HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1983.09.0730 BURLINGA.I{E, September CAIfFORN 1A 7, 1983 CALL TO ORDER A dul-y on the cal1ed notj-ced, regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held above date in the City Hafl Council Chambers. The meeting was to order by Mayor Wi]liam J. Crosby at 8:08 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGfANCE TO THE FLAG Leal by the City Attorney, Jerome F. Coleman. ROLL CALL COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI , MARTIN NONECOUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES Minutes of the Study Meeting of August 10, 1983 anil the Regular Meeting of August L5, 1983 were approved. PUBLIC HEARING - SECOND READING KEEPING OF CHICKENS ORDINANCE 1256 PROHTBITING THE City Attorney reviewed previous action regarding this ordinance. Council had recej-ved a complaint which j-nitiated this ordinance. Council wondered how many complaints city receives each year regarding chickens, and also how old was the original chicken ordinance. City Attorney replied city gets about two complaints per year. As to the age of the original ordin- ance, he would have to check further but it is very o1d. Mayor Crosby opened the public hearing. Speaking in favor of the ordinance was Mr. and Mrs. Krietter, 331 Lexington. They had lived in the same house for 29 years but the chickens next door were just too noisy. They suggested revising the present ordinance to reduce the number of chickens allowed to six and distance from homes to 50 feet. Tvo residents spoke against the ordinance, stating fresh eggs heafthier than store bought; chickens are not as noisy as dogs Burlingame is "country;" lots are not large enough to allow 50 around chickens. Mayor Crosby closed the public hearing. Jean Sircusa, 345 Lexington, cornmented chickens as roof rats, f1ies, and pigeons. invite other pests such Council discussed at length; perhaps this particular complaint was because neighbor had too many chickens and too close to property lines; if people comply with the current law there would not have been a com- plaint; perhaps the county health department should be involved. this ordinance. roll- call vote. are muchor cats;feet S eco nde dCouncilman Amstrup moved to take no action by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously on by toCouncil requested staff investigate site complying with the 1aw. RECES S Mayor Crosby declared a recess at 8:30 p.m 8:35 p.m. with all- members present. determine if peoPle are Meeting reconvened at PUBLIC HEARING - SECOND CONTENT OF GARAGE SALES READING - ORDINANCE 1257 LIMITING SITE AND city Attorney reviewed background on this ordinance. city had received two complaj-nts about a garage sale where people had hauled in material to be sotd. this ordinince will limit sale to driveway and require that peopte own material to be sold for at least six months before sale' He itatea these new rules will be given to people picking up garage sale permits . 3l- Mayor Crosby opened the publj-c hearing. There being no cornments, thehearing was c10sed.. Council expressed concerns about limiting to driveways. Some drivewaysare smal1, others are very large, this could be unfaj_r. Also was con-cern about neighborhood sa1es, this would discriminate against neighborsgoing together for a sa1e. present ord.inance al,lows people to have salesin their back yard; this could be more of a nuisance to a neighbor thanhaving sale in front yard. People who haul in goods for a sale are doingbusiness in their homes. Perhaps a complete inventory of merchandisefor saLe should be required. City Attorney wilt revise ordinance and. return it at next meeting. DONNELLYREVIEW OF PARKING VARIANCE FOR COMMERCIAI. BUILDTNG AT 722L City Planner reviewed. her memorandum of August 24 in which she reconunendedcouncil- hold public hearing and take action. council should also considertwo letters received. from applicant after agenda went out. Applicant isrequesting a variance for two off-street parking spaces for a new com-mercial building, off-street parking is not required for first floorretail but is required for the 2,000 square foot storage area on thesecond floor, Mayor Crosby opened the public hearing, asking for comments from theapplicant first. Lage Andersen, attorney representing the apptj-cant, reviewed the purchaseof the property before off-street parking district was formed. Owner wastold he could develop, was not aware that parking would be so severelylimited. If the variance is not aIlowed, the applicant \,/i1f not be ableto develop the property. Council discussed at length with Mr. Anderseni mezzanine w111 be forstorage with access by stair and conveyor belt; ground floor is for re-tail use; severe parking problems in the area; possibility of undergroundparking for the project; small size of propertyi possible rental dollarsavailable for the property. Councilman Martin suggested lowering the ceiling height of the mezzanine,thereby precluding any use other than storage. CounciLman Amstrup stated if plans on ceiling height were changed thisshould go back to Planning Commission. Applicant spoke briefly to use of the property.council stating his need to aehieve the best Mayor Crosby closed the public hearing. Mr. Andersen requested councilceifing height of mezzanine be go back to Planning Commission Councilman Martin moved to second floor be not over 6finished ceiling. put condition on approval of project thatlowered, then applicant woufd not have to again . approve the project with the condition that thefoot 9 inches from the finished ffoor to the Barton moved to reverse the Planning Comnission decisionvariance. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried on roll Coun c i lwoman and deny thecall vote: AYES: NOES: AMSTRUP,BARTON, MANGINI MARTI NCROSBY, Seconded by Mayor Crosby. Motion failing on ro11 call vote: AYES: CROSBY, MARTIN I L- xons: AMSTRUP, BARToN, MANGTNT l.l I 32 AMUSEMENT PERMITS 1. Gino's Restaurant, 1l-50 Paloma 2. Gu s and Gals (La Baie) , 800 Airport City Attorneyrs June 19 84. memorandurn of August 25 recommended renewal to Councilman Mangini moved renewal of amusement permit for Guys and Gals to June f984. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by voice vote. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUEST FOR FREE PARKING EXTENSTON City Manager reviewed his memorandum of August t9 to which he attached the Chamlrer letter of August 18 requesting extension of free parking for another year. Councilman Mangini moved to extend the free parking until after the chrj-stmas season. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup. Councilman Martin inquired if this request Board of the Cham.ber of Cornmerce. has been discussed by the Tony Taylor, \406 Burlingame Avenue, chairman of the Chamber Parking Committee, affirmed that the Chamber Board has approved this and he had Therealso surveyed the merchants and they were overwhelmingllz in favor. was one minor change they woutd like to request. The insert in the parking meters should have the Saturday stricken because there are many violations on Saturdays. too Council had no objection. cj_ty Manager reviewed his memorandum of August 25 to which he attached letler from Pacific Cable dated Auqust 23 requesting a rate increase. The city's cable TV ordinance directs the City Manager to hold a public hearing on the rate increase and make a recolunendation to council. upon councii review it may adopt the recorurendation or call for another noticed council public hearing. After our cable TV consultant, Hammett and Edison, review the franchise compliance requirements and Pacific cable submits its financial statements, city Manager will schedule the appropriate hearing. Council approved of City Managerrs p1an. council- inquired of any complaints about cable TV. city Manager replied that the litest was from an apartment owner \^lhose tenant had cable TV installed without knowledge and permission of owner. CABLE TV REQUEST FOR RATE INCREASE CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Amstrup inquired if the building be a metal building. Park Director assured will be metal it wifl not look like metal. referred. to in item 3 council that although wil l it I AUTHORIZE PARTICIPATION IN CONVE}ITION CENTER JOINT FEASIBILITY STUDY EOR CONFERENCE,/ City Manager's memorandum of August 29 city's commitment of up to $1I,200 to share of study cost. recommended councif reimburse County for autho ri ze Burlingame's RESOLUTION 79-83 - AUTHORIZE COOPERATIVE PRESERVATION OF BURLINGAME AVENUE TRAIN AGREEMENT WITH CAITRANS STATION FOR2 council approve and CalTranscity Manager's memorandum of August 23 recommended the agreement whereby city would contribute 95,000 Applicant was not present, again. Item held over to next meeting. Councilman Mangini moved to extend free parking until the end of January and to remove the word Saturday from the meter insert. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carrj-ed unanimously by voice vote. r) c) O,J 3 RESOLUTfON 80-83 - AWARDING CONTRACT - YARD BUILDING - PROJECT 728 WASHINGTON PARK CORPORATION Park Directorr s memorandum of August 30 reconmended council awardbid to Page Construction in the amount of $l-29,064. 4. RESOLUTION 81-83 - AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN ENGINEER - MORRELL/CAROLAN DRAINAGE PROJECT 304 Director of Public Works memorandum of August 3 approve agreement for design services with MBC2 amount of $43,760. 0 recommended council Consultants in the JAMES - PROJECT RESOLUTION 82-83 - AUIHORTZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH CARROLL & ASSOCIATES FOR DESIGN OF SANCHEZ LAGOON DREDGTNG 311- 6 Director of Publ-ic works recommended approval of agreement with James Carroll & Associates for design and strategy of Sanchez Lagoon dredg- ing in the amount of $36,934. RESOLUTION 83-83 PROJECT 243 ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS PAINTING OF CITY BUTLDINGS- City Engineer's memorandum of August 31 recommended council accept these improvements. The original contract amount was $13,200 but several deductions were made because of damages done by contractor. Total amount to be paid contractor, incluiling ehange order one, is $9, 865.63. RESOLUTION 84-83 - AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH TETER CONSULTING - ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PUMP STATION ALARM SYSTEM - PROJECT 307 Director of Public Works memorandum of August 31 recommended council approve agreement with Teter Consulting for proposal to design, manufacture, install and service the Pump Station A1arm System for sewer and water, the amount not to exceed $51000. 8. CLAIMS: (1) JOSEPH ASHE; (2) HILARY FORD/,CSA:4 9 SIX MONTH EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE MENT - ].008 EL CAMINO REAL - MAP SUBDIVISION MAP FOR SIX UNIT DEVELOP- 81-f0 7 City Engineer's memorandum of Augustwith Planning Commission and grant an which is under construction. 31 recommended councll concur extens j-on to this project IO. APPROVE PURCHASE OF TRUCK FOR PARK DEPARTMENT Park Director's memorandum of August 30 recommended council approve $7,000 appropriation from contingency reserve for purchase of mid-size truck which was previously builgeted for the 82-83 fiscal year. Councilrnan Amstrup moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by rolI call vote. OLD BUSINESS - SEWER TREATMENT PLANT METAL BUILDING Councilman Amstrup requested council discuss the unattractive metalbuilding at the sewer treatment plant at a Study Meeting. NEW BUS INESS APPEAL HEARINGS Request for appeal hearings were received from: 1. Lynae Folks and Danny Parodi for a sj-gn exception at Personal Touch, 1211 Burlingame Avenue. 2. Phillip Dixon and Paloma Associates for a condominium at 1114 Paloma. $5,000 for repair of train station. Private conmunity contributionsare also being sought to compl-ete the project. 5 City Attorney's memorandums recommended denial . I 6,-lO:t 3. James Appenrodt and Donal-d Joost of California Bar and Gri11 for sign exeeption at 241 California Drive. Mayor Crosby set hearings for next meeting, September 19, 1983. City Manager mentioned that Banyan Bay Restaurantrs amusement permit will come up for review at the next meeting. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1. Commission Minutes: Civil Service; July L2i Beautification, August4i Library Board, August 1-6; Planning, August 22, 1983. Councilman Martin inquired about the new eligibility list for Police Officers referred to in the Civil Service minutes. City Manager ex-plained that the new list is one in which new eligibles will be mergedwith the existing list. Letter from Project REACH thanking council for Revenue Sharing funds. Letter from Pacific Cable TV regarding di-scontinuance of Channel 52. Letter from League of California Cities in response to city's in- vitation to hold League annual conference in Burlingame. 2 3 4 ADJOURNMENT Meeting regularly adjourned at l-0:05 p.m. qJ il/Zf' Eve n Hill City Clerk c