HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1986.02.18354 A duly on the cal1ed not.iced regular neeting of the Burlingame City Council was above date in the City Hal1 Council Chambers. The meeting to order at 7!30 p.n. by Mayor Victor A. Mangini-. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by City Manager Dennis Argyres. ROLL CALL COUNCI LMEMBERS BURLINGAME, CALITORNIA February 18, 198 6 AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI , MANGINI, PAGLIARO NONE held U S COUNCI LMEMBERS PRESENT: ABSENT: MINUTES Minutes Meeting of the Regular Meeting of February 3of February 5, 1986 were approved. 1986 and the Study PUBLIC HEARING - REVIEW OF SPECIAL PERMIT FOR HEIGHT FOR WINDMARK HOTEL - 620 AIRPORT BOULEVARD - RESOLUTION 24-86 - APPROVING SAME Ci.ty Planner reviewed her memo of February 10 in r.rhich she recomnendedcouncil hold a public hearing and take action. The WindmarkCorporaLion is requesting a special permit for a maximum 60 footheight for a 321 room hotel at 620 Airport, The project wiLl provide 322 parking spaces, meeting parking requirements. The first floorrvil1 i"nclude a 1obby, hotel offices, lounge, restauranL, shops and a swimning pool and health cLub. The project conforms to all ci.tyrequirenents and bayfronL desj-gn guidelines. No parE of the structureis in BCDC jurisdiction, but the pool does extend into the 100 foot BCDC band. Except for the pool area, the entire BCDC band ui1l belandscaped and iroproved for public access. The Planning Conmission approved the project as conditioned by staff uith two modifications,first to require the construction uorkers requiremen! to surro during construction. app and und St licant to provide off street parking for second, to alter condition 8 eliminating thethe site nith a solid fence for noise controLaff has added trro more conditions sincePlanning Conni-ssion approval 3 that appllcant address requiredproportional shares of the cost of the uater systen improvenents andof the sewer lift station improvenents uhich will be necessary in the Anza Area. Councilman Lembi inquired whether city ever follons up on conditions such as number 7, requiring that work shift changes do not occur atpeak trafflc hours, and t.hat they give priority to enpl-oyment of arearesidents. City Planner noted these conditions are recorded withcounty and that hotel shift changes are not usually during peak traffic hours but enforcement is difficult. He also asked aboutconditions 12, landscaping of lagoon area and 15, requi.ring that swimming pool and health club be limited to use of registered hotelguests. City Planner stated that Park Director l,ould reviewplantings; and that city is concerned about parking problems createdby non guest use of health clubs or pools and additional parking should be required for such use. Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing. A1lan Tebbets, attorney representing Windmark Corporation, noted theyare villing to meet all city conditions and urged approval , He said they wou1.d provide J,andscaping and public access around the lagoon;thaE the only design guideJ"ine not met is the height. He int.roduced the architect, Peter Mason. Mason showed visuals of the site; he saidthey tried to avoid the wide look by varying the heights on the project; he reviewed placenent of the equipnent penthouses for elevators and air conditioning and stalruays. Councilman Pagliaro reviewed with Mason the size and location of the CALL TO ORDER ,JcC equipment penthouses; neasurement of height of the roorns on the topf1oor, rchether the upper portions of the roons are occupiable areas,therefore marking the top of parapet; a habitable room has minimunheight of 7.5 feet. Pagliaro would like this issue of occupiable areato be addressed at a study session for a better definition. Heinquired if a sign permlt for the site has been considered yetl Masonreplied no but they would stay vithi.n the limits established by the s j- gn code. 0ther council discussion included size of building footprint, firstfloor and upper floor footprints; boat ramp at lagoon could be used bypublic, parking and accesg conflicts with pedestrians and bicyclists and might be problem at boat ramp; there will be no fencing of site except around poo1. Councilvonan Barton wouLd not like to see boat ramp used because it would involve autos crossing the public val-kway and bikepath. Council discussed conditi.oning use of the boat ramp;City Planner reviewed thls is BCDC jurisdiction and city could recommend that BCDC el-ininate the boat ranp in the local agencyletter. There being no other comments, Mayor Mangini closed the public hearlng. Council-man Lembi moved adoption of RES0LUTI0N 24-86 - ApprovingSpecial Permit for Windnark Hotel including conditj.ons in staff report and added a condltion that is installed the boat ramp be theinstallation and maintenance responsibility of the applicant alonguith the rest of the public access improvements in the BCDCjurisdiction and if there was no boat ranp the area be landscaped andimproved to integrate into the other public access areas adjacent andparking for public access be provlded. Seconded by CounciJ.manAnstrup, carried unanimously 5-0 on ro11 call vote. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF DENIAL FOR CORPORATION YARD IMPROVEMENTS AT 1361 THREE NORTH VARIANCES FOR CITY CAROLAN City Planner reviewed her nemo of Eebruary 10 in which she recommendedcouncil hold public hearing and take action. The City of Burlingameis requesting three variances in order to expand the office area atthe corporation yard located at 1361 Nort.h Carolan. The presentstructure is buil-t 1O feet from the front setback, the proposal is toadd a 10 by 20.5 foot room extending fron the front of the building tothe front property line and to add an energency generator enclosed inan 8 by 15 foot solid board wooden fenced area in the front setback.This would reduce the landscaping to 1 percent of the site, 10 percentis nov required. Parking is not available for the new office areabecause of the high 1eve1 of use, frequency of use and need for onsite maneuvering for the J.arge equipment at this location. The addedarea is needed for the new telemeteri.ng equipment which moniEors thecity pumps and uater storage tanks, staff needs 24 hour access to thisequipment and it must be continually accesslble during the worklngday, therefore the new office area must be close to this equipmeni.The Planning Commission voted 3-3 to deny the variances, under theirrules a tie vote is a denial. It was noted that this was one of thefirst parts of this industrial- area developed and other developnent inthe area is built out to curb, so these variances would not afiect thecharacter of the area. rn response to councilman Pagliaro, Director of Public I,Iorks reviewedduties of Superintendent and secretary; need for 24 hour visual accessto the new telemetering equipnent and security of this equipnent, Mayor Mangini opened thehearlng was closed. public hearing. There being no comments, the Councilman Amstrup moved to reverse the denial of the planning Comnission and grant the three variances, findlng those itensidentified as findlngs ln the staff report and that the originalpJ"acement of the structure prior to current code requirenenis requiredgranting the three variances as conditioned by staff. Seconded byCouncilrroman Barton who noted this request is not unreasonable foithis area. Motion carried 4-1 on ro11 call vote, Councilman pagJ-iaro voting no. 356 RENT CONTROL PETITIONS CERTIFICATE OF INSUFFICIENCY Mayor Mangini read the Clty Clerkrs memo of February 13 in which she reviewed that the rent controL petitions have been found to be insufficient, There vas a total of 2,2O4 signatures of which oaly 1,476 were valid signatures; there were 261 duplicates, 283 unregistered people and 184 insufficient or non city signatures; they needed 1,605 valid signatures. No council action vas required. Another petition, the Fair Property Rights petition, is currently being reviewed for valid signatures. CONSENT CALENDAR FOR MARSTEN DRAINAGE AREAaRESOLUTION 25-86 - IMPROVBMENTS - JOB AWARDING CONTRACT 31 0-A City Engineer I s rhe bid of R.L. memo of February 11 Davis in the amount recommended cou[ci]- accep t of $191,118. b RESOLUTION 26-86 - ACCEPTING WATERLINE - JOB 248-8 COMPLETION OF ROLLINS ROAD City Engineerrs memo of February 11 recomnended council accept the work completed; final construction cost is $179,641 . RESOLUTION 27_86 - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICE FOR CALIFORNIA DRIVE INTERCEPTOR - JOB 609 d. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP FOR 3 CALIFORNIA DRIVE City Engineerts memo of February 11 reconmended council authorize an agreement for engj-neering services by CH2M Hill in the amount of $14,500. City with Engineerts memo of February 11 reconmended council concur Planning Commission and approve the maps. DENIAL OE CLAIM THELMA ARMIREZ f City Attorney recommended denial, DENIAL OF REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO FINAL DRIVE MAP FOR 2720 MARIPOSA City wi th Plannerts nemo of February 11 recommended council concur Planning Commissi-on and deny the request for amendment' WARRANTS AND PAYROLLc Flnance Director recomnended duly audited, in the amount 6420I - 64949 for the nonth $6so,621.89. Councilnan Anstrup noved approval of the by Councilnan Lenbi, carried unanimously approval of Warrants 286L9 - 29!15, of $2,323,261.43 and Payroll Checks of January 1986 in the amount of Consent Calendar. by voice vote. Seconded NEW BUSINESS - ALUC Councilman Lembi reported on a recent ALUC meeting where the new Shearwater project in South San Francisco was discussed; other cities were concerned about the possible increase in air traffic over their cities because of housi-ng being built in the Shearwater area. BANNERS Councilnan Amstrup asked for council comment on the banner which had been strung on tha front of Crosby Connons. City Manager reviewed that the pirent group from Burli.ngane High School had requested to hang a banner over Burlingame Avenue but Could not get the insurance required by city. They have now hung the banner over the tenporary front of the building under constructj-on; since it is a temporary siSn to be placed on private property and for a worthwhile cause, staff c. 357 alloued such as it wou ld meeting. it. Councilman Pagliaro noted that he had seen oLher bannersthis around city. After some discussion, council determined discuss banners and temporary signs further at a study SCHEDULE HEARINGS Councilman Pagliaro called up for council revieu Commission decision on a third floor addition at Hearing was scheduled for the March 3 meeting. the Planning 3 California Drive. TREE TRIMMING BY PG&E Councilman Pagliaro requested staff neet with PG&E and report council about tree trimming and possible replacement plans. considerable discussion, council concurred. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commissi,on Minutes: January 14, 1986. Planning, February 10; Civil Service, back to After a b c Pol,ice Report,January PLanner 1986. regardlng church use at the Burllngane d e f Memo frorn City Wonan I s C1ub. Letter from Ruth Knotek regarding parking meters. Letter from D. Kain urging prohibition of f j,reworks. Letter inviting Mayor to California Transportation Commission workshop on future role of Peninsula Commute Service. Council agreed that city should be represented at this Mangini and Councilman Amstrup noted they would try Eo c meeting, Mayor attend. Letter from Chanber of Commerce Parking Connittee to Traffic, Safety, Parking Commission regarding increasing number of 1O hour parking meters. same groups that have been asked to leave neighborlng cities because of trouble. Council discussed at length, as long as there is no trouble the church should be allowed to conti.nue; there was discussion of an ordinance to limit the nunber of nights a group could have bingo games. City Attorney noted if they become a nuisance city can abate. AIRPORT ROUNDTABLE Councj.lwoman Barton asked that City CLerk advise Roundtable that Burlingame would like to attend meetinSs and asks that the Roundtable meet on another night since the present date conflicts with our Study Meetings. STORM REPORT City Manager reported that the City has fared welL during the heavy storms the area is experiencing; the Public Works Departnent and Parks Departnent are to be compl j-mented. HILLSBOROUGH SEWER BILLING Councilman Pagliaro noted the copy of letter to Hillsborough regarding overdue billing for their sewer service by City of Burlingame. RPC - TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Councilman PagJ-iaro asked if council woul-d take a stand on the appointments to the SCR 74 JPA Board of Directors. Council agreed it would like to do so and w111 discuss further at a study neetinS. CITURCH USE OF WOMAN'S CLUB Councilman Pagliaro questioned requiring the church to stop bingo ganes within 90 days. Mayor Man g in i -sa*d-theee asked if these are the 358 FROM THE FLOOR IRRADIATED FOODS Alan Horn distributed copies of a proposed ordinance which r+ould require grocery stores to post notice on irradiated foods in the city. ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY OF TERE QUIST Mayor Mangini asked for a moment neeting in memory of Tere Quist,City movement, who died recently adjourned at 8:50 p.m, of silence and then adjourned a lady deeply lnvolved in thein Mexico City. The neeting the Sister was Judith A. Mal City Clerk rti ai i LI II I