HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1986.01.06335 CLOSED SESSION Council discuss Manager met in Closed Session at labor negotiations. All and City Attorney. BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA January 6, 1986 7:15 p.m, in rnembers were Conference Roon A to present, as well as City CALL TO ORDER A duly on the cal1ed noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was above date in the City Hal1 Councj-1 Chambers. The meeting Eo order at 7244 p.m. by Mayor Victor A. Mangini. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE TLAG Led by Director of Public Works Ralph Kirkup. ROLL CALL held was COUNCILMEMBERS COUNCILMEMBERS MINUTES PRESENT: ABSENT: AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI, MANGINI, PAGLIARO NONE 1985 and the Study PROHIBITING PERSONS Minutes of Lhe Regular Meeting of Decernber 2, Meeting of December 4, 1985 were approved. PUBLIC HEARING - ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 1313 - FROM OBSTRUCTING SIDEWALKS City Attorney reviewed his memo of October 21 in which he recommended council hold a public hearing and take ac!ion. Recently Police Department has issued citations for persons uho unnecessarily block sidewalks and businesses. However, they have found they nust issue citations for riding bicycles or other violations because the city does not have a clear ordinance regarding persons obstructing the sidewalk. 0ur code addresses placing merchandise on sidewalks but does not deal with people. The Penal Code does cover thi.s subject' but courts have held that cities can adopt their oun ordinance. This would make it an infraction citation rather than a misdemeanor. Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing. Alan Horn, L325 Palona, spoke in opposition; the thls subject. It is unnecessary for the city to State already covers have thls law. be arrested for replied that sidewalks or A student from the audience wondered if students would standing on sidewalk in front of store. City Attorney this law prohibits trwilf ully and maliciouslyrr blocking doorways. Mayor Manglni closed the public hearlng. Councilman the phrase Councllman In response Eo Councilnan Pagliaro' City Attorney said this ordi'nance is modeled after a Marin County ordinance and has been upheld in court. Pagliaro suggested deleting the last part of Section B to delete the reference to property owner's permission. Councilwoman Barton moved adoption Seconded by Councilman Amstrup. of ORDINANCE 1313 as written. Councilman Pagliaro said a property owner could block a doorway, this would be a fire hazard. Councilnan Lembi gave an example of an irate property owner blocking a doorray to put a tenant out. The motj.on was withdrawn. Pagliaro moved adoption of 0RDINANCE 1313 with deletion ofrrwithout the consent of owner thereof .tr Seconded by Lembi, carried unanimously 5-0 on ro11 call vote. 336 PUBL I C IMPACT EEARING - RESOLUTION 1-86 - REPORT FOR WINDMARK HOTEL - CERTIFYING FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL 620 AIRPORT BOULEVARD City Planner reviewed her memo of December 18 in which she reconrnended council hold public hearing and take action. The Llindmark Corporation is proposing to build a 321 room hotel uhich uould be about 60 feet high, cover 21 percent of the site, provide 322 parking spaces and landscape the entire 100 feet of bayfront to provide a public accesspathway. The PJ.anning Comnission unaninously approved the document and referred it to council for consideration. She noted action on the EIR does not prejudice in any way subsequent action on the project. In response to council questions, City Planner reviewed landscaping of Ishoreline by applicants and that less than 15 percent of the site I outside the shoreline band would be landscaped; that if height were lowered the footpri.nt of building would be increased, or else the number of rooms would have to be reduced; mitigation of building noise1evels during construction. Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing. There being no comments, thehearing was closed, Mayor Mangini wondered where the developer was in terms of gettj-ngapprovals from State. AlIen Tebbets, attorney representing developer,reviewed they are in negotiations with State. When they get the cityapproval they will proceed with other agencies. CounciLman Pagliaro inqu j.red of Marty Abe11, ESA, if there was public access to the lagoon. Abe11 replied all city requirements and BCDCrequirenents for public access would be met. Councilman Amstrup moved adoption of RES0LUTION 1-86 Certifying theFinal EIR for Windmark I{ote1. Seconded by Councilman PagJ-iaro,carried unanimously 5-0 on ro11 call vote. PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION 2-86 - CERTIFYING FINAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES MASTER PLAN - AND - EIR FOR PROPOSED RESOLUTION 3-86 -ADOPTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT EACILITIES MA STBR PLAN City Planner reviewed her memo of Decenber 19 in which she recomrnendedcouncil hold public hearing and take action. At the request of theRegional Water Quality Control Board, the city has prepared aWastewater Treatment Facilities Master Plan to address uasteuatertreatnent standards, identify the improvenents required to neet thesestandards, and the order and timing to achieve these standards. Thereport. also addresses improvenents to the sewer collecEion system Eo manage wet weather infiltration problens. Planning Conmissionapproved both the EIR and the Master Plan and recomnends them tocouncil for action. Mayor Mangini opened the public hearing. Alan Horn , L325 Paloma,treatment, pollution of f or landscaping. expressed his concerns about wastewater the bay, and hoped treated nater could be used Director of Public Works revieued that the main purpose of this reportis to address the wet weather problens experi"enced at the p1ant, thereporL does deal with use of treated water on future park at the dump;he also discussed some of the limitations to using treated effluent on l-and areas. Mayor Mangini closed the public hearing. Mayor Mangini relayed sone questions asked him about this reportregarding percentages of rate raises being equitable, if there are anyerrors in calculations in report and if the number of toilets j"n homes has an effect on treatnent. Director of Public Works reviewed Table 81n Draft EIR shows rates, rates are based on volume of flow except in industrial areas where "loadingI' by high strength users is considered. Councilman Lembi moved adopEion of RES0LUTION 2-86 Certifying the Final EIR for the Wastewater Treatnent Facilities Master Plan and RESOLUTION 3-86 Adopting the wasteuater Treatment Facillties Master Plan. Seconded r o11 cal l vote. by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously 5-0 on PROPOSED UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Director of Pub1ic Works reviewed his memo of December 18 in which he recommended council proceed with establishing underground districts for Donnelly Avenue and Airport Boulevard to ensure the fu11 use of underground alLocations prior to 1990. The League of California Cities and PG&E have reached agreement on a long-term allocation plan for replacement of overhead electrical to underground facilities. A key to this plan is the reallocation program whereby if uncommitted funds exceed our 1989 aLlocation, these funds will be reallocated to agencies with active underground programs. In order that we not lose funds, the city should develop a five-year plan which ttover programs" our allocation through 1990.In previous years' council had appointed an underground comrnittee which reconmended Donnelly Avenue and Californla Drive. California Drive has been completed. He recommended Donnel"1y be included and Airport Boulevard be added Eo the five year plan. If council approves this proposal , legislation will be drafted for council approval , Councilman Anstrup moved approval of the proposed underground projects. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton. Councilman Pagliaro would like to residentlal areas. see underground projects include the Council reviewed the City Managerrs memo of Decenber 31 , list of applicants for Cornmission vacancies. Dates were intervieus. 19 85 wi th scheduled f or CONSENT C ALEN DA R Councilnan Pagliaro announced he would abstain from voting on item rrirr due to a conflict of interest. He also requested discussion of itens "e, f, h and k." 0n iten "ett he confirned that the cost for engineering was an lnternal expense of the Public l'lorks Departnent. On item t'f " he wondered if city accepts the liability for this easement. 0n item tthtt he suggested a change in the contract on page 3 paragraph 6 to change the agreement that contractor has necessary ski11s to the contractor represenEs that he has the necessary ski11s. On item ttk" he wondered if the $10,000 increase in the contract cost was estinated by the contractor or the city. Di.rector of Public Works replied the city. ORDINANCE 1311 REZONING CERTAIN PARCELS FROM C-1 TO R-4a City Planner's memo ordinance which was heLd on December 2, at l22I Bayswater. of December introduced 1985. This 18 and is recommended council adopt this for which a public hearing was for an elderly housing project b.RESOLUTION 4-86 AWARDING BID FOR SEI{IER REPAIR JoB 534 AssistanE Civil Engineerts memo award bid to Harty Pipelines for in the amount of $17,295. of Decenber 9 recomnended counci-1 spot repair of city sewer lines c RESOLUTION 5-86 - ACCEPTING DRAIN ON HILLSIDE AT BALBOA COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS - JOB 527 S TORM Assistant Civil Engineer's memo of December 5 recommended council accept the completion of these improvements. 337 Councilwoman Barton stated that underground projects are quite expensive to property or,rners who must pay for undergrounding onto their pro perty from the street, Motion carried unaninously by voice vote. COMMISSION CANDIDATES 338 RESOLUTION 6-86 - AUTHORIZING CONTRACT FOR ADMINISTRATION OF DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN Finance Director I s adninistration of Western Savings. memo of January 6 recommended council award the cityrs Deferred Conpensation Plan to Great RESOLUTION 7-86 JOB 512 ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF FIRE STATION ROOF Assistant Civil Engineer's meno of December 13 reconmendedcouncil accept these improvements. f. RESOLUTION 8-86 ACCEPTING DEED FOR EASEMENT AT ONE BAY PLAZA City Attorneyrs memo of December 17 recommended council acceptthis easement for bus stop and utllity purposes. RESOLUTION 9-86 BOULEVARD ACCEPTING DEDICATION OF PORTION OF AIRPORT City Attorneyts memo of December 19 recomnended council accept dedication of part of Airport Boulevard near the ttCarruf site.'l An irrevocable offer of dedication hras nade j-n L969 but was never acted upon. RESOLUTION I0-86 - AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CALIFORNIA DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION - JOB 541 c h City Engineer's memo of an agreenent I./ith Harris amount of $28,700. December 30 recommended council and Associates for services in authorize the RESOLUTION 11-86 - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT TOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS - JOB DESIGN CONSULTANT 529 Director of Public Works memo of December 30 recommended councilapprove an agreenent with Black and Veatch for design and biddingof the treatment plant inprovements in the amount of $490,000. RESOLUTION 12_86 - AI''ARDING CONTRACT FOR HILLSIDE DRIVE - JOB 535 WATER LINE REPAIRSJ Assistant Civil Engineerts memocouncil award contract to Jardin $7 ,448. of December 26 recommendedPipelines in Ehe arnount of k RESOLUTION 13-86 REHABILITATION -- ACCEPTING COMPLETION OT AIRPORT BOULEVARD PHASEO-JOB328 City Engineerts nemo of December the improvements as completed by 1. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director recommendedduly audited, in the anount 6282I - 63509 for the nonrh $63s,362.09. 30 recommended council 0 r Grady Paving. accept approval of Warrants 28013 - 28342,of $1,863,040.94 and Payroll Checksof Novenber 1985 in the amount of m. DENIAL 0F CLAIMS: (1) JULIO PARDO: (2 ) JOHN YOUNG City At t orn ey recommended d en ia1 . FINAL PARCEL MAP AND TENTATIVE CONDO MAP FORTENTATIVE AND 623 ANSEL City with Councilman Arnstrup moved approval of the Councilwoman Barton, carried unan imou s1y Engineerts memo of December 13 recomnended council concurPlanning Cornmi-ssion and approve the maps, Consent Calendar. Seconded by voice vote. by d, e. I NEW BUSINESS Mayor Man gin i older hotels. Fi.re Chief . asked status of requirement for sprinklering system in Councilman Pagliaro asked for a report on this from the the Town of Manager said Councilman Pagliaro inquired about the copy of a letter to Hlllsborough regarding non-payment of sewer service. City he has not received a response from HiLlsborough yet. Councilnan Lembi asked whether city requires hotels to provide underground parking, he was concerned because patrons of Sheraton Hotel are parking at Bayside Park. Staff noted Ehey do have underground and will inquire why it is not being used. Councilman Pagllaro noted a nemo from CiEy Engineer regarding sewer line irnprovement to private homes. City Manager clarified that this ls only for new homes not for remodeling. SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARINGS cal led up accessory Mayor Mangini scheduled public hearings for the above for January 20 meeting and also noted an appeal hearing would be held on the same date for 1215 Vancouver, a dish antenna appealed by Dan Rosenbledt. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Connission Mlnutes: Traffic, Safety and ParkinS, Novenber 14; Planning, Decenber 9; Library Board, Decenber 17' 1985. Treasurerts Report, Novenber 30, 1985. Police Report, November 1985. Fire Departnent Report, Third Quarter of 1985. Letter commending Police 0fficer Rose for energency assistance. Letter fron new Sister City representative Carolyn Damonte. Letter from Chamber of Conmerce regarding bayfront signage for hotels. Letter from GRC regarding funds for Fire Study. for resolution Councilman Pagliaro 1723 Toledo and the for council review the dish antenna at structure at 824 Fairfield, Memo from Airport Roundtable asking aircraf t.Letter from League of California Cities regarding and responses by opposing noi sy dues increase. City ManagerLetters from Chamber of Commerce regarding litter in Anza Lagoon. Letter fron Pacific Restorations requesting vaiving of building p errni t f ees. Meno from City Planner regarding a ttMinor Modlfication to 1328 Balboa. tt has by Mayor Mangini canceled the study meeting of January 8 uith councilrs approval. Councilman Pagliaro noted the item regarding tree pruning has been postponed for several nonths not. CANCELLATION OF STUDY MEETING Councilman Pagliaro also requested staff look into process of purchaslng street lights from PG&E. He noLed a neighboring city done so and reports it financially beneficial. He also asked for report on Anthony School parking problems which is being reviewed the Traffic, Safety Parking Conmission. 339 a. b. c. d. e. t. c. h. i. j. k. 1. m. 310 Councilrnan Amstrup asked that the Historical Societyrs request for use of a building be studied further. Councilwoman Barton suggested study of direction to the Planning Commission regardi.ng dish antennas. FROM THE FLOOR - IRRADIATED FOODS Alan Horn, L325 Paloma, urged council to pass an ordinance forbiddingthe sale of any irradiated foods in the City of Burlingame. He noted the federal governnent is planning on radiating foods to extend theirpreservation. He reviewed his concerns about radiation poisoning, increase in cancer and death rate; he said there is no safe leve1 ofradiation. Council- expressed i-gnorance of this topic and asked for more information fron Mr. Horn. ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY OF DOROTHY SOMMER Mayor Mangini noted that our City Treasurerrs wife Dorothy passed awayrecently and asked for a moment of sil-ence in her memory after whichthe meeting was adjourned in her memory at 8:54 p.m. ith A. Malf aity C1e rk _ .- ._l