HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1983.10.1747 CAIL TO ORDER A dul-y on the c a1le d BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA October 17, 19 83 noticed, regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was heLd above date in the City Ha11 Council Chambers. The meeting wasto order by Vice Mayor Irving S. Amstrup at 8:05 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by City Attorney, Jerome F. Coleman. ROLL CALL REVIEW OF SPECIAL PERMIT FOR APPARENT WIDTH AT 450 AIRPORT AND PARKING VARIANCE FOR 410 FOR BURLINGAME GROUP PROJECT AI RPORT City Planner reviewed her memorandum of October 12 in which she recom- mended council hold one public hearing on both requests and take action separately on each request. She noteil that another condition should be added as condition J-9, for the special permit, which was inadvertentlyleft off her report. Planning Commission rules require that a motion must harze the suppor:t of a ma'ioritv of the ent,ire Commission (four votes).Planning Commission moved to approve the special permit by a vote of threeto one. The motion was denied. Parking variance was approved. Councilman Martin conf j-rmed that the parking variance is not for the Burlingame Group Project but for the neighboring property, the boat restaurant. Vice Mayor Amstrup opened the public hearing. Mark Hornberger, arch j-tect forthe proposed three story hotelhotel will be below the hotel; unusual shape of the lot. the Burlingame croup Project, reviewed and two restaurants. A11 parking for the special permit is needed because of the There being no other comments, the hearing was closed. Council approved of the project and its 1ow profile. Councilwoman Barton moved to reverse the Plannj-ng Commj-ssion deniaf and approve the special permit with 19 conditions. Seconded by CouncilmanMartin, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote of members present. Councilman Martin moved to approve the parking variance for the boat restaurant with conditions and findings of City Plannerrs memorandum. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanj-mously by ro11 call voteof members present. PETITION TO KEEP THREE DOGS AT 1501 BERNAL City Attorney reviewed his memorandum of October 12 in which he recom- mended council grant this petition to keep three dogs. City 1aw limits the number of dogs on a site to two, however council may grant a permit when a petition is sent containing signatures of a majority of adult residents within 400 feet of the boundaries of the premises of appl-icant. Diane Segarini has presented such a petition to council. Dogs are elderly, eleven to thirteen years of age; Hunane Society reports dogs are well cared. for in excellent facilities; county health department has received complaints about biting flies in area but found no evidence that they are breeding on Segarini property. Health Department did caution that water should not go under fence along adjacent property when cement is washed down . Vice Mayor Amstrup opened the public hearing. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: AMSTRUP, BARTON, MARTfN COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: CROSBY (iII), MANGINI (vacation) MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 3, 1983 were approved. 48 Speaking i.n favor of the petition was Clare VanDeweghe, 1480 Vancouver and Diane Segarini, applicant. Mrs. Segarini stated she would installa gutter along the adjacent property to keep water from washj-ng ontothat property. Speaking in opposition was Mrs. Snyder, 1505 Bernal . Dogs are 20 feet from her bedroom and keep her awake at night; feared dogs jumping on fence and knocking it over, has smalf children who could be hurt. If dogs were in garage at night, woul-d not be so noisy. Vice Mayor Amstrup closed the public hearing. Council discussed at some length. I4rs. Segarini said garage is used for storage and canrt put dogs j-n it. Dogs are l-abrador retrievers. This is a problem that should be worked out between neighbors. Most of neighbors do not object to dogs. Councilwoman Barton moved to grant request to keep three dogs subject to install-ing gutter. Seconded by Councilman Martin, carried unani- mously by ro11 call- vote of members present. Mr. Dellacasa stated he is bothered by barking dogs in his neighbor- hood. Council noted public hearing is cfosed; this is not pertinent to the issue since Mr. Dellacasa lives in different area. REVIEW OF BANYAN BAY RESTAURANT AMUSEMENT PERMIT MEETING CONTINUED TO NEXT City Attorney's memorandum of october 13 recommended council continue this item to the next meeting. At the last meeting the new owners were instructed to submit a new amusement permit application and plans for remodeling the restaurant. They have just recently done so and staff has not had time to prepare a report to council. Council continued Banyan Bay amusement permit to November 7 meeting. (LA BAIE)T,IITHDRAW REOUEST FOR EXTENSION OT' HOURS FOR GUYS Guys 'n' GaIs letter of October 14 requested council withdraw request for extension of hours of their amusement permit due negative reports from Cit5r Attorney and Police Department. REOUEST FOR CABLE TV AGREEMENT RATE INCREASE RESOLUTION 92-83 AMENDING theto the City Manager reviewed his memorandum of October 12 in whic mended councif approve the rate increase of approximately to be effective January L, 1984, for existing customers an 1, 1983 for new customers. He had held a public hearing o and no comments were received. h 14 d n he recom-.3 percent, Novembe roctober 7 Councif dj-scussed with City Manager and Richard Graham the possibility of Pacific Cable deregulating. Under state taw, Pacific Cabfe could exempt itself from city regulation or control for rates and charges. Mr. braham stated Pacific Cable is quite happy with its relationship with the city and is not considering deregulation at this time- There was some discussion of the charges for remote controls and the problems with these devices. Councilman Martin moved to adop t Resolution 92-83 amending the agreement carrie dto allow rate increase. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, unanimously by roll call vote of members present. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. RESOLUTION 93-83 AWARDING CONTRACT FOR STREET RESUREACING JOB 24I City thi s Engineer's memorandum of October 12 recommend.ed councif award contract to o'Grady Paving in the amount of $272,458.24. 2. RESOLUTION 94-83 AMENDING LEASE AND PARKING AGREEMENT WITH SHERATON Attorney I s memorandum of this agreement which will- October 12 recornmended council author- supercede Resolution 72-83.City ize 49 3 4 RESOLUTI ON SERVICE TO 95-83 - IN SUPPORT OF EXTENSION OF' PEN]NSULA COMMUTE NEW DOWNTOWN TERMINAI, REQUEST HOMETEL FOR EXTENSION OF TIME LINE FOR COMPLETION OF GRANADA ROYALE PROJECT, ].5 O ANZA BOULEVARD City Plannerr s memorandum of October 12 recommended council reviewthe request and grant a three month extension of time 1ine. City Planner's memorandum of October 12 recommended council review request and. grant an extens j-on to November 1, 1983. 6 RESOLUTION 96- 83 WITH THE TOWN OF - APPROVING PARTIAL PRETREATMENT EXEMPTTON AGREEMENT H I LLSBOROUGH Director of public Works memorandum of October Council approve agreement with Hj-llsborouqh in State regulations. 12 recommended accoralance with Councilman Martin moved. approval of the Consent Calendar. Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by ro11 call votepresent. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Council-woman Barton moved approval of Warrants 18460 audj-ted, in the amount of $1,139,222.24. Seconded byMartin, carried unanimousll' by voice vote. Seconded by of members 18797, duly Counc i lman 2 P ROCLAIMI NG I4ATEO-BURT,I I{GAME AUXI LIARY WEEK "OCTOBER 2 4-28 ,1983 Vice Mayor Amstrup proclaimed next week San Mateo-Burlingame Auxiliary Week in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Auxiliary of StanfordChildren's Hospital and directed a proclamation be prepared. OLD BUSINESS - MTCIBART Councifman Martin objected to editorial comments made recently in thepress and by legislative aides regarding his stand on BART. He reiter- ated that he does not object to BART but does not feel that the county can afford BART. It is paying half cent tax to support SAMTRANS and would have to pay another half cent for BART. nis objection has beenin the handling of the public hearings by MTC and their lack of in- formation regarding what these public hearings would present to thepublic. Vice Mayor Amstrup stated he has fought BART because he does not want a storage yard in Burlingame. Vice Mayor Arnstrup also commented on the objections by Mayor Feinstein when the Blue Angels flew over San Francisco during Fleet Week. He noted she is not concerned about the thousands of planes that fly overthe Peninsul-a. ACKNO!{LEDGMENTS 1 Commission Minutes: Library Board, September 20; and Planning Commiss j-on, october 11, I983. Letters of resignation from two Beautification Commissioners,Nita Perry and A1len Levy. Vice Mayor Amstrup directed letters of appreciation be sent to them. 3. Letter of commendation to Eagle Scout John Frederick Yeager. 4. Letter from Burlingame Braves Semi-Pro Baseball Team regardingtheir interest in improving the washington Park Grandstand. Councilwoman Barton moved approval of Payroll Checks 44814 - 45484 for the month of Septenber 1983 in the amount of $552,552.02. Seconded by Council-man Martin, carried unanimously by voice vote. At the last meeting, council had requested this resolution in support of extension of commute service to a new downtown terminal. 5 REQUEST EOR EXTENSION OF TIME LIMIT FOR SUBMITTAL OF RAMADA INN REVISED PLANS 5U Vice Mayor Amstrup asked that this be brought before a Study Meeting. 5. Police Department Reports of August and September 1983. 6. Proclamation "Safe Schools Week" October 24-28, 1983. 7. Letter from Congressman Lantos requesting use of Council Chambers for public hearing on teen suicides on November !9, 1983. Council had no objections to this use. 8. Fire Department Report for third quarter of 1983. 9. Treasurerrs Report, September 30, 1983. 10. Letter from Peninsula Rail 2000 requesting meeting with council to discuss transportation problems of the Peninsula. Vice Mayor Amstrup requested this group be invited to a Study Meeting. FROM THE FLOOR Jim Murray requested Council take action to have lights repaired at Bayside Park for children playing soccer. ADJOURNMENT Meeting regularly adjourned at 9:l-5 p.m. YJ 7J;/-L lyn . Hill City Clerk