HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1984.12.1464 BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING December .l4, 1983 Mayor Irving Amstrup convened the Study l'leeting of the Buri ingame City Council in Conference Room B of Burlingame City Hall at 8: 25 p.m. on the above date following the adjourned regular meeting. PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, MANGINI, MARTIN, AND PAGLIARO ABSENT : NONE STAFF PRESENT: ARGYRES, C0LEMAN, i'40NR0E COUNCIL MEETING CALENDAR I984 After rev iewi ng the Study Sessions on th with the exception o the fi rst and third January any possible djscussion of a merger mission and the Beautification Commission. Counc i issue the Ci who mi Clerk. dra effJ Mon ft calendar for 'l984, the Counc'il decided to hold irst Wednesday after our regular Monday meetings u1y I1. Regular Council Meetings will continue on days of the month at B:00 p.m. of the Park and Recreation Com- COMMISSION VACANCIES Council reviewed the cument status of commissioner vacancies. it was de- ance reports on each commissione ommission. Council then discussed the ested by Councilman Pagiiaro. It was two comm iss ioners concern'ing their ubmit to Counc'i I every six months attend- Council then decided to defer until cided that Councilman Mangini an two vacancies on the Civil Servi Counci lwoman Barton and Pag'l iaro Commi ss'ion vacancy and Counci I ma on the Traffic, Safety and Parki comm iss i oner attendance reports decjded that the Mayor would tai attendance. Staff was di rected I dir on th ty Ma ght b d Amstrup would conduct interv'iews for the ce Commission. Earl ier, Council had appointed to interview for the upcoming Planning n Mangini and Martjn for the two vacancies ngc req u ktotos r, CITY CLERK VACANCY The Council reviewed the three alternatives for filljng the City Clerk vacancy' as outlined by the City Manager. It was the consensus of the maiority of the Counc i I that t individual for the cons i der placing t on the June ]984 b hey favor alternative three which was to appojnt a qualified unexpired term of City Clerk unt'i I November 'l985 and he issue of elected versus appointed City Clerk and Treasurer allot. Councilman Pagliaro voiced his support for an elected City Clerk and Treasurer. PPORT FOR RENEWAL OF LICENSES FOR HYDROELECTRIC PLANTS ected staff to prepare the necessary resolution for placing the e June ballot for a regular meeting. They also requested that nager solicit interest from existing City staff of those indiviuals e interested in being appointed to the unexpired term of City P. G. & E. REQUEST FOR SU The City Council reviewed the literature submitted by P. G. & E. requesting that Council support their position for renewal of I icenses for hydroeiectricplants. A number of municipally-owned electric systems has submitted a competing application to P" G. & E. before t Commission for the hydroelectric plants as t plants expire. Repre sentat i aves of P. G. & Counci lman Pagl iaro and Councj lwoman Barton did not wish to act on this item until theyIt was concluded that the Counc'il will reque materjal concerning the appljcation competin on the same agenda as P. G. & E. at a regula he Federal Energy Regu ) atory he Federal I icenses on those E. outl ined their position. expressed an opinion that they had heard from the other s'ide. st that a representative or g with P. G. & E. be placed r meet ing in January. 0T!1ER (Q]RA!j!MI!) SETT LEMENT AGREEMENT, I'4ASTER WATER SALES CONTRACT, SAN FRANCISCO WATER Mayor Amstrup briefly reviewed the status of the Draft Settlement Agreement with San Francisco Water as discussed at the recent Peninsula tiater Agency meeting. The current litigation and negotiations have been going on for over ten years. In January and February Council will have an opportun'ity to review and act upon the final settlement agreement. MEETING LAFCO/ClTY (AIRPORT BOULEVARD IN SAN MATEO) The Mayor and City Manager reviewed a recent meeting with LAFCO concerning Ajrport Bouievard v'/ithin the City of San Mateo. As part of the Dissolu- tion Hearings of the Reclamation District, LAFC0 has requested that the C ity consider jmprovements t old easement agreement with that any improvements al ong with improvements on the eas the City has a long term int The City Manager was directe q uest i on of ongoing maintena fg irport Boulevard as part of a twenty-year Reclamatjon Distjct. It is the City's pos.ition port Boulevard jn San Mateo must be combined ide of Peninsula Avenue, It was agreed thatst in upgrading the current two-lane road, o discuss with the City of San Mateo the of the existing roadway. This item is on OA the Airts eredt nce the LAFC0 agenda for December, but will be continued until a later date. BANYON BAY The City Attorney advised the Council that Banyon Bay will be requesting a rehearing for their amusement permit at the January 3 Council Meeting, Council discussed the desire of having an executive session at 7:30 p.m, on that date to discuss our pending litigation. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. -+'"4^*z-D?A Evelyn H. Hill Cjty Clerk OD 63 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA December .i4, ]983 The du 1y not i ced ,adjourned rygu'la1 qee!tIS o Cjty Councjl was 00 p. m. The meet-held on the above iate Tn Conference Room B o ing was cal led to order by Mayor Irving S. Am PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON' I'4ANG]NI, I,IARTIN, PAGLIARO ABSENT : NONE STAFF PRESENT: ARGYRES, C0LEMAN, MONROE CONSIDERAT]ON OF SETTING PUBLIC HEARING FOR COUNCIL REVIEt,J OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION, RAMADA HOTEL Mayor Amstrup asked the Council if anyone wished to "ca1 I up" the Ramada Hotel Project for the January 3, 1984 Councii Meeting. The City Planner displayed the plans showing the project and reviewed the Planning Commissjon's actions. She stated that the Planning Cornmission voted 7-0 for the two special permits. The Councjl did not wish to "ca11 up" the item at thls time. URGENCY ORDINANCE I263 REGULATING STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES IN UNDERGROUND TANKS The City Manager explained that unless the City has its own ordinance by January l,l9B4, State law pre-empts city control in thjs area. Chapter 1046 was adopted by the last session of the Californ.ia Legislature establishing detajled State laws for the control of underground storage of hazardous substances. Staff feels that the best approach at this tjme is to adopt an ordinance before January I so that we are protected while the legal questions are worked out and clarifying iegislation is prepared. Staff recommends that the San Mateo County 0rdinance be adopted by reference as an emergency measure so that it can amended as needed later. After discussion, Councjlmember Barton moved adoption of Ordinance 1263, seconded by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. GRANADA ROYALE HOMETEL The City Manager stated that Robert M. Blunk, Architects for Granada Royale Hometel, have requested an additional extensjon of six weeks, to March 2, 1984, for their Traffic Allocation Construction Schedule. Council approved the six-week extension for all jtems on the previousiy approved proiect construction schedule except that the occupancy date of January 2.l ,1986 would remain the same. Mayor Amstrup closed the adjourned regular meeting at 8:25 p.m. * >r4aratu f the Bur 1 i ngamef Cjty Hall at 8: strup. Evelyn H. Hill City Clerk