HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1985.03.06ClTY OF BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING MARCH 6, t98s Mayor R, David Martin convened the Study lvleeting of the Burl ingame City Council in Conference Room B of Burl ingame City Hall at 8:00 p.m. PRESENT: COUNCILMEIYBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, MANG]NI, MARTIN, PAGLIARO ABSENT : NONE STAFF PRESENT: ARGYRES, COLEMAN, l40NR0E, KIRKUP .I . REGULATION OF RESTAURANTS The City Planner reviewed the P'l anning Commission recommendations concerning the regulation of restaurants and the prior Staff Reports outlinjn raised about the type of regulation. Counci'l indicated that t with the Planning Commission's approach g the hey di a pl usthe probl em of quot te , it shoul d perta Cou nc i lman Amstr questions d not ag ree formu I ass. There was a consensus that if any to Sub-area A in the Bur'l ingame Avenue stated that he felt there was a defini possibly we should drop the moratorium e restaurants open. Counc i lwomants i n Sub -area A (Bur1 i ngame Avenue )of l0 restaurants in three years. Ift would rea11y change the face of our to be done, but at the present time hamber, who original ly started th'is, and that it was a d regul ati on was adop area and to Broadwa probl em in defi n i ng iff ted icult issue to ad restaurant and th to dre in up ctL m0r ran SCti as v for the time being a Barton i ndi cated her have i ncreased from we get another fi ve retai I area. She fe ; n c 2 r I d wait and see if oncern that restauI to 3l , an increa estaurants she felt that something h council does not have any input from th and the council js unclear of the Chamber's position. Councilman Pagl iaro indi- cated that he thought the Chamber of Commerce's concern about the "b1ank space" caused by restaurants within the retail frontage of Burl ingame Avenue was the basic prob'lem. Karen Key, of the Chamber of Commerce, indicated that restaurants do cause some parking problems and are, in some way, detrimental to the retail business in our downtown areas. After a lengthy discussion, it was the council's consensus that the city should attempt to regulate restaurants. It was decided that the existing number of restaurants jn the Burl ingame Avenue, Sub Area A, and Broadway commercial area would be set as the allowable number of restaurants. The definition of a restaurant would be any establishment which sells food and has seats. A six-month time restaurant use after an estabproject. Staff was d i rectedfor these areas to serve as a to the expiration of the curr mit wou'ld be establ ished for continuation of the shment closes or begins work on a remodel ling verify the information in our restaurant survey ase and draftan ordinance for consideration priort morator i um. lili to b en 2. HOME OCCUPATION REGULAT]ON The City Planner reviewed the Staff Report and Planning Commission considerationof this item. Staff has proposed revision to our current code regulating home occupations based on the difficulty in enforcement and ambiguityregulations. There was cons'iderable counci I discussion about th egulating home occupations and the effectiveness of this typf indicated that all enforcement of home occupations is base of ed eo do the exi sti ng esirabilityf regulation. n compl a i nts. ofr Staf Coun to s cil reviewed section by section the proposed ordinance. Section "E" was revised tate that there should be a maximum of one non-resident employee allowed.Section amended to add "on a regular basis" and staff was directed to rewrite Section "A" to exempt outdoor recreation acti vity areas and drop the 200 square foot limitation, but add that a Use Permit would be required for use of aicessory structures for home occupations. Staff wjll rewrite the ordinance as proposed and return jt to council for introduction and further consideratjon. 3. COMMISSIONER ATTENDANCE The City Manager indicated that the Civil Service Commission has decided to recommend that councjl not chanqe the current resolution so that C'ivil Serv'ice Commission interviews count toward attendance. Councilman Mangini questioned as to whether there was such a thing as excused absence and council stated that there was not. Mayor Martin expressed hjs beljef that when there was a problem the Mayor should discuss attendance problems with individual commissioners. It 226 227 was the council consensus that no changes will be made at the current time to our existing resolution, but that it will be strictly enforced for j985. 4, PUBLIC l.lORKS STAFFING that the addition of a Junior Civil Engineer, Public Works Inspector and Typist- Clerk be added to the cuffent budget. Council expressed its desire that we have sufficient qualified staff to do the necessary work and that 'if the Public Works Director has problems they should be brought to the attention of the council. The Public tlorks Director reviewe time positions for the engineerin expressed at our annual Saturday some of the problems we are havin members in this area. Council ap 5. OTHER as the city's representative a represe ntat i ves of Burl ingame' services received by our hotel i ndi cated that l4arriott desire in the near future. Counci l i The City Manager reminded counci l April 23. Council indjcated that rather than at the Recreation Cent staff 'lunch on March 29. CLOSED SESSION--ADJOURNMENT is recommendations for two additiona'l full- ivision based on the concerns council had orit'ies meeting. Staff reviewed with council n recruiting and retaining qual ified staff ved the Public Work Director's recommendation dhgd prigi pro th He et ttsfsfst nd i of th Councjl reviewed the request from the Council of Mayors that the c'ity's representa- tive be prepared to vote on the matter of SB-290 support for transportation improve- ments by thejr next meeting. Mayor Martin stated that he believes the Governor w1 ll veio any measure since it is proposed to raise the gasoline tax, but as a matter of principle, we should support the efforts of Senator Foran. Councilman Pagl.iaro ihdicated that he is against raising any tax-for streets when the state cuirently has a large surplus and that in no case would he favor any money going to BART." The majority of counci'l supported this position and the Mayor was d.irected to vote against support for SB-290 at the upcoming Coq1gi.l of Mayors meeting. The Mayor indicated that he would vote against the bi'l I but would present his own coiments concerning how he feels the issue should be addressed. Counci lman Amstrup requested coun ci1 approval of the City Manager and himself he Tourist & Convention Bureau meeting with ive large hotels to receive comments on rom the county-wide convention bureau. hat counci'l attend a "hard-hat" tour som cated approval of both of these ideas. al so 'ime The Regular Study Meeting was adjourned to a closed session concerning property acquisition of pLrshing School at 9:57 p.m. The closed sessjon was adiourned at l0:.l7. €ll'h4ru; the upcoming Youth and Government Day on ey would prefer a luncheon at a restaurant . Council also was informed of an upcoming Judith A. Malfatti City Clerk' L