HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 2021.04.20City of Burlingame BURLINGAME Meeting Agenda - Final Library Board of Trustees Tuesday, April 20, 2021 5:30 PM BURLINGAME CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CA 94010 On March 17, 2020, the Governor issued Executive Order N-29-20 suspending certain provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act in order to allow for local legislative bodies to conduct their meetings telephonically or by other electronic means. Pursuant to the Governor's Executive Order N-33-20 issued on March 19, 2020, and the CDC's social distancing guidelines which discourage large public gatherings, the Burlingame Public Library will not be open to the public for the April 20, 2021 Library Board of Trustees Meeting. Members of the public may view the meeting by logging into the Zoom meeting below. Members of the public may provide written comments by email to publiccomment@burlingame.org. Emailed comments should include the specific agenda item on which you are commenting, or note that your comment concerns an item that is not on the agenda. The length of the emailed comment should be commensurate with the three minutes customarily allowed for verbal comments, which is approximately 250-300 words. To ensure that your comment is received and read to the Library Board of Trustees for the appropriate agenda item, please submit your email no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 20, 2021. The City will make every effort to read emails received after that time, but cannot guarantee such emails will be read into the record. Any emails received after the 5:00 p.m. deadline which are not read into the record will be provided to the Library Board of Trustees after the meeting. Note that votes are unanimous unless separately noted for the record. Online City of Burlingame Page 1 Printed on 411612021 Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda - Final April 20, 2021 1. CALL TO ORDER - Online To Join the Zoom Meeting Access the meeting by computer: Meeting ID: 836 3322 5764 Passcode:873210 Access the meeting by phone: Dial 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 836 3322 5764 Passcode:873210 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS, NON -AGENDA Members of the public may speak about any item not on the agenda. Members of the public may suggest an item for a future Library Board of Trustees' agenda during the public comment period. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State local agency open meeting law) prohibits Trustees from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of the Library Board of Trustee Minutes for March 16, 2021 Attachments: Meeting Minutes 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION March Statistics Attachments: Children's Statistics Adult Services' Statistics 6. REPORTS City Librarian's Report Foundation Report 7. OLD BUSINESS Update on Opening the Library Attachments: Reopening Plan City of Burlingame Page 2 Printed on 411612021 Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda - Final April 20, 2021 Seven Member Board of Trustees 8. NEW BUSINESS 9. ACTION ITEMS 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS 11. ADJOURNMENT Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Library Board of Trustees will be made available for public inspection at the City of Burlingame's website: www.burlingame.org. City of Burlingame Page 3 Printed on 411612021 Burlingame Library Board of Trustees March 16, 2021 Minutes Roll Call Trustees Present: Kristin Capkin, Danielle Garcia, Randi Murray, Mike Nagler, Elisabeth Ostrow Staff Present: Brad McCulley, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Recorder II. Library Board of Trustees Minutes The Trustees unanimously approved the minutes of the February 16, 2021 Trustee Meeting. M/S/C (Nagler/Capkin) III. From the Floor No one from the public attended the meeting. IV. Statistics There were 15 Adult Programs with a total attendance of 102 and 61 Children's and Teens Programs with an attendance of 2,566. Reference staff answered 335 calls from patrons regarding Curb Side Pickup and general reference questions. Children's staff assembled 1,670 books into 334 book bundles. V. Reports A. City Librarian's Report - Highlights • Brenda Chavez will be retiring from the Burlingame Library on April 1st. Brenda joined the library staff in 1984. • Some county libraries are planning to open April 15th. Burlingame is working on a re -opening plan but a definite opening date has not been determined. Liability issues from staff and the public, as well as safety issues are a concern of City officials and the City Council • Curb Side Pickup will continue on specific days when the library reopens. B. Foundation The Foundation Board has reviewed the Library's Support Request for $92,630 for 2021. VI. Silicon Valley Community Foundation A. The Trustees discussed the historical documents that they had previously reviewed relating to the Duncan Trust beginning with the Will of Thyra I. Duncan, also know as Jean Hunt Duncan. • Mrs. Duncan willed the property to Crocker National Bank in trust for the San Mateo Foundation currently know as the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. • Terms of the Will stated that investment funds from the Foundation were to be supplemental income for special projects, emergency needs, etc. that are not funded by the City of Burlingame. • The Will further stated that the Library could use space in the building when needed. • An Agreement dated July 7th 1986 between the Peninsula Community Foundation and the City of Burlingame had the option for the City to purchase the property for $500,000 at any time prior to the 12 months expiration of the Fox & Carskadon lease. • The Petition of Testamentary Trustee For Approval of Compromise was filed October 28, 1986 in the Superior Court of the State of California In And For The County of San Mateo. • On December 4, 1990 the Burlingame City Council authorized the City to purchase the Duncan property from the Peninsula Foundation in accordance with the July 7, 1986 agreement for $500,000. B. Library's Relationship with Silicon Valley Community Foundation • Bill Nagel is currently researching the Library's relationship with the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and will meet with the Trustees to discuss his findings. • At Bill Nagle's request, Brad met with Carol Augustine, Finance Director, regarding investment possibilities for the Library's funds currently held with the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. VII. Day In The District (Library Advocacy) Brad thanked the Trustees who were able attend attend one or more of the events. The Trustees who attended felt that having the opportunity to hear how other libraries are serving the public during this difficult time was interesting and informative. VIII. Dr Seuss Books The Trustees discussed the issue of racism and inappropriate imagery in 5 of the Dr. Seuss books one of which is "And To Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street." The Children's Department staff and the library managers have not reached a decision as to whether to keep the Dr. Seuss books in question as part of the library's collection. • Brad has requested that the Children's Department come up with two alternatives that might resolve the issue of whether or not to remove these 5 books from circulation. • The publisher of Dr. Seuss is not longer publishing these specific editions. • These particular Dr. Seuss editions have a long list of holds and will most likely not be on the shelf for some time. Concern was expressed that now that these editions have increased in value they may not be returned. • Trustee Ostrow noted that New York City Library has a special section for publications that are controversial. Next to this collection is text written on glass that explains why these publications are considered unacceptable. • It was recommended that the Library needs to have a policy for removing publications from their collections that express controversial issues inappropriately. • Brad expressed how important it is for all PLS libraries to follow the same criteria regarding this issue. IX. Adiournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:35pm. The next meeting of the Library Board of Trustees will be held on April 20th at 5:30pm. Commented [PSI]: (Respectfully Submitted Brad McCulley City Librarian Burlingame Public Library Children's and Teen Monthly Statistics Mar-21 Programs Attendance Cost STORYTI M ES Live Storytime with Miss Jenny Virtual 5 59 Miss Jenny Storytime IGTV views 4 307 Miss Jenny Storytime YouTube views 5 18 Miss Jennifer Storytime IGTV views 4 235 Miss Jennifer Storytime YouTube views 4 51 Miss Kelly Storytime IGTV views 5 244 Miss Kelly Storytime YouTube views 5 252 TOTAL STORYTIMES 32 1,166 CLASS VISITS Preschool Class Visits at Schools Preschool Class Visits at Library Virtual Elementary School Class Visits on Zoom Elementary School Class Visits at Library Middle School Class Visits at Schools Middle School Class Visits at Library TOTAL CLASS VISITS 0 0 SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN STEAM Bags 1 50 Mandarin Story Time (Virtual) 1 65 $80 Margaret Dilloway Author Event 1 18 Baby Sign Language 1 52 Music Together 1 81 Homework Center (children) 14 62 Spring Yoga Storytime 1 31 Storywalk Marissa Valdez Author Event 1 10 Women's History Month --Kamala Harris letters 1 6 Community Storytimes (YouTube) 8 296 TOTAL SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN 30 671 $80 SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR TEENS Homework Center (teens) 14 104 Teen Advisory Board 2 17 First Look Book Group 1 6 Teen Rocket League Tournament 1 27 Teen SAT 1 20 TOTAL SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR TEENS 19 174 $0 TOTAL CHILDREN'S & TEEN PROGRAMS 81 2,011 $80 Book Bundles Assembled (# of bundles & books) 349 1,748 Adult Services Stats March 2021 Program Date # Programs Attendance Sit N Stitch Tuesdays 4 9 English Learners Group Wednesdays & Thursdays 8 13 Teens Teach Tech —Everyday Applications 3/1 1 2 Booked on Crime — Mystery Book Club 3/18 1 5 Teens Teach Tech — Entertainment 3/8 1 1 Grief and Children 3/30 1 8 Total 16 38 Kanopy Month Plays Cost per play Kanopy Kids and K Series (Great Books) Monthly Invoice $5/month for unlimited plays March 406 $2 5 KIDS and $907 2021 14 Great Courses 425 total plays Pronunciator (Language Learning) New registrations Sessions Top 3 languages 1 2 Spanish, Mandarin, French Tutor.com Tutor sessions Test Prep sessions 2 2 # of Reference questions answered = 350 phone calls Draft BPL Reopening Plan 2021 for Board of Trustees Due to the changing nature of the pandemic this plan is subject to change. 1. Bathrooms. Public bathrooms will be "use at your own risk" for the public. We will provide hand sanitizer. Staff bathrooms will follow HR protocol. 2. Capacity. Fire Marshall's suggestion: 47,000sf / 100 = 470 x 25% = 117. Livermore Library currently allows 150 in with 52,000sf. 3 4 5 59 VA 0 Children's and Teens Areas. iPads will be removed. One or children's and teens computers will be available for public use. Children staff wi heduled in the children's room during open hours. Cohorts. The cohorts will dissolve on Monday. Mav 1 21. Computers. There will be a handful of computers i e Reading They will have a 1-hour time limit. We will likely be using social ncing software t ort patrons, since it would be too difficult to assist with co r issues and maintai of distance. COVID Code of Conduct. Library Administrat w g on developing a COVID Code of Conduct for the public, see draft below. mple, those not wearing masks will be reminded by loudspeaker announcement to heir masks. "This is a friendly reminder that per County Health eryone olde 2 y/o must wear a mask covering both mouth and nose w ry. If yo se you will be asked to leave" If someone refuses to com a me ff wi I approach them and possibly escort them out. CPU. CPU will still be offered to the li only during certain hours and likely only for a limited time. C offered ay through Friday 4:00pm - 6:00pm and Saturday 2:00p p Desk Schedu eralvn d Tommv developina mock desk schedules for both in - person circ an rso vve Wticipate staff returning (mostly) to their normal duties. St De 9. Easton. TBD. Until is 10. Ho" be m to r ill be ned s, books on and Nhe Main be open Monday through Friday 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm and Saturday - 4:00 he library will remain closed on Sundays. can ,copying. Printing will be provided for free and will be done by Tech anning and copying will not be available. Programs. ere will be no in -person programming when we reopen. All of our programming will remain virtual until further notice. Reopening Date. If vaccination rates and hospitalization rates continue along the current trajectory, we will reopen this "Summer" Seating. Seating will be removed, except at computers, to encourage patrons not to linger over long in the building. Signage. Signage throughout the building will be updated, most likely the marketing committee will be tasked with this. Staff Breaks. The Lane Room will be converted into a break room. Staff will be asked to follow County Health Dept guidelines for break rooms. This is dependent upon quarantining of books being moved to Circ workroom. 14 15 16 17 to devote nearly as much time to circulation. sorted out the plan is to open the Main first then Easton. the AV room and will no longer be self-service. The AV k area for circ staff who will retrieve items for patrons. c CD's will move to the gondolas where the hold shelf is 18. Staff Overflow Areas. Each department will have a dedicated overflow area for staff to work should their work area become overcrowded. Designated rooms are TBD. 19. Staff Safety. Staff will still be required to socially distance and wear masks. Desks and workstations will either be moved to accommodate 6 feet of distance or work schedules will be staggered. This will be determined by department and by individual circumstances. Working from home as much as possible is still encouraged. 20. Study rooms. Library meeting rooms will be closed to the public 21. Watch & Learn. Since we will likely be one of the last libraries in our area to open, we intend to watch and learn from other libraries' experiences. What we've written here is strictly a draft and may change based off what we learn from other libraries. 22. CA Fires & Heat Wave Plan. TBD Ak BPL CODE of CONDU 1. Community members must successfully complete entrance to the library before entering the facility and COVID-19 symptoms or have been exposed to the W 2. A face covering must be worn by patrons at all times the mouth and nose. In following the California Departme coverings must be worn by anyone over e of 2 years o include those outlined by the San Mateo e Coverin unable to wear a face covering as outline 0 ov ind your library materials. 3. All community members low 6-feel Mateo County (HO C19-1 tate of between themselves a ers o de their 4. Children younger tha a parent, guardian or cE 5. Con 6. To maintain cap inside rary should 7. During th L ubl seating accot, all tim a health scre.1wrocess at the 1 to stay home ilMriencing Freir library visit, covering both ublic Health guidelines, face %anternative eptable face coverings r (HO C19-11). For anyone means getting you distancing requirements set forth by San iia, maintaining at least a distance of 6 feet cold at all times. Pme in the library under the direct supervision of e inside the facility. beve'IqWnside the library is not permitted. imits set to protect the health and safety of the public, all visits ;pt under one (1) hour. gating will be limited to library computer use only. Patrons in need of ay request staff assistance.