HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1983.04.18BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA April 18, 1983 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed, regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was hefd on the above date in the City Ha1I Council- Chambers. The meeting was cal-Ied to order by Mayor William J. Crosby at 8:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF AILEGIANCE TO THE FLAG COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI , MARTIN NONE Minutes of the regular meetj-ng of April 4, 1983 were approved. DENIAL OF MASSEUSE PERMIT - .]ULIE WONG DBA YUKIIs'1299APPEAI OF BAYSHORE Chief of Police reviewed his memorandum of ApriL l-f in which he rec- ommended council uphold the Pol-ice Department's denial of a masseuse permit to Jul-ie Wong based upon violation of Ordinance 6.40.080 (1) character of applicant, and (5) false and misfeading statements. on her application, Ms, Wong stated she had not been arrested or detained for a crimeinvolving moral turpitude. Routine investigation into this matter showed several arrests involving prostitution. applicant Julie Wong stated she would run an honest business Burlingame. I{er unalerstanding was that arrests were removed record after fj-ve years of probation, that is why she did not those arrests on her application. She was only convicted for turbing the peace. Chief of Po1ice said records are only expunged if requested. stated it is common practice in large cities to plea bargain offenses to disturbing the peace. i-n from theput di s- HE these Council-man Amstrup moved to deny the appeal for a masseuse permit for Julie Wong. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton. Council-man Martin stated he woufd vote against thj-s motion. In his opinion j-t was the arresting officer's judgement that Ms. Wong was soticiting, but she was not convicted of that crime. Motion carried, Councifman Martin voting no. Councilman Martin expressed. his objection to this ordinance because it specifically limits three types of business. Mayor Crosby opened the public hearing. There being no co[unents, the hearing was closed. Councilman Mangini Councilman Amstrup. moved adoption of ordinance 1248. Motion carried on roll call vote,Seconded by Coun ci lman Martin votinq no. FEHRh Yfi fi oIrS {a$i, ;*4E11DEH8;EBHr Bf 1 - wAS TEWATER TREATY-ENTDTrecEor which he recommended council award contract to C.W. Roen Construction in the amount of $2,530,686. He attached a fetter from Geo. S. Nolte clarifying the previous letter of March 21 on two of the equipment suppliers. Councilman Mangini moved adoption of Resolution 24-83. Seconded by t-48G - Led by Cub Scout Pack 70. ROLL CALL I )i ORDINANCE l-248 - REQUIRING SPECIAL PERMIT FOR CERTAIN GROCERY, DRUG AND DEPARTMENT STORES IN C-I AND C-2 AREAS City Planner reviewed her memorandum of April 14 in which she recom- mended council review and consider the proposed ordinance. At the last Study Meeting counci1 proposed certain changes which are re- ftected in this ordinance. I Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. 25-83 - AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING ViWTP TMPROVEMENTS - PROJECT 221 RESOLUTION SERVICES - Director of Public Works reviewed his memorandum of March 30 in which he recommended council adopt this resolution approving an agreement with Geo. S. Nolte and Associates for the performance of inspection and management services for the construction of the aeration improve- ments at the wastewater treatment plant, Councilman Counci lman Arnstrup Martin, moved adoption of Resolution 25-83. Seconded by carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. RESOLUTION 26-83 - APPROVING PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CERTAIN ACTIONS WITH RESPECT THERETO RESOLUTION 27-83 - APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF LEASE AGREEMENT RELATING TO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT AND OTHER LEGAL DOCUMENTS WITH RESPECT THERETO RESOLUTION 28-83 - CALLING FOR BIDS FOR CERTIFICATES, APPROVING OFFICIAL NOTICE OF SALE AND BID FORM, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CERTAIN ACTIONS WITH RESPECT THERETO City Manager reviewed his memorandum of April 14 recommending council approve these three resolutj-ons and the various legal documents whj-ch are necessary to finance the improvements to our wastewater Treatment Plant. Counc i l-man Seconded by Martin moved adoption of Resolutions 26-83,27-83 and 28-83 Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by rolI call vote. AIRPORT ROUNDTABLE INCORPORATION PARTTCIPATION IN JOINT FEASIBILITY STUDY OF CONVENTTON CENTER City Manager reviewed his memorandum of April l-3 and the attached letler from County Supervisor Speier requesting Burlingame participate in a joint feasibility study for a convention center. County is willing to pay 50 percent of the cost up to $20,000. Participating cities would. share the balance of the cost. Since Burlingame is the location of the largest number of hotel rooms in the County, it is a potential s j-te for the convention center. He recommended council Lonsider sharing in costs up to a maximum of $20,000. If other cities also participate, this amount would be reduced. Councilman Martin moved to share costs up to $20,000 in the joint feasibility study of a convention center. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. CLAIM: ARNOLD AND KAREN SALINAS City Attorney reconunended denial. REOUEST FOR I2_MONTH EXTENSION OF MAP S AND CONDOMINIUM 524 PRIMROSE ROAD PERMI T2 3 City Engineer reconrmended council concur lrith the Planning Com- mission and approve an extension to June 7 , L984. SALE OF PORTIONRESOLUTI ON OF SURPLUS 29-83 _ AUTIIORI Z ING QUITCLAIM DEED LOT City Attorney's memorandum of April 13 recommended adoption of resolution authorizing execution of quitclaim deed for small appendage of the surplus property next to Cuernavaca Park. Councilman Amstrup moved approval of Consent Calendar. Seconded by J 487 City Attorney reviewed the Airport Roundtable proposed incorporation. Council expressed its suspicion of San Francisco's motives. Councilman Amstrup moved that Burlingame vote against incorporation of the Airport Roundtable. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously. r 488 Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Councilman Mangini moved approval of Warrants 16416 - 16702, dutyaudited, in the amount of $622,685.57. Seconded by Councilman Martin,carried unanimously. Councilman Mangini moved approval of Payroll Checksthe month of March 1983, in the amount of 9518,198.Councilman Martin, carried unanimously. 40556 - 41203, for Seconded by OLD BUSINESS - SP STATION Councifman Mangini noted a memorandum from the City Manager regarding Caftrans progress on maintenance of the Burlingame Avenue Sp Station.City Manager requested council guidance on approaching Caltrans aboutsharing the costs of repair in order to speed up the project. Atthis time, Caltrans does not anticipate additional work until the summer of 1984. Counc i.l- directed Cal-trans. City Manager to proceed with negotiations with Martin reviewed AB 2920 which requires all- cities to sub-plan to AT,UC concurrent with the SF Aj-rport master p1an.feel the city should file a plan until it sees the SF plan. RENT CONTROL Council discussed briefly the rent control initiative currentlycirculating in the city. Council members expressed. their concernsabout the increase in bureaucracy; that this is basically the sameas the Santa Monica ordinance; increase in costs to the city if thisis pas sed. Council agreed it woul-d not take a stand on this initiatj-ve. AREA DISASTER COUNCIL I,IINUTES Counc ilman mit master He did not Mayor wouId Crosby acknowledged be participating in the presence of students in the audience who tomorrow's Youth in Government Day. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commission Mj-nutes: Beautification,April 11, 1983. April 7, f983; PI anning,1 3 4 5 Treasurerrs Report, March 31, 1983. Police Report, March 1983. Fire Department Report, Ir{arch 1983. 6 7 8 Letter of commend.ation from Mayor to Steven Picton upon attainingthe rank of Eagle Scout. Corunendations to Victor G. Kryiakis upon retiring from Daly City; and Donald Arthur Hel-bush upon retiring from County Adult Prcbation. Procl-amations: National Library ldeek, April 17-23; Deaf Awareness Month, May 1983; and Law Day USA, May 1, 1983. Letter from City of Vista regarding CoNnunity Block Grants. 9. Letter from Mi11s High School Parent croups regarding move ofPeninsula High onto Mi11s property. Council discussed briefly, stating it had no jurisdiction over schools. Councilman Mangini submitted copies of the minutes of the AreaDisaster Council and asked for any conunents. AB 2920 YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT DAY 489 MOMENT OF SILENCE tvlayor Crosby adjourned the meeting in memory of the mother of the Director of Public works after a moment of siLence. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. f, ,, (.,,* -/ 7/t L Evelyn H. H ill Citv Clerk