HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1985.12.02327 BURLINGAME, Decenber CALIFORNIA 2, L985 CALL TO ORDER A duly on the cal1ed noticed regular meeEing of the Burlingame City Council was above date in the Ci.ty Hal1 Council Chambers. The neetlng to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Victor A. Mangini. Led by Director of Public Works Ralph Kirkup. ROLL CALL held UAS COUNCILMEMBERS COUNCILMEMBERS MINUTES PRESENT: ABS ENT: AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI , MANGINI, PAGLIARO NONE Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 18, 1985 were approved. ELEMENT - INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1311 -AMENDING ZONING TO R-4 City Planner reviewed her nemo of November 25 in r.rhich she recommended council hold a public hearing and take action. The proposed Proiect' as revised f rorn the March 1985 proposal , is a 110 unit, 58 foot 6 inch tal1 rental facility for persons over the age of 60. None of the units have kitchens, meals are provided all res j-dents as Part of the lease in a firsL floor dining room. Efficiency kitchens for snack preparation are provided in the lobby of each floor above the first- 0n the ground floor there are also adminj.strative offices' library' beauty/barber shop , restrooms and a 1,200 square foot rec reation roon. There are 41 parking spaces below ground. Two spaces at the front are recommended as loading area. There will be a van available for transportation of residents. Planning Commi.ssion approved thj-s Project unanimously at its Novernber 12, 198 5 meeting. Councilman Pagliaro reviened with City Planner Ehe parking provided the project .nd th" number of spaces available for the project's staff. City Planner noted there are 16 total employees, buE they would not all be norking at the same tine. Pagliaro also wondered why the landscaping has decreased uhen the 10t coverage has al so decreased. Ci"ty Planner replied that the area between the recreatj-on building and the project now has four units over 1t, creating a breezeway, and affecting the uncovered landscaped area. Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing to those in favor. Bob Gilnartin, cleveloper, stated they have addressed councilrs concerns and hoped for approval . He introduced architect George Ivelich and project manager Drew Bradley. George Ivelich showed drawings of the proposed Project, noting that it is five stories high, but the corner units will all end at the fourth story creatlng an illusion of less bulk. They extended part of the builiing over Ehe recreation building, have reduced the size and height,-kept the same parki.ng. He said it would be a good addition to the c1Ey. Speaking in favor: Rosalie O'Mahony, L427 302 Bayswater, urged approval. They noEed housing in the city and reviewed parklng at were sure the parking vas adequate at this Four residents of 110 Park Road expressed concern that parking problems at that corner would be increased by this projectl wondered Floribunda, and there is a need other similarfacility. Ton for sites Sine, senior and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE TLAG PUBLIC HEARING - COUNCIL REVIEW OP TWO SPECIAL PERMITS FOR RESIDENTIAL FACILITY FOR ELDERLY AT 122I BAYSWATER - RESOLUTION 130-85 APPROVING SPECIAL PERMITS - RESOLUTION 131-85 APPROVING AMENDMENT TO LAND USE 328 what would happen if this project shouLd prove unsuccessful, would it stand empty like the bowling a1ley on Howardl expressed concerns about the heavy traffic at thi s corner, thi s project wi 11 add to traffic. Agreed we need more senior housing, but should find another site; concerned about this project being so close to the business district, there is too much traffic and parking problens now. They urged denial. Mayor Mangini closed the public hearing. CounciLnan Lembi wondered if one van would be sufficient. Bradley replied because of the proximity to downtown many people will walk fron the site. Lembi asked if Lhere would be a time schedule for thevan, Bradley replied yes it would have a f ormal- schedule but would also be available for special needs. Lembi wondered uhere truck deliveries would take place; City Planner repLied a loading zone infront on Park Road. Councilwoman Barton asked if they would Burlingame residents be given preferenceIvelich replied yes. accept a condition that in renting the project. Councilnan Amstrup inquired about thereplied $1,200 per month would be theabout double parking, Chief of PoLicecited. amount of rent; Gi lmar t inlowest. Amstrup was concernedsaid double parking would be Councilman Pagliaro asked the maxinun number of employees on siEe atone time; Bradley replied nine or ten. Pagliaro asked the number ofparking spaces for enployees; City Planner replied eight. Pagliaroasked applicant if they would be willing to set aside five parkingspaces exclusively for enployees. Ivelich said city staff hadrequested eight for thi s purpose but he thought there should be noproblem wit.h f i.ve. Pagliaro noted there was no provision nade for Iowincome seniors; Ivelich said with the reduction in si.ze required bycity the returns on the project are diminished. Pagliaro asked aboutnumber of rooms for couples; Ivelich said with reduction in units thenumber of rooms for coupJ-es have also been reduced. Council confirmed there uould be no additional charges to tenants forparking; that the project could not be converted to another usewithout coni.ng back to Planning or Council. Councilwoman Barton stated i^t is not up to a developer to subsid j.ze rent for low income needs, f urt.her she could not see requiring flveparking spaces for employees. She moved to adopt RESOLUTION 130-85Approving Special Permits with conditlons approved by PlanningConnission and additional condition requiring preferLnce be given toBurlingame residents, RESoLUTION 131-85 Approving Amendment to GeneralPlan, and she introduced 0RDINANCE 1311 Reclassifying Zoning Maps forCertain Parcels to R-4. 0ther council members had concernssaid two units could be customized needed. about couples into one unit housed, Bradley couple if beingfor a Motion was approved unanimously 5-0 on roll call vote. RECESS Mayor Mangini declared a recess at 8:25at 8:30 p.m. with all menbers present. p.m, The meeti^ng reconvened PUBL]C HEARING - URGENCY ORDINANCE 1372 _ DRIVE-IN SERVICE OR TAKE-OUT FOOD SERVICES REQUIRING SPECIAL PERMIT FOR City Planner reviewed her nemo of November 26 in which she recommendedcouncil hold public hearing and take action. It has come to staffrsattention that our recently revised definj.tion of food establishment does not adequately address the i.mpact of food sal-es at certain kindsof eating establishments. By naking all eating establishmentspernitted ue are not addressing the particular impact of someoperations whj.ch we may wish to at least review prior to aI1owing. Those eating establishments which are heavily dependent on pre- prepared take-out food can have impacts such as serious double parking, trash and litter in the immediate area and traffic congestion if Located i"n areas where enough short term parking are not available. There are also concerns about traffic capacity at critical intersections in the bayfront area. For these reasons it is necessary to nake take-out and drlve-in establishments conditional uses in Ehe C-l , C-2 and C-4 areas. Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing. There being no comments, the hearing was closed. Councilnan Pagliaro suggested not using the term tton a regular basis'r in the second paragraph of Section 2. Council agreed. Councilman Pagliaro noved adoption of 0RDINANCE 1312 - Urgency 0rdinance Requiring Special Permit for Drive-In or Take-0ut Services. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously 5-0 by ro11 call vote. COUNCIL CALENDAR FOR 1986 Council approved the proposed council meeting calendar including a special study session on Saturday, January for ?s 1986 1986. POLITICAL SIGNS - REFER TO STUDY Mayor Mangini referred the City Attorneyrs report of Novenber 12, L985 to the Study Meeting. REAPPOINTMENT TO MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT BOARD Mayor Mangini reappointed Lee Provin as Burlingamets representative the Mosquito Abatement Board for a period of two years. on CANDIDATES FOR COMMISSION VACANCIES Mayor Mangini revieved the City Manager's memo of November 25 in whi-ch he listed the 12 candidates to comnission vacancies. Council received assignments for intervj.ewing: for Beautification Commission, Lembi and Mangini will interview; for Civil Service, Amstrup and Barton; for Park and Recreation, Anstrup and Pagliaro; for Traffic, Safety and Parking, Barton and Lembi. Council agreed to wait until after the holiday season to begin interviewing. Council extended the period for applications to be received until December 24, 1985. Mayor Mangini also suggested no decisions on appointments be announced until all intervieus are completed. CANCELLATION OF DECEMBER 16 1985 REGULAR MEETING a b C Removed. RENEKTAL OF AGREEMENT FOR LABOR NEGOTIATOR City Managerts memo of November 25 recomnended the firn of Whitmore, Kay and Stevens to handle negotiations for the city during 1986. council authorize labor Removed. SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR JANUARY 6 FOR (1) FINAL EIR FOR WINDMARK HOTEL, 620 AIRPORT AND (2) PRELIMINARY FINAL DRAFT WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES MASTER PLAN AND FINAL EIR d City Plannerts meno of November 26 recommended council set 329 Mayor Mangini announced cancellation of the next regular neetinS. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Pagliaro requested removal of items tta and c." Mayor Mangini asked what happened to the Bikeway plan for Skyline. Director of Public Works repLied a grant was received and the project is proceeding. 330 hearings for January 6, 1986 meeting. RESOLUTION 132-85 - AUTHORIZING FILING CLAIM WITH MTC FOR BAYFRONT BI(EWAY PROJECT Traffic Engineer's meno of November authorize fi11ng of a claim for TDA 27 reconnended council funds for 1986-87. Councilman Lembi moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unaninously by voice vote. REMOVED CONSENT ITEMS a INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1313 PUBLIC SIDEWALKS PROHIBITING OBSTRUCTION OF DENIAL OF CLAIMSs WIG AMERICA,/FARMER S INSURANCEc City Attorney recommended denial of these two cl-aims. Councilnan PagJ-iaro stated he would abstain from voting on this itembecause he represents one of the parties. He also wondered why it hadnot been denied earlier, since it rsas fj-1ed in April. City Attorneyreplied the denial was to encourage settl-ement discussions and that itwould commence a six month, rather than tvo year, period to fj-le suit. Councilwoman Ba Councilman Amst abstaining f rom rton m rup, c NEW BUSINESS vote SENIOR DISCOUNT FOR RECREATION TRAIN STATION PAINT Councilman Pagliaro asked if the current color of the Avenue train station is an undercoat or the permanent Manager said it is the final color and was researchedis an historical co1or, and he hoped it would fade, oved approval of items tta and c.tt Seconded byarried unaniroously with Councilman Pagliaro on item tic . rr Councilnan Amstrup wondered about Lhe reasoning behind the Park andRecreation Commissionrs request for i-nformation on costs if the agefor senior discounts were reduced. Council noted that a 1oca1 seniorgroup a11ows membership at age 55 but city does not give discountuntil age 65 for recreation programs. Councilnan Amstrup thought thepurpose of discount was for retired persons, most people at 55 aresti11 working. Councilwoman Barton asked for report fron RecreationDirector on thi s mat ter . Burllngane co1or. City by the State, it. COUNCIL ASSIGNMENTS Mayor Mangini reviewed that council- menbers had receivedcouncil assignments to various agencies. He asked thatcover for others if they are unable to attend a meeting. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a l-istall try a Commission MinuEes: Recreation, No vemb e r Letter from Hillside Dri.ve regarding Halloween night. Beautification, November 7; Park and21; Planning, November 25. L985. area re si dents, the Ambrosios, of to e. Cj-ty Attorneyrs memo of 0ctober 31 recommended council introducethis ordinance to prohi bit persons fron obstructing thesidewalks. Recently Police have j-ssued a number of citations forpersons who block downtown si-dewalks and businesses. However,they have found they have to issue citations for riding bicycleson the sidewalk and other vlolations because we do not have aclear ordinance regarding persons blocking sidewalks. In response to Councilman Pagliaro, City Attorney stated thisordinance is not preempted by Penal Code Section 647C and is model-edafter another local ordinance which has been upheld in courts. b. 331 c d Police Report, october 1985 . Letter from Dennis HuaJardo regarding deveJ-opnent of the Pershing School site. e Meno from Director of Public Works commending street lrorkers for aiding a fallen citizen. Letter from Half Moon Bay Fire District thanking Burl-ingame Fire Department for aid during candle factory fire. g. Crininal Justice Councilrs Annual Crine Report. in support of theLetter from St. Paulrs Episcopal Church Sequoias project at Peninsula Hospital. ADJOURNMENT f. h The meeting was r gularly adjourned at 8:51 p.m dith A. Malfatti City Clerk e a