HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1985.05.20249 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA May 20, 1985 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed, regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council held on the above date in the City Ha11 Council Chambers. The was cal1ed to order at 8 p.m. by Councilman Irving S. Amstrup explained he would serve as Acting Mayor in the absence of the and Vice Mayor tonight. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Boy Scout Troop 70. ROLL CALL was meeting who Mayor COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT : COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT : AMSTRUP, BARTON,PAGL I ARO ( vacation and conference,MANGINI, MARTIN respectively) MINUTE S Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 6,1985 were approved. CHANGE OF PRESS REPRESENTATIVE Acting Mayor Amstrup announced that Kirk 0rNei1, Boutique and Vi1lager, would be leaving the city Davis the new representative of the Boutique and reporter for the and introduced Nancy Vi1lager. PUBL]C HEARING - SECOND READ]NG CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ORDINANCE 1303 CHANGING TIME OF Acting Mayor Amstrup reviewed City Attorney t s memo recommended adoption of this ordinance in order to time from B p.m. to 7z30 p.m. of May change 19 which the meeting Acting Mayor,Amstrup opened the public hearing. There being no commenLs, the hearing was closed. Councilwoman Barton moved adoptiop. of 0RDINANCE 1303. Councilman Pagliaro, carried unanimously by ro11 call pre sent . City Attorney informed council that the effective date ordlnance would be 30 days after tonightrs adoption or meeting in July. of the the first POSTPONE PUBLIC HEARING CONDO AT 30 LORTON Acting Mayor Amstrup postponed the council review for 30 Lorton to the next meeting, June 3, 1985. POSTPONE PUBLIC HEARING ROOFTOP ANTENNAS AT 330 PRIMROSE Acting Mayor Amstrup postponed rooftop antennas to the June 3 the council review for 330 Primrose meeting. SCHEDULE APPEAL HEAR ING SPECIAL PERMITS FOR GARAGE AT 1237 CORTEZ L Acting Mayor Amstrup acknowledged a letter appealing the decision of the Planning Commission from Mr. and Mrs. Skjonsby and scheduled the hearing for June 3, 1985. POSTPONE CONSIDERATION OF AMUSEMENT PERMIT FOR CHEEKS, 1306 BAYSHORE City Attorneyts memo of May 15 recommended council continue this request for an Amusement Perm.i.t.,.to,.,,the,next.meeting as..reques.te.d by the applicants. Council concurred. SCHEDULE PRESENTATION BY ATTORNEY FOR KAY I S LAUNDERETTES Acting Mayor Amstrup scheduled for June 3, 1985 meeting. Seconded by vote of members I i i i 1 I I I J i 1 IItII I I, 250 TRANSMlTTAL OF 1985_86 CITY BUDGET Acting Mayor Amstrup acknowledged receipt of the City Budget and reviewed the total budget is $27,659,778, up 76.7 percent from last year. The increase is largely due to an j-ncrease in capital improvements. He noted that council will revi-ew and discuss the budget. further at its Study Meeting of June 5, 1985. A public hearing on Revenue Sharing would be held at the June 3 meeting and the budget would be adopted after another public hearing on June 17, 1985. TRANSMITTAL OF ''CAPSII FINAL REPORT Acting Mayor Amstrup acknowledged receipt of the final report of Citizens Acceptability of Parking Structure Committee (CAPS) and that counci-1 will revj-ew the report at its Study Meeting of June 198s. CONSENT CALENDAR the noted 5, Councilman Pagliaro announced since his firm represents the he would abstain from contractor Callander. voting on ltem rrfrr PROTECTION OF VACC INATION S a ]NTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE AN]MALS 1N MOTOR VEHICLES ]304 - PROVIDING FOR AND REQU]R]NG RABIES City At.torney t s memo of May L4 recommended council i-ntroduce this ordinance amendlng our animal control ordlnance to prohibit transportation of animals in open vehicles and prohibit leaving animals in an unattended vehicle without adequate ventilation and to require rabies vaccination prior to obtaining a dog license. b RESOLUTI ON BURL INGAME 46-85 - APPROVING AV EN UE USE DETERMINATION FOR 1375 This ordi-nance formali-zes the requirements placed o1d Levy Brothers building by council at its last upon use of the meeting. C RESOLUTION 47-85 AUTHORIZING- APPIJICATTON, FOR PG&E R,EBATE AND. ENERGY COMM]SS]ON LOAN FOR STREET LIGHT CONVERSION Director of Public Works memo of May 15 recommended approval of this application for improving light.ing system in the Ray Park, lower Mi1ls Estate and East Mi11sda1e subdivisions. RESOLUTI ON JOB 248 B 4B-85 _ AWARDING CONTRACT FOR ROLLINS ROAD WATERLINEd City Englneer's memo of contract to West Val1ey $156 ,140. May 16 recommended council award this Construction Company in the amount of e RESOLUTION 49-85 - AMEND]NG CONSTRUCTION SERVICES _ JOB CONTRACT hIITH WILSEY & HAM FOR 248 B f City Engineerts memo of May 16 recommended council approve this amendment to the contract with trrlilsey & Ham to cover the construction phase of this project in the amount of $28,680. RESOLUT]ON 50-85 - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT STUDY FOR MARSH EVALUATION City Planner t s memo of agreement to prepare a for Sanchez Creek east and Western Ecological DENIAL OF CLAIM - PG&E City Attorneyts memo SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT May 76 recommended council approve this marsh evaluation and conservation study of freeway 101 with Callander Associates Servic.es in the amount of $19,'960. - o6 of May PERMIT 16 recommended council FOR FENCE AT 38 DIIIIGHT deny c1aim. ROAD City Engineerts memo special encroachment right-of-way. l4 recommended for a 6.5 foot council approve this fence in the publico f l4ay permit h. 251 i- . WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director recommended approval of Warrants 25202 - 25667, duly audited, in the amount of $1,992,399.44 and Payroll Checks 57978 58661, for the month of April 1985, in the drmount of $605 ,456.17 . Councilwoman Barton moved approval of the Consent Calendar. by Councilman Pagliaro, carried unanimously by voj-ce vote of present, Councilman Pagli-aro abstaining f rom item rrf . rr Seconded members FORNEl{I BUSINESS ANTENNA AT 866 COUNCIL REVIEW MALCOLM ROAD BY OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION GTE SPRINT Councilman antenna at Pagl iaro requested grade. Hearing was council review scheduled for this project for a dish June 3 meeting. NEW BUSINESS _ REQUEST FOR APPEAL HEARING DECISION ON SIGN PERMIT FOR I2O9 DONNELLY OF PLANNING COMMISSION Acting Mayor requested by Sraff PLANS will prepare a letter FOR LIFE CARE HOME IN for councilrs signature. CITY Amstrup scheduled a hearing for the June 3 meeting Cliff Wells, a tenant. AS MASS TRANSIT Acting Mayor Amstrup reviewed a PENTAP public meeting he aEtended. Regarding the ba11ot measure for November which would fund the BART station at Colma with a county transit district tax, he hoped council would take a stand. City Planner clarified that loca1 funding of parking and other improvements at the Colma station could set a precedent. If it wished, council could make clear it would support funding for only the one action of the Colma station. Councilman Paglj-aro stated this ballot proposal should be very clearly drawn to show that the vote would assign tax funds to the Colma station and not to the concept of extending BART past Colma. Councilwoman Barton was in favor of writing a letter. Council was also in favor of Statets continued financial support of CalTrain until an alternative is found. Acting Mayor Amstrup said the proposed Joint Powers should not be another layer of government but should lead to cooperatlon between cities and the transit authorities. Councilwoman Barton noted an article in the San Mateo Times which reviewed the proposed housing project on the Peninsula Hospital grounds and meetings they were having for the public. She thought it inappropriate to go to the public before the plans were even presented to the city. City Planner noted she had received plans late in the day on May 15. Councilman Pagliaro wondered if any provision is made for 1ow cost housing in that project. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commission Minutes: Traffic, Safety, Parking, M"y 1- 4; Beautification, May 2; Plannlng, May 13, 1985. a b. Proclamation: Traffic Safety c. Proclamafion: Parllamentary d. Police Report - April 1985. e. Treasurerts Report, April 30, f. Letter requesting funds for Arts Center. Week, May L9-25. Law Month, May 1985. 1985. new lighting system at Performing g. Let.ter requesting funds for a public Burlingame High School. Acting Mayor Amstrup noted the preceeding at the revenue sharing hearing on June 3, address system from letters would be considered 1985. "252h.Letter from Sea Scout fireworks in the city. Ship 17 requesting permission to se11 City Manager Fire Marshal fireworks. informed council that it does not that this group has been informed by the qualify under city law to se11 i Letter from Dr. Dick 1350 Bayshore. Gregory requesting to practice dentistry aE Act.ing Mayor Amstrup noted Dr. Gregory had withdrawn his request. j. Letter from R.R. Mi11er regarding complaints about BFI. ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY OF JOHN C. FRANKLIN I Acting Mayor Amstrup Commissioner John C. the meeting was then death of former Civil Service A moment of silence was observed and in his memory at 8:23 p.m. noted the Franklin. adjourned Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk I