF AGREEMENT FOR SLUDGE HAULING SERVICES Director of Public Works memoranilum of August I0 recommended authorization of contract with MGM Truckinq of Richmond to provide sludge haulinq services for the Belt Press ' Councilman Manginj- moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously by members present. WARRANT S AND PAYROLL Councitman Mangini moved approval of r..,larrants 13732 audited, in the amount of $839,773.58. Seconded by carried i:nanimously by members present. Councilman Mangini moved approval of Payroll Checks 35269 -the month of JuIy in the amount of $489,085.54. Seconded by Amstrup, carried unanimous J-y by members present NEW BUS INESS SCHEDULE HEARING FOR f449 BELLEVUE councifman Amstrup requested. council review of the proposed for the Red Cross site at 1449 Bel1evue. September 7. - I40 88, duly Counci- Iman Amstrup, 35951 for Councilman condominium proj ect Hearing r^ras set for 1 ACKNOI^ILEDGMENTS 2. Treasurerrs Report, July 31, 1982. 5 Director of Public Works memorandum of August 10 requested ap- proval as recommended by the Planning Commission. Minutes: Civil Service, May 11 and June 29; Traffic, Safety and Parking, July 8; Beautification, August 5; and Planning, August 9, t982. 404 3 4 6 Police Report, July 19 82. Copy of a letter to Fire Chief from Frank Donaldson in gratitude for aid while beinq locked out of his home. Letters frorn Claire Weeks and Mrs. Battat objecting to parking meter rates. Letter from Elizabeth Mack requesting preservation of the Red Cross building. Letter from .foanne Levy requesting city build tennis courts at the empty 1ot on Ilunt Drive. Councilman Amstrup requested council discuss use of this city owned empty lot at a study session. 8. Letter from Robert Vavasour objecting to throwaway newsoapers. Councif reported receiving complaints about newspapers from other citizens and will investigate further at a study session. CHAMBER OF CO}4MIIRCI] MANAGI]R RTISIGNATION Vice Mayor Crosby noted that due to the Labor Day holiday the next council meeting will be on the above date. ADJOURNMENT Meeting regularly adjourned at 8:35 p.m. ,/./ 7 fyn H. Hilt- City Clerk Vice Mayor Crosby recognized Don spencer, Geqeral Manager of the Chamlcer of Commerce, and noted that this j-s the last council meeting that Mr. Spencer will be attending. Don Spencer spoke briefly about his 16 lzears in Burlingame and his en j oym.ent of working with council and city staff. NEXT REGULAR MEETTNG TUESDAY, SEPTEI\,IBER 7