HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1986.05.19393 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA May 19, 1986 CALL TO ORDER A duly on the ca11ed noticed regular neeting of the Burlingane City Council was above date in the City HalI Council Chambers. The meeting to order at 7:30 p.n. by Vice Mayor Gloria H. Barton. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE PLAG Led by City Manager, Dennis Argyres. ROLL CALL held UAS COUNC ILMEMB E RS COUNCILMEMBERS M]NUTES PRESENT: ABSENT: AMSTRUP, MANGINI, Vice Mayor Barton presented a Ralph Kirkup , in appreciationthe ci!y. approved. lapel pin to Director of Public Works, of his ten years of dedlcated service to Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 5, 1986 were PRESENTATION TO DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC HEARING - SECOND READING MODIFICATION PROVISIONS ORDINANCE 1324 AMENDING MINOR City Planner revieued her nemo of April 29 aI].d, reconmended council hold a public hearing aod take action. In January council discussed the substantial increase j-n items requiring Planning review and the opportunity to anend the minor modification provision of the city code so that nore routine revielrs could be handled by administrative procedure. Vice Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. There belng no conments, the hearing nas closed. Councilman Anstrup recommended excluding the section dealing wi.th adminisLrative review of Barages up to 600 square feet in size. He moved to adopt 0rdinatce 1324 with that deletion. Councllman Lembi reconnended adopting as written, noting the purpose of the ordinance is to streamline procedures and relieve workload of the Plannj-ng Department and Comnission. City Planner reviewed the number of applications for garage remodels per year. Vice Mayor Barton felt 500 square foot garage was an adequate size. City Attorney reninded council that it takes three affirmative votes to approve an ordinance. Councilnan Lenbi stated he vas not adanantly opposed to the deletion of section ttitt as recommended by Councilman Amstrup. Lembi then seconded the notion for adoption. Moti.on to adopt 0RDINANCE 1324 carried on ro1L ca11 vote, 3-0, lrith Councilman Pagliaro and Mayor Mangini absent. PUBLIC ITEARING - APPEAL OF DENIAL OT SPBCIAL PERMIT FOR DISIT ANTENNA AT ].215 VANCOUVER City Planner revieved her meno of May 9 in which she reconmended council hold public hearing and take action. The appl-icants, Mr. and Mrs. Rosenbledt, are requestinB to instal-1 an eight foot diameter dish antenna mounted so that the top is 7.5 feet above grade. Although the city currently has a noratorium on antennas, the Rosenbledtrs applicatlon had been received before the moratorium so is being revier+ed under o1d regulations at Rosenbledtis request. The Planning Conmj"ssion denied the request at i-ts meeting of April 28 not.ing they would like to see the dish installed so that neighbors can not see it. and that it violates esthetics. BARTON, LEMBI PAGLIARO 394 Yice Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. Dan Rosenbledt asked for approval; he reviewed that he has removed the previous i11egally installed antenna and that this new plan is nuch snaller; it will only be seen by one neighbor and only one foot or so wilL be seen and then only when turned itr a certain direction; he believes his rights are being violated; he cantt have smaller aDtenna because he r.ri11 not be able to receive enough channelsl several neighbors have signed letter approving the plan; he shor.red photos of several antennas in city which are visibLe. Councilman Lembi inquired why antenna cannot be put in another site near playroonl Rosenbledt replied reception would not be adequate there and he would have to remove a Eree. Lembi also asked if shrubs could be planted to screen the antenna from sight of neighbor. Rosenbledt replied yes. A student spoke in favor of the applicant. Speaking in opposition was Peggy Kane, 2lL2 Btoadvay and Jin Walsh, 2116 Broadway. Kane noted she would be abLe to see the antenoa fron her kitchen, her property is lower than the applicantrs. I'lalsh said he would be able to see the antenna aIso, the previous work was done uithout a permit, with the large si-ze of Rosenbledtrs 1ot there must be sonewhere else the antenna could be Located. Councilnan Lenbi asked if Kane would approve if the antenna were screened by shrubs, she replied yes if they were large enough to screen it imnediately. Councilman Amstrup noted plants can be an impermanent thing. In response to council questions, City Planner said the antenna would be one to one and a half feet above the fence. She noted there are tljo fences, one on property line and one on other side of Rosenbledtrs driveway nearer to the antenna site. Lenbi said the shrubs should be planted at the property line. Vice Mayor Barton closed the public hearing. Council"man Amstrup thought the antennars size should be reduced and could be noved to another site; ue are talking about esthetics. it Councilman Lembi moved to uphold the Plannj-ng Comnission denial and deny the permit without prejudice so that Rosenbledt can work out something nore agreeable to neighbors or return under the revised code requirements. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unaninously 3-0 on ro11 call vote. TRAFFIC ALLOCATIONS MAY 1986 City Planner revj-ewed her nemo of May 12 in which she recommended council review and take action. There are no new requests at this tine but the Hyatt Hotel is requesting an extension of their traffic allocation to take out a building permit for foundation from May to September L, 1986, If Hyatt does not take out a building permit by october 2 they wi1l, have to go through the entire approval procedure again. She reviewed several other hotel" projects which are behind schedule, Ibis and Granada Royale are under construction and completion is due in four to six months. Carruf and Windmark have received city approvals but are awaiting BCDC and county action. The Burlingane Joint Venture is sti11 aualting city approval. She also revj-eued the new Anza Boulevard freeway entrance/exit; final construction plans for the bridge and f reer*ay connection have been sent to Caltrans in Sacranento for revi-ew; bids for construction will be advertised in July or August 1986. Given this progress' ue can expect to have the roaduay open by the end of 1986. Vice Mayor Barton moved approval of an extension for the Hyatt Hotel traffic allocation as presented in the applicantrs letter of request. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously 3-0 on voice Yote. EXTEND MORATORIUM ON ANTENNAS - SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING AND MEETING TO STUDY MEETING ADJOURN City Attorney reviewed his memo council adjourn this neeting to ln which he recommended Meeting in order to take of May 13 the Stu dy 39s action on extending moratoriun, c ouncil councilmembers u111 the noratorium on antennas. In order needs at least four affirmative votes be present at the Study Meeting. SUPPORTING PROPOSITION 43 AND RECREATIONAL PURPOSES STATE MEASURE FOR to and adopt a four Council,man Amstrup noved to adjourn this meeting to the study meeting and schedule a public hearing for extending the noratorium for the Study Meeting, May 2l , 1986. Seconded by Councilnan Lembi, carried unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION 55-86 - FUNDING FOR PARKS City Manager reviewed the Park Directorts neno of May 13 in rrhich he recomrnended council endorse this proposition. Councilman Lenbi Proposition 43. voice vote. CONSENT CALENDAR moved adoption of RES0LUTION 55-86 in support of Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unaninously by a RESOLUTION 56-86 REIMBURSEMENT OF - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT LIITH COUNTY REPAIRS TO ROADS USED BY SAMTRANS - FOR JOB PHASE I 412 Civil Engineerts nemo of May 8 reconmended council approve agreenent and hold for reimbursenent for Burlingame Avenue repairs from Bloomfield to East Lane. This work was done project 533. this under b RESOLUTION 57_86 - UPDATING - JOB 603 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR BASE BLOCK MAP En g i neer t s memo agreement with engineering and maps. of May 6 recommended council approve Kavanagh Engineering in the anount of drafting servlces to provide updated thi s $28,700 for drainage c RESOLUTION 58-86 CONSTRUCTION OF - AUTHORIZING AMENDED LEACHATE BERM AT DUMP AGREEMENT FOR SITE WITH IBIS JO]NT HOTEL City Attorneyts memo of May 14 recommended council approve this agreenent uj.th the lbis Hotel. Previously the city had entered into an agreenent rrith Ibis to provide for joint construction where Ibis would do the work and the city would rei-mburse Ibis for i.ts share, r,e had provi.ded for a maxj.mun of $60,000. It has now been determined that the work could be done more quickly if the city does the work and Ibis reimburses us. d. RESOLUTION 59.86 - AUTHORIZING RENEWAL OF WORKER'S COMPENSATION AGREEMENT e Public Works Directorrs neno of May 15 reconmended approval of this agreement lrith San Mateo County for participation in this project for inproving California Drive, Grove Avenue, Hillside Drive, Skyline, Murchison and Trousdale Drives. f. Finance Director recomme nded duly audited, i.n the amount 66338 - 66680 for the Eonth $64s,489.08. approval of l{arrants 29971 - 30296, of $1,081,385.38 and Payroll Checks of April 1986 in the anount of City Attorneyts memo of May 13 recommended council approve this renewal" vith Gates McDonald and Company for our year to year conEract with an increase from $150 to $170 per claim. RESOLUTION 60-86 - AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN COUNTY PROGRAM TO REIMBURSE FOR REPAIRS ON ROADS USED BY SAMTRANS - PHASE II DENIAL 0F CLAIMS: (1) GARY B. JONES; (2) GERTRUDE DEAN City Attorney reconmeDded deni.als. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL 396 City Attorneyrs meno of May L4 recommended anendment to a1low live entertainnent such acts on Thursday, Fri.day and Saturday fron council approve Ehis as nusic and comedy 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Seconded byCounc i lman Councilman Lembi rooved approval of the Consent Calendar. Amstrup, carried unanimousl,y by voice vote- SCHEDULE REVIEW HEARING Council,nan Lembi asked on behalf of Council'man Pagliaro for the Special Permit for the dish antenna at Marriott Hotel. was scheduled for the June 2 meeting. review of Hearing Councilnan Amstrup inquired why there l"ot near 0ak Grove on California nex! Attorney stated it was just tenporary current laus this is legal. Vice Mayor Barton inquired about the large pile 20 parking spaces near Broadway train station. Works will look into nho is responsible. are limosines parked in the dirt to the railroad tracks. City parking during d ay, under of asphalt taking up Director of PubLic of the lights at the road near Burl-ingane and Staff will investigate. a. Commission Minutes: Beautification, May 1; Planning, l{ay 12i Civil Service, April 8, 1986. b. PoLice Report, April 1-986. c. Treasurerts Report, April 30, 1986. d. Letter from Chamber regarding parking. e. Proclamation Comrnending Dorothy Dirr. f. Memo fron Librarian regarding tuo Library Board memberrs tern expirations. BURLINGAME AVENUE TRAIN STATION DEDICATION Councilnan Lembi wondered about the operation tennis courtsl also noted there uas debris in California which appeared to be fron flairs. Councilnan Amstrup announced the dedication cerenony refurbished train station will be held on June 14 at requested the press publicize this event. ADJOURN TO STUDY MEETING for 2p the m. The in neetj.ng order to was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. to the Study take action on extending the moratorium He Meeting of l4ay 21 on antennas. udith A. Malf City Clerk tri h. AMEND AMUSEMENT PERMIT FOR BLACK HORSE - 269 PRIMROSE ROSE SCHEDULE APPEAL HEARING Vice Mayor Barton scheduled an appeal hearing for June 2 for denial of a special use permit for printing center at 1199 Broadway. NEW BUSINESS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS