HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1984.11.05L76 BURLINGAME, No vemb er CALIFORNI A 5, L984 CALL TO ORDER A duly noti-ced, regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date i-n the City Ha11 Council Chambers. The meeting was ca11ed to order at B p.m. by Mayor Irving S. Amstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by City Planner, Meg Monroe. ROLL CALL COUNC I LMEMBERS COUNC] LMEMBERS MINUTES Minutes of the PUBLIC HEARING FAIRFIELD ROAD PRESENT: ABSENT: Regular Meeting of 0ctober 15, RECONSIDERAT]ON OF DECISION FROM EL CAMINO REAL AMSTRUP, BARTON, MANGINI, MARTIN, PAGLIARO NONE L9B4 were approved. TO LIMIT ACCESS ONTO Director of Public Works reviewed his memorandum of 0ctober 30 in which he recommended council hold public hearing and direct staff. Council had voted to limit access from El Camino onto Fairfield by allowing no right turn from E1 Camino for a three month trial period. At the following meeting, representatives from McKinley School requested council reconslder this decision because parents use Fairfield in order to drop children off in front of the school and a different traffic configuration could endanger the children. Council set a public hearing for reconsideration for tonight. Mayor Amstrup opened the pub1lc hearing. Sheri Edwards, President of the McKinley PTA, spoke for reconsideration. She understood the Fairfield residentst concerns about speeding but suggested an alternative: install curbing to force a sharper right turn off E1 Camino. Eairfield is only 30 feet wi-de, but the i-ntersection is 90 f eet wide, by making it narrower and t.he turn sharper, people would naturally slow down to make the turn. Fred Heron, Principal of McKinley School, spoke in favor of reconslderation. He showed a map of the school area and the traffic pattern developed for the safety of dropping children off at school. He reviewed personal traffic counts he had made with cars fu11 of children being drlven down Fairfield. He agreed with Mrs. Edwards suggestion of narrowing the intersection for sharper right turn. Flora Thirwe11, resident of Paloma, supported the school representatj-ves. Traffic is difficult on those streets and is dangerous for the children. Fred Quandt, parent of McKinley student, spoke j-n support of school representaLives. Diva Coulter, 844 Fairfield, spoke against reconsideration. She noted that the school had twice stated it was not concerned about the changes on Fairfield. Now it is suddenly concerired. She suggested that Paloma be made one-way all the way to Broadway, since it is partially one-way now. This would relieve congestj-on and reduce danger to children. Fairfield could be made one-way the opposite direction. She noted that changes in the curbs would reduce parking spaces and parking is scarce on that street now. Hank Sauer, 840 Fairfield, spoke against. Traffic on Fairfield 1s too fast, he cantt 1et his children play outside. People are always against change but he didnrt believe the proposed changes to Fairfield would make a great impact. \ L77 Mr. Schubert, parent and resident, wondered if the speeding could be slowed with tfspeed bumps.tt Mrs. Coulter noted that she had originally suggested this idea Traffic Commission and they had said city does not al1ow these because of possible liability of the city for accidents caused bump s . to the bump s by Mayor Amstrup closed the public hearing. Councilman Martin noted that the Traffic, Safety, Parking Commission is advisory to council. Council discussed speed bumps. Director of Public h/orks agreed that staff recommends against their use due to possible liability. Council discussed raised pavement markers which are used as noisy warnings to slow people. Director noted one problem with these is that they may disturb the neighborhood with noise. Di-rector showed possible configuration of j-ntersection to make sharp right turn off E1 Camino; it could be done but might lead to more rear-end collisions. Council discussed right and left turns off Fairfield onto E1 Camino, and left and right turns off E1 Camino onto Fairf ie1d. Councilman Martln noted that many of the complaints heard tonight about thj-s proposal were the very reasons he had originally voted against this. He was not concerned about left turns but right turns onto Fairfield are more difficul-t; he was concerned about the possibility of rear-end collisions due to the nearness of this turn to the 0ak Grove intersection. Suggested an alternative to the sharp right would be the raised pavement markers to make noise and slow drivers. He thought these new proposals needed more study. He would also like to know CalTransr response Lo any ideas. Co unc i 1ma n if staff c residents together to PTA needs to Mayor limit Amstrup noted he on Fairfield. P ou an agliaro agreed that the issue needs more study. He asked 1d prepare a report by the next meeting. He suggested the d the school representatives might also want to sit down find a solutlon agreeable to all concerned. Perhaps the sit down with the police to talk about safety, too. woul-d like to see the police enforce the speed Council requested staff research all posslbilitj-es and come back with suggestions at the next regular should confer with CalTrans for its opinions a1so. mentioned meeting. tonight Sraff Mayor Amstrup declared a at B:55 with all members recess at 8:50 present. p . m. The meeting reconvened PUBLIC HEARING _ APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION ON SIGN EXCEPT]ON FOR RAMADA INN _ 1250 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY City Planner reviewed her memorandum of 0ctober 30 i-n which she recommended council hold public hearing and take action. Ramada is requesting an 89 square foot wa11 sign at the front of the Ramada building to direct traffic to the hotel 1obby. This sign would cause all signage on site to total 906.4 square feet;2OO square feet are allowed under current sign code. It was discovered at the time of application that Ramada did not receive a sign permit for the two Summerfield restaurant. signs also on the site; these two signs should be lncluded in the amount of signage, adding 53 square feet. Ramada's double faced pole sign totaling 756 square feet at a height of 59 feet does have a permit. Planning Commission denied this sign exception atits meetlng of 0ctober 9. Mayor Amstrup opened the public hearing. David Uman, Heath & Company sign company, reviewed the signage on the site; this is an o1d site and signs were designed before sign codelpatrons have a difficult time finding Ramada and its lobby; Ramada will eventually have to design a new sign program for the site. Mr. Uman at length; wondered Uman said no; agreed signage sign saying unfortunate but if is R ECES S i I I/ i I I Council discussed withttlobbytt would suf f ice, r-p!-l!-r L i :L t7B Ramada put the signs there, not the city, parking in front is difficult, 1f anything to the rear where parking is available. it is Ramada's a sign should problem; direct people Mayor Amstrup closed the public hearing. Mayor Amstrup noted Ramada has spent millions on its new hotel Francisco. l,/hy can't it af f ord to improve its Burlingame hotel in San signs. Councilman Mangini could find no justificatlon for a sign exception and moved to uphold the Planning Commission denial. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously on ro11 call vote. PUBLIC HEAR]NG _ SECOND READING COVERS ON MATER]ALS ON DTSPLAYS - ORDINANCE IN BUSINESS I29O - PROHIBITING CERTAIN ESTABL I SHMENTS City Attorney revlewed his memorandum of 0ctober 19 in which he recommended council adopt this ordinance. He reviewed the history of this ordinance. He noted a change made from the original ordinance whlch allowed the top two inches of a magazine to be visible; the change would al1ow no part to be visible and will apply not only to magazines and newspapers, but to video tapes and other media. Councilman Pagliaro wondered if this code section interfaces with the penalty section of the code. City Attorney replied yes. He was also concerned about making the storekeepers responsible for complying. City Attorney said the section stating "no person sha11 disp1ay..." refers to the storekeeper. Mayor Amstrup opened the public hearing. There being hearlng was closed. Councilman Mangini moved adoptlon of 0RDINANCE L29O, Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by ro11 call no comments, the Seconded by vote. TRAFFIC, SAFETY, PARKING COMMISSION REAPPO]NTMENT AND VACANCY Mayor Amstrup reappolnted Commissioner Abrahamson to his first fu11 three year term. He noted that there is now a vacancy on this commission and that he would appoint an interview committee at the Study Meeti-ng to f i11 the vacancy. TRAFFIC ALLOCATIONS - NOVEMBER 1985 City Planner reviewed her memorandum of 0ctober 29 in which she recommended council review the requests for schedule extension and project modification and take action. There are two requests before council, both for extensi-ons to time schedules. The Burlingame Group requests an extension of one year and three months. The other request is from Granada Royale Hometel whlch is asking for a four month extension because of redesign. The redesign reduces the hotel from 360 to 344 rooms and elimlnates the restaurant and parking structure. Additionally, the Ramada Inn has notified the city that they do not intend to build an addition to their hotel and have given up their traffic allocatlon. The Burlingame Group site is now owned by Burlingame Joint Venture I City received a letter from Pacific Urban Design dated November 1, representing Burlingame Joint Venture f, which agreed with staff recommendations to put off decision until the February 1985 traffic allocation. The Granada project has undergone some revisj-on due to review by BCDC, State Lands Commissions and contractors. Council reviewed and accepted the revisions since they are within the prior approved parameters. Councilwoman Barton moved to withhold action on Burlingame Venture I project until February 1985 and to grant a four extension to the Granada Royale Hometel project. Seconded Councilman Mangini, carrled unanimously by voice vote. City Planner noted that she had also included council of a two and one-ha1f month delay in Joint mon th by Council acknowledged the withdrawal of the Ramada expansion project. a the memorandum notifying Owen project. I ItI r i tt L79 GTE REQUEST FOR MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARAT]ON IdITHDRAh/N BY APPLICANT City Planner noted that she had received a telephone request from the applicants to withdraw this application to convert a warehouse into an office/computer/ storage facility at 1811 Adrian Road. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND MANAGEMENT LETTER - FISCAL YEAR B3_84 Clty Manager reviewed the Finance Directorfs memorandum of 0ctober 26 to which she attached the Financial Statements and the Management Letter with her response. She was pleased to report that the cityreceived only one Management Letter comment concerning fixed assetswhich the Finance Department is working to correct. Council complimented the Finance Director and Department on the finereport. RECLASS]FICATION OF FIRE FIGHTER TO CAPTA ]N City Manager reviewed the Fire Chieffs memorandurn of 0ctober 30 which recommended councj-1 approve reclassification of one fire fighter tocaptain. This is being proposed i-n order to expand career developmentand is scheduled to begin in January 1985. Councilman Martin moved approval of this reclassification. Secondedby Councilman'Mangini, carried unanimously by voice vote. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Mangini wondered if item rrcrr regarding tree pruning is forthe eucalyptus trees. City Manager reviewed cityrs goal ofprioritizing tree pruning and evenEually puEting tree pruning oncomputer. Councilwoman Barton noted PG&E had hired the same firm totrim trees and they did not appear to be experienced. City Managernoted the firm is required to use experienced workers on thiscontract. Councllman Pagliaro noted he would abstain from voting on item trkrr because of a conflict of interest 1n that he represents that firm. Councilman Martin noted the two items requesting additional inspectionfees. He hoped the city was not estimating these jobs too low or notsupervising the contract administraLion. Director of Public irtorksnoted the projects were underestimated and city had also planned onsupervising part of the jobs but lost some personnel. Mayor Amstrup wondered if item tt*,tt encroachment permit, was to runthe intercom lines on the telephone po1es. Director of Public Worksreplied yes if they can get permission from telephone company. a RESOLUT]ON 75_84 - AhIARDING CONTRACT FOR PUMP STATION ALARM ANDTELEMETRY JOB 307 Director of Public hlorks memorandum of 0ctober 30 recommendedcouncil award this contract to Uniface, Inc., of Belmont in anamount not to exceed $124,000. b RESOLUTION 76_84 I NFORMAT ION AUTHORIZING ACCESS TO CR]MINAL HTSTORY City Attorney t s memorandum of 0ctober 16 recommended counci-1adopt this resolution which is required by the state in order toal1ow city to obtain criminal history records for employment. R ESOLUTI ON 77_84 - Ah/ARDING CONTRACT TREE PRUNING JOB 425 Park Directorrs memorandum of 0ctober 26 recommended councilaward contract to Davey Tree Surgery Company for their bid of $Ssper man hour not to exceed $40,000 maximum. d. RESOLUTION 7B_84 ACCEPTING DEED FOR AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTIONOF WATER LINE EASEMENT FROM S OUTHERN PACIFIC - JOB 329 bc Director of Public L/orks memorandum ofcouncil accept this easement for waterat Sanchez Avenue. 0ctober 26 recommended main crossing of railroad I I 180 e RESOLUTION 79_84 - SUPPPORT]NG HIGHI{AY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS FEDERAL AID URBAN FUNDS Director of Public Works memo of 0ctober adopt resolution supporting FAU projecLs projects. 29 recommended councll and State Highway f RESOLUTION AMENDMENTS COLLECTION 25r BO-84 - AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF APPROVAL OF NO 1 AND 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR PREPARATION OF I^IASTEWATER AND TREATMENT SYSTEM MASTER FAC]LITIES PLAN PROJECT Director of Public Works memo of 0ctober 24 recommended council approve amendments to agreement with Geo. S. Nolte and Assoc- iates. Amendment 1 would cost $5,300 and 2 will cost $1,463. RESOLUTI0N B1-84 AI4TARDING C0NTRACT - REC0NSTRUCTI0N SEWER TRESTLE JOB 32I OF RAY PARKob City Engineerrs memo contract to !,/ingard $15,937. RESOLUTION 82-84 PROJECT JOB 4I4 of and 31 of 0ctober Seerley recommended council award this Fremont in the amount of h REJECTING ALL BIDS OAK GROVE STORM DRAIN City Engineerts memo resolution to reject engineer t s estimate. of 0ctober 31 recommended council adopt this all bids since they were significantly above 1 APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL INSPECT]ON FEES FOR EAST MILLSDALE STORM DRAIN REPA]R JOB 031 City Engineer's additional fees memo of october 31 recommended council approve of $3,404 to V11la1obos and Associates. (1) JEANNETTE BREI{STERi (2) PH0EBE R0BINS0N;j DENIAL OF CLA]MS: (3) SANDRA LUND a City Attorneyts memorandums recommended denial. FOR BELLEVUE AVENUEkAPPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL ]NSPECTION FEES RECONSTRUCTION JOB 237 City Engineerts memo of 0ctober 31 recommended council additional fees of $3,700 to Resource Engineering and TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP _ 623 ANSEL AVENUE City Engineer's memo of 0ctober 23 recommended council with Planning Commission and approve the subject maps condition that at least one building be removed before 1ot combination map. SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR OVERHEAD INTERCOM LINES BURL INGAME FORD _ B5_101 CALIFORNIA DRIVE 1 approve Mgt. concur wi th filing of m City Engineer t s memo of October the special encroachment permit conditions. 31 recommended for Burlingame council approve Ford with Councilwoman Barton moved approval of the Consent by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously by ro11 man Pagliaro abstaining from the vote on item ttk. Calendar. call vote, ll Seconded Council- NEW BUSINESS - REVIEW OF CARRUF HOTEL PROJECT Councilman Pagliaro requested council review of the Carruf Corporation Hotel project. Hearing would be November 19. SCI{EDULE APPEAL HEARING FOR BACKALLEY DELI Mayor Amstrup scheduled hearing for meeting of December 3, 1984. 181 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commission Minutes: 22, 1984. Library Board, 0ctober 16; Planning, 0ctober Letter of thanks to Recreatj-on Supervisor Riddle from Burlingame Intermediate School. Letter from Kenneth Foss regarding cars blocking sidewalks on Morrell Avenue. Police Chief stated this area was being watched. 4. Fire Department Quarterly Report September 1984. 5. Memos from City Manager and Police Chief regarding implementation of 911 program. 6. Proclamation: Hospice Month November 7984. 7. Letter from St. Paul's Episcopal Church thanking city for prompt and effecti-ve services regarding security and bees. B. Police Commendation to Sarah Anne Bennett of San Mateo for aiding children being harrassed by juveniles. 9. Anonymous letter regarding paint being dumped in sewers. Staff noted thi s is being investigated. 10. flemo from City Manager regarding newsracks. Councilman Martin uas pleased with the cooperation of San Francj-sco Newspaper Agency in installing modular newsracks for all newspaperst use. FROM THB FLOOR Karen Key, Chamber of Commerce Director, requested permission to address council at its Study Meetlng regarding placing Christmas lights on Burlingame Avenue. City i,lanager requested a written proposal f rom the Chamber. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:40 p.m JudiLh A. Malfarri City Clerk 1 2 3 I I IIIi