HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1986.12.01179 BURLINGAMB, Decenber CALIFORNIA 1, 1986 CALL TO ORDER A duly on the ca11ed noticed regular neeting of the Burlingame City Council was above date in the City HaL1 Council Chanbers. The neeting to order at 7:30 p.n. by Mayor Gloria H. Barton. Led by City Attorney Jerone F. Colenan. ROLL CALL held was COUNCILMEMBERS COUNCILMEMBERS MINUTES PRESENT: ABSENT: AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI, MANGINI, PAGLIARO NONE 3, 1986 were approved with 5 line 47,rrCouncilman oroceed wlth appralsals on Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November an addition by Councilman Anstrup to page AnstruD ursed Dassase so that staff could loLs and develop more oarkins for the city.rr Minutes of the study Meeting of November 19, 1986 yere approved. Mayor Barton welcomed Councilman Mangini back and conplimented hj-m on his service as Mayor PRESENTATION BY SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGH SCI{OOL after his during the DISTRICT recent illness past year. San Mateo Union High School District Superintendent Nicholas Gennaro reviewed the uses of lottery funds in the district. He relayed his appreciation of the cityrs help during the past year, particularly the assistance of the Recreation Department in the music program. hIEBELO TROOP PRESENT Mayor Barton introduced a present to neet the Mayor local Webelo Troop of cub scouts vho were and observe the council meeting. PUBL]C HEARING - REVIEW O F PERMIT I'OR DISH ANTENNA AT NORTHPARK AVENUE - RESOLUTION 135-86 APPROVING SAMEAPARTMBNTS108O CAROLAN City Planner reviewed her memo of Novenber 6 in which she recommended council hold a public heariDg and take action. Ed Reese of Premier Channel, representing Northpark Apartments, is requesti.ng a special permit to install a nine foot dish antenna with a height not to exceed six beet above grade j.n a landscaped area enclosed by buildings 7' 8, 9 and 10 of the Northpark AparEment complex. A special pernit is required for all dish antennas in residential zones, this same code linoits anEenna height to six feet and requires it be installed in the rear yard. Planning Commission approved the permlt rrith conditions at its neetj-ng of November 10, 1986. Mayor Barton opened the public hearlng. The applicant Ed Reese, 821 MalcoIm, noted this loca!ion is secluded and is not visible from the road. Councilman Lenbi noted he had called this item up for review and his main concern was visibility; he wondered if the antenna could be located in a parki-ng area ; Reese reviewed that they had inve s ti gat e d several locations and interference was too greaE at other locaEions. Mayor Barton closed the public hearing. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Councilman Pagliaro inquired if tenants had been notified of this proposed installation. Reese said notices had been posted at all buildings and that the only ca11s they had received were j-nquiries of when the installat.ion would be completed as tenants are anxious to have this service. Councilman AEstrup had no objection to thls antenna but concern about future installation of a number of antenna complex and suggesEed another conditionl that Northpark one antenna for the entire complex. expressed !o serve this be linlted to Councilnan Lembi moved to uphold the Planning Comnisslon approval with conditions and vith the additional condj.tion suSSested by Councilman Amstrup by adoption of RESOLUTION 135-86' Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously 5-0 by ro11 call vote. PUBLIC ITBARING - REVIEW AND DENIAL OF A STAND AT BURLINGAME AVENUE TRAIN STATION SPECIAL PERMIT FOR FLOWER - 290 CALIFORNIA DRIVE City Planner revier.red her merno of November 24 in which she recomroended council hol.d a public hearing and take action. Ivan Villa II is requesting a special pernit Eo locate a temporary f Lor,rer stand at the Burlingame Avenue Train Station. The stand would be put up weekdays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.n.) on the California Drive side of the station and would be manned by one employee except between the hours of 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. when there would be two employees. It would be closed on Sundays. The Planniog Commission approved a pernit with conditions by a 4-3 vote at its meeting of November 10, 1986. City Planner discussed the existing drai.nage on site and the need to determine if it is adequate to neet the Building Inspector's condition. Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. Ivan Vi1la II stated that he is agreeable to all the thinks that the existing drainage is adequate and no conditions, but more is required. Councilnan Mangini questioned the need and location of any signs, and whether Ehe stand could be located on the other side of the station. Vi1la responded to questj-ons, noting that signs are necessary because of the many paths that conmunters take fron the train and that the sun on the other side of the station would wilt the flowers. He currently has a sinilar buginess at the Millbrae Train Station. Mayor Barton closed the public hearing. Councilman Anstrup urged denial; he noted that thousands of cit j-zens worked to restore this historic site and this use along with the others it woul-d attract are not consistent with the historlc character of the station. Councilman Pagl-iaro understood Councilnan AmstruP's concerns but did not think a small flover stand would hurt the site. Mayor Barton was concerned about the nerchants along Burlingane Avenue who pay high rents for their establishnents and have previously cornplained about these portable businesses rrhich use the public streets and sidewalks and do not pay rents. Council has denied other fl-ower stands and also a hot dog stand using public property. Councilman Amstrup moved to reverse the Planning Commission approval and deny the pernit because it would impact this historic site. Mayor Barton seconded noting council has denied other businesses of this t.ype on public property. Councilman Mangini thought advantage, but that he had Motion carried 4-1 by ro11 BOBBY this business night have an unfair nothing against flowers. cal,1 vote, Councllrnan Pagliaro voting no. MC GEEIS, AT TI{E EMBASSI SUITES HOTEL,AMUSEMENT PERMIT FOR I5O ANZA BOULEVARD Cj-ty Attorney reviewed his memo of November 21 j-n which he reconmended council grant an anusement permit to Bobby McGeers for a restaurant lounge nith recorded music for dancing. He suggested one condition, that any valet parking be free of charge. A representative of Bobby McGeers was present and assured council thaL valet parking would be free and that they have arranged for use of 480 481 adjacent business' parking during eveni.ngs. Councilman Mangini moved approval of an amusenent pernit for six nonthperiod with condition of free valet parking. Seconded by Councilnan Amstrup, carried unanimously by voice vote. APPROVAL OP 1987 CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR City Manager revier.red hj.s nemo of Novenber 20 in which he recommendedcouncil approve the calendar for 1987. He noted two Saturday studymeetings, one for a joint Planning Commission/Council meeting and onefor goal secting. He also inquired if council would like to hold themeeting scheduled for January 19 on January 20 (Tuesday) due to theMartin Luther King holiday. This is not a city holiday. Council approved the calendar, keeping the Monday, January 19 meeting. COUNCIL ASSIGNMENTS I'OR 1987 Council reviewed the list of assignments and approved. CouncilmanPagliaro noted he had difficulty attending some Saturday legislative meetings and Councilnan Amst.rup and others offered to be hisalternate. Councilnan Lembi also had problems uith some Thursday meetings of ALUC and other council nembers rsill cover for him. INCREASE FINE FOR OVERNIGITT PARKING City Attorney revi.ewed his memo of Novenber 20 in nhich he suggestedcouncil make a notion to increase bail from $5 to $10 for overnightparking, as council had reconnended at its past study meeting. Councilman Mangini noved to requesE the court increase bail for overniBht parking (Code secti.on 13.32.080) from $5 to $10 effective January 1, 1987. Seconded by Councilman Lembi, carried unanimously byvoice vote. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Mangini. questioned the availability of the concession stand referred to in item ttc" to groups other than Bobby Sox. Council agreed it vould be used as other park concession stands are used by all groups with pernission fron the city. Councilnan Anstrup asked that the record note in item tti project was built in 1962 and does not neet current code for condominiums, that by approving the map council does necessarlly approve of the projectrs design. rr that this requi-rements not Councllman Pagliaro had a question on item rrb. Water Studyrr and wondered uhy this nandated study is requi-red for an area outside thecity limits. City Manager replied many years ago the city bought this krater system and nust now supply the Burlingame Hills area with water. Councilman Pagliaro also questioned the claim rrk.(1) Mike Harvey" and uhy the city had written to Harvey that it plans to proceed ui.th thesignal at the intersection of Carolan and Broadway. City Manager responded that this intersection along with Broadway/Callfornia ispart of the city's five year capital inprovenent progran. Council canvithdraw funding, but at this time staff is proceeding I{ith theproject. a INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1335 BANNING FIREWORKS Fire Chief I s memo of an ordinance banning any fireworks in the RESOLUTION 136-86 - STUDY IN BURLINGAME Novenber 25, 1986 recommended councll adoptthe Danufacture, possession, sale or use ofcity. AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR WATER HILLS AREA - JOB 630 b State in the amount of $15,639. Public Works approve thi s and pressure Director t s memo of amendment to sEudy as required by the Novenber 24 reconmended the Burlingame Hil1s for co unc i1 service 482 c RESOLUTION 137-86 - AUTHORIZING USE OF CO NC ES SI ON STAND AT R AY AGREEMENT EOR PAR( CONSTRUCTION AND City Attorneyrs nemothis agreement I{i.th Ray Park. of Novemb er Bobby Sox to 18 reconmended councilconstruct a concession authorize stand at RESOLUTION 138-86 - ACCEPTING CURB AND GUTTER REPAIRS - JOB C0MPIETIoN OF 1982-83 STDEWALK, 105 City Engineerrs nemo of Novenber 25 recommended council acceptthis job as completed by A.H. Smith in the amount of $79,088,01. e RESOLUTION 139-86 - ACCEPTING CURB AND GUTTER REPA]RS - JOB COMPLETION OF ].984-85 SIDEWALK, 432A Jun j-or Ci-vi1 Eng j-neer I s accepE t.his project as amount of $207, 867 .39. memo of November 24 recommended conpleted by Cunninghan & Son in council, the f.RESOLUTION 140-86 - ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF STREET LIGHTING PROJECT - JOB 520 Junior Civ1l Engineer I s accept this project as of. $]-99,232. memo of November 25 reconnended council completed by Smith Electric in the amount RESOLUTION I41-86 - DECLARING IMPROPER SEWER NUISANCE AND SCITEDULING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONNECTIONS A JANUARY 5 L987 Public Works Directorrs memo of November 25 recommended council declare improper sewer connectj-ons a nuisance and set the public hearing for January 5, 1987. Property owners were noti.f ied of corrections needed on their property, those who have not made the corrections will be notified of this public hearing. If council orders correcEions to be made, the property owners will havethirty days to make the corrections or the ciEy will have the work done and bill the property owner. RESOLUTION 142-86 - AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR STATB GRANT FOR PLAYGROUND REHABILITATION Park Director's memo of November 24 recomnended council approve application for grant funds under the Community Parklands Act of1986. The city has been allocated $73,000 1n funds. i. FINAL CONDO MAP/CERTIFICATE OP COMPLIANCE - 782I OGDEN DRIVE City Engineerts neno of November 25 recommended council approve the final map and certificate of compJ,iance as reviewed by the Planning Commission. This cooperative apartment was built in 1-962 prior to condoninium maps, the certj.ficate of compli.ance will a1low ownership titles to be transferred as a condo, J RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT FOR LABOR NEGOTIATIONS City Manager's memo of November 14 recommended council authorize the firm of Whitmore, Kay and Stevens to assist with labor negotiations during 1987. The total cost for 1987 is estimated ro be $4,000 to $6,000. DENIAL OF CLAIMS: (1) MICHAEL R(3) L.W. ToPHAM HARVEY; (2) EVELYN MYERS;k City Councilman Attorney recomnended denial,. Amstrup moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unaninously by voice vote. PENINSULA WATER AGENCY Councilman Amstrup noted a meroo regarding the Peninsula Water Agencyjoining vith Alameda and Santa Clara counties in order to have morerrclouttt in negotiating with San Francisco. In response to Councilnan u. h. 483 Pagliaro, Director of Public Works replied that there are water districts i-n those counties which get water from San Francisco. NEW BUSINESS - SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR APPEALS Mayor Barton scheduled Davenport , L337 Bernal public hearings for January 5, 1987 for Robert and for Arthur Mi.chae1, 1730 Ro11i.ns Road. Conmission Minutes: November 24, 1,986. Civil Service, 0ctober 14; Planning, Letter from Andrew Hi11, Burlingame Avenue businessnan, objectingto council action on sidewalk cleaning. e f I Letter from Supervisor Eshoo regarding requesting an appointment to conmittee survey. historic resources, and a copy of any historic Letter froro Hunane Mountain. Soc j-ety opposing San Franciscors use of Ox Letter from Marl-ene needed in city. Goldberg, 1045 Cadi11ac, list.ing i.mprovemenEs Letter regarding the 'rFirst Earth Run along El Camino on December 7. Letter from R fireworks. R. Mi11er, 1105 Dufferin, opposing ban on Councilrnan Mangini volunteered and was appointed to the County Historj-ca1 Resources Connj.ttee. Council nembers noted they did not uish to get involved in a major historical survey. CANCELLATION OF NEXT REGULAR MEETING City Manager noted his memo of November 25 suggesting canceLl,ation ofthe Decenber 15 council neeting. Council agreed to cancel and noted the next regular meeting vi11 be January 5, 1"987. ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM STREMME Councilnan Anstrup noted the recent death of retired fireman William Stremme and asked the meeting be adjourned in his memory. Mayor Barton asked council, staffof silence and then adjourned theat 8:27 p.m. audience to observe a momentin memory of Williarn Stremne and the meeting udi.th A.Mal fat tCity Clerk b. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS d. HISTORICAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE