HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2020.12.21CITY BURLINGAME 41�1.-._ 9om. BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting on December 21, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date online at 7:00pm. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG The pledge of allegiance was led by City Manager Goldman. 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Beach, Brownrigg, Colson, O'Brien Keighran, Ortiz MEMBERS ABSENT: None 4. REPORT OUT FROM CLOSED SESSION There was no closed session. 5. UPCOMING EVENTS Mayor Beach reviewed the upcoming events taking place in the city. 6. PRESENTATIONS a. PRESENTATION TO THE RETHINK WASTE POSTER CONTEST WINNER ReThink Waste representative Emi Hashizume stated that each year, ReThink Waste does a calendar contest for local students to submit artwork related to an annually chosen theme. She explained that this year's theme was how people are celebrating waste reduction outdoors. She noted that they had a lot of great submissions. Councilmember Brownrigg introduced Burlingame resident Ella Knight as the first -place winner of the contest. Her artwork was displayed for the community to see. Burlingame City Council December 21, 2020 Approved Minutes Ms. Knight explained that her piece was inspired by wanting to ensure that the earth stays healthy by following the 4R's (review, reduce, reuse, recycle). The Council congratulated Ms. Knight on her artwork. b. POLICE CHIEF UPDATE ON CHANGES TO USE OF FORCE POLICY AND OTHER INITIATIVES City Manager Goldman stated that staff put this item on the agenda as a follow up to the work that the Police Department did over the summer in regards to the Town Hall and Listening Session on their Use of Force Policy. Police Chief Matteucci stated that after the tragic death of George Floyd in May 2020, police departments began to take a closer look to their relationships with their communities and their use of force policies and procedures. Police Chief Matteucci stated that there were three priority areas that he felt were important for the Police Department to address this year: • Update Use of Force Policy • Combat bias -based policing (racial profiling) • Revamp Police response to persons in crisis Police Chief Matteucci stated that after the death of George Floyd, the Police Department made some immediate changes to its Use of Force Policy. He explained that the Police Department did the following in June 2020: • Banned carotid holds, choke holds, and strangleholds • Added de-escalation language • Addressed additional "8 Can't Wait" campaign suggestions. He noted that the City had or adopted seven of the eight policies from the "8 Can't Wait" campaign. He stated that many consider the eighth policy outdated and impractical. Police Chief Matteucci stated that on June 15, 2020, the Council unanimously approved taking the Obama Foundation's "Reimagining Policing Pledge." He explained that the pledge called for reviewing the Police Department's Use of Force Policy; engaging the community for input; reporting findings; and reforming the City's Use of Force Policy as necessary. Police Chief Matteucci stated that in response to the City Council taking the Obama Pledge, the City hosted a Town Hall and Listening Session on July 23, 2020 to discuss the Police Department's Use of Force Policy. He noted that the community was able to ask questions about use of force, hiring practices, and community response. 2 Burlingame City Council December 21, 2020 Approved Minutes Police Chief Matteucci review the second priority: combatting bias -based policing. He explained that when an officer is accused of stopping someone based on race, it is difficult to prove that this occurred. He noted that he does review body worn camera footage to ensure that the individual is treated with respect. Police Chief Matteucci explained that in response to concerns about racial profiling, California passed the Racial and Identity Profiling Act ("RIPA") in 2016. RIPA requires agencies to collect and report stop data to the Department of Justice. He explained that pursuant to RIPA, every time the police initiate a stop, they will be required to obtain the following data: Stop Data • Date, time, and duration • Location • Reason • Actions taken by officer • Results Suspect's Information • Perceived race or ethnicity • Perceived gender • Perceived to be LGBT • Perceived age • Degree of English fluency • Perceived or known disability Officer's Information • Identification Number • Years of experience • Type of assignment of officer He stated that the Burlingame Police Department will begin collecting this data on January 1, 2021 for report out in 2022, which is a year earlier than required by the law. He thanked Captain Boll and Sergeant Perna for their efforts on this project. Police Chief Matteucci reviewed the third priority: revamping the Police Department's response to persons in crisis. He explained that the following is in place at the Police Department: • Crisis Intervention Training ("CIT") — Police Academy and In -Service Training • Utilize the San Mateo County Mental Health Assessment and Referral Team ("SMART") on a majority of our calls involving persons in crisis. • Community Response Team ("CRT") attends monthly countywide crisis intervention meetings to request any necessary follow up. • Monitoring a pilot program involving County Behavioral Health, SMPD, RWCPD, DCPD, and SSFFD where licensed mental health clinicians work directly out of those police departments. • Partner with non -profits: Life Moves and Star Vista for homeless outreach. Burlingame City Council December 21, 2020 Approved Minutes Councilmember Colson asked under RIPA how an officer would perceive someone's gender or racial identity. Police Chief Matteucci stated that the police aren't collecting data on who they actually pull over. Instead it is based on what the officer perceives. He explained that there is an option to write unknown. Councilmember Brownrigg thanked Police Chief Matteucci for purchasing body worn cameras ahead of other police departments and consistently working with the community to be great partners. Vice Mayor O'Brien Keighran stated that the data should include an asterisk that this is perceived and not based on actuals. She questioned how accurate the data would be. Police Chief Matteucci stated that he believed that RIPA wasn't about getting accurate data as to who was pulled over but rather who the police perceived they were pulling over. He added that he believed this would be helpful data to have in order to review practices and policies. Vice Mayor O'Brien Keighran thanked Police Chief Matteucci for his explanation and asked that when the data is released, that it be emphasized that it is what the police perceived and not necessarily an accurate depiction of the individuals. Councilmember Ortiz stated that he witnessed a few incidents in front of his business and thanked the Police Department for their efforts to de-escalate the situations. Mayor Beach opened the item up for public comments. Gene Alston thanked Police Chief Matteucci for how quickly he is implementing the RIPA requirements. He asked how the police officers responded to this new law. Police Chief Matteucci stated that the Police Department understands that it is a requirement. However, he noted that it will initially be more work, but the officers will adjust. Ray Larios thanked Police Chief Matteucci for his availability to assist during the election. Amy Sukumar thanked Police Chief Matteucci for his hard work and stated that she looked forward to seeing the data that the Police Department collects. Mayor Beach closed public comment. Councilmember Colson stated that she had the opportunity to spend time with some of the training officers. She explained that their professionalism and their training was excellent. She noted that she hoped that after the pandemic, more of the public could see the training that the Police Department conducts. Police Chief Matteucci stated that he has plans to invite members of the public in to check out the simulator training for de-escalation after the pandemic. Vice Mayor O'Brien Keighran concurred with Councilmember Colson. She noted that she went through the same training and thought it would be great to hold a town hall to open it up to the public. 4 Burlingame City Council December 21, 2020 Approved Minutes Mayor Beach thanked the Police Chief and noted that she was looking forward to reviewing the data that the Police Department collects. She added that she believed it was important that the City measure the perception of the officers when they pull people over. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT Sandra Lang thanked the Council for their hard work over the past year during the pandemic. She noted how difficult this year has been and thanked the Council for addressing issues as they arose. (comment received via publiccomment(a�burlingame.org). Jennifer Pfaff thanked the City for their hard work and leadership during the pandemic. (comment received via publiccomment(&,burlin ag me.org). 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Beach asked her colleagues and members of the public if they would like to pull any item off the Consent Calendar. No items were pulled. Councilmember Brownrigg made a motion to adopt the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilmember Ortiz. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote, 5-0. a. APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FOR DECEMBER 7, 2020 City Clerk Hassel -Shearer requested Council approve of the City Council Meeting Minutes for December 7, 2020. b. ADOPTION OF THE 2021 CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR City Clerk Hassel -Shearer requested Council approve the 2021 City Council Calendar. c. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION REDUCING THE DISTANCE A PERSON MAY STOP, PARK OR LEAVE STANDING A VEHICLE IN RELATION TO A FIRE HYDRANT PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE SECTION 22514(b) DPW Murtuza requested Council adopt Resolution Number 158-2020. d. ACCEPTANCE OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020 Finance Director Augustine requested Council accept the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2020. 5 Burlingame City Council December 21, 2020 Approved Minutes 9. PUBLIC HEARING There were no public hearings. 10 STAFF REPORTS There were no staff reports. 11. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND ACTIVITIES REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no reports. 12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no future agenda items. 13. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The agendas, packets, and meeting minutes for the Planning Commission, Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission, Beautification Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, and Library Board of Trustees are available online at www.burlin - ag me.org. 14. CEREMONIAL Mayor Beach began by recognizing Hillsborough Councilmember Marie Chuang, former Burlingame Councilmember John Root, San Carlos Mayor Laura Parmer-Lohan, San Bruno Mayor Rico Medina, and Alexandra Carter from Congresswoman Speier's office. Additionally, she noted that many Burlingame Commissioners were also in attendance. Mayor Beach opened the item up for public comment. Former TSP Commissioner Jeff Londer thanked the Council for their leadership during the pandemic. He thanked Mayor Beach for her hard work and the vast amount of time she committed to the community this past year. Library Board of Trustees member Mike Nagler thanked the Council, Mayor, and City Manager for their leadership during the pandemic. He noted that they had operated without a net and done an excellent job. San Carlos Mayor Parmer-Lohan thanked Mayor Beach for her calm leadership over the past year and stated that it had been inspiring to watch. Amy Sukumar stated that she was grateful and impressed with the Mayor's commitment to working with the community. She thanked Mayor Beach for her work over the past year. 6 Burlingame City Council December 21, 2020 Approved Minutes DBID President Jenny Keleher thanked Mayor Beach for her leadership over the past year and her efforts to work with the community. (comment submitted via publiccommentkburlin am�e.org). Congresswoman Speier's representative Alexandra Carter thanked the Council for their efforts over the past year and stated that she looked forward to continuing to work with the City. ReThink Waste representative Joe La Mariana thanked the Council for their work over the past year. Ray Larios stated that he moved to Burlingame recently and thanked the Mayor for her outreach in the community. Mayor Beach reviewed her year as mayor. She noted that pivot was the word of the year as the City learned to tackle new issues, communicate in different ways, and reach out to more members of the community. She discussed the innovation and collaboration that were vital to the City's success this year in assisting businesses and community members during the pandemic. She acknowledged the efforts of City staff this year from curbside pick up at the Library to CCFD's deployment to the various fires. Additionally, she thanked the community for stepping up and volunteering to support each other. Mayor Beach discussed the efforts of the Council this year in working with the Police Department on community policing and bias training, increasing the minimum wage, approving additional housing, streamlining the ADU process, and other projects. Mayor Beach discussed the City and Council's efforts in combatting COVID and ensuring the support and success of the community. She noted that the Council committed over $1 million to assisting the public during the pandemic. Mayor Beach explained how the Council's rotation worked. She stated that in 1999, the Council adopted a formal rotation procedure to ensure that each councilmember will become mayor on a routine, pre- established order. She then introduced Ann O'Brien Keighran as the new Mayor and Ricardo Ortiz as the new Vice Mayor. Mayor O'Brien Keighran thanked everyone for their hard work over the past year. She thanked City staff for their leadership during these unprecedented times. She stated that she hoped that 2021 would be a year of recovery where the Council can focus on goals that were established last year. Mayor O'Brien Keighran discussed the work that had been done over the past year to assist small businesses and community members. She noted that the City will continue to work with the community to ensure success and assistance. Mayor O'Brien Keighran discussed the work that the Council would be doing in the coming year including developing a new neighborhood in the North Rollins Road Area and the Post Office/Town Square project. 7 Burlingame City Council December 21, 2020 Approved Minutes 15. ADJOURNMENT Mayor O'Brien Keighran adjourned the meeting at 8:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Meaghan Hassel -Shearer City Clerk Burlingame City Council December 21, 2020 Approved Minutes