HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1986.08.04429 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA August 4 ,1986 INTERVIEW CANDIDATES EOR CITY TREASURER At 7:15 p.m. on lhe above date in Conference Room A, council interviewed Eno candidates, AJ-do Sinonetti and Douglas Bowlus, for the position of City Treasurer. A duly on the ca1led not.iced regular neeting of the Burlingane City Councj-1 was above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting to order at 7:35 p.n. by Mayor Vlctor A. Mangini.. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG held was Led ROL by Chief of Police, Alfred J. Palmer. L CALL COUNCILMEMBERS COUNCILMEMBERS MINUTES Minutes of July PRESENT: ABSENT: of Ehe Regular 23, 1986 were AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI, MANGlNI, PAGLIARO NONE of July 21 , L986 and Ehe Study Meet.ing approved. Meeting PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL VARIANCE FOR PARKING FOR OF DENIAL OF SPECIAL PERMIT OFFICE RETAIL BUILDING AT HEIGHT AND EL CAMINO REAL FOR i 800 Councilman Lenbi stated he vould abstain from any dlscussion or vote on this project due to a conflict of interest. City Planner revieued her memo of July 29 in rvhich she recommended council hold a public hearj.ng and take action. Mitzi Lee' Property owner, is requesting a special pernit for height, 66.5 feet, and a variance for percenEage of conpact parking stal1s, 20 percent allowed' 24.2 percer-t iequested, in ordlr to build a comnercial office/retail building at 1800 El Canino, zoned C-1. The building i.s designed trith retail and restaurant space on the ground floor and office space above. Parking includes 167 off-street parkj.ng spaces distributed between one belou grade deck and four decks over the restaurant at the north end of Lhe site. Planning Commission defeated a notion for approval at its meetinS of July 14 and applicants appealed. In response to council questions, City Planner reviewed Ehat this project has been redesigned from the original project addressed in the certified Final EIR. Staff deternined the reYisions rePresent a project that has less impact than the project evaluated in Ehe EIR' thus rdas covered by that EIR. In response to council questions, it was noted the above grade parking is not open to the convalescent hospital next door and parking garages are entered and exited fron Trousdale. Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing. Helen Hui, aEtorney representing owner, revieved that they had worked closely with the hospital next door to eliminate some concerns. She shoned pictures of other large buildings along El Camino, showed a model of the proposed building. She mentioned that this proiect is a beEter neighbor than having the gas station next door which was open from 6 a.m. to midnight and which had proposed to have a car wash. Council menbers discussed uith Hui the reason for having a resLaurant in a medical building; size of penthouse for elevator; slope of the driveway ramp s . Tony Nash, noise consultant, reviewed the advantages of the proPosed additional enclosure of parki.ng areas and the wa11 along the ranP to the above grade parking areas to reduce noise to hospital i the Sarageswould be closed at the end of the business day for all uses on site. CALL TO ORDER 430 Richard Hopper, traffic consuLtant, reviewed the garage ramps located on Trousdale which reduce potential for traffic conf 1j-ct, revlened that service deliveries would be nade early in day, the peak hour for all the uses corobined on site would be l-2 p.m., most medical traffic vould be betveen 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and the peak for restaurant traffic alone would be later. Bill 0jakian, 1601 Davis, representing the liquor store Dext to proposed project, vas not opposed to the project but vanted theheight on his property when he wanted to develop it. the same Mayor M4ngini closed the publ-ic hearing. Mayor Mangini inquired of City Attorney about the possibilit.y of a tievote uith four members voLing. Cit.y Attorney noted a tie would be considered no action, therefore the Planning Connission denial nould st.and. Hui requested that under the circunstances if there lrere anegative vote the project be denied xithout pre judi.ce. Council discussed vith applicants; noted they had done an excellentjob in reducing the height of the project but most council menbersfelt it could be reduced even further since the review line ln thearea is 35 feet; had a great concern for the effect on the convalescent hospi.tal next to the site ; opposed to the restaurant inthe buildi.ng being open past 6 p.m. because of noise impact on theconvalescent hospital; hoped the Planning Commission could reviev theproposed anendments adding landscaping and elimi-natj.ng the parkingvariance but requiring a variance for FAR. Councilman Pagliaro moved to deny Counci.lnan Amstrup , motion carried Lembi abstaining fron vote. PUBLIC HEARING - REVIEW OF SPECIAL AUTO DEALER AT 1006-1008 CAROLAN - prejudice. Seconded by ro11 call vote, Councilman vithout4-0 on PERMIT TO REDUCE RESOLUTION 88-86 LANDSCAPING FOR APPROYING SAME City Planner revieved her memo of July 28 in which she reconnendedcouncil hold public hearing and t.ake action. Mlke Harvey isrequesting an amendment to his 1979 special permit for an auto salesand servj-ce f acili-ty at the above address. The amendment vould reducethe landscaping from the required 10 percent to 7.6 percent. Thissite has trro frontages, Carolan and Rollins, a ra11 and fence has beenextended al-ong the property line at the rear of the houses fronting onToyon as required in the original use pernit. Planning Connissionapproved this request at its meeting of July 14, 1986. Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing. Mike Harvey, applicant, reviewed that he had spent $250,000 remodelingthe warehouse which had triggered the landscaping requirement. He hadpreviously been given permission fron prior City Planner Yost for thepresent landscapingl if more landscaping goes in he would lose neededparking space. Mayor Mangini closed the public hearing. Councilman Pagliaro noted he had called this iten up for reviev because of failure to compLy with the original landscape requirenents;he had vislt.ed the site but felt there is not enough landscaping inthe front along Carolan. In response to council, City Planner noted there is frontage on bothRollins and Carolan, they need about about 3 percent more landscapingon the entire site, the tvo lots have been merged, the requiredlandscaping uould noL have to be on the sEreet and so might not bevisible. Councilman Pagliaro moved to and deny the speci-a1 pernj-t. overturn the Planning Commission approval The motion died for lack of a second. Councilnoman Barton moved to uphold the Planning Comnissi,on acti-on. Seconded by Councilnan Lembi, carried 4-1 on ro11 call vote, Councilman Pagliaro voting no. PUBLIC HEARING AT 1420 HOWARD - REVIEW OF SIGN EXCEPTION FOR WALGREEN DRUG STORE AVENUE City Planner reviewed her merno of JuIy 25 in which she recommended council hold public hearing and take action. Wade McClure of Anerican Sign and Lighting is representing Walgreen Drugs in Lheir request to replace the existing open neon tube script signs rith enclosed plastic signs. The new signs are proposed from the standard Walgreen signage program. The request is for signage on Hovard, Prinrose and on tso ad jo j.ning parking lots or on al.1 four sides of the building. Planning Commission approved this sigD exception vith the added condition that the sign facing the Wells Fargo parking Iot be removed. Mayor Manginl opened the puhlic hearing. Wade McClure, representlng applicant, reviewed that they are wilLing to renove the sign from the Well-s Fargo 1ot. He urged approval. Councilnan Pagliaro inquired of City Planner the code requirenents for tenporary signs; City Planner replied they get City Plannerrs approval and r*ou1d have to remove the sign within 30 days. Mayor Mangini closed the public hearinS. Councilman Amstrup inquired of McClure uhether Ehey are iust replacing what is already there. McClure replied yes, but these signs will be lighted plastic rather than open neon. Councilman Pagliaro noved to uphold the Planning Conmission approval. Seconded by Councilman Lembi' carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. PUBLIC HEARING - REVIEW OF SPECIAL PERMIT FOR OFFICE USE AT HOOVER S CH OOL 2220 SUMMIT DR]VE -RESOLUTION 89-86 APPROVING SAME City Planner reviewed her neno of July 25 in which she recommended council hold public hearing and take action. Lisa Rosenthal and Marlene Doug1as, representing Peninsula Parent, a nonthly nevsPaper servi.ng the Daly City to PaLo Alto area, are requesting a special permit to locate the newspaper office in a classroon at Hoover Schoo1. ihe office wouLd be open five days a week, 9 to 5, with two full t j'ne and one part t j.me employees. No printing or distribution uil1 take place from this site. The publication is distributed free and is supportetl by advertising. Planning Commission approved this special use permit at its meeting of July J"4. City Planner noted nine letters in support of this use were received after the staff report was prepared. Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing. Marlene Douglas, applicant, revieved that this is a neuspaper focused on education and she felt it appropriate for a school" site. The paper highlights news of importance to parents and children, lists J-ibrary prograns for erample. They take advertising which helps pay for the nevspaper, they are not a nonprofit organization but so far they are not a noney naking organization either. The school board has given approval and she hoped council would approve also. Mayor Mangini closed the public hearing. Councilman Amstrup noted he had ca11ed this up for review, his concern was that this was setting a precedent in allowing office use in residential areas. Ile did not question the value of the paper but thought it would be better located in a commercial area. Councilman Lembi said the use is consistent and compatible vith a school site. The school board has Siven aPproval and it does not do so lightly, they are very concerned about use being compatible with the school neighborhood. Other council members agreed. Councilman Lembi noved to uphold the Planning Connission approval. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried 4-1 on a ro11 call vote, Councilman Amstrup voting no. 431 432 PUBLIC HEARING - SECOND READING RATES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE 1330 ESTABLISHING SEWER Director of Public Works reviewed hls memo of JuJ,y 28 in which he recommended council hold public hearing and adopt this ordinance. Each year the city adopts sanitary sewer user rates, the proposed rates were atalyzed based on the 1986-87 budget, a bond debt artd reater use during the past year. EPA regulations set forth that operation and maintenance costs are t.o be paid fron the seuer rate and specifiesthe method of determining the rate. Single family home rates will remain the same, multi family will be reduced and commerciaL andindustrial will raise from 18 to 21 percent. Councilnan Amstrup noved adoption of ORDINANCE 1330. Councilwonan Barton, carried unanimously by ro11 caJ-1 PUBLIC HEAR]NG - ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENTS AND EASEMENTS AT 150 ANZA BOULEVARD - APPROVAL OF Seconded vote. by ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MAP FOR SAME Director of Public Works revj.ewed his meno of July 30 in which he recommended council hold public hearing on the abandonment anddedication of public easements and then approve the tentat j.ve andfinal maps for this property. The nap abandons a portion of a seyer easement no longer needed and abandons the 25 foot pubJ-lc access easement along the bay in favor of the BCDC required access easementsand property owner maintenance requirements. Also abandoned is anunused public utility easement and the map rededicates some existing easements and dedicates new easements required. Mayor Mangini inquired vhether anything could be done aboutin the J-agoon. Director replied that city ui1l, maintain thearea and the state encourages the city to enforce abatementunder the weed abatement progran. the trash 1andfi11 of weeds theMayor Mangini opened the public hearing. There being no comments,hearing vas closed. Councilman Amstrup moved approval of the tentative and final napswhich included the abandonment and rededication of easements. Seconded by Councilnan Lembi, carried unani-mously by voice vote. REC ES S Mayor Mangini called a recess at 9111 p.m. The neeting reconvened aL9:17 p.m. with all nembers present. RESOLUTION CONVENTION 90-86 - AUTHORIZING AND VISITORS BUREAU AGREEMENT WITH SAN MATEO COUNTY FoR 1986-87 City Manager reviewed hi.s meno of July 28 in which he recommendedcouncil approve an agreenent with the Convention Bureau for $215,000in funding for the fiscal year. At its budget study reeti.ng, councilrequested addi-tional information on the Convention Bureau activities.In June the Bureau sent cities a request for addj.tj-ona1 funding, from $427,000 to $577,000. John Steen, director of the Bureau, was presentto answer council questions. Councilman Amstrup noted he supports the Convention Bureau, reviewedfi-ve year plan to stj,mulate convention business and increase incone. Councilnan Lembi, being unacquainted uith the Convention Bureau operations, asked many queations to which Steen replied; percentage ofrooms i.n Burli-ngame as compared to Burlingarne I s contribution; hou menber hotels financially support the bureau. 0ther councll membershad questions about the hoteLsr advertising budget and noted that ifhotels paid nore to the bureau they would probably raise their roomrates. Councilman Counc i lman Lembi moved adoptj,on of RESOLUTI0N 90-86. Seconded byAnstrup, carried unanimously by voice vote. Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing. There being no connents, the hearing vas closed. 433 APPOINTMENT OF CITY TREASURER JOSEPH E. HARVEY Mayor Mangini noted that thie is the tine for a decision on appoj-ntment of a neu treasurer or calling an election. Candidates forthis position rere Douglas Bowlus, Harry LehrfeLd, Joseph Harvey and Aldo Sj-nonetti. Council had interviewed two at the past Study Meeting and the other two this evening. CounciLman Amstrup stated he favored appointnent since the city hasfour well qualified applicants for the position. Councilman Pagliaro stated he generally favored an election but agreedthat ue do have four good candidates. Councilwoman Barton and Councilnan Lembi also favored appolntment. Councilman Amstrup of City Treasurer. vote. moved that an appointment Seconded by Counc ilwoman for the position carri.ed by voice be ma de Barton, After some discussion of the nonination process and noninati.ons, Councilwonan Barton suggested council paper the person of their choice and if one person affirmative yotes he would be appolnted. several members urite on agets three Papers were distributed and returned to Ehe City Clerk who read the ba11ots, Mayor Mangini voting for Aldo Simonetti and Councilmembers Anstrup, Barton, Lembi and Pagliaro voting for Joe Harvey. Joseph E. unexpired Harvey was Ehereby appointed City Treasurer to serve out the term of Herb Sommer until November 1989. City Planner reviewed her nemo of July 28 in which she recomnended councj.l discuss and clarify for staff and appLicant. At the July 7 meeting, council reversed the Planning Commission denial for a sign exception for Rector Motor Car at 1010 Cadillac Way. In the action letter dated Ju 1y 9, staff noted the condition council added that all signage on the support pole be renoved. The applicant stated it vas their understanding that only one of the signs on the pole was Eo be removed, the one stating Rector Motor Car Company and that the other two signs saying Rector were to be a1lowed. Councilman Lembi thought it vas cLear that he was talking about a1l- the signs on the polel Councilman Pagliaro stated the minutes were clear on this issue. Staff was directed to inform Rector Cadillac to remove all three signs on the pole. REQUEST FROM WALGREEN DRUG FOR ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCLIqI .TIAIIER City Manager reviewed a letter fron David Devencenzi, nanager of Walgreen's, requesting permission to place another trailer in a parking space on Primrose during construction at his store. City Manager had denied this request due to the availability of a private parking 10t but toLd Devencenzi that his decision could be appealed to council. Devencenzi noted only three street parking spaces are needed for two traj.lers, whereas seven spaces in the lot would be needed. In response to council, Devencenzi said the trailer would be removed by mid Septenber. Council noLed a BFI dunpster is also located i.n the street and thaE it should be enptied each dayl had concerns about using so many parking spaces and about trailers bJ-ocking sight line of cars exiting Walgreenrs parking 1ot; delivery vehlcles nay be add to congestion; other contractors use noted the dunpster would be moved spaces. The applicant street to the parking 10t. many from more the Councilman Lembi thanked all the candidates on behalf of council. CLARIFICATION OF COUNCIL INTENT ON SIGNS AT RECTOR CADILLAC Councilnan Amstrup noved to grant the use of another parking space on Primrose to Walgreen Drug Store for a second construction trailer which would be renoved by rnid Septerober. Seconded by Councilwoman Bart.on, carried unaninously by voice vote. 434 CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Pagliaro had a question on item 'rf . Denial of Cl-aim for Titus.rr Clty Attorney said there had been a similar claim in that general area, but did not appear to be the same p1ace. a INTRODUCTION OF REIMBURSEMENT ORDINANCE I331 REGARDING COUNCIL EXPENSE City Attorneyts memo of July 24 recommended councll adopt anendnent to code regarding council expenses' specifying reimbursement for nileage within the city. TENTATIVE CONDO MAP FOR 1221 OAK GROVE this no City Engineer's memo Planning Conmi ssion units. recomnended council concur wi th this tentative nap for eleven of and J,,:7y 29 approve C SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR PLANTER BOX AT 29 MILLS CANYON COURT City Engineerts meno of July 30 recomnended council approve this permit subject to sLandard conditions. RESOLUTION 91-86 - AWARDING REHABILITATION - JOB 541 CONTRACT I'OR CALIFORNIA DRIVEd Senj"or Civil Engineer I sthis contract to Rai schof $387,520. memo of Jul y Construction 30 recomnended council awardfor a low bid in the amount RESOLUTION 92-86 - ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF CAROLAN/MORRELL STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS - JOB 304 City Engineerrs xoemoproject as corpleted $7 44,397 .78. reconmended Pipeline in council accept thi sthe anount of of by July 31 Mission f. DENIAL oF CLAIMS: (1) TANYA STEEN; (2) MARY ANN TITUS City Attorney recommended denial . Councilman Amstrup moved approval of the Councilman Lembi, carried unani.mously by OLD BUSINESS - SATETLITE ANTENNAS Consent Calendar. Seconded byvoice vote. of a WaIl Street Journal antenna which attaches to house Councilman Pagl iaro article regarding aor roof . distributed copies new flat sateLlite NEW BUSINESS COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Councilman AmstrupCity of Burlinganeof council. noted that the above and suggested 1e t ter organization has moved to the of welcome be sent on behalf APPEAL HEARING SCHEDULED Mayor Mangini acknowledged a deni"al of a bedroon addition was scheduled for the August RPC REPORT letter from Tony above his gara g e 18 meeting. Garisto appealing the at 7O7 Walnut. Hear i ng ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commj-ssion Minutes: Park and Recreation, JuIy 17; Library Board, July 15; Planning, July 28, 1986. a b. e. Councilman Lembi reported on a lengthy RPC meeting i.n which they discussed how various c j-ties reguLate use of the SP right-of-uay in their jurisdictions. 435 b. Letter fron Our Lady of Angels School regarding a carnival. Letter from Judy and Jim Scott, 1116 Dufferin, regarding problems with neighboring Mills Peninsula Senior Focus at l72O El Camino. c. Staff and council noted they drove by and it was c1eanl there had been sone misuse of parking facility but that appears to have been stopped. d. Letters and responses from Director of Public Works regarding oil treatnent of streets. CLOSED SESSION - NEGOTIATIONS Mayor Mangini adjourned the meeting to a closed session regarding negotiatioDs at 10:06 p. m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:33 p.m. Judith A. Malf aLti City Clerk Letter fron CaLifornia State Auto Burlj,ngame uinning a citation 1n Program. Association regarding the AAA Pedestrian Protection IY4@