HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1986.02.05351 Mayor VictorCity CouncilHalI at 7:30 A. on p.m CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETINGFebruary 5, 1986, 7:30 p.m.city HaII, Conference Room B Mangini convened the Study Meeting of the Burlingamethe above date in Conference Room B of Burlingami City PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI , MANGINI ABSENT: PAGLIARO (Arrived for Closed Session) STAFT PRESENT: ARGYRES, COLEMAN, KIRKUP, MONROE, QUADRI , TOWNS 1. TREE PRT'NING/PG&E LINE CLEARANCE The city Manager briefry reviewed the council study of this item whichwas raised by Councilman Pagliaro in October of 1.984. park Director, Quadri and Art Carbon, Chairman of the Beautification Commission, alsodiscussed the Beautification Commi-ssion review of this item. Thefinal recommendation to council by the Beautification Commission wasthat the Park Department continue its current method of Sycamore treepruninq on a four-year cycle and that we explore a long-range replace-ment program with PG&E for those trees which interfere with primarypower 1ines. Councilman Amstrup indicated that in his discussionswith Councilman Pagliaro that he would like us to explore the tree re-placement idea. Councilwoman Barton questioned $rhy pG&E seems to trimthe trees so often. Mayor Mangini pointed out that as he saw the 1972citizen survey, the citizens seemed against the idea of a tree re-placement program. Councilwoman Barton indicated that she felt themain concern was the imbalance bet$reen the trees trimmed under powerlines and the city tree pruning methods. There was a discussion ofthe possible effects of a tree replacement program and whether weshoul-d also look at experimenting with growth retardants in certainareas. The council consensus at the end of discussion $ras to proceedwith the Beautification Commission recommendation and explore I long-range tree replacement program with PG&E. 2. REQUEST BY HISTORICAL SOCIETY TO USE CARRIAGE HOUSE/ WASHINGTON PARK The City Manager reviewed the staff report covering the informationcouncil had requested at their December 4 study session. This in-cluded various alternative locations and staffrs concern withsecurity/ safety, the precedent of such action and that it displacescity use, which couLd result in the need to buiLd additionalfacilities. Councilman Lembi asked questions of the park Director onaccess and security. Councilman Amstrup felt that this group wouldnot cause a precedent if the city were to allow them to use the Car-riage House for storage. He also stated that, in any case, the cityneeds to repair the building to make it safe. Councilwoman Bartonstated that she too felt j_t would not be a precedent and that weshould go ahead. Councilman tembi indicated that he felt that thePark and Recreation Department would grow and that they would need ad-ditional space in the future, but as a temporary measuie he felt thatwe could proceed with the Historical Society use. The park Directorindicated that he felt that the park Department will need to grow andhe was concerned with the need for additionar facilities which wourd.encroach on city park land. It vras the council consensus that vreproceed on a short-term, six-month renewable lease agreement with theIlistorical Society and staff was directed to come bacf to councilwith the cost of improvements to the building to make it usable. 3. FIRE Code Adoption Hiqh Rise Re quirement The council reviewed with the Fire chief his report on ad.option of newhigh rise requirements for buirdings, as part oi the 19g5 ijniform rire 352 Local Government Re pre sentation Proposed J oint Powers Agreementfor Transit. The City Manager indicated that he had contacted the staff to thecounci L of Mayors and this item was not on their upcoming agenda.Council indicated that we should continue to try and expiesi ouropinions concerning increased locar government iepresenlation wheneverpossible. Code. It \^ras the council's consensus that we should proceed withadoption of this code, which would require retrofitting of three ex-isting high rise buildings which do not meet current siandards. Therewould be a three-year time period durinq which these buildings wourdbe required to comply. Staff indicated that it hopes they will havethe fire code ready for formal consideration within one lo two months. Burlinqame Hills Fire protection The city Manager and Fire chief reviewed the history of our currentassistance to the county unincorporated area of surlingame Hi11s, thedesire by the california Division of Forestry and the county for thecity to consider providing contractual servile to improve tie fireresponse. After some discussion, councir indicated lupport for thisidea so rong as no additionar manpower or equipment is- irecessary fromthe city and we are reimbursed on a per calr blsis for all calri tothis area. staff will contact cDF and prepare a contract for councilconsideration at a later date. 4. SOCCER LIGHTING FOR BAYSIDE PARK The City Manager distributed some updated information for the councilon this matter. The engineering reports have indicated that there isinsufficient strength and electrical power service to the two existingpoles at Bayside Park to add soccer lights. staff recommended that w5go back and look at updating the cost estimates and arternatives forproviding these lights. It is felt that rhis wiII require $20-$3O,OOOin cost rather than the previous $15,ooo indicated in'itre January 30report to council. staff witl send updated information to councir bytheir March study session, if possible. 5. DISH ANTENNA REGULATION The city Pranner reviewed her report concerning dish antennae and therecent FCc action which may affect our ordinance. she also pointedout that this type of regulation is taking a great d.ea1 0f elanningcomnission, councir and staff time. atl ilanning commission actionson antennae in the past year have arso been carled up for councirreview. councilman Amstrup stated that he felt that the applicantshould be required to provide all pictures and graphics so'Lh"t thecity courd adequately_ review the request. He also-felt that the ap-pli-cant should bear the brunt of the visual impact of any dish antennaand not the neighbors. councilwoman Barton telt that th6 reason theseitems.were- called up for review is that the council has a strongerposition than the planning commission. After some discussion, it wasfelt that staff could look at some amendment to our existing ordinanceto clarify the criteria for review, but that we would contiirre ourcurrent procedures at this time. 6. ACOUISITION OF STREET LIGHTS FROM PG&E After reviewing staff's report, council indicated that staff shouLdrequest from PG&E an evaruation of the cost to purchase their 900street lights within the city. Based on these costs, councir wirldecide if it is feasible to proceed with this matter. 7. COMMISSIONER APPOINTMENT PROCEDURE Council agreed to continued this matter to a 1ater study sinceCouncilman Pagliaro was not in attendance. 8. OTHER 353 Burlinqame Hi gh Parentsr Group Re quest For Parade/Bur linqame Avenue Council discussed this recent request from the Burlingame High SchoolParents' group for a I'kick-off paraderr to support their fund-raiser. They have requested that Burlingame Avenue be closed for approximatelyfifteen minutes on February 13 and that a fire engine help supporttheir 'rkick-off .'r Council indicated that we should try to assist withthis request, but that only one lane of Burlingame Avenue be involvedand that no participants be allowed to ride on any fire engine that isused. Staff wiII contact the parents' group to work out the proposal . Board of Supervisorsr Action Concerni nq Ox Mountain. Councilman Amstrup indicated that he had become aware that the Boardof Supervisors had given conceptual approval to San Francisco using Ox Mountain for garbage dumping. He expressed the concern regardingthe reduction in San Mateo County's useful life of this dump as wellas concern about traffic on Highway 280 and 92. He hoped that cities would convey to the Board of Supervisors their feeling on this matter. 9. CLOSES SESSION The meeting was adjourned to closed session for labor relations at8:40 p.m. 10. AD.'OURNMENT The closed session was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. ith A. MalfattiCity Clerk