HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1986.03.03A duly on the ca11ed noLiced regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Victor A. Mangini. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by City Attorney Jerry CoIenan. L CALLROL BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA March 3, 19 86 AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI, MANGINI, PAGLIARO NONE COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES Minutes of a change to sarne Sroupsof trouble. 19 86 asked 359 held UAS with the the Regular Meeting of February 18 page 4 - Mayor Mangini-ea*d-eheee were approved 1f these are that have been asked to leave neighboring cities because PUBLIC HEARING - REVIEW OF SPECIAL PERMIT FOR HEIGHT FOR THIRD FLOOR ADDITION AT 3 CALIFORNIA DRIVE - RESOLUTION 28-86 - APPROVING SAME City Planner reviewed her meno of February 21 in which she reconnended council hold a public hearing and take action. The applicant is requesting a special pernit for a 43 foot high thj.rd story addi.tion to a building under construction for an auto dealership at 3 California Drive. The first phase is under construction and j-ncludes a remodeling of the existing uarehouse for a service center, addition of an auEo shor.rroom and some office area not over 35 feet high. The second phase will include a third floor of office to a height of 43 feet and one deck of parking structure to meet the parking requirements. The parking structure vi11 be located behind buildings and will- not be visible from street. The Planning Commission approved thj.s project at its meeting of February 10. Councilman Lembi inquired if clty has any requi.renents concerning loud speakers. City Planner replied no. Lembi said he was concerned about speaker noj.se affecting adjacent apartments. City Planner noted council could make a condition to their special pernit. Councllman Pagliaro i.nquired about the reason for building in phases; City Planner said if the special pernit is not approved they will not build phas e t rro . Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing. George Avanissian, architect representing appLicant Joe Putnam, showedartist rendering of the proposed project and a site plan of the locatj.on of the third story addition. He noted the third story is only 17 percent of the project. He said the project will not create an adverse effect on the area. Mayor Mangini closed the public hearing. Councilman Amstrup noted this 1s a good business and moved to uphold the Planning Commission and adopt RESOLUTI0N 28-86 - Approving Special Permit for Third Story Addition at 3 CaLifornia Drive lrith condit.ions in staff report. Seconded by Counciluoman Barton who commented this is only a small portion of the roof area and she would not like to see any project on California Drive over 35 feet high. CALL TO ORDER Council discussion: 1ot coverage; loudspeakers, Putnam stated theyare good neighbors and always try Lo address any conplaints, the loudspeakers are necessary in this type of business but they are not located near neighbors, he plans to use a quality sound system uith more small speakers rather than large speakers. City Planner noted the project meets all other city requiren0ents. 360 Councilman Lenbi inquired if sound level of loudspeakers could be conditioned vith this pernit and noted he is also concerned aboutheight on California Drive. Councilman Pagliaro waoted the use of loudspeakers prohibited after 6 p.m. Putnam said prohibiting after 7:30 p.m. vould be no problen but loudspeakers are needed prior to that. Council agreed to a condition that the dealership shal1 install apublic address systen whose speaker shalL be ori.ented only towardCallfornia Drive and a system of such quality that the amplification be the lowest level of sound possible, in no case sha1l the public address systen be used after 7:30 p.m. daily and the operator shall be I responsive Eo complaints about anpJ-ification leve1 by the adjacentresidential nei.ghborhoods. The motion carried unanimously 5-0 on ro11 call vote. INSUFFICIENTFAIR PROPERTY R]GHTS PETITION City Clerk read her memo of February 27 in which she infornedthat the Fair Property Right s petition signature verif ication completed and the petition was found to be insufficient. They 1,605 signaLures to qualify for an election and only had 1,376signatures. No council action is necessary. council had been needed valid CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMENTS ON HANDICAPPED PARKING City Manager reviewed his nemo of February 24 in which he reviewed the communication fron the Chamber of Connerce Parking Committee. Theydid not feel handicapped parking was necessary since disabled haveuulimited access for parking at no cost at the present time. He notedthe city creus rrere spray painting the handicapped parking spaces whena merchant called city hal1 to complain. The painting was halteduntil staff coul-d get council comnent. The Charnber thought there had been some communication breakdown; they thought council was waitingfor their comment on handicapped parking before city proceeded. _ Council menbers were surprised; they had approved the handicappedparking and expected it to be i nstalled as soon as the signs veredelivered. Council discussed at great length; reviewed merchantquestionnaire and noted many adverse comnentg are fron merchanLs vho abuse the parking; this is an indication of the frustration 1eve1 ofcitizens and merchants due to parking; handicapped people wj.thpulnonary probl-ems cannot walk far and need convenient parking spacesreserved for them; parking lots are not convenient for manyhandicapped; cannot believe city is greatly impacting Burlingame Avenue with four handicapped parklng spaces. Tom Sine, resident who has a handicapped wj-f e, said his wife has neverhad any problem in finding parking and he did not believe the city needed to install special handicapped parking spaces. He also saidthe j.nstallation of this parking on corners was wrong because people who use motorized yheelchair would have to come around car to usesidewalk corner ramp since t.hey exit their car on the right side, He suggested council do this installation on a slx nonth trial basis ifit is deternj-ned to proceed. Mayor Mangini noted a request to remove itens irb and d.rr ORDINANCE 1315 - ADOPTING THE I985 UNIFORM FIREINTRODUCTION OF CODE Fi re Chief I s 19 85 edition memo of February 6 recommended counciL adopE the of the Uni-form Fire Code. b. Removed. Council directed sEaff to proceed with installation of handicappedparking on streets but to wai.t on the installation in parking lots forfurther study by Traffic, Safety and Parking Commissionl would like some feedback on the amount of use the handicapped parking spaces get. CONSENT CALENDAR a. RESOLUTION 29-8 JoB 533 b /AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 1986 STREET RESURFACING City Engineerts nemo of February 28 recommended contract for 1986 street resurfaclng to klattis San Jose in the arount of $450,322.59. Renoved. DENIAL 0F CLAIMS: (l) ROBERT council award Construction of d e ROSSI: (2) JIHAD SHIEKH-HASSAN Councilnan and e. tt vote. City Attorney recommended denial. Pagliaro noved approval of the Consent Calendar itens 'ra, c Seconded by Councilman Lenbi, carried unaninously by voice REMOVED CONSENT ITEMS b. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1316 REGULATING SKATEBOARDS City Attorney's nemo of February 26 reconmended council introducethis ordinance in response to citizen complaints about skateboards. This ordinance is adapted from our bicycleregulations and essenEially lreat s skateboards as vehicles wi thmodifications due to their idiosyncrasies. Councilman Pagliaro said he asked for iten "btt to be renoved because several young people are present vith concerns about the proposed skateboard ordinance. He explained to these young people that this is the first reading and council will hold a public hearing and second reading at the next council neeting; at that time these young people can be heard. Councilman Lembi had some questions about notin parking lots and parks. He wondered where go to pract ice their sport. aLlowing skateboarding they would be alloned to Mayor Manginimeeting. The said further discussion would take ordinance was i.ntroduced for first place at the next reading. City Engineer's memo of February 27 recommended conLract to Boon Cook and Associates for design counci-1 of thi s award pro ject. City AEEorney statedfor further study of he has asked for renoval insurance requirements. of this item due to need Mayor Mangini scheduled a public hearing for an appeal for two specialpermits for 224 California Drive. Hearing was scheduled for the March 17 neeting. BINGO Commission Minutes: Recreation, February February 18, 1"986. Beautification, Pebruary 6; Park and20; Planning, February 24i Lj.btary Board, a b. Letter fron Arbor Day Committee noting Burlingane has again I^rOn 361 d. AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF PENINSULA AVENUE WATER MAIN - JOB 613 SCHEDULE HEARING Mayor Mangini inquired about progress on a new bingo ordinance. CityAttorney replied he will present this to council at its next rneeting. DUNCAN TRUST - LIBRARY Council-nan Pagliaro noted some problem yith the Duncan Trust property as nentioned in the Library Board minutes and asked that council bekept informed. City Attorney said council's concern I{i11 precipitate more discussion and a report will be made to counci.l. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 362 the Tree City Award. c. Letter from our Sister City of Cuernavaca inviting Mayor Eo Cuernavaca Fair, Mayor Mangi-ni noted he r*ould be unable to attend. Councilwoman Barton and Councilman Pagliaro inquired about status of finding another Sister City. Staff has corresponded with Si.ster City organization but have not receiYed a reaponse. d. Proclanation - Arbor Day, March 7, 1986. e. Proclamation Commending Rose Guilbault of f. Treasurerrs Report, January 31, 1986. g. Meno fron City Manager regarding Youth in ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION - TREE CITY AWARD Day. Councilman Pagliaro nondered if city should even accept a Tree City award due to the danage he felt nas done to city trees by PG&E. other council members said they were very proud of this award. In response to Councilnan Pagliaro, City Manager said staff has not yet net uith PG&E regarding trees. FROM THE FLOOR A]RPORT ROUNDTABLE Rosalie 0rMahony, 1427 FLoribunda, stated she would like to see the city represented at the Airport RoundtabLe meetings. Councilwoman Barton replied that those neetings were changed to coinc j.de with the council study neeting dates so council has been unable Eo attend, but the Roundtable staff is working on changing the date to accommodate Burlingame. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Mangini adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.n dith A. Malf attiity Cl erk Channel 7. Government