HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1983.04.132 PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI, MARTIN STAFF: ARGYRES, COLEMAN, KIRKUP, QUADRI, MONROE I. Closed Session--Litigation Financing Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion--Procedure Ernie Bodner and Janet Hawkins, representatives of our financial con-sultant Rauscher Pierce Refsnes, Inc. discussed the components of the timetable and events required to issue Certificates of Participationwith the Council. Legal documents have been drafted and an official statement in connection wi-th the issuance of the certificates will be sent to council on Thursday for the Aprit 18 meeting. At the meetingof the 18th, Council witl consider adoption of the Resolution of Issuance, Notice of Sa1e, approval of the draft of the Official State- ment and its distribution and that sets in motion the sales procedures. Within approximately three weeks of the distribution of the Official Statement and receipt of the rating, the sale will also be advertisedin the financial papers and bids received on lr[ay 16 at 10:00 a.m. Theresults of bids will be brought to Council for consideration thatevening. There is a period of 24-hours in which Council must acceptor reject bids. Questions from Council were responded to by Mr. Bodner. Councilman Martin asked for a forecast of the rating prior to actuallyreceiving bids. Mr. Bodner stated that information can be provided ^and the rating would come in about mid-week prior to sale on the 16th. 3. Ordinance Requiring Special Permit for Certain Groc€ry, Drug andDepartment Stores The City Planner and City Attorney reviewed the proposed ordinance andbackground information. Councilman Mangini inquired about whether thespecial permit hours limitation included deliveries to the site. TheCity Planner reviewed why the Plannj-ng Commission decided to regulatethese problems in terms of specific uses (grocery, drug and departmentstore) rather than as general regulations applicable to all uses in thedistrict. City code presently uses both approaches to regulation. BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING APRIL 13, 1983 Mayor William Crosby convened the Study Meeting of the Burlingame City Council in Conference Room B of the Burlingame City Hall at 8:10 p.m. on Wednesday, April 13, 1983 following an executive session regardinglitigation. Councilman Martin expressed concern with the 10 foot setback from theproperty line when residential use is adjacent and the extent of thesolid wa1I or fence requirement. He recommended that the 10 footsetback requirement be changed to a maximum 18 feet in height. BothCouncilman Amstrup and Councj-lwoman Barton expressed concern re-garding a suggestion made by Mayor Crosby and Councilman Martin to ex-tend the hours of limitation from 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. council- woman Barton pointed out that police reports indicated 30 percent ofall calls occurred between 11:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. After furtherdiscussion, Council requested that the City Attorney change the pro-posed ordinance Section 25.36.036 3 (a) to establish a maxj_mum heightlimit of 18 feet and 25.36.036 (h) to require open areas betweenstructures and residential areas be secured in such a way as to pro-hibit public access. The matter will be on the April 18, 1983 Council- agenda. 4. Airport Roundtable Information The Council supports Daly City'sAirport - Community Roundtable. Monday evening. position Official not to join action will the S.F.O be taken on 5. Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Replacement-- "Who Should Pay?" PoIicy The Director of Public tr{orks responded to questions from the Councilregarding past practice J-n requiring property owners to pay for i 484 I I r I 485 defective sidewalks. The City repairs sidewalk caused by treeroot problems; others must be shared by property orrner. Councilwoman Barton expressed concern regarding hardship cases. The City Managerstated that there are methods of handling such cases, with extensionof ti,me, property leins, taxes, etc. Council concurred with followingour current municipal code vrhich provides for property owners to be responsible for repair of defective sidewal-k. 6- State Legislatj-on Second Units, R-1 (Granny Apartments) The City Attorney explained that the law provides for three possibil- ities for an ordinance: (1) adopt the ordinance with certain criterias of your own, (2) be subject to the State 1aw that has its own standards, or (3) adopt an ordinance prohibiting them. San Bruno has prohibited granny units because of some of the same concerns that one might have in Burlingame; i.e., traffic, sewer Iines, utifities, etc. San Mateo is proposing an ordinance with restrictions. The Council expressed differing opinions in a discussion which ensued. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare a l-ist of findings giving various alternatives:(1) reasons that would be against passing the ordinance (streets, sewers, traffic, etc. ), (2) A check list of kinds of restrictions which could be placed if adopted. The City Planner stated that no amend.ment to the ceneral Plan is required. This legislation is effective JuIy 1, 1983 or 120 days after receiving a second unit application. 7. Dump Closure,/Bay side Park Development When the San Carlos transfer station opens in early 1984, major changes in the garden pickup service and City crew waste disposal will be nec- essary. Councilman Martin suggested that a consj-deration be given to City-\"ride trash pickup offered once or twice a year when the dump is finally closed. 8. Other Ci ty Selection Conmittee Councilman Martin will represent Burlingame at the meeting of the City Selection Cornmittee on Friday, April- 22 for the purpose of appointing an alternate to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAI'CO) for a four-year term. Council Assiqnments 1983 County Counci 1 same. Mayor Crosby will represent the City at the San Mateo of Mayors meetings; other assignments will remain the Adj o urnment The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m The City Manager responded to Councifman Amstrup's question on status of a driving range. He outlined the complexities involved in terms of current leachate and horizontal methane studies, the Regj-onaI Water Quality Control Board and the need to get the freeway connection ap- proved through BCDC before discussion about widening Airport Boulevard, which pose three different afternatives going through the property. A minimum of two years were projected before options for dump property can be considered. t ,, 1 v'tt EVELYN H.. HILL City Clerk