HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1985.08.05284 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA August 5, 1985 A duly noticed, regular meeti.ng of the BurJ,ingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Ha1I Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor R. David Martin. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Boy Scout Troop 70. ROLL CALL COUNC I LMEMB ERS COUNCILMEMBERS MINUTBS PRESENT: ABSENT: AMSTRUP, MANGINI, MARTIN BART0N, PAGLIARO ( Vacations ) Minutes of the Regular PUBLIC HEARING - SECOND SEWER RATES AND CHARGES Director of Public Works revierred his memo of JrLy 24 in which he recommended council hold public hearing and adopt, ordinanceestablishing the proposed rates for 85-86 to begin vith the water readings on or after September 1, 1985. He stated EPA regulationsrequire Ehat operating costs are paid from the sever fund. The rates anount to an increase of 8.3 percent overa11. Attached charts showedthat Burlingame still has the louest rates of neighboring cities. Meeting of READING - July 15 were approved. ORDINANCE 1307 - ESTABLISHING Counc iLnan Councilman Councllnen Amst.rup noved adoption of 0RDINANCE Mangini, carried unaninousLy 3-0 on Barton and Pagllaro being absent. 1307. Seconded by ro11 call vote, City Plannerts memo of August 5 reconmended council delay action until a fu11 council is present. Mayor Martin scheduled action for the neeting of August 19 with council approval. CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION 76-85 - JoB 321 ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF RAY PARK SEWER TRESTLE Director of Public Works neoo of July 25 recommended council accept the improvements completed by Wingard & Seerly for a final construction cost of $21 ,894.69. Additional funds wil-1 be fron Contingency Reserves. RESOLUTION 77-85 SEWER EASEMENT ORDERING THE VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF OLDb RESOLUTION 78-85 SEWER EASEMENT - - ACCEPTING 2740 SUMMIT DEED OI' DRIVE - DEDICATION OF NEW SANITARY JoB 411 Senior Civil Engineer's meno of July abandon the o1d sewer easenent and accept sewer repair work has been conpleted. 24 recommended council the new easement now that AWARDING BID FOR MORRELL/CAROLAN DRAINAGE 304 C RESOLUTION 79-85 - IMPROVEMENTS - JOB Public Works neno of August 1 reconnended council adopt the resolution avarding contract to Mission Pipeline Incorporated in the amount of $685,158. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Martin opened the public hearing. There being no comnents, the heari-ng was closed. AUGUST 1985 TRAFFIC ALLOCATIONS a. d 285 RESOLUTION 8O-85 JoB 304 AWARDING BID FOR MATERIALS IRON FLAPGATES RESOLUTION 81-85 JoB 304 AWARDING BID FOR MATERIALS CONCRETE PIPE Public Works memo of July 24 recommended counciL award contractsfor these materials which require a long delivery time to (1,) WaterEanIndustries for two iron flapgates in the amount of $8,216 arrd (2) Hydro Conduit for concrete pipe in the anount of $95,674.85. RESOLUTION 311 82-85 AWARDING BID FOR SANCHEZ CREE( DREDGING JOBe Public Works rnemo of August 1 recomnended council award Lhiscontract to Cooper Crane and Rigging in the anount of $59,750. f.RESOLUTION 83-85 REHABILITATION - - AWARDING BID JoB 430 FOR EASTON CREEK SEWER Public contract to Works nemo of W. J. Gaffney Ju 1y 31 recomrnended Incorporated in the avard thi s of $189,353. council amount I h DENIAL OF CLA]M (ATHRYN HALL City Manager's nemo REQUEST FOR IIGARAGE of July 26 recomnended denial. SALETI AT AMFAC HOTEL City Managerts memo of July request for a one-day sale in the has no objections to approval. 29 reconrnended council reviewparking lot of AMFAC Hote1. thisStaff 1.APPROVAL OF AFSCME AGREEMENT Clty Managerts memo of July agreesent trith AFSCME workers for 1985 to June 3Q, L987. 30 r ec omme nde da term of two council approveyears f rorn Ju 1y this 1, Councilman Mangini moved approval of the CounciLman Amstrup , carried unaninouslypresent. Consent by voice Calendar. Seconded vote of members OLD BUSINESS PEABODYIS AMUSEMENT PERMIT a. Commission Minutes: Beautification Recreation, July 18; Li.brary Board, July22, 1985. Conmission, July 11; Park andl6; Planning Commission, July b- Police Report, June 30, 1985. c. Proclamation - Social Security Day, August 14, 1985. d. Letter from Edward A. Keith regarding alternatives for parkingstructures. Mayor Martin notedheld at the AugusL further discussion 14 study meeting. of parking a1t er nat i ve s will be e. Letter from Mithoo Benner Center at 12 O8 Donne11y. regarding withdraval of REACH Fitness f. Memo f rom Giants game on g. Minor Drive. Recreation August 16, Director 1985. regardi-ng Burlingarne NighL at Lhe Modification Notice for a parking variance for 1905 Ray by Councilnan Amstrup requested council review of Peabodyrs anusementpermit. He noted council had pJ.aced a condition that there be notouching between dancers and customers and he had read in severalpapers that there is touching. City Manager noted that the 60 day review of Peabodyts is scheduledfor the next meeting. Council requested public be noticed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 286 h. Letter from SkyJ.ine Terrace Apartnents requesting council aid regarding a neu metal- roof structure visible from the apartnents. Mayor Martin requested a report from staff. i. Letter from Energy Commission noting approval of loan to City for streeC light conversion as an energy conservation measure. DEATH OF FORMER COMMISSIONER' S DAUGHTER Councilman Mangini noted former Park and Arnold's daughter, Jeanne Marie Carlson, meeting nould adjourn in her honor. FROM T FLOOR - GIANTS NIG T Ray Wagner , Recreation Director, a refund if the basebaLl players Night at Lhe Giants game. notified council tha t are on strike for the RecreaLion had died. Commissioner Ed He hoped the there would be BurJ.ingane ADJOURNMENT ]N MEMORY OF JEANN E MARI E CARLSON Mayor Martin adjourned the xneeting al 7:42 p.m. in Eemory Marie Carlson, daughter of former conmissioner Ed Arnold.silence was observed in her honor. u dith A. Ma lfatti City Clerk of A Jeanne moment of ) l