HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1985.09.1629s BURLINGAME, Septenber CALIFORNIA 1 6 , 1,985 A du 1y noticed regular held on the above date was cal-1ed to order at neeting of the Burli.ngame City Council in the City Hal1 Council Chambers. The 7:30 p.n. by Mayor R, David Martin. was meeting PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by City Attorney Jerone Colenan. ROLL CALL COUNCITMEMBERS COUNCILMEMBERS MI.NUTES Minutes of the PRESENT: ABSENT: BARTON, MANGINI, MARTIN, PAGLIARO AMSTRUP PUBLIC HEARING - SUBDIVISION MAP Regular Meeting of Septenber 3, 1985 were approved. APPEAL OF VARIANCE FOR FRONTAGE OF THREE LOTS AND EOR EIVE LOTS ON MARIPOSA DRIVE - RESOLUTION lOO-85 City Planner reviewed her neno of September 11 in which she recommended council hold a public hearing and take action by Resolution on the variance and subdivision map. Council should take action on the variance first. Donald Bennett Properties is requesting a variance because Ehree of the Proposed five lots do not have frontage on a public street. The five lots range in size fton 7,220 to 14,940 square feet (7,000 square feet is minimum lot size in this area). A soj-1s study of the area reveaLed a fault trace on the property and alL building pads have been set back from the trace. The cul de sac street will remain a prj-vate street as has been the custom in nev subdivisions in recent years. The Planning Commission approved the variance with four conditions. Planning Comnission made findings of fact that the developer had taken precautions to protect view corridors' that seismic setbacks create an exceptional circumstance for developnent of this Property' that the property is being developed consj.stent with the zoning, that by the seismic setback and vien protection considerations discussed at the hearing the project will not be detrirnental to the public health' safety or welfare or injurious to other property ovners and is consistent vith the R-L zoning and will add to the housing stock of the city. Mayor Martin belonging to church. wondered if the additional the Episcopal Church do in two lots shown on fact sti11 belong the to map as the Councilman Pagliaro inquired about the setbacks; City Planner stated the typi.cal setback in the area is 15 feet' although 20 feet is required in this case since thers are no sidewaLks provided. He also noted the Erickson letter refers to a ruling limiting heights to one story in the area. City Planner stated the City Attorney had rdsearched this issue and found those restrictj-ons have expired. Mayor Martln opened the public hearing. Mike Monte, developer/contractor, Donald Bennett, developer, and Jeff Lee, civil engineer/surveyor were present. Monte reviewed proposed project and fact that they wilL meet or exceed all city requirenents for R-l zone. They have asked all immediate neighbors for measurements in order to preserve vieus, no roof heights will exceed window si11 height of neighboring homes. They based measurenents on the Yanagishi hone which will be most i.npacted by the project. He noted thaL the two lots Mayor Martj-n referred to earlier are also owned by his group, escrow just closed a couple nonths ago so ownership is still shown on o1d maps as belonging to the church. CALL TO ORDER 30tJ Lee reviewed the trace fault was found by City Engineer. Councilnan Pagliaro inquired about the age of the trace; it could not be determinedl reviewed setbacks from the trace. Hones vi11 be set back from !he fault l-ine. Monte sEated trenches were dug six to ten feet deep to find the trace fau1t, tro geologist have studied and prepared a report of which the city has a copy; neighbors are ayare of thefault and buyers nil1 be informed; the whole area is fu1l of fault traces. Councj.lr,roman Barton asked if the present church building is higher than the proposed hones. Monte stated homes on Lots 2 and 3 will be a rnaximum of four feet higher. Mrs. Yamagishi distributed a diagran of her view windows showing thatthe vieu fron fani.ly room rcj.ndow (floor 1evel. window) will beobstructed by 2\L foot elevation. She said she does not uant to stopproject, just be sure her viercs are not obstructed, She would like tosee limitation on height of buildings, height of fences and height oftrees on the site. Mayor Martin noted building and fence height are set by Planning Commission conditions; trees are something eIse. Councilman Mangini noted council had considered tree heightsyears ago and decided not to get j.nvolved 1n the issue. Heis no guarantee of a view when you buy a hone. some said there Councilman Mangini inquired of Fire Chief ifFire Chief replied yes. fire access is adequate. Councilwoman Barton stated the builder should been nost considerate of neighbors in checkinguphold the Planning Commissionrs f j.ndings andvariance including four conditions by adoption Seconded by Councilnan Mangi.ni. Mayor Martin noted he is not greatly concernedfound, there are fauLts on al,1 t.he Lots in the be conplimented, he has vi.ews. She noved to action alloving the of RESOLUTION 100-85. about the trace fa ult hi11s. Motion carried being absent. unaninously 4-O by ro11 call vote, CounciJ,man Amstrup Counclluonan Barton noved to approve theconditions of variance and six conditions August 22, L985. Seconded by Councilman4-0 by ro11 call vote. Subdivision Map includingof City Engineer's neme ofMangini, carried unan i. mo u sl y City Attorney stated he for the next meeting. vould prepare a resolution approving the map PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF DENIAL OP VARIANCE FOR CARPORT IN SIDE YARD SETBAC( AT 1469 BENITO AVENUE City Planner reviewed her neno of September 11 in which she reconrnended council hold publiq hearing and take action. Theapplicant, Randy Gibbs, is requesting a variance to pl-ace a carport one foot into t.he side yard setback in order to meet code requiremenLfor two covered on-site parking spaces for a remodeling of the home.The carport would provide one covered parking space and the secondspace would be pJ"aced in the basement at the front of the house. Plannlng Commission held two public hearings, the second was heldafter the applicant requested to introduce a revised set of plansuhich staff has not reviewed. The Commission denied the revised plans because they did not feel the proposal met variance requirements andthere were alternatives to providing the parking which did not need avariance. Mayor Martin opened the public hearing. Moute stated that the 209 foot elevation vouLd be belon the windon shonn in Mrs. Yanagishirs diagram. Mayor Martin closed the public hearing. 301 Randy Gibbs, applicant and property ouner, revieved his project andsaid it would compliment the nelghborhood; o1d city code allowed 3foot sideyard setback with his narrou lot; is trying to improve his home for his famil-y; needs back yard for children. In response tocouncil questions, Gibbs stated the 01d rear garage has already beentorn down . Council reviewed tuo alternatives available to Gibbs, building garagein back yard or two car garage under house; Gibbs said it would be toocostly to do second alternative, he would have to renove his frontsteps. Council reviewed difficulty of maneuvering into garage underhone; difficulfy of parking cars in tandem. Gibbs reviewed his budgetfor building improvenents; replied he has two cars. Mayor Martin suggested he build tandem carport, or place parking space Eo left of driveway in front yard. Councilwoman Barton stated she wouLd like to see some acconmodation made for this young fanily. Councilman Pagliaro 1nq uir e dstairs of building under the drawing of that p lan. if garage could be moved closer to frontwindow. Gibbs said it could and he had a After further discussion, Mayor Martin directed Gibbs to have clearplans redrawn for this new alternative aod brought back to CityPlanner for review before the next neeting. The public heari-ng wascontinued until october 7. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL 327-329 LORTON AVENUE - OF SPECIAL PERMIT FOR DRY CLEANING SERVICE AT DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE City Planner reviewed her memo of Septenber 11 in which she recornmended council hold public hearing and take action. Applicant isrequesting special pernit for on-site processing dry cleaning service.Planning Comnission denied the request; their concern being parking in Ehe area. Councilman Mangini commented on Mayor Martin noted the problen Mayor Martin opene.d the public Paul. Zieman, American Pacificwithout prejudice so that the Commission with more comp le t e Equipment, requested council de nyapplicant could go back to Planning drawings and a parking study. the i nc ompl ete with fire exits hearing. p1ans. from the site. City Planner requested plans be to Plan ni n g Mayor Martin closed the publi-c hearing. Council referred back to Planning Comroission.council set time limitation. Council directed Department by October 15. REFUSE COLLECT]ON RATE NEGOTIATIONS NO INCREASE IN RATE City Manager revier.red the Finance Directorts memo of September 6 inwhich he inforned council- that the rate advisory committee, conposedof staff f rorn Burllngame, San Mateo, San Carlos, Redwood City andPrice-Waterhouse, had successfully obtained audited financialinfornatlon and supplemental statistical data from BFI. With thisinformation, the comrittee and BFI have agreed that no raLe increaseis needed for 1985-86. City Manager noted the franchise with BFI expiresconmittee is working for a nore satisfactory rate Counc i.1 discussed the Bruno and San Jose. in two years and thesetting procedure. changes in garbage col lection service s in San City PJ.anner stated the Planning Conrnissi-on r s concern was placement ofthe new driveway to join the old driveway and the sharp turn necessaryto use the curb cut for a vehicle parked in the new garage would be adifficult maneuver. 302 Ci.ty Manager stated when the dump closure is completed the city riI1 have to restructure the garbage and garden pickup services. CHAMBER OP COMMERCE/MERCHANTS REQUEST BURLINGAME AVENUE FOR ART/WINE FESTIVAL ON Karen Key, Dj-rector of Chaober of Commerce, stated the exploring various ideas and wanted the cityrs comments members on thi s are idea. Council reviewed difficulty encountered when the Avenue nas closed a couple hours for a parade; it would be nuch worse if closed for days; would like the Chanber to cons j.der other ideas, and an idea the cost of the proposals. for tuo of CONSENT CALENDAR Council"man Pagliaro had a question on tte. Heritage Park Creek CJ-eaning[ and Mayor Martj-n noted he also had a question on that item. Councilnan Pagliaro inquired if the entire culvert would be cleaned out. Director of Public Works said Ehe plans were for cleaning 120 feet downstream and the 60 feet under the street in the cityrs right of way. Mayor Martin felt the entire culvert should be cleaned out and wondered if there uas sone way to assess the tvo owners of the property through lrhich the culvert runs. Director of Public Works stated the liability for the culverts rras questionable, city has taken position that citywide private culYerts are property ovoers responsibility. He was also concerned about OSEA requirements for working in an enclosed space such as the culverL. After considerabl,e discussion, council determined it would approve the present. contract but directed work not begin until the tuo home okrners are contacted about whether they would Like to participate and extend this nork to their portions of the cul-vert. Staff should contact contractor to ascertain additional costs for the home or*ners, a DENIAL OF CLAIM - ROBERT B. HOFFMAN INC. City Attorneyrs SCHEDUTE PUBLIC memo recomnended denial. HEARING FOR DENIAL OF MASSEUSE PERMIT City Attorney's memo of September publi c hearing for 0ctober 7 on Police masseuse pernit to Laura Johnson. 10 recommended counc i 1 Department's denial of schedule a C RESOLUTION 101-85 - INTENTION TO PROVIDE SECTION 20614, STATUTES SAFETY RETIREMENT SYSTEM MEMBERS0F 1980 TO MISCELLANEOUS AND City Manager's memo of Septenber 11 reconmended council adopt the resolution to amend our PERS contract to a1low the current 5O percent city payment of normal employees contribution to be credited to the enployee account rather than the cityrs. Governrnent Code requires an empJ"oyee election to approve this change, the el.ection is schedul,ed for Septemb er 27. d. RESOLUTION 102-85 - AWARDING CONTRACT PLANT ANAEROBIC DIGESTER IMPROVEMENTS FOR l.lASTEWATER TREATMENT - JOB 429 Publ"ic Works Directorrs meno of September 11 reconmended council adopt a resolution awarding the construction contract to MonLerey Mechanical Company of 0akland in the anount of $1,480,700, RESOLUTION 103-85 - AWARDING CLEANING - JOB 528 CONTRACT FOR HERITAGE PARK CREEK Assi-stant council award $8, 64s. Civil Engineer's memo of Septenber 10 recomnended this contract to Cooper Crane & Rigging in the anount of City Manager reviewed his memo of September 10 vith attached letter from Chamber of Commerce and memos from Police Chief and Fire Chief. Staff recommended against the closure of Burlingame Avenue for a tuo day period for an Art and Wine Festival. b. 303 f. SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR RETAINING WALL AT 1505 CORTEZ City Engineerts memo of September 11 recommended council approve this request to build a 28 inch high retaining wa1I next to the city sidewalk. There are no interfering utilities. WARRANTS AND PAYROLLc Finance Director recomnended approval- of Warrants 26798 - 27L63, duly audited, in the amount of $1,274,82O.35 and Payroll Checks 60744 - 61456 for the nonth of August 1985 in the arount of $658.470.29. Councilnan Mangini noved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by voice vote. COUNCIL REVIEW OF TWO HARVEY/BE(INS PROJECT PROJECTS - ANTENNA AT 1550 BAYSHORE AND MIKE d. Memo fron Council, of Mayors with rrResolution Supporting Density Developnent on Coastsidett and noting a vote would be this resolution at its next neeting. Councilman Pagliaro also requested council study of the choice of our Sister City as Cuernavaca, Mexico. He wondered if another city miSht be more appropriate. Mayor Martin noted many cities have several sister cities. Council requested the 1ocal Sister City Menbers be notified. SCHEDULE APPEAL HEARING Mayor Martin noted a letter appealing the decision of Planning Comnission on a variance at 2l Arundel fron Domenic Russo, 17 Arundel. Hearing was scheduled for October 7, 1985. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Conmission Minutes: Traffic, Safety and Parking, August 8; Pl,anning, Septenber 10; Civil Service, August l-3 ' 1985. b. Proclamation - Chall-enge 2000 Week, September 22, 1985. c. Procl,amation - Mercy Week, September 22' 1985. Low taken on Mayor MarEin Councilwoman no comment. e. Memo fron Gover nor PrevenEion Month. rr f.. Treasurer's Report, asked for counci-1rs opinion Barton noted she would like this resolution; study further , others had on to Deukmejian proclaining 0ctober ItCr j-me August 31,, 198 5. of Commerce regarding change in Chrlstnas8.tree Letter from Chamber decorations. h.Police Report, August 1985. ADJOURNMENT regularly adjourned at 9t29 p.n udith A. Malfatt The meeting was City Clerk Councilman Pagli.aro ca11ed up for counciL reviev the antenna at 1550 Bayshore and the Mike llarvey/Bekins Building project vhlch vere approved by Planning Comnission at its last meeting. SISTER CITY