HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1986.06.11405C]TY OF BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING June lL, 1986 7:30 p.m., City Hall Mayor Victor A. Mangini convened the Study Meeting of the BurlingameCity Council on the above date in Conference Room B of Burlingame CityHaII at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: COI,NCILMEMBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI , MANGINI , PAGLIARO ABSENT: NONE ARGYRES, BECKER, BERGSING, COLEMAN, KIRKUP, PALMER, QUADRI , MONROE, TOWNS, WAGNER 1. REVIEW PROPOSED 1986-87 BUDGET AND CAPITAL PROGRAM Mayor Mangini turned the meeting over to Budget Chairman Amstrup forreview of the proposed budget. The City Manager gave an overview ofthe General Fund reviewing projected revenue and expense levels. Itis estimated that in both 1985-86 and 1986-87, there will be a reduc-tion in General Fund balances. Estimated total revenue gro$rth is inthe plus I to 4 percent range for 1986-87 and the proposed General Fund budget increase is 7.1 percent. The City Manager indicated thatfor 1985-86 it is estimated that $6 million wiII be transferred fromthe ceneral Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund and that there is aneed to scale down these transfers due to the reduced size of theceneral Fund balance. Budget Chairman Amstrup began a department by department review of theproposed budget. Council accepted without revision the followingbudgets: City Council, City Manager, City C1erk, Einance, Treasurer,city Attorney, Planning, personnel, Government Buildings, Non-Departmental Insurance, Retirement, Elections, and Non-Departmental. Under Community Promotion, Councilman Lembi requested additional in-formation on the Convention Bureau activities. CounciLwoman Bartonalso indicated that she felt the amount of increase was high consider-ing that other cities do not appear to be increasing their budget.Councilman Pagliaro felt that we needed a representative from ihe con-vention Bureau to present their budget. After discussion, councilagreed to Ieave the proposed budget at the recommended amount, butthat additional information and review would occur when the actualConvention Bureau contract comes before the council in JuIy. Thechamber of corunerce budget amount of $l.5,ooo and the speciil $1o,ooopromotion fund proposed by the Manager vrere accepted. Councilman Lembi reviewed the police Department request and his dis-cussions with the Chief. counciLman pagliaro questioned the chiefconcerning our vehicle replacement policy. After reviesr, the police Communication and Parking Enforcement budgets $rere accepted withoutchange. Mayor Mangini revi_ewed the fire and disaster budgets whichwere accepted by council. Budget Chairman, Amstrup, reviewed the Building Inspection, public Works /Engineering and Streets, Electrical, Sewer Treatment plant, Equipment Maintenance and Dump operation budgets. Councilman Lembisuggested that we should, in some way, try to schedule street sweepingso the public knows the approximate date and increase cleaning inareas where cars on the street do not allow for machine sweeping.AI1 of the above Public Works Budgets were accepted by the councit. councilwoman Barton reviewed the Library Budget. She stated that shewas concerned about the reduction in the requested Children'sLibrarian position and the reduced book and part-time budget account.council-man Pagriaro asked for information concerning the percentage ofthe totar budget that is spent on books and publicaiion for eurlingameand other cities. After considerable discussion as to the priority of the Library, themajority of council agreed to add $32,450 to the City Manager recom-mended Library budget for part-time employees and books. - 1 STAFF PRESENT: 406 Councilman Pagliaro reviewed the Recreation and Parks budgets and council had no changes . Budget Chairman Amstrup then reviewed the Finance/Water Office budget, water operations and water Maintenance accounts and council had no changes. In reviewing the Capital Improvement Program, Councilman Pagliaro questioned the proposed Finance/Police Department computer as proposed on Page 130 of the budget. After reviewing this project with the Finance Director and Po1ice Chief, council concurred with the Capital Improvement amount. Councilman Lembi commented on the $350,000 for sidewalk repair and he indicated that he would like to see some way to increase the amount of sidewaLk repair work being done. After concluding this review of the budget, council referred the Proposed Budget to Public Hearing on Monday, .lune L5 for adoption. FUNDING REOUESTS FOR COMMUNITY GROUPS The City Manager reviewed with council the doubtful funding situationfor Revenue Sharing and the four requests for funds that we have received to date. In addition, Samarj-tan House has submitted a request for $5,600 for its program. After discussion, council agreedto wait until August for consideration of these requests when addi- tionaL information on Revenue Sharing may be available. SOCCER LIGHTS/BAYSIDE PARK CounciLman Pagliaro indicated that he had discussed the matter withthe Recreation Director and he thought that we should look at the nur-ber of lights which could be added to the existing poles to providelighting for practice. Council concurred that if we could add t$ro orthree Iights per existing pole that this would be adequate for the time being until some permanent soccer field could be developed.Staff was directed to pursue this approach. INSURANCE ALTERNATIVES The city Attorney reviewed his staff report on insurance alternatives and stated that our existing coverage expires July 1. If we are to renew insurance for next year, our premiums will increase 25 to 50percent and the tl.pe of coverage will be greatly reduced with addi-tional limitations. Another alternative is to join $rith other citiesin forming a self-funded pool under a joint powers authority. Thelast alternative is to go rrbarerr without any excess coverage. Council, the city Attorney, Finance Dj.rector and Manager had a lengthy discussion of these alternatives and indicated that none of them areclearly acceptabLe. Councilman Pagliaro questioned whether the in- surance code would apply on a self-funded approach. The City AttorneyfeLt that, given the current form of the Joint Powers Authority, hedid not feel this would apply. Councilwoman Barton indicated that she was also unsure of joining with a Joint Powers Authority given the in-ternal difference that could occur between cities. It was then agreedto place the matter on the Monday, June 16 agenda for consideration since it is our last meeting before our coverage expires and that Councilman Pagliaro would review the form of the Joint PowersAuthority and the insurance coverage which has been offered. fhe Study Meeting was adjourned at 10:36 to a closed session on Labor Relations. ADJOURNMENT The closed session was adjourned at 11:05 p.m. ith A. Malfat 2 fg ity clerk CLOSED SESSION