HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1982.08.02395 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA August 2, l-982 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on thedate in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting was cafledorder at 8:10 p.m. by Mayor Gloria H. Barton, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Ralph Kirkup, Director of Public Works. ROLL CALL above to COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT : COUNCTLMEMBERS ABSENT : MINUTES AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI , MARTIN NONE The minutes of adopted. the regular meeting of July L9, L982 were approved and APPEAL OF SPECIAL PERMIT FOR HETGHT LIMIT FOR GARAGE AT 12OO MAJILLA City Planner reviewed her memorandum of July 12, 1982 in which she requested council either deny or approve this specj-a1 permit. Appli-cants, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron, received a permit for building agarage in l98l-. A stop work order was placed on the job when a framinginspection was made and the inspector found the roof was 19 feet high.City code aflows 14 foot height. Mr. Cameron was directing the work and misdirected the framer to "match the roof of the house. " Planning Commission moved to approve the special permit, the vote wasthree in favor, two opposed, but since a majority vote of four membersis required and two members were absent, the special permit was denied.Applicant appealed the decis j-on. Robert Cameron explained to council 2 by 6 inch and would not support a that the joists in the garage are room. Building Inspector notes that the interior of the garaqe ceivably house a 12 foot by 21 foot room j.n the loft. Council members discussed briefly, noting thhigher than other garages in the area and thof the house. could con- at the garaqe would be noat it did match the roof Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. There being no comments, the hear j-ng was closed, Councilman Mangini moved approval of the special permit. Councilman Crosby seconded, carried unanimously by ro11 caII vote. APPEAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR COMMERCIAI RECREATION, SERVICE BUSINESS AND CATERING OPERATION IN THE M-]. DISTRICT AT 1450 ROLLINS ROAD BY DAVIS BANOUET AND PARTY CENTER City Planner reviewed her memorandum of July 12, 1982 in which she recom- mended cor:ncil either approve or deny the special permit. Planning Commission moved to deny the special permit, the vote beingthree in favor, two opposed, Since any action takes a majority of four members and two were absent the special permit was denied. Applicant,Gilbert Davis, appealed the decision. The existing building was originally built as a union office and meetinghall-. The building includes about 5,000 square feet of office and 9,000square feet of meeting rooms incl-uding a stage area, storage areas, restrooms, cloakroom lobby and waiting rooms and a non commercial kitchen.Applicant proposes to run a catering operation on-and off-site. Heanticipates 35 percent of the catering to be off-site. The remainderwil,l be catered private parties in the four banquet areas. Parties will, l l l J i i I I l I I I t 396 range from smal1 luncheons to large parties of 400. He will also fease the premises for a Jazzercize cfass four times a day, Monday through Thursday. Applicant proposes installation of 490 squarefoot commercial kitchen. David Carr, representing the property owner and the applicant, spoke before council. He stated that several years ago the subject property was approved for use as a meeting hal1 for the union. rt has been used for several large functions. His client requests that he be al-- lowed to lease for private parties, (2) commercial recreation uses, and (3) on-and off-site catering. He cited several businesses in the adjacent area which are engaged in like operations at thj-s time. Possible objections could be increased littering, vandalism and traffic during business hours. He distributed photographs of traffic in the area between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. which showed light traffic. The applicant is willing to eliminate the Jazzercize class at 5 p.m. to further reduce traffic problems. He is also willing to limit the size of luncheon meetings in order to reduce traffic and parking problems. He stated that denial would produce a hardship since this property is designed for this type of special use. Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. Speaking in opposition was Andrei,, Morrow, 25 Edwards Court. Mr. Morrow explained he owned property across the street and has experienced in- creased parking problems and Iittering with activities j-n that facility. He expressed concern about people parking in his parking Iot and de- priving his tenants of parking rights. Councilman Crosby suggested that the parkino lot be chained. Mr. Morrow did not wish to do this because some of his tenants use the l-ot at night. Mayor Barton closed the public hearing. Councilman Amstrup commented that the security guards which applicant proposes to hire for events could patrol the area outside including the parking Iots. Lt. Tom Chase, Police Dept., stated guards could not prevent people from parking but that they could ailvise the police of inappropriate behavior. Councilman Martin expressed concern about big lunch crowds. Mr. Carr stated his client would be willing to limit the size of lunch groups. Council expressed concerns about the Jazzercize classes conflicting with other functions. Mr. Carr commented that catered functions would not be an everyday occurrence but would be rather infrequent. Mayor Barton had a problem with Jazzercize at 6:00 p.m., fearing that it would interfere with traffic. Counci-Iman Martin moved to grant the special permit subject to all conditions of the Planning Commission and with the addition of the fol- lowing conditions: 1. That condition 3 of the Planning Commission be amended to 6:30 p.m. starting time for evening classes of Jazzercize. 2. A11 catering operations be by Davis and not by outside contract. 3. There be one peace officer for every 100 people at functions. 4. There be no Jazzercize classes between 10:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. 5. A11 noon hour functions be limited to no more than 80 people. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanj-mously by ro11 call vote. RECESS Mayor Barton dec]ared a short recess at 9:20 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 9:30 p.m. f 397 APPEAI OF A FOUR UNIT RES I DENTIAI CONDOMINIUM AND SIDE YARD SETBACK AT 701 FAIRFIELD ROAD City Planner reviewed her memorandum of July 23, 1982 in which she re- quested councif take action on the variance and the condominium permit. Planning Commission approved both with conditions and findings. This is the second project that applicant had presented. The first was a five unit project which required five variances, a fence exception and a condominium permj-t. The current project is four units and requires one variance and a condominium permit. This item was appealed by Gene Satrap representing the Russian Church of All Saints which is adjacent to the project. He objected to the fence height, the difficulty of maneuvering a car out of the garages of two units, the negative visual- impact on the church anal the loss of curbside parking. Hugh F. Connolly, representing the property owner, addressed council. He stated the property has been vacant forever and the applicant has presented a fine project. He illustrated how the variance is needed for onfy three smalf areas which intrude into the required 8 foot 6 inch side yard setback. He addressed the objections raised by Mr. Satrap, stating that the fince insulates the units from EI Camino traffic; that the occupants may well back out into the street from two of the units, but most single family home occupants also back out into the street; and that the visual impact on the church and its archj-tectural significance will not be affected because the architectural items r4rere at the front and top of the building; and that parking is generally light on that street except when the church is in session. Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. Flora Thirlwall, 740 Paloma, spoke in favor of the project. The overgrown and untidy. She was sure any development would enhance church and the city. Speaking in opposition was David Carr, representing the Russian He felt tha Pl-anning Commission had approved the project because applicant had reduced the variances from five to one and he felt variance presents a large problem. 1ot is the Church . the the AS tte pointed out that this project will only have 25 percent landscaping rather than the required 50 percent. He said backing out into the street is dangerous, expeciall-y across the street from a school. cene Satrap spoke against the project. He said the church did not oppose having a neighbor or construction on the lot' The church op- posed the sacrificing of open space. Hugh Connolly and Helen Som, architect, spoke in rebuttal-. Ms. som stating that the turnaround in driveway is based on the Planning Department's templates and that the fence and setback on EI camino the same as the church, the church's fence being higher. Council discussed at some length, questioning City Planner whether project could have underground parking, going to three units instead of four or sma]Ier patio areas. Council"man Amstrup moved denial of the form to code. Seconded by Councilman variance since Crosby. it does not con- Councilman Martj-n stated that this lot has been a problem for many years. He felt the architect had done a good job. He stated that anything built on that fot will have a visual effect on the church and that he hates to see a good project fail because of a minor variance. He hoped the architect could change the project and he thought it could be done. Motion carried on ro11 AYES: AMSTRUP, BARTON, NOES: MANGINI , MARTIN cal-1 vote . CROSBY 398 Councilman Amstrup moved denial of the by Councilman Crosby. Carried by ro11 AYES : A.I{STRUP, BARTON , CROSBY NOES: MANGINI , MARTIN condominium permit ,call vote. Se conde d Mayor Barton declared aat 10:30 p.m. recess at 10:25 p.m. The meeting reconvened RESOLUTION 5I-82 - CERTTFYING ENVIRONMENTAL II4PACT REPORT AND MAKING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSED ANZA OFFICE PARK LOCATED AT 477 AIRPORT BOULEVARD. City Planner reviewed her memorandum of July 28, 1982 in which recommended council hold a public hearing and review the finalthe Anza Office Park. If satisfactory, council should adopt alution certifying the EIR. she EIR on reso- The proposed project consists of three 8 story office buildings, aparking structure, at-grade parking, access roads and landscaping ona 13.2 acre site in the Anza area. The project wilf require a BCDCpermit. The Pl-anning Commission reviewed the responses to commentsthe draft EIR and adopted Resofution 5-82 recommending the final EIRwith mitigation and findings to the council- for action. Marty Abefl, of Environmental Science Associates, Inc., was present. City Pl-anner requested council make a determination after review of negative declaration. The project is a 21 unit condominium at the of the Red Cross building. The site is included in the Preliminary Historic Inventory as the only remaining structure of the gracious which once dominated this area. Heather Sterner, of the Historical Committee, and. representatives of the Red Cross were present' on Councilman Martin stated that the original EIR was not completely clear on a statement made concerning Runway I and the percentage of flights from that runway. City Planner stated that there would be an amendment made to clear up this statement. Councilman Mangini moved adoption of Resolution 51-82. Seconded by Counci.Iman Crosby, carried unanimously 6y ro11 call vote. GARBAGE RATE STUDY, RATE INCREASE - MENLO PARK ACTION INCREASING MARSH ROAD DISPOSAL COSTS FOR CITIES WITHOUT RECYCLING OPERATIONS City Manager reviewed his memorandum of Jr:,ly 27, 1982 in whj-ch he recommended that council hold the BFI request for a rate increase until the final rate study can be reviewed, and that Menlo Park be asked to reconsider its action increasing disposal costs for cities vrithout recycling programs. Council-man Amstrup moved that BFI rate increase be held until after study can be revieweil and that the City of Menlo Park be requested to reconsider its increase in disposal costs. seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by ro11 calf vote. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR 1449 BELLEVUE thesite home s RESOLUTION 50-82 - FIXING ASSESSMENT FOR WEED AND RUBBISE ABATEMENT -PUBLIC HEARING Director of Public Works reviewed his memorandum of July 26, t982 inwhich he recommended that after a pubtic hearing council adopt aresol-ution fixing assessments. The City Engineer, in accordance withthe requirements of law, has posted the subject properties, has con-tracted for weed and rubbish removal and has given the City Clerk the assessment report. The City Clerk has published the required noticeas specified by Iaw. Once ad.opted, the assessments v7i11 be transmittedto the County As sessor. Councilman Crosby moved adoption of Resolution 50-82. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried un an imo u31!-Ef-idlT-Ei[f vote. Councilman Mangini inquired $7hy city property was not listed. Directorof Public Works explained that city property is being cleared at this time . 399 Heather Sterner urged council to vote against the negative dec-laration. This building is the last building of historic va1ue.She felt the front of the building coul_d be kept intact if thearchitect had imagination. Phillip cerman, developer, assuredpossibility of using the building,his architect Safwat Abdel-Ma1ek. council that heor parts of it. explored the i nt roduced has He The architect assured council that he always looks at all possi-biLities for a site. This building has some serious architecturalproblems. He felt there were no significant or outstanding features.There is a way to work around the bu:'fding but his recommendation isto tear down thg-buildinq. He would save the dormer and front doorto incorporate,/t?ie new buitding. Kurt Hauser, chairman of the addressed council. He statedsince 1947 when the buildingbuilding no longer meets j-ts his fiduciary responsibil ity use out of the site. Golden cate Chapter of the Red Cross,the Red Cross has changed substantially was donated. to the Red Cross. The needs and he felt he would be failing inif he did not get the highest and best Jim Williams, Manager ofhistorical selection and Red Cross, reviewed the sevenfelt the building met none of criteria forthe criteria. re- Councilman Mangini commended Mrs. Sterner and the Red Cross rep-resentatives. He stated that financial return must be considered forthe applicant and that he was voting for the negative declaration. Mayor Barton felt strongl-y the need to preserve our o1d buildings such as the SP station and the Red Cross building. Councilman Amstrupstated that there is no comparison betw€en these two sites. The rooftiles of the SP station r^7e re from an original mission. Councilman Mangini moved to support the negative declaration for 1449Bellevue. Seconded by Councilman Martin. Motion carried on a ro11call vote, Mayor Barton voting no. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT - ROUTE 66 261 CALIFORNIA DR]VE Citl, Attorney reviewed his memorandum of JuIy 29, 1982 in which he recommended council grant a permit for six months, The new o\,/ner,Mr. Mack Vitakes, plans to have live music and a comedy hour from9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Police recorunended a six-month permit. Council inquired about the comedy hour. Mr. Vitakes replied that a comedj-an will be hired from an agency to perform for an hour at sometime in the future. At the present time they wifl have live musiconly. Councilman Crosby moved approval of a six-month entertaj-nment permitfor Tuesdays through Saturdays from 9:30 p.m. to l:30 a.m. Secondedby Councilman Martin, carried unanimously. CONSENT CA],ENDAR Item awarding bid for CALT RANS Parking Lot resurfacing was removed because the portion of money to be paid by the state has not been ceived. FINAT CONDOMINIUM MAP - 119 PRIMROSE - LOT 20, BLOCK 2, SUPPLEMENTARY MAP NO. BURL INGAME SIX UNITS - RESUBDIVISTON OFI to MAP NO. 1, TOWN OF f City Engj.neer's memorandum of JrTly 27, L982 concur with Planning Commission and approve recommended councilthis final map. 2 REQUEST FOR TWELVE-MONTH EXTENSION FOR A SIX UNIT TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT, LOT 7, BLOCK 9, I4AP NO. 2 OF BURLINGAME LAND COMPANY Item concerning Tentative Condomj-nium Map for 701 Fairfield rrras re- moved due to denial of the Condominium permit. City Engineerrs memorandum of July 27, 1982 recommended council con-cur with Planning Commission and approve the extension. 1S0 3 4. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE I23L AWNING SIGNS Counci1man Amstrup moved approval of the consent calendar. by Councilman Crosby, carried unanimously. INTRODUCTION OF ORDTNANCE L23O MAKING TECHNICAL CORRECTTONS IN BURLINGAME AVENUE COMMERCIAL AREA REGULATIONS City Attorney recommended councj-I introduce the ordinance making technical changes in Burlingame Avenue Commercial Area regulations. 5 AMENDING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS ON City Planner recommended council introduce ordinance allowing awlings with signs to be a minimum of B feet above grade just as the current 1aw allows awnings without signs to be B feet above grade. RESOLUTION 52-82 - AUTHORIZING EXECUTTON OF AGREEMENT FOR THE PROVISION OF UNIFORMS Director of Public Works' memorandum of July 28, l9BZ recommended council adopt resolution authorizing execution of agreement with Certified Garment and Towel Supply for the provision of uniforms from September l, L9B2 to August 30, 1984. Seconded OLD BUSINESS ILLEGAL LEF'T TURNS AT BURLINGAME PLAZA Councilman Amstrup reported he had received calls about numerous left turns out of the Burlingame Plaza onto Trousdale Drive. He if there could be some way of preventing the i1IegaI turns. i11ega1 wonderedI ti Councilmanits trucks Amstrupin lots also reported that Star Excavation next to railroad tracks. is again parking ILLEGAL LEFT TURNS FROM EL CAMINO SOUTH ONTO BROADI^]AY Councilman Martin stated there are many people also turning left where it is posted no left turn onto Broadway. Lt. Chase replied that he was told judges are throwing the tickets out of court because the sign is improperly placed. City Planner will l-ook into having C ALTRANS place sign properly. NEW BUSINESS SET HEARING FOR APPEAL REPO DEPO Mayor Barton acknowledged a letter from Repo Depo requesting an of p1annJ-ng Commission denial of special permit for retail sales M-1. Hearing was set for August L6 meeting. Council noted there will be only three members present at that meeting. City Planner will inform appellant. SB 53 ANNEXAT]ONS Mayor Barton reviewed a l-etter from the City of Norfolk regarding SB 53 which permits the transfer of property from one city to another. She requested city write letter protesting the bi11. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Minutes: Library, JuIy 20, L9B2; Planning, July 26,1982. Commission appealin I I 2 Copy of memorandum to the Traffic, from the City Manager regarding the ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 11:30 p.m Safety and Parking parking petitions. €. 9 "r4*k//J :,'"l"I,t Evelyn H. HiIl City Clerk