HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1983.09.19.'l 11o, BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA September 19, 1983 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed, regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City HaIl Council Chambers. The meeting was cal-1ed to order at 8:05 p.m. by Vice Mayor Irving S. Amstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Chief of Police, Alfred J. Palmer. ROLL CALL COUNC]LMEMBERS PRESENT :AMSTRUP, BARTON, MANGINI, MARTIN cRosBY (i1l-)COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTE S Minutes of the regular meeting of September 7, 1983, \r7e re approved. S TUDENTS Vice Mayor l\mstrup noted the presence of a large number of government class students from loca1 high schools and welcomed them to the meeting. CONTINUE APPEAI, HEARING OF CONDOMINIUM AT 1114 PALOMA David Carr, attorney representing the applicant, requested continuance to the next meeting. Vice Mayor Amstrup set hearing date for October 3, 1983. APPEAI OF SIGN EXCEPTION - CAIIFORNIA BAR AND GRILL, 241 CAIIFORNIA DRIVE City Planner reviewed her memorantlum of September 13 in which she recom- mended council hold publ1c hearing and then make a determination on thj-s appeal , vice Mayor Amstrup opened the public hearing. Council- discussed with Mr. Appenrodti months; were not aware of sign code; si-te. Vice Mayor Amstrup closed the public hearing. Council expressed its concerns about businesses which are not aware of sign code and noted that a letter has been developed which will be given to each new business to make them aware of city reguirements regarding signs. Councilmembers were pleased with this new business; this site has been a problem previously; the sign is the same size as was on site pre- viously; there are exceptional cj-rcumstances with this site. Councilman Mangini stated city has a sign ordinance and people must conform with it. Councilman Martin moved to overrule the P1anning Commission due to special circumstances with this property and grant sign exception with conditions noted in City Planner's memo. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried by ro11 call vote of members present, Councilman Mangini voting no. CONTINUE APPEAL HEARING BURLINGA}IE OF SIGN EXCEPTTON FOR PERSONAL TOUCH, f21] Vice Mayor Amstrup noted. request from owner to continue to next meeting. Jim Appenrodt, one of or^7ners of site, pointed out that the site is off of California Drive, actually on Highland, and therefore is difficult to see from the road; traffic travels 35 mph on California Drive making it more difficult to notice his restaurant; building is very tal1, needs larger sign; auto dealers in area have very large signs; and neighboring auto parts store has very large sign. owners have been on site for 9 sign is same size as former sign on 38 Hearj-ng set for October 3, 1983. PUBLIC HEARING - SITE AND CONTENT CONTINUED OF GARAGE SECOND READING SAIES ORDINANCE ].257 LIMITING City Attorney reviewed background of this ordinance. At the last meeting, council ordered. revision to include family sa1es. Vice Mayor Amstrup opened the public hearj-ng. There being no 6oiiunents, the hearing was closed.. Councilman Mangini moved adoption of Councilwoman Barton. Ordinance l257. Seconded bv Councilman Martin noted a recent garage sale on Caf ifornj-a Drive where three garages were involved. He was concerned about not allowing res-idents to use front yard area for sa1e. Over the years there have been few complaintsi there was just this one bad situation which precipitated this ordinance. This will be an impossible job for the Pol-ice Department to control. The motion carried on Martin voting no. ro11 cafl vote of members present, Councilman SCHEDULE APPEAL IIEARING FERIAI, IS DELI , 840 STANTON ROAD Vice Mayor Amstrup noted a request for appeal hearing from Ferial's Deli. Hearing was schedufed for October 3 meeting. BANYAN BAY RESTAURANT - 327 LORTON - RENEWAL OF AMUSEMENT PERMIT City Attorney reviewed his memorandum of September 15 in which he re- viewed previous council action granting a three month permit with con- ditions. To this memo he attached a letter from Banyan Bay dated September 12 requesting extension of the hours for music and dancing to 1:00 a.m. nightly. They also suggest fencing the private part of parking fot from the publ-ic parking area in order to alfeviate the towing a\day of i1legaIIy parked cars. City Attorney noted that there is a correctior,-. to the polj-ce report in that eight cal1s were received about Banyan Bay rather than four. Vice Mayor Amstrup opened the public heari-ng. Mark Engleman introduced himself as a former owner and then introduced the new owner of Banyan Bay, Robert Price. Robert Price, 895 Balboa, Foster City, outlined his proposals for the establ-ishment. He intends to move the dancing area to the middle area of the establishment where there are no windows which will reduce greatly the noise conducted to the outside. The front area will be used as a bar and holding area for people waiting to enter the disco. He was in total agreement with the idea of fencing the parking lot. He would have uniformed patrolmen controfling parking 1ot and employees would clean up the outside area after closing every night. He requested council extend the dancing hours to 1:30 through Saturday nights and then review the amusement 90 days. In answer to counciL questions, Mr. Price explained that the bar facing Lorton will be area for serving funches and waiting area for disco at night; dining room will be moved to storage area on Lorton and present aiij-nq room \"/i11 be dance areal bar area will only have piano music. Councilman Martin suggested Banyan Bay be given a very in order to come up with reasonable plans and go to the fire departments to find out what they need to do. a.m. Thursdaypermit again in short extensionbuilding and Mr. Price stated he had met with the Fire Inspector existing fire exits on the sitei the onl-y problem the dining area and it is not a bearing waIl. Councilman Martin stated he would not approve this everything in writing. that day ,is moving there a wall without seeing Vice Mayor Anstrup asked for any other comments from the public' arein 39 Speaking against the amusement permit was Susan McCubbin, 309 Lorton.She stated the security guards don't do anything; they pick up a fewbottles and disappear; they never sweep up broken bottles, her neighborshave had fLat tires from broken glass. She has not seen a securiiyguard in two months; the tow-away signs do no good; music noise isterrible, the doors are left open and noise is worse 1l to 12 p.m.;police say they have no power to make them turn down musici she hasgiven up calling to complain about the noise because nothing is everdone about her ca11s. She asked that the permit be lifted this night. Harry Graham, 1324 Pal-oma, stated he was neither for or against, butnoted he has had to have cars towed. away the next day. He said theparking 1ot would have to be closed off to use by Banyan Bay to elimin-ate this problem, Edith May, 215 Lorton, stated much of the problem was coming come from that estabfishment. she was nei-ther for from Grandfather I s nor against. She feltPizzai all the bottles Maria Galindo, owner of business on Burlingame Avenue, stated she wasnot bothered by noise (in answer to council question, her business isnot open at night); this is a public parking fot, litter is not just caused by Banyan Bay; thinks council should grant them a permit. In answer to council question, Mr.bottfes; conversion of business to margi na1 . Price stated they do not serve anyrestaurant (no dancing) would be Councilman Marti-n noted "being on the take. " He statement and suggested Attorney . that Ms. Mccubbin had accused the police asked that she confirm that she had made she take her accusations to the District of thi s Vj-ce Mayor Amstrup dec]ared aat 9:15 p.m. with all members recess at 9:10 p.m. Meeting reconvenedpreviously present. HISTORIC PRESERVATION OF BURLINGAME AVENUE TRAIN STATION REQUEST FROM POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR ADDITIONAL CUSTODIAI, SERVICE City Managerrs memorandum of September t4 reviewed theChief dated September 13 requesting council authorizecustodial staff from 3/4 lo fu11 time person. request ofan increase Policein Council-man Mangini moved to approve this ful-L by CounciLman Martin, carried unanimously by time voi ce pos ition . vote, Se conded. Councilwoman Barton said council trys to listen to all citizens butcouncil will not close d.own a business because of complaints by onecitizen. Councilman Martin moved to extend the amusement permit with same con-ditions until the meeting of October 17, when the applicant must presentspecific plans and comments from city departments. Seconded by Council- man Mangini, carried unanimously by rotl call vote of members present. RECES S Ms. Mccubbin stated she had no proof of this but that she had said shesuspected they were on the take. She also stated there had been morephone calls to the police than were noted in their report. Chief of police said all police ca1ls are recorded. Councilman Martj-nrequested these be researched to check for any other cal1s made con-cerning Banyan Bay. City Manager reviewed his memorandum of September 14 in which he notifiedcounciL of the denial of our grant appl-ication. He suggested approachingCalTrans with a plan to preserve the station without grant funds. ffcity is wil]ing to match CafTrans on the roof project, as it has donewith the painting and stucco patchingf we may be able to receive CalTransapproval without grant funding. The current engineer estimate of theroof project is $115,000 which would require an increase in city con-tribution of $57,500 for a total of $63,500 and a match from CalTrans. City Council approved of this concept. City Manager vri1l, approachCalTrans for approval of the project. 40 COMMISS IONER I S TERM EXPIRATIONS City Managerts memorandum of September 15 reviewed a list of commis-sioners ryhose terms wifL be expiring in the next fevr months. Some of these commissioners are asking to be reappointed to a second term. With approval- of council, Vice Mayor Amstrup reappointed Mildred Hagstrom to the Beautification Commission; Shefley craham, Nancy Lindstrom and Brian May to Park and Recreation Commission. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Martin inquired about the resolution regarding parking ticket processing. City Manager explained that this will bring in the same arnount of revenues and relieve the water office of processing parking tickets. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE TELEVISION ANTENNAS AMEND]NG REQUIREMENTS FOR RADfO ANDI City Plannerrs memorandum of Septemlcer 13 recommended council troduce this ordinance which would revise the cityrs antenna quirements to require a special permit for any antenna which ceeds the building height designation for a zone. RESOLUTION 85-83 - AUTHORIZING EXECUTION CESSING AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND COUNTY OF PARKTNG TICKET PRO- 1n-re- ex- 2 3 City Manager's memorandum of September 13 recommended prove the agreement with county for processing parking TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR 9 UNIT CONDO - 1221 OAK council ap- tickets. GROVE City Engineer's memoran dum of cur with Planning Commission 13 recommended council con- this tentative map. Septembe r and approve 4. SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR FENCE AT 3OO BAYSWATER Associate Engineer's memorandum of September 8 recommended counci] approve this permit as conditioned. Councilman Mangini moved approva] of the Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously present. Cons entby ro11 WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Councifman Mangini moved approval of warrants 18136 - 18459, duly audited, in the amount of $948,081.02. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton' carried unanimously by voice vote. Councilman Mangini moved approval of Payroll Checks 441-04 - 44813 for the month of August 1983 in the amount of $568,444.4L. Seconded by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously by voice vote. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS1. C ommassaon nutes: Civil- Service, August 9, Beautification, September 1; Planning, Septedler 12, 1983. 2. Proclamations: Honoring Bill Royer; and White Cane Days,/Lions Club. 3. Letter from Supervisor Jackie Speier requesting council appoint UN Day chairman. 4. Treasurerrs Report, August 31, 1983. BURLINGAME MAN OF THE YEAR Vice Mayor Amstrup suggested that Mayor Crosby be nominated as Man of the Year. NEW POLICE STATION OPEN HOUSE Calendar.call vote Seconded byof members City Manager announced that an Open Station on September 29 from 5 to 7 House will be held at the new Po]ice p.m. The public is invited. I 4L MTC - BART PLANS Councj-lman Martin noted that during the July MTC meeting represent- atives of MTC stated they had no idea \,rhat plans BART would be pre- senting. Councilman Martin had told them what he expected would be presented, and that is exactly what has been presented to the public recently. SAN MATEO TII{ES REPORTER LEAGUE OT' CALIFORNIA CITI ES ANNUAL CONFERENCE RESOLI]IIIONS City Manager noted this packet which was distributed tonight. He re- quested council members review and discuss any concerns with Council- man Martin who witl be attending this conference as their representative. ADJOURNMENT Meeting regularly adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Vice Mayor Amstrup noted that Janet Parker, who reports on council meetings for San Mateo Times, will be on leave of absence. t ,,| i-; 1 4s-t/ 2,-, I Eve lyn ,fli 11City Clerk