HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1984.10.15L73 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA October 15, I9B4 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed, regular meeting of the Burli-ngame City Council was held on the above date in the City Ha11 Council Chambers. The meeting was ca11ed to order at 8 p.m. by Mayor Irving S. Amstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGTANCE TO THE FLAG Led ROLL by combined Boy Scout and Cub Scout Troop 7O. CALL COUNCI LMEMBERS COUNCI LMEMBERS MINUTES PRESENT: ABSENT: AMSTRUP, BARTON, MARTIN, PAGLIARO MANGINI (excused, vacation) Minutes of the Regular Meeting change on second and third pagrrtenth f loor concierge f 1oor. tt 1, 1984 \^/ere approved torrtenth floor rooftt of October e referring after to PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMAT]ON ALPHA DELTA KAPPA I4/EEK Mayor Amstrup read a proclamation presented it to representatives. outstanding women educators. PUBL]C HEARING ORDINANCE I2B9 RESIDENTIAL UNITS ABOVE COOKING Delta Kappa Week and honorary sorority for for ADK A1 pha is an REQUIRING SMOKE DETECTORS ]N FACI LITIES City Manager reviewed Fire Chief's memorandum of August 29 in which he recommended council hold public hearing and take action. Council had reviewed this ordinance at its last Study Meeting. It will require installation of hard wired-smoke detection systems in all common areas of affected buildings. Mayor Amstrup opened the public hearing. There being no comments, the hearlng was closed. Councilman Co unc i lman present. Pagliaro moved adoption of ORDINANCE 7289. Seconded by Martin, carrj-ed unanimously by ro11 call vote of members 7 2-84 BF] RESOLUTION S ERV I CES AUTHORIZ]NG RATE INCREASE FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION City Manager reviewed his memorandum of 0ctober 8 in which he recommended council approve an 11.72 percent increase in garbage collection rates effective 0ctober 1, in accordance with the recommendation of the Transfer Station Joint Powers Agency Rate Review Committee and our Franchise Agreement. The basic rate would increase 69 cents per month for one 32 ga1lon can. A11 of the increase is attributable to projected fu11-year operating costs of the new transfer station. Councllman Pagliaro noted he would like this contract reviewed at aStudy Session next year. He also questloned the ttgratis servicett referred to in the BFI Revenue Requirements. City Manager and Richard Romanski, attorney representing BFI, noted this is a free pickupservices provided for the city ha11 and other city facilities atvarlous locations and is part of the original agreement. Councll discussed the possible ttannual yard cleanuptt and its costs. Councilman Martin moved adoption of RESOLUTION 72-84. Seconded by Council-woman Barton, carried unanimously by voice vote. i I I I I L74 RESOLUTION 73_84 _ AUTHOR]ZTNG BOULEVARD FROM BURLINGAME CITY MATEO FOR MA]NTENANCE OF COYOTE POINT DRlVE AGREEMENT LIMITS TO A I RPORT ]N SAN City Manager reviewed his memorandum of October 8 in which he recommended council approve this agreement with the City of San Mateo and the County. Councilman Pagliaro disliked agreeing to routinely repair a road outside the city. Contract appears to requi-re city Lo repair a major failure of roadway also. City Manager said a major failure would require participation of all three entities. Councilman Pagliaro asked if City of San Mateo had ever been approached to deed that roadway to Burllngame. City Manager noted the road is on County land and County has provided an easement to city. Councilwoman Barton did not see any value in owni-ng this roadway, then city would have to pay for entire upkeep; this contract provides that clty would pay 50 percent of reconstruction costs and City of San Mateo and County would each pay 25 percent. Councilwoman Barton moved adoptlon of RES0LUTI0N 73-84. Councilman Martin, carried on ro11 call vote of members Councilman Pagliaro voting no. Seconded by present, END OF TRIAL PERIOD FOR POSSIBLE MERGER OF PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AND BEAUTIF]CATION COMMISSION City Managerrs memorandum of 0ctober B recommended council refer to a Study Meeting. Commissions have been meeting jointly since February and at its last meeting voted against merger. Mayor Amstrup approval. referred to November Study Meeting with council's SAMTRANS BRIBFING AND F]ELD TR]P Three council members expressed an int.erest in attending this meeting. Council requested City Manager inqui-re 1f Councilman wants to attend upon his return and then notify SamTrans. December Mangini Councilman Martin briefly reviewed had attended; grade separations in CONSENT CALENDAR SCR 74 meeting he and City Planner Burlingame were discussed. 0n the contract for Engineering Services, it appears can change the rates in mid-contract. City Engineer engineer wanted the ability to change pay sca1e, but contracL price could not be changed. that the reviewed the total engineer that the 1 INTRODUCTION OF ORDTNANCE _ PROHIB]TING CERTAIN COVERS ON MATER]ALS DISPLAYED IN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS City Attorneyts memorandom of 0ctober 10 recommended council introduce this ordinance which would prohibit pornographic materials being displayed openly in businesses. 2 RESOLUTION 74_84 AUTHORIZING DESIGN OF MARSTEN PUMP STATION AGREE],IENT FOR ENG]NEERING SERVICES PROJECT 310 City Engineer t s memorandum of 0ctober 10 recommended council approve this contract for engineering services with Barrett, Harris and Associates in the amount of $90,382. 3. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director recommended duly audited, in the amount 53175 - 53837 for the month $599 ,654.78. approval of Warrants 22756 - 23068, of $1,093 ,078.64 and Payroll Checks of September 1984 in the amount of Councilman Pagliaro requested discussion of items 1 and 2 before adoption. Regarding the 0rdinance, he pointed out that there are two alternatives, either Lhe business would provide an adults only area or 1t would cover the pornographic materials. t tai,.L(D 4 AUTHORTZATION OF REPLACEMENT OF TRAFF]C SIGNAL CONTROLLER AT MAHLER/BAYSHORE INTERSECT]ON _ PROJECT 427 5. DENIAL OF CLA]M BRENDA GALATOLO City Attorney t s memorandum of 0ctober 5 recommended council deny this claim as premature. Councj-lwoman Barton moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously by voice vote. NEI^I BUSTNESS _ SCHED LE APPEAL HEARING FOR RAMADA ]NN SIGNAGE Mayor Amstrup scheduled hearing for meetJ-ng of November 5, L984. CHAMBE OF COMMERCE RE UEST FOR XMAS TREE Traffic/Clvil Engineer's memorandum council approve this replacement at of 0ctober 1 recommended a cost of $5,500. request for council to consider some sort as a pipe, for placing a Christmas tree of train station. Staff will consider Mayor Amstrup noted a verbal of permanent provision, such in the planter area in front what might be done. 1 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commisslon Minutes: Traffic, Safety, Parking, September 19; Planning, October 9, 1984. Proclamation Commending Glendale Federal Savings and Loan on its 50th Anniversary. 3. Proclaiming Alzheimer's Disease Month November 1984. 4. LetEer from Adeline Market owners requesting change in zoni-ng laws to al1ow cleaning establishment in C-1 zone, Council discussed briefly and referred this request to the Planning Commi ssion. 5 Memo from Program. City Manager regarding Senior Citizen Nutrition 6 Memo from City Engineer regarding sidewalk program in commercial area. 7 . Police Report, September L984. B. Treasurerts Report, September 30 , L984. 9. Letter of thanks to Police Department from Hil1sda1e High. CITIZEN OF THE YEAR Mayor Amstrup noted Burli-ngame t s citizen October L2, L984. that former Fire Chief Fricke of the year aL the Community was selected as Dinner on Friday, ADJOURNMENT Meeting was regularly adjourned at 8: 35 p . m e Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk -^--=-*. , ,