HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1986.09.15414 BURLINGAME, September CALIFORNIA 15, 1986 CALL TO ORDER A duly on the cal1ed noticed regular neeting of the Burlingame City Council vas above date in the City Ha11 Council Chambers. The meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Victor A, Mangini. Led by Chief of Police, Alfred J. Palner. ROLL CALL held vas PUBLIC HEARING REPLACEMENT AT - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION 1427 CARTOS - RESOLUTION 105-86 AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI, MANGINI, PAGLIARO NONE Minutes of the Regular Meeti.ng of September 2,198 6 wer e ACTION ON approved. GARAGE City Planner reviewed her memo of September 8 in which she recommendedcouncil hold public hearing and take action. The applicant, Roy ChrisEensen, is proposing to denolish and rebuil,d his garage. The new design requires three special. permits for height, plate line and storage area. In addition, the exterior dirnension of the proposed structure is 20 feet vide, the interior dinension is onJ-y 19 feetwide. Current code requires a two car garage be 20 by 20 feetinterior. He also proposes a sma11 closet at the front of the garage betueen the waI1 and the garage door. The Planning Conmlssion required that the garage be built one foot wider to meet code andtherefore approved a variance for lot coverage and special permits forplate line of 14 feet and for the storage area. ApplicanE appealed because he was not satisfied with the Planning Conmission conditions. Councilman Pa9Li.aro inquired if applicant is abiding with rear yard setbacks; City Planner replied yes. He also thought the proposed garage door was somerrhat narroy and wondered if city code addressedthe size of garage doors; City Planner replied no. Councilman Amstrup r.rondered vhy the applicant wanted a closet; City Planner said for storage of garden equipnent. Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing. Roy Christensen, applicant, stated the planned closet would only be 133/4 j.nches deep, and would support the electrical pane1. Councilrroman Barton had visited the sitel she revi-ewed existing garage and plansproposed. Christensen said most double garage doors are 16 feet widebut he felt that was too large, there are two separate doors now. He has a snal1 back yard so doesnrt vant a J.arger garage. Councilr,roman Barton asked if he would accept 14 foot height 1imit, 15 foot door andput the electrical panel on the side wal1; Christensen replied yes. He also agreed he would use a drop ladder for the storage area. Mayor Mangini closed the public hearing. Council di.scussed briefLy, had no problens rrith his p1ans. Councilwoman Barton noved to grant two special permits by adoption of RESOLUTION 105-86 with the conditions of the City Engineerrs and Building Inspectorts memos and the following additional conditions:(1) that the garage height and plate line be linited to 14 feet, with 19 feet by 22 feet interior dinensions and include a 15 foot wide Barage door rcith the electrical panel placed otr the side uall of the garage; (2) that no closets be placed within the structure which shal1 obstruct parking inside the garage, the storage area shal1 be accessed only by a drop ladder and the ceiling to floor height in the storage PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE PLAG COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT : MINUTES 445 area be linited Eo 4 feet 10 structure shal1 ever be used J.nches, and; (3) that ro part of this for residential purposes. carried unanimously 5-0 on roll callSeconded vote. by Councilman Lemb i , RESOLUTION 106-86 ADOPTION OF URBAN IIATER MANAGEMENT PLAN JOB 626 Director of Public Works revieved his memo of September 3 in r+hich he reconnended council hold public hearing and adopt the Urban Water Management Plan. Legislation passed in 1983 requires every vater supplier serving over 3r000 customers to prepare and adopt an Urban Water Management Pl-an. To comply rrith the law, the firn of ERM-WEST was hired to prepare the plan. The plan i.s consistent with the needs of the city and the pJ.ans adopted by other Peni.nsula cities. San Francisco has prepared a plan and it is incorporated by reference in our plan since they supply us vith vater. Most recommendations made in the plan are currently being done by the city, the few not being done are as f oll-ows: (1) and advlsory comnittee consisting of the City Manager and department heads; (2) additional pronotional and infornational measures be taken; (3) additional i.nf ormation and resources be provided to the schools. Mayor Manglni opened the public heari.ng. There being no comments, the hearing uas clo sed. Councilman Lembi liked the recommendatj.ons regarding public education. Counci.lwonan Barton questioned the large water users such as Hiramllalker, Director reviewed their use and also reviened thettunaccountedtt uses which are less than 10 percent and thus considered ac ce p t.a b1e in the industry. Councilman Lembi moved adoption of the Urban Water Managenent Plan by adoption of RES0LUTI0N l-06-86. Seconded by CounciLwoman Barton, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. URGENCY ORDINANCE 1332 - PROHIBITING PRESENCE IN ALLEYS AND EASEMENTS DURING CERTAIN HOURS City Attorney revieved his memo of September 10 in which he reconmended council hold a public hearing and adopt Ehis urgency ordinance. One of the sources of trouble during last year's Halloneen disturbance on Hillside Drive was the use of alleys as an area of retreat and a place to store projectiles. The Pol-ice Department recommends t.his ordinance to limit the persons who may be in these easenents during the night hours, from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. This ordinance rvi1l oake it a misdemeanor so, if necessary, persons rrho violate it can be arrested on the spot. An urgency ordinance is required so EhaL it will be in effect on Halloween night. Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing. Alan Horn, 1325 Palona, opposed the ordinance because anyone walking in an alIey night be arrested. Councilman Lenbi asked that clarification be addedproperty ovner to be in the alley. Councilman Lernbi responded that it vould be up Department to enforce this; it is specificallythe problens encountered on Halloween. to a 11or{ the to the Pol ice intended to prohibiL Mayor Mangini closed Ehe public heariDg. Councilman Pagliaro noved adoption of URGENCY ORDINANCE 1332. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton. Councilman Lembi noted the many students 1n the audieoce and asked that they notify others that this ord j.nance is t.he first step of several to be taken to prohibit Ehe problems encountered at past Halloweens. The moti.on carried unani.mously on rolI call vote. 446 COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Mayor Manglni thanked all the openings and not.ed that those one year for future openings. excellent applicants for commj-ssion not appointed would be kept on fiLe for Councilnan Anstrup and Councilman Lembi nominated SheJ,ley Grahan for the Planning Commission vacancy. Councilwoman Barton and Mayor Mangini noninated Rlchard FoJ,ey for the Traffic, Safety Parkiug Commission. Councilman Pa9Liaro asked City Attorney for an interpretation of city rules regarding commissioners serving tvo terns; for example Grahan has served tuo terms and Foley has served tuo terms. Staff noted Foley has been off a commission for nearly a year; Grahan has not yet completed two terns on Park and Recreation. City Manager said the resolution regarding limiting terms is rather l,ague. Councilman Pagliaro and CounciLman Amstrup nominated Herb Sommer, Kristine Cannon and Bud Harrison for Library Board. Graham will complete an unexpired term on Planning to April 7, 7987. Foley vilJ. conpJ.ete an unexpired term on TSP to November 6, L987. Somrner will complete an unexpired term on Library to June 30, 1987, and Cannon and Harri-son viIl serve for terms ending June 30, 1989. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR 18OO EL CAMINO REAL City Plannerts memo of September 8 informed council, that the proposed retail/medical office building as been redesigned and now conplieshrith all standards of the zoning code. AVAILABILITY OF HOOVER SCHOOL SITE City Manager reviewed his neno of September 10 in nhich he recomnended council indicate its position oo the cityis interest in purchasing this vacant school site. Due to the location, terrain and poor condition of the faciJ"ities, he reconmeoded against its purchase, Council concurred. CONSENT CALENDAR CounciLnan Pagliaro, referring to the staff report on itern rra, Agreement for Engineering Services, Job 630,'r requested staff include other firmsr proposals for comparison in future staff reports. a RESOLUTION 107-86 - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT SERVICES FOR WATER STUDY - JOB 630 FOR ENGINEERING City Engineerrsthis resoluti-onAssociation in Lrater systen. nemo of September 10 approving a contract the amount of $51,905 r ecommended with Boone, for a study council adopt Cook and of the city b RESOLUTION I08-86 REPLACEMENT - JOB - AWARDING CONTRACT FOR PENINSULA WATER MAIN 613 City Engineerts memo of September 10 reconmended council approvethis resolution awarding contract to low bidder Janes Chalmers, Contractor, in the amount of $280,357. RESOLUTION 109-86 - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH BFI FOR GARDEN PIC(UP SERVICES Director of Public Works nemo of September 10 recommended approve this agreement uit.h BFI to continue garden pickup services at an estimated cost to city of $5,800 per month. part of our city dump closure, the garden pickup material now be disposed of at either 0x Mountain or the San Carlos transfer station. All garden pickup will be hauled to 0x council As must There being no other nominations, a unanimous vote was taken for those candidates. c. 447 e Mountain except for the last pickup of the day which IJi1l go to San Carlos. d. DENIAL 0I' CLAIMS: (1) ALMA BUDGICK; (2) ARCAMIN0 WEST Ci.ty Attorney recomrnended denial. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director recommended approval of itlarrants 31518 - 31847, duly audited, in the amount of $1,579,601 .42 and Payroll Checks 69181 - 69900 for the nonth of August 1986 in the anount of $69s,41s.60. f. TENTATIVE EMPLOYEE AGREEMENT WITH DISPATCHERIS GROUP City Manager I s memo of with the September 8 recommended council approve Dispatcher's Group.this contract CANCELLATION OF STUDY MEETING City Managerrs memo of September 8 recomnended council cancel the Study Meeting scheduled for September 17 since one council member r.ri11 be absent and there are onLy two agenda items. Councilwonan Barton moved approval of the Consent Calendar, Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously by voice vote. OLD BUSINESS - dIR qUAIITY Councilwonan Barton noted a letter inquiring if our city has an air quality element. in its General Plan. She thought it a good idea and asked that the issue be placed on a Study agenda. Council concurred. Staff revieved t.hat air quality is considered in EIRs but is not part of our General Plan. SCHEDULE REVIEW HEARING Councilnan Amstrup asked council review on 1255 Bernal. Mayor Mangini scheduled 0ctober 6, 1986 meeting. PJ.a nn ing Comnission actionpublic hearing for the and the city the a COUNCIL OF MAYORS Councilnan Amstrup noted an upcoming Council of Mayors meeting asked council give direction to Vice Mayor Barton who would be atLending in Mayor Manginirs absence. He vas concerned about proposed study of municipal salary structures and suggested our take a negative stand. Council concurred. BEAUTIFICATION ITEM Councilman Pagliaro requested the Beautification Comnission e1n trees by Putnan Buick. council review an item that cane before regarding a request for removal of eight NOISE FROM AUTO DEALERS Councilman Lembi noted a letter regarding noise from auto dealers di.sturbing residents. When the Putnarn project was before council he has speclfically asked for control of loudspeakers so they do not disturb neighbors. City Attorney reviewed his correspondence uith theparties involved. Comnission Minute s: September 8; Traffic, Septenber 4, 1986. Civil Service, August 12; Planning,Safety, Parking, August 14; Beaut.ification, b. Letter from Anna Eshoo regardlng Historical participate in Preservation this; Mayor meeting. ManginiCo unc i lwornan Barton suggested city indicated he would like to attend as an alternate. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 448 c d. Proclamations: Very Special Arts I,Jeek, September 17-23; White Cane Day, october 18; Constitution Days, 0ctober 3-4, 1986. Putnam Bui. ck I s noisy publicLetter from Lee address system. Correy regarding City of Hal-f Moon Bay resolution opposing Measure A. f. Treasurerrs Report, August 31 , l-986. g.Planning Departnent notice of minor modification for variance for side yard setback at 1368 Vancouver. CLOSED SESSION - HILLSBOROUGH LAW SUIT At 8:25 p.n., counciJ- adjourned to a Closed Session regarding pending litigation. CounciL reconvened and directed staff to prepare a law suit against the Towr of Hlllsborough regarding the unpaid sener bi11s. ADJOU ENT The neeting was regularly adjourned at 9:02 p.m. ith A. Malfatti City Clerk