HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1985.08.14287 CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING August'14, .l985, 7:30 P.M. City Hall Conference Room B Mayor R. David Martin convened the Study Meeting of the City Council on the above date in Conference Room B in City Hall at 7:30 p,m. PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, MANGINI, MARTIN, PAGLIARO ABSENT : NONE STAFF PRESENT: ARGYRES, KIRKUP g thos e I ocat i on sti ng pa the are menting a mitigatjon fee because or remodeling in the downtown area. The Cjty Counci I review July Study l,4eeti ng conc how much parki n spaces and the i ndicated tha t off i ce v',orkers , the maps of exi want to I ook at Counci iman Amstrup indi the parking that is ava hour, twenty-five cents shoul d be deciding whet to provide surface or sall of the council is i to provide add iti onal p fee from devel opers. M Counc ilwoman Barton s parki ng on the cit are usi ng our spac sensus on the cou n day for alI parkin Lot C the thirteen fo per day. Mayo change. It wa this matter. the possi b le p di rected to co ce rn ing t project a arking and, therefore, we should ayor Martin indicated that we mus uture park i ng. et peopl e to use r-used, four-t that Counci I rom a deve loper k at a m iti gati on e careful in i mp 1e- ny new devel opment it is a res i den ed the additional information it had requested at the erning the estimated purchase cost of surface lots, lots could prov'ide, maps of existing ten-hour parking of our existing long-term 1ots. Councilman Pagl iaro difficult task to try to accommodate the merchants, ts and commuters and their parking needs. In reviewing rking, he suggested that in the f a in lJest Lane as a possible site cated the real problem is, how do ilable, citing the problem of the per hour, spaces in Lot C. He t her we are interested in taking f uture the city mj ght tructure parking and under what condjtions. He bel ieves off weg unde houg h ees f lootb oa n agreement that no General Fund money should be used shoult. c the proje itted by tBarton indicated that the preliminary plans su Structuret was archtructure unless it can be a detriment t vpeb ci Igi uggested that we should begin charging for the commuter ortion of the Southern Pacific lot, because commuters efore using the Southern Pacific space. There was a con- rMst An urc nta arti hec umbe hase ct t that we n this lo ur-hour s n sugge s t onsensusr of memb of 1237 he owners paces ed th of th ers 0 Belle toe d proceed with charging fifty cents per ouncilwoman Barton also suggested that in be changed to ten-hour spaces at one dollar at we take a survey before and after this e counc'i I that we should also proceed onf council also expressed an interest jn vue using parking fund money. Staff was xplore this possibil ity. Counci l agreed to leave the Howard Avenue loading zone as is at this time. Next the council djscussed the July 18, .1985 letter from Edw. A. Keith con- he ed pe Co 0n bm ngj ialft db nP t CtL loto th th build e ci ty at he wanted the city to have total control he parking mitigation fee regardingt 330 Primrose. Mayor l'lartin indic a structure on Lot C, that the deve due to cost savings considerations. potent that ir shoul uncilma office condomi n i um he city shoul d decide ui ld it rather than agl iaro i nd i catedct. Cou nc i lwoman he devel oper were a rather ug 1y al I others wou Counci 1ma n Pag the poss i bi 1i t dol I ar amount then we shou'ld counci I can ju sensus of cou n to further exp structure and 1d not accept I i aro i ndi cate hat he of either cash for sur he developer has in min she ASdt Committee andfel t the Parki itecturaI1y pl easi ng. v L d c I fel t face d. we should discuss with the developer parking or a structure and whatIf the city is thinking of a structure, direct the developer to prepare architectural plans so that ge whether the appearance would be acceptable. It was the con-il that staff would meet with Mr. Keith or his representatives ore the proposa l . I. DOI,INTOWN PARKING 288 Mayor ll4artin indicated that there has been a recent change in State Law con- cerning reissuance of disabled parking permits. He stated that the city currently has no disabled parking spaces on the street and that he felt that Bur'l ingame should have some. CounciI concumed with the Mayor and directed to staff to suggest locations where additional disabled parking spaces could be placed on the street. 3, BAYFRONT HOTEL SIGNAGE Councilman Amstrup suggested that council should review allowing hotels a smalI additional amount of signage on the bayfront for identification. He stated that certain hotels, because of their location, under our existing code, are allowed signage that faces the bay, whereas, others are not. Councilwoman Barton indicated that she would agree to look at the matter since she had recently flown in and noticed that some hotels such as Crown Plaza have a 'large blank wall facing the bayfront. Councilman Mangini indicated he would rather wait to see what neighboring cities do for their hotels. Mayor Martinindjcated that we almost need a case by case review of the matter. Councilman Pagliaro indicated that he did not see that there had been any change in this matter since we had reviewed it wjth the Mamiott Hotel and not allowed any additional signage. The majority of the council agreed to refer the matterto the Planning Commission to 'look at what changes in the code might be necessaryto accommodate small amounts of signage for hotels on1y. ADJOURN14ENT Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk 2, DISABLED PARKING SPACES The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m.