HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1984.03.19L02 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA March L9, 7984 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed, regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council washeld on the above date in the City Hal1 Council Chambers. The meeting was ca11ed to order aL 8 p.*. by Mayor Irving S. Amstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by City Manager, Dennis Argyres. ROLL CALL COUNC I LMEMBERS COUNCI LMEMBERS MINUTES Minutes of fo1 lowing "with the Minutes of following zoning on PUBLIC HEAR]NG DETECTOR ALARM PRESENT: ABSENT: AMSTRUP, BARTON, MARTIN, MANGINI (Excused, out of PAGLIARO town) the Regular Meeting of March 5, 1984 were approved with theaddition to the fifth paragraph from the bottom of page 3, exception of Councllmaq Pa911aro,council disagreed...tt the Study Meetj-ng of March 7, L984 were approved with the change to the.last sentence in Item 2, tt...changing C-2Calif ornia. .. ft REQUIRING SMOKE City Manager reviewed councilrs previous discussions of fire safety inolder hotels and the need for hard-wired smoke detectors in thosehotels. This ordinance will requi-re that those hotels comply with this 1aw by September 1, 1984. Mayor Amstrup opened the public hearing. There being no comments, thehearing was closed. Councilman Pagliaro moved adoption of 0rdinance I270. Seconded by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. APPOINTMENT OF CITY PLANNER City Manager reviewed his memorandum of March 7 in which he recommended council concur with his recommendation to appoint Margaret Monroe Ehe City Planner effecti-ve Apri-L 2,1984 and approve the salary range. Since June 1981, Mrs. Monroe has worked for the City on acontract basis. Her current contract expires March 31, 7984 and she has requested a change from contract to employee status. Although the salary is approximately $100 less per month than the current contract amount, the total cost will be approximately $13,000 more per year due to fringe benefits. Council praised Mrs. Monroets work and unanimously approved of her appointment to the position of Clty Planner effective April 2,1984. COMMISS]ON COMMENTS ON COMMISSIONER ABSENCES - RESOLUTION I6_84 PROVIDING FOR REMOVAL OF COMMISSIONERS FOR NON-ATTENDANCE City Manager reviewed hls memorandum of March 7 and letters from thePark and Recreation, and Beautification Commisslons and from theCivil Service Commission regarding councilrs concerns about commissioner absences and the previous Resolution 6l-72 regardi-ng removal of commissioners due to excess absences. Both commissions suggested removal of the wordingrrwit.hout permissiontrfrom theresolution. Counci-lwoman Barton moved removal of rrwithout resolution. Seconded by Counci-lman Martin. permissiontt from the Councilman Pagliaro noted that council had not had a speclfic responsefrom commissions regarding absences. He also expressed concern aboutthe possibility of a commissioner being absent from six meetings in arow due to the wordingttone-third of the meetings in a ca1 endar yeartt SECOND READ]NG _ ORDINANCE 1270 SYSTEMS IN HOTELS IN C-1 ZONE I 103 which could al1ow a commissioner to miss Ehree meetings at the end of one calendar year and three meetings at the beginning of the next calendar year. He requested wording be added to disallow missing three consecutive meetings in a row. Councilman Martin took exception to that wording since one-third of the meetings in a calendar year would refer to four meetings. After more council discussion, Councilman Pagliaro moved to revise the wording in the o1d resolution to remove rrwithout permissi-on,tt add the phrasettor any four consecutive meetings at any t,imett and adopt in the form of a new resolution Resolution 16-84. Seconded by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. l- Mayor Amstrup requested staff inform commissions regarding council action. REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO AMUSEMENT PERMIT FROM BANYAN BAY City Attorneyts memorandum of March 15 recommended council schedule hearing on this request for April 2 meeting when Banyan Bayrs Amusement Permit would normally be reviewed for compliance with conditions. Mayor Amstrup scheduled hearing for April 2, 1984. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE STUDY MEETING FROM MIKE HARVEY Council approved the request of Mike Harveyr letter of March 14, address the council at the April 4 Study Meeting concerning the Llarehouse building. to Bekins Mayor Amstrup requested given to council before additional information on the proposal be that meeting. 2 CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Pagliaro requested removal of item regarding Agreement for Engineering Consultant for Project 329. 1.WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director recommended approval of Warrants 20776 - 20475, duly audited, in the amount of $69S,018.55 and Payroll Checks 48234 - 48909 for the month of February in the amount of $551, 488.57. SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING FOR APRIL 2 FOR REZONE FROM R-1 TO R-3 AND USE PERM]T AT 3155 FRONTERA Ci-ty Plannerts memorandum of March 14 recommended council schedule public hearing April 2 for rezoning and use permit. RESOLUTION I7_84 - ACCEPTING TMPROVEMENTS _ 1982 CREEK REPAIR CITY PROJECT 240 STORM DAMAGE AND City Engineer t s memorandum of March 74 recommended council adopt resolution accepting improvements and authori-ze filing of the Notice of Completion. 4. DENIAL OF CLAIM DOROTHY ORLICK City Attorneyrs memorandum of March L4 recommended denial. RESOLUTION 18-84 COMMENDING FRANK CISTULLI 3 5 City Plannerts memorandum resolution honoring Frank Planning Commi ssion. 74 recommended adopting a who 1s retiring from the of March Cistulli Councilman Martin moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by voice vote. 101 RESOLUTION CONSULTANT L9_84 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF FOR WATER LINE EXTENSION IN ANZA AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING AREA PROJECT 329 Associate auth orize services Engineerts memorandum of March L4 recommended council this agreement with Creegan & DrAngelo for engineering for the above project in an amount not to exceed $25,300. Councilman Pagliaro noted need for clause making insurance primary to all other. City AtEorney will add to the agreement. Councilman Pagliaro moved adoption of Resolution L9-84. Seconded by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. RESOLUTION 20_84 TO BURL]NGAME AVENU AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH CALTRANS FOR IMPROVEMENT E TRAIN STATION City Manager reviewed his memorandum of March recommended counci-1 authori-ze this agreement Train Station in the amount of $62,500. Recreation and Civil Service, in which he improvements to the 20-84. Seconded by call vote. Beautification, first February 741' Planning, 13 for Councj-lwoman Barton moved adoption of Resolution Councilman Pagliaro, carried unanimously by ro11 NEW BUSINESS - STREET REPAIRS Councj-lwoman Barton inquired about progress of street repairs to Pri-mrose Avenue. Director of Pub11c Works stated preparations had begun on Primrose and then work had moved to other streets in order to give the business district a break in disruption by street repairs. Council and public will be kept informed of areas to be worked on. Mayor until Amstrup suggested a moratorium on all business sign exceptions a new ordinance i-s adopted. City Planner reviewed Planning Commission action on a new sign ordinance and that council would receive recommendation from Planning Commission at its next meeting. There are currently no requests for sign exceptions for awni-ngs or canopies before Lhe city. Councilman Pagliaro inquired about status of tttr{hat t s f or Dessertrr sign. City Planner reviewed Planning Commission's approval with conditions. Council determined it would not review this item. Council agreed that it would be most expeditious to 1et staff articulate the sign requirements to the public rather than adopt a moratorium at this time. Any requests for exceptions will be referred to the council until council reviews the sign code revisions from the Planning Commlssion. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1 Commission Minutes: Park, combined meeting, March 1; March 12, L984. 2.Letter from intersection Beverly Edmonds, 1701 Carmelita, regarding of Carmelita and CorLez being dangerous. 3. Letter from Professional Secretaries International requesting proclamation for Secretaries Day. Mayor Amstrup directed a proclamation be prepared for next meeting. 4. Treasurer t s Report, February 29, 1984 5. Police Report - February l9B4 ADJOURNMENT regularly adjourned at 8225 p.m ud 1 Dl), LV i.' Clerk Meeting was City Ut,tt-/&.ttdLf /Lt i SIGN ORDINANCE