HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1984.05.21L23 !; BURLINGAI'IE , CALIFORNI A May 27, 1984 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed, regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Ha11 Council Chambers. The meeting was ca11ed to order at B p.r. by Mayor Irving S. Amstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by City Planner, i'{argaret Monroe. ROLL CALL COUI[CI Ll,iEI"IBERS COUNCI LMEMBERS MINUTES Minutes May 15, PUBLIC HEARING SIGNS ON MITTEN, ROAD PRESENT: ABSENT: of the Regular Meeting of May 7984 were approved. AI,{STRUP, BARTON, MANGINI , MARTIN , PAGLlARO NONE 1984 and the Study Meeting of7 SECOND READING ORDINANCE T275 - ESTABLISHING STOP MALCOLM, STANTON, AJ.iD HINCKLEY ROADS AT GILBRETH Director of Public Works reviewed his memorandum of April 13 in which he recommended council hold public hearing and take action. The Public Works department and the Traffic, Safety, Parking Commission both recommend addition of these stop signs. Mayor Amstrup opened hearing was closed. the public hearing. There being no comments, the Councilman Mangini moved adoption of 0rdinance 1275. Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by ro11 call Seconded by vote. PUBLIC HEARING _ SECOND READ]NG ORDINANCE 1276 PENALT]ES FOR REPEAT PARKING V]OLAT]ONS ES TABL 1 SHI NG City Attorney reviewed his memorandum of ApriT 20,1984 in which he recommended counci-1 hold public hearing and take action. Councllman l,langini inquired about the amount Attorney reviewed first parking ticket would in the same parking spot would be $15. Mayor Anstrup opened the public hearing. Alan Horn, resident, stated $15 $ZS or $SO for second ticket. of be the fine. City $5 and repeat ticket is too cheap, he felt fine should be Mayor Amstrup closed the Councilman Martin moved pub11c hearing. adoption of 0rciinance L276. I I I I Counci-1man Pagliaro,carried unanimously by ro11 call 1'lAY 7984 Seconded by vote. TRAFFIC ALLOCATIONS City Planner reviewed her memorandum of May 74, 1984 in which she recommended counci 1 review the two requests f or time extensioi-rs andtake action. Burlingame Group is requesting an extension of four months on occupancy of their three structures and the CIF project isrequesting an eleven month extension on occupancy. She noted that Ramada was granted an allocation but they have not submitted anapplication to BCDC and until they do so the clock does not begin torun on their construction tlme 1ine. Councilman Pagliaro was concerned about the Ramada project and stated counci-1 should review it to determine Ramadats intent. Councilconcurred and requested city planner write to Ramada regarding councilrs concerns. Council stated the eleven month delay for CIF wastoo long and council would like to review this project in August. L21 Doug Turner, Burlingame Group, revi-ewed the reason for requestingtime extension. The restaurant chain with which they had beennegotiating has decided to put a restaurant in another location.have an informal agreement with an hotel chain for the hotel but need time to review the building p1ans. a Council for the reviewed June. agreed unanimously by ro11 call vote to approve the rBurlingame Group time exLension. The CIF request wouin August and the Ramada allocation would be reviewe eq 1d d ue st be in RESoLUTI0N 31-84 - REQUESTTNG PARTTCTPATT0N IN THE pROGRAM FoR REHABIL]TATION OF STREETS UTILIZED BY TRANSIT VEH]CLES Director of Public Works reviewed his memorandum of May 15, 1984 in which he recommended council adopL this resolutj-on acceptingprovisions of the county program and stating Burlingamers desire toparticipate in the program for rehabilitation of city streets used bytransit vehicles. Council questioned why certain roads were not included in the map of roads to be improved. Director of Public hlorks replied the roads used by transit but not included in the map were eiLher state highways or county roads. Councilman Martin moved adoption of Resolution 31-84. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by voice vote. VACANT LOT AT 1610 I]NT Mayor Amstrup reviewed the City Managerrs memorandum of May 14, l9B4 i-n which he reviewed a request to purchase the 1ot for $85,000. The 1ot had previously been appraised for $100,000 and he recommended getting new appraisal and calling for public bids. Council concurred with City Managerrs recommendation. Council agreed to the date of suggested consideratlon of a RESOLUT]ON 32_84 COUNC]L OF June 9, 1984 for the annual meeting and breakfast meeting. MAYORS VOTING POLICY Mayor Amstrup reviewed his desire for a policy statement on voting for the Councll of Mayors. Councilwoman Barton noted while she was Mayor she had had occasion to come back to council for direction on certain matters she was asked to vote upon. She agreed this resolution was needed. Councilrnan Pagliaro also supported the idea. Councilmen Martin and tYangini saw no need council members know the position of this to delay a vote. Councilman Martin noted representative can abstain from voting at Mayor Amstrup stated that some members personal statements at those meetings, representative of this council. for this resolution, council and should not need that. any Mayor or any time, of Council of Mayors do make and he would only speak as Councilman Pagliaro moved adoption of Resolution 32-84. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carrj-ed on ro11 call vote, Councilmen Mangini and Martin voting no. CLOSURE OF C]TY DUMP City l"lanager reviewed his memorandums of May 16 and May 9, L9B4 in which he recommended that councll announce the closure date of July 30, L9B4 for the City Dump. Staff will prepare slgns noting alternative dump sites for the publicts information. San Carlos and 0x Mountain si-tes will be available for dumping. Staff will also seek consultant proposals for developing a master plan for Bayside Park. Council agreed to the closure date publicize thls information. and hoped the press would The y the y ANNUAL JO]NT MEETING OF COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISS]ON L25 Coun c i lman materials. Martin expressed concern about dumping of hazardous He noted this includes paints and petroleum products. City Manager noted staff is reviewing the County Solid Waste i,lanaBement proposal and would be bringing it to council for approval soon, but that it did not provide for hazardous materials. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Pagliaro questioned the many change orders for the Corporation Yard Building. Director of Public Works reviewed Pa rk the nature of the change orders and that he and Park Department were satisfied with the work. Costs ran about 15 percent over. 1. RESOLUTION 33-84 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR BANKING SERVICES City Managerts memorandum of May 16, 7984 with City Treasurer's memorandum of April 11, 1984 attached recommended approval of this resolution. Councll had previously approved the proposal from First Interstate Bank. RESOLUT]ON 34-84 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR hIATER SUPPLY WITH SAN FRANCISCO WATER DEPARTMENT 2 Director of Public Workst memorandum of council approve this resolution for the with San Francisco. May 15, 1984 \.vater supply recommended contract 3 R ES OLUT I ON BUlLD]NG 35-84 _ ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF PARK CORPORATION YARD JOB 728 Park Director I s memorandum of May 76 the Idashington Park Corporation Yark May 11, L984. recommended acceptance of Building which was completed 4 ] NTRODUCTI ON MI SDEMEANOR OF ORDINANCE L277 INCREAS]NG PENALTIES, ALLOW]NG DEFIN]NG PUBLIC NUISANCESPENALT I ES AND City thi s Attorneyts memorandum of May 14 recommended introduction of ordinance which wi-11 update code enforcement provisions. 5 TENTATIVE HOTEL AND FINAL PARCEL MAP 835 AIRPORT BOULEVARD _ IB]S City Engineer's memorandum of May 15, L9B4 recommended council concur with Planning Commission and approve this map. 6. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director recommended councj-1 approve Warrants 20799 -2L237, duly audited, 1n the amount of $1,199,737.81 and Payroll Checks 49561 - 50268 for the month of Apri"1 1984 in the amount of $594 ,775.70. Councllman Mangini moved approval of the Consent Calendar. by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by voj-ce vote. OLD BUSINESS COUNClL OF MAYORS ELECTION Mayor Amstrup lnquired if council had any objections toFlorence Rhoads for chairman of the Council of Mayors. objections. Seconded voting Council for had no _ POL]TICAL SIGNS Mayor Amstrup reviewed court decislon regarding placement of signs onpower poles and City Attorney affirmed that this valldates the presentcity laws. Councilwoman Barton expressed concern about the placement of politicalsigns during the last electlon. She would like candidates remindedabout city sign laws during the next election. 26 SUPER BOWL TASK FORCE BUDGET Councilman Pagli-aro inquired if city had received a response from the Super Bowl Task Force regarding its budget. The City Manager replied that there was no response yet. Councilman Pagliaro requested the reply be put on Council agenda in June. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1. Commission Minutes: Planning, May 74; Park, Recreation and Beautification, May 3, 1984. 2. Proclamation: National Public I^/orks I{eek May 20, 7984. 3. Proclamation: ParliamenLary Law Month - May 7984. 4. Proclamation: Very Special Arts Festival Day - June 2, 7984. 5. Proclamation: Flag Day June 14, 1984. 6. Police Report - ApriL 7984. 7. Treasurerts Report - April 30, 7984. B. Chamber of Commerce Parking Study. 9 . San Mateo County Arts Council 1983-84 Arts Plan Update. 10. Letters regarding Rent Control. ADJOUR NI"iENT Meeting was regularly adjourned at 8:55 p.m Judirh A. MalfaLri City Clerk