HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1986.08.18436 BURLINGAME, CALIPORNIA August 18, L986 CALL TO ORDER A duly on the ca11ed notj.ced regular neeting of the Burlingame City Council vas above date in the City Ha11 Council Chambers. The meeting to order at 7r32 p.m. by Mayor Yictor A. Mangini. he 1d lra s PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Clty Attorney, Jerone F. Colenan. ROLL CALL Fire Chj.ef Mal-colm Towns and Mayor Mangini. presented nen Fire Captains Tom Heaton, Steven Langridge and Colin Sullivan and Shift Inspector Terence Fj.bich uith certificates of appointnent. PUBLIC HEARING - SECOND READING EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT ORDINANCE 1331 REGARDING COUNCIL City Manager reviewed past council discussion ofordinance will exclude relmbursenent for mileagecouncil nembers. thj.s matter; this within the city for Councilman Amstrup moved adoption of CounciLman Leobi, carried unanimouslypresent. ORDINANCE 1330. Seconded3-0 by ro11 call- vote of by members PUBLIC HEARING - REVOCATION OF SPECIAL GARBAGE DUMPSTERS IN PARKING LOT L POR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR TWO FOX MALL Director of Public Irrorks revj.ewed his meno of August 13 in which he recomnended counciL hold public hearing and take action. In October 198J", council granted permission to place tuo dumpsters for Fox Ma11use in the public parking lot to i.ts rear. The city has received manyconplaiots about the litter around the dumpsters, the owner has beennotified about the litter and has always cooperated io cleaning thearea but it appears that people other than tenants of Fox Ma11 areusing the dunpsters. Mayor Mangj.ni opened the public hearing. The property ouner, Neset To1u, ras present and discussed the arrangenents he has Eade to maintain the area around the dumpsters. Peter Umland, Burlingane Avenue businessman, stated he has no problemwith Fox MaIl tenants, it is the concern about public use of the dunpsters that caused hin to write letter of complaint. Tony Taylor, Burlingame Avenue businessnan, suggested the property owner provide monitoring of the si"te or security after hours topreclude public use of the dunpsters. Mayor Mangini closed the public hearing. CounciL discussed with To1u, there ie a room for trash containersavailable in the Fox Mal1 but it ls being used as storage area forSteffies Shoes; possibility of fencing off the dunpstera; Councilman COUNCITMEMBERS PRESENT: AMSTRUP, LEMBI, I.{A}'IGINI COUI{CII},IEMBERS ABSENT: BARTON , PAGLIARO MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Ueetlng of August 4, L986 vere approved. PRESEITATIO}I BY FIRE DEPARTUENT t r Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing. There being no comnenta, thehearing nas closed. i qF?:tO, Amstrup noted this 1s a public parking lot and this is the only suchpernit council has granted. Council noted that public dumping is beyond the ownerrs control, there is a room available for garbage storage in the building and it should be used, Councilnan Amstrup moved to revoke the Special Encroachment Pernit two garbage dumpsters in Lot L, giving the owner 30 days in whi.ch provide ner., trash facilities for the site. Seconded by Councilman Lenbi, carried unaninousJ-y by ro11 call Yote. for to POSTPONE PUBLIC APPEAL HEARING FOR 707 WALNUT At appellantrs request, hearing was rescheduled for RESOLUTION 93-86 - ADOPTING WATER RATES AND CHARGES September 2, 1986. FoR 1986-87 Director of Public Works reviewed his memo of August 7 in which he recommended council adopt the revised rrater fees but leave the vater rates the sare. The uater rates xould renain the sane as set in 1983; fees for installation would be raised 3 percent to cover the cost of labor , material and equipment. Councilnan Lembi moved adoption of RESOLUTI0N 93-86. Seconded by r ol1 call vote.Councilman Amstrup,carrl"e - MR. d unan j-rnou s 1y 3-0 on ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT trr s 1819 EL CAMINO REAL City Attorney reviewed his council grant an amu seme n t period to January 1, l-987. Council acknowledged City Plannerrs rev j.eved Ehere were no requests for progress on various projects in the memo of August 6 in which he permit for live music at the recommended site for a Councilnan Lenbi inquired if there noul.d be dancing' City Attorney responded he assumed so. Councilnan Lenbi noved to Srant an anusement pernit to January 1, 1987. Seconded by Councilman Anstrup, carried unanimously by voice vote of members p re sent . L- TRAFFIC ATLOCATIONS - AUGUST 1986 memo of August 8 in nhich she traffic a1l o cat i-on s , and reviewed bayfront area. DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE FOR LEAGUE CONFERENCE Memo from Lhe League of California Cities requests council appoint a voting delegate and alternate for the Business Session of the League Annual Conference scheduled for 0ctober L9-22 irt' Los Angeles. Councilman Lembi indicated he would attend and City Attorney noted he would also attend. There being no other council or staff going' Councilman Lembi was appointed Voting Delegate and City Attorney was appointed Alternate. City Clerk vi11 notify the League. COMMISSIONER SELECTION PROCESS Mayor Manginiis memo of August 11 requested council direction on the commissioner selection and interview Process since sone applicants have been interviewed nany times and council nay know then lje11. Councilman Amstrup suggested that all candidates be interviewed unless they did not wish to be, he also noted there was a seat available on the Beautification Connission due to Suzanne Cadyrs resignatlon. He requested Ehe press notify the public about this opening. In response to Councilman Lembi, City Manager stated application period would close August 27 for Planning, Library and Traffic Safety and Parking Commissions; that interviews uould take place the first week in September and appointments would be made at the second meeting in September. Mayor Mangini asked that no decisions be made until all intervieus are completed. 438 CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION 94-86 AWARDING BID FOR TREE PRUNING JoB 628 Park Directorts meno of August 11 recommended council adopt resolution awarding bid to Timberline Tree for a low bid of to exceed $42,000, or $24.44 per man hour. c this not b RESOLUTION 95-86 - AUTHORIZ]NG AGREEMENT FOR COMPUTER CONSULTANT FOR FINANCE AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS Finance Directorts and Police Chiefrs memo of August 18 reconmended council approve retention of the Consulting Group toassist in the design and selection of a computer systen. RESOLUTION 96_86 - METAL STORM DRAINS AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT - JoB 537 FOR CORROSION STUDY OF City Engineerts meno of Augustthis agreement with Vi 11alo bo s sub ject study. 13 recommended and Associates council approve for $21,947 for the d. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION City Manager I s agreenent with memo of August l-4 recommended council approve thisPolice group representing 33 police officers. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATION City Manager's memo of August 13 agreenent with PSEA representingLibrary and other departments. reconnended council approve this 58 employees in City Ha11, f. TENTAT]VE AND FINAL MAP EOR 1011 CADILLAC WAY CANCELLATION OF AUGUST August approve 20 STUDY MEETING City Manager recommended cancellation due to vacations and lackof agenda material. SELECTION OF FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND BOND COUNSEL FOR POSSIBLE BOND ISSUE FOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Clty Managerts memo of August 12 recommended council accept theproposals from Rauscher Pierce Refsnes and from Jones Hal1 Hill and White to act as financial advisor and bond counsel for apossible bond issue in the March 1987 election. i. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL City Engineerrs meno of Planning Commission and l-2 reconnended council concur viththis map subject to conditions. h Finance Di rec t orduly audited, in 684L7 - 69180 for $7]-6 ,982.2L. reconmended approval of Warrants 3L2O9 - 3151-7,the aoount of $1,235,O98.01- and Payroll Checksthe month of July 1986 in the amount of Councilnan Lembi moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by CounciLman Amstrup, carried unaninously by voice vote. OLD BUSINESS - CITY WEED CLEANUP Councilman Anstrup suggest.ed providi-ng proper equipmentpeople who are cleaning up weeds in the city, he noted California Drj-ve sti11 looks a 11tt1e shabby. Council area was shabby and that the young workers should have equipment. for the young the area on agreed that the proper COMMEND CITY MANAGER a. e. Councilnan Amstrup also commended the City Manager r.rho returned from his vacation to attend the council meeting. 439 NEW BUSINESS LEAGUE CONFERENCE Councilnan Lembi requested council approval of his attendance at thisconference. 0ther council nembers noted he di.d not need to come before council for approval . Councilnan Amstrup then moved approval of this trip by Councilman Lenbi, seconded by Mayor Mangi.ni, carried unanimously. CHEEKIS AMUSEMENT PERMIT Councilman Amstrup stated council should look into activities at this establishment, there has been more problems noted in the papers. City Manager has discussed with Police and they are gathering material for council review in the near future. Conmission Minutes: Planning, August 11i Beautification, August 7; Civil Service, July 8, 1986. b. Letter from Carlyle Nelson, 215 Chapin, re noisy leaf blowers. a City Attorney noted that he receives several calLs a month on this issuel our noise ordinance only deals with hours for construction noise; some other cities have nore specific ordinances. Councilman Lembi said this lssue came up before the Park and Recreation Comnission when he was on it; he noted people have cal1ed him about also. Council asked City Attorney to research other citiest laws report back to council. Letter from attorney David Carr regarding the proposed Naters dellcatessan. i.t and c d. ProclamaEion: United hlay Day, September 18, e. Connissioner Attendance Reports. f. Treasurerts Report, July 31, 1986. g. Police Report, July 1986. h. Letter from Senator Lockyer regarding Eeeting feasibility of a pedestrian/bike path around NORTH SOUTH ALL STAR FOOTBALL GAMB 1986. to the explore bay. Councilman Lembi stated he voul-d like to step out of his counci.l and, as the Rotary chairman of the event, publicly apologize to city and the neighborhood around Burlingane High School for the behavi.or of the crowd at that gane. CONVENTION BUREAU seat the Councilman Amstrup noted the report from the Convention 41 percent of the bookings nade in June for events uere of Burlingame, Bureau wherefor the City ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularl-y adjourned at 8:08 p.m Yzafr* udith A. Malfatti City Clerk ACKNOWLEDGMENTS