HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1986.04.21382 CALL TO ORDER A duly on the cal1ed noticed regular meet.ing of the Burlingane City Council uas above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting to order at 7333 p.m. by Mayor Victor A. Mangini.. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA April 21, 1986 held was City Planner reviewed her meloo of April 14 j-n which she recomnendedcouncil hold a public hearing and take action. The applicant isrequesting a special permit to replace an existing one car garage witha new tuo car garagef workshop in the rear of the lot; a special pernitis required because the proposed garage exceeds 500 square f eet. insize. The Planning Commission denied this request at its meeting of March 24, 1986. Council asked rchat is meant by the name Restoration Fund given to theproposed improvenent, Realtor who recently sold the home to Dr. Hayne explained that that is the name given to the linited partnership which owned the property pri.or to it being sold to Dr. Hayne. Mayor Mangini- opened the public hearing. Dr. Hayne, new property ouner,garage; he has no intention of improvements in the garage; he needs more storage area. noted he would like to have a twoputting in plumbing or electrical has lived on the site for a month car and Mary Dunlap, designer of project, reviewed the plans and noted thatpeople require a two car garage. Councilman Pagliaro questi.oned the size of the deck he saw on site and which was not shown on the plans. Both he and Mayor Mangini nondered if the deck would be removed if thegarage vere enlarged and were concerned about lot coverage. Speaking in opposition were Ed Weiske, 1531 Vancouver, Rashid Akchurin, 1508 Vancouver and Adele Meadows, l-524 Columbus. They were concerned about the large size of the proposed garage, that it night be converted to living area, that there is no garden area on the site. Meadows stated that one of the Planning Conmissioners uho had voted had a conflict as he works for the realty company that sold the house. Mayor Mangini closed the public hearing. City Attorney responded to Meadows, noting the Comnlssioner inquestion is a trainee r.rj. t h that company and the listing rras rrith another office. He vas unavare of the possible conflict. Councilman Lembi also noted that this is a very large realty company and Ehisperson is onl y a trai nee. Councilnan Pagliaro inquired if deck is considered in 1ot neasurenents; he also asked about the one foot setback. noted Lhe setback of the garage is uithin code. coverage City Plann er Council discussed at length; concern about the Iarge size, the two Led by Director of Public Works, Ralph Kirkup. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENTs AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI, MANGINI, PAGLIARO COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: NONE MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 7 and the Study Meeting ofApriI 9, 1986 were approved. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF DENIAL OF SPECIAL PERMIT FOR OVERSIZE GARAGE AT 1511 VANCOUVER AVENUE windovs and a second door on the side, the large nunber of electrical outlets. Dr. Hayne responded that he would be willing to decrease Ehe size of the garage and eliminate other council concerns. The original request for size was so owner could tttinker with cars;tt the doctor replied he does not tinker with cars. Councilman Pagliaro moved to sustain the Planning Commission's denial . *e currde d- tr:r -€urrrrc i il*an - Lerrb i - Af ter f urther d j-scussion, Co unc i lnan Pagliaro withdrew his motion. Councilr.roman Barton moved to deny the request without prejudice and return this to Planning Connission wiEh revised plans since the doctor is willing to reduce the size. Seconded by Councilnan Lembi, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. PUBLIC HEARING - SECOND OF BUILDING HEIGHTS R EADING ORDINANCE 1320 AMEND]NG DEFINITION City Planner revi.ewed her memo of April 1in which she reconnended council hold public hearing and take action. At the March 5 Study Meeting counci.l di.scussed the current definition of building height in the zoni.ng code and the fact that the code provision did not clearly limit exenp! structures on the roof to nechanical penthouses, This revision would measure height from the average top of curb rather Ehan from grade at the middle of the front of the 10t and would li.mit the exemption of structures on the roof to five percent and deflne then as enclosures for nechanical equipment, solar panels and antenna. Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing. There being no comments, the hearing was closed. Counci-lman Pagl iaro moved Councilman Lembi, carried to adopt 0RDINANCE 1320. Seconded by unanimously by ro11 ca 11 vote. ORDINANCE 1317 LIMITING COUNCIL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENTS City Attorney reviewed council action to date on this ordinance requested by Councilman Pagliaro to put certain limitatioos on council r s expense policy. It has gone through several revisions since it was introduced on March 17. This will elininate reinbursement for nileage uithin the city, and require that meetings involve at least one other governnental agency. It would exempt the Mayor from certain of these restrictions since the Mayor represents the council at retirements and other functions. Councilman Pagliaro said the ordinance says ttone or more governnental agencies are partici.pants. . . " If expenses vere over $200, the council member need only get council approval on the consent calendar. Councilworoan Barton had a for approval of expenses. problem r+i-th having to come before council Councilman Pagliaro reviened his concern about use of taxpayers money and need for some system or guideline for review of expenses; thereare no controls, he objected to approving these expenses after they had been pai d. Councilman Lembi noted councilwants, he sees no problem with seems to have all the this ordinance. flexibility he Councilman Pagliaro noted clty has to have sone controls and moved foradoption of the ord j.nance. Seconded by Councilnan Lenbi. Councilwoman Barton thought this ordinance should be discussed furtherat a study meeting as she could see both sides of this problem. A citizen spoke i-n favor. Council discussed briefly and Councilman Lenbi noted counci.l is only talki.ng about a snal1 anount of money. qo.)OOt) Councilnan Anstrup dj-d not want to restrict council from attending a f uncti-on just because they would have to pay costs themselves. For exanple, some very worthwhile seminar might be given by an insurance company which would be useful for the city but which was not a governnental agency so council could not be reimbursed. 384 Councilman Pagliaro uithdrew his notion in favor of Counciluoman Barton moved to bring this ordinance to Seconded by Councilnan Pagliaro, carried unanimously REVISED CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR - STUDY MEETING DATES more study. study meeting. voi. ce Yote. CHANGED a by City Manager reviewed his nemo of April 14 in which he presented a revised City Council Calendar as requested by council at its study meeting of ApriI 9. The Ai.rport Roundtabl,e meetings have confl,icted uith our normal study meeting dates and thls new calendar ui11 move the study meetings to the Wednesday after the second regular council, neeting. Councilman Lembi requested that if the Airport RoundtabLe noves its neeting dates again, we return to the old study neeting dates. Co unc i l-man Lembi moved Mayor Mangini, carried to accept the revised calendar. unanimously by voice vote. Seconded by MEMO I'ROM CITY ATTORNEY REGARDING INSURANCE City Attorney's neno of Aprilliability insurance pro gram. di scus s alternatives and they few weeks. 10 reviewed the status of next yearts The JPA has been meetj-ng veekly to hope to nake a recommendation r^rithin a CONSENT CALENDAR Staff requested removal and no action on item ttf . Subdividers Agreement for Bennett Properties.rr Councilnan Lembi had a question on it.em 'rc. 0rdinance Amending Parking on Carolan.tr He was unauare that parking r*ould be on the nest side of the street and noted this would involve restriping the street. Director of Public Works revier.red the restriping project avarded last month and the areas involved. Council-nan Pagliaro had questions on "c" Amending Special Insurance Eundrr and 're.for Eight Intersections on E1 Camino, rr a1so, and on ttb. 0rdinance Revlsed Agreenent with State Regarding itern trb, ri Pagliaro noted the Finance Director is requesting we i.ncrease the annual liability insurance reserves. Councilnan Pagliaro did not want this done until it is nandated and requested additional information. City Manager replied the ordinance does not refer to actual amounts, it establishes the special fund. In June or July, when the budget is set we can determine the amount needed. Iten "c,rr Councilman Pagliaro inquired about the landscaping of the area on Carolan, noting the letter to an editor fron a citizen complaining about all the oleander bushes being removed. Mayor Mangini repJ-ied the City Manager had responded i.n another letter to the editor that the bushes would be replanted after the improvenents were completed. Item tte,rr Director of Public Works responded to Councilman Pagliarors questions3 the two intersections added will al1ow posting no left turn signs on the mast arms and provide for better enforcement, at the present time traffic tickets for ilLegal left turns are thrown out of court because the signage is inadequate. The contract vith the State provides for an advance payment before the State goes to bid on this pro ject. Councilman Amstrup comnented on iten tti. Pershing School Site Park. tt The city will spend over $750,000 on the park and this shots our support for park and recreation facj.lities. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE I321 - REGULATING FOOD ESTABLISHMENT EXPANSION AND RELOCATION City Attorney's memo of April 14 recommended this ordinance and hol-d a public hearing at the last study meeting council discussed the council the next current i.ntroduce meeting. At laws whi ch a 385 linit restaurants in the BurIJ-ngame Avenue and Broadway Avenue commercial areas. CurrenL 1aw does not control the possible expansion or relocation of existing restaurants into larger sit.es. This ordinance will require a special permit for expansion or re1ocati-on. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1322 BEQUIREI,lE{TS AMENDING SPECIAL INSURANCE I'UND Finance Directorrs memo of April 11 reconmended council adoptthis ordinance after a public hearing at the next neeting; authorize transfer of current insurance reserves fron the General Fund to the Special Insurance Fund; and increase reserves forliabil"ity claims from $300,000 to $600,000. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1323 - AMENDING PARKING REGULATIONS ON CAROLAN AVENUE Clty Engineer's memo of April 16 recommended council adopt this ordinance after a public hearing. 0ur existing parking regulations do not conforn to the changes in parking regulations on Carolan. This will continue the no parking regulations on the west si.de of Carolan except for the new parking areas provided and restrict parking at night. RESOLUTION 44-86 _ AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT TOR COMMUNICATIONS MAINTENANCE SERVICES Cj-ty Managerrs meno of April 14 reconnended council authorize continuance of our contract with the County for maintenance of our police, fire, public works and park communications equlpment at an estimated annual cost of $L9,644. C e RESOLUTION 45-86 - EIGHT INTERSECTION AUTHORIZING REVISED AGREEMENT WITH STATE FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON EL CAMINO - JOB 246 City Engineglrs memo of April 3 reconnended approval of this revised agreement with CalTrans for eight instead of sixintersections on E1 Camino. These two added intersections are Broadway and Carmelita and will add the required left turnprohibition signs for better enforcement. f. Removed. RESOLUTION 46-86 ANZA AREA ACCEPTING OFFER OF DEDICATION FOR ROADWAY IN City AEtorney's memo of April 15 recommended council accept thisoffer of dedication. AUTHOR]ZATION OF PAYMENT OF CITY'S SHARE OF BFI FRANCITISE RENEWAL STUDY Finance Directorrs memo of April 16 recommended council approve $8,260 from Contingency Appropriation for payment of cityrs shareof Price Waterhouse agreement. RESOLUTION 47-86 - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE DESIGN FOR PERSHING SCHOOL SITE PAR( Park Director's meno of April 16 reconnended council approve thiscontract with Callander Associates for design and construction documents for development of the park. RESOLUTION 48-86 - ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF PUMP STATION TELEMETRY - JOB 307 Public Works Director's memo of April 3 recomnended council accept Lhis project as completed for a total cost of $127,086. K. AUTHORIZE CONTRIBUTION TO AIRPORT ROUNDTABLE City Manager's neno of April 15 recommended city make 9600contribution for city's share of the conmunity roundtable. 1 J b. d. h. 386 I WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director du 1y audited ' in 65653 - 66337 for $646,r23.87 . recommended approval of I'larrants 29461 - 29932, the anount of- $f,650,562.30 and Payroll Checks the month of March 1986 in the amount of AUTHOR]ZING CONTRIBUTION TO SUMMER JOBS FOR YOUTH 1986m Administrative Assistant Personnelrs memo of April 15 council approve this request for $780 contribution for f".fi"g"riris share of the program based on our populat requested t-on. DENIAL OF C LAIMS: (1) LESLEY WARD; (2) J0HN &MA RIANNE MCCARTHYn City Attorney recommended denial. Councilman Anstrup moved approval of the Consent exception of iten nf .rr Seconded by Councilwonan unanimously by voice vote. Cal e n dar ' with the Barton, carried Councilnoman Barton wanted to be sure upcoming spring cleanup. City Manager pipers and in Recreation Bul1etin. OLD BUSINESS -SPRING CLEANUP EL CA MINO FRONTAGE Councllman AnstruP was Pleased and congratulated CalTrans and the public is nade aware reviewed citY would Put of the ads in Seconded by Counc ilman Counci-lwoman Barton would cast. A CKNOIILEDGMENTS Commission Minutes: Civil Service, Parking, March 13; Planning, APril 1986. the frontage has been cleaned uP staf f . March 11; Traffic, SafetY and 14; LibrarY Board, APril 15' that city YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT DAY PROPOSITION 51 DEEP POCKETS Councilnan Pagliaro an<l City Attorney reviewed this legislation and the cityrs suPPort for it. Councilman Pa g1- ia ro Propositlon 513 moved to adopt a re solution in support of The Burlingame City Council endorses Proposition 5L and urges our citizens to vote yes. Amstrup, carried unanimously by ro11- call vote' COUN CIL OF MAYORS rliscussed the upcoming meeting and the votes she a c d e b. Police RePort, March 1986. Letter from John Raiser requesting meeting of Anza Owners Associatlon with council and staff' Treasurerts Report, March 31' 1986. Fire Department RePort, First Quarter of 1986' Proclamations! (1) I^lelcoming Governor Deukmejian, April 28; 01der Anericans Month, Uay f9S6; (3) Toastnasters Month' May 19S6; (4) Professionai Se;retaries Week, April- 2L-.25' -\9^9O;;;;-i.i,'u"y i, isee; (o) correct Posture Month, Mav 1986' .L Property (2) (s) Mayor Mangini stated this Wednesday' April- 23, will be Youth In Government DaY. 387 Council directed that Councilmen Amstrup and Lembi and staff meet uith the propertY o$ners. I Letter from Institute for Working Parents and Young Children requesting aid. Letter from Vanisi Sports suggesting televised production of coqncil meetings. 1ow age h. 1 Letter from a group of senior citizens thanking council for cost lunche" "nd u"ting council to recognize Dorothy Dirr' 86, for her service to seniors. Councilworoan Barton requested a proclamation j.Letter from the Hannans, flooding problem. 1400 Edgehill ' to honor Dorothy Dlrr. requesting help with a In response to council storn drain sYstem at heavy rains. He wi 11 question, Director of Public Works reviewed Edgehill antl the problems experienced during report back to council. the ADJO URNMENT Mayor Mangini adjourned the meeting at 8:56 p'n' dith A. Malf I City Clerk