HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1987.10.05BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA 0ctober 5, 1987 CLOSED SESSION LITIGATION A closed session regarding the Hillsborough sewer litigation was held in Conference Room A of City HaII prior to the reguJ,ar neeting. The closed session began at 7:00 p.m. with aLl counciL members present and adjourned to the regular meeting at 7225 p.n. CALL TO ORDER A duly on the cal1ed noti-ced regular neeting of the Burlingame City Council was above date in the City Ha1l Council Chambers. The neeting to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Gloria H. Barton. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT :AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI, MANGINI, PAGLIARO NONE held was SCOUTS PRESENT Mayor Barton noted the presence of Boy Scout Troop 156 and Scoutmaster Jef f rey I'lero1in. MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT : Minutee of the Regular Meeting of READING - September ORDINANCE 2L, L987 were approved. L352 - ESTABLISHING SEWERPUBLIC HEARING - SECOND RATES FOR 1987-88 Director of Public Works reviewed his meno of September 16 in vhich he recommended council adopt an ordinance establishing the proposed sewer rate for 87-88 fiscal year beginning with the rvater readings on or after November 1, 1987. Sewer rates are based on waEer use from July 1986 to June 1987, adjusted for the Hyatt Hotel not being in business and the Ibis and Embassy Sultes hotels running a full year. The use was also reduced 5 percent for conservation efforts. Thi.s year calculations differ from former years in two areas; schools and churches have a neu rate rather than residential ratesl and Burlingame Hil1s and Hillsborough loadings were accounted for in t.he program but not included in the rate structure as those costs are covered in separate agreenents. He noted Lhe city is also starting to process Millbrae's sludge this year, but this is a straight pass through and is not included in the revenue calculations. These rates should raise revenue equal to the operating budget, plus $300,000 for Capital Improvements and $75,000 for equipnent replacement. Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. There being hearing was closed. Councilman Mangini moved adoption of 0RDINANCE 1352. Councllman Pagliaro, carried unanimously by ro11 call no commenEs, the Seconded by vote. RESOLUTION BURLINGAME 105-87 - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR FIRE SERVICES TO THE HILLS AREA The City Manager reviewed his memo of Septenber 24 in which he recommended council enter into an agreemenE wiEh San Mateo County for Burlingame to furnish limlted fire protection of the unincorporated area known as Burlingame Hi11s. This agreement provides for the city to provide j-nitial structural fire and emergency services. The city will receive $500 per call from the county not to exceed $15'000 a year . Over the past fi ve years, thi s area has generated approxirnately 2O ca11s per year. The California Department of Forestry would remain L20 Led by City Planner, Meg Monroe. ROLL CALL T2L responsible for wildland fire protection and fire prevention in Ehe area. No new city personnel would be required by this contract. Staff responded to council questions: insurance protection uas reviewed, concern that contract does not insure the cityi it is ayear agreement, vJould automaEically be renewed unless either party asked for ternination; if city finds $15,000 is not a reasonable amount, the contract could be renegotiaEed at the end of the year. one Councilman Mangi.ni moved to adopt RESOLUTI0N 105-87. Seconded by Councilman Lembi, carried unanimously by ro11 calL vote. Gilbert Rod1i, President of the Burlingame Hi1ls Improvement. Association, thanked council for the agreement for fire protectlon; the Burlingarne HilIs area has been waiting for such an agreement for a long tlme; there has been only one najor structural fire in 30 years in that area; he thanked the Fire Chief for the letter on flre prevention that was sent to residents. City Manager noted that the contract must sti1l be approved by uhe County and will not go into effect until that approval. RESOLUTION 106-87 - ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES WATER RATES AND CHARGES AND RELATED Director of Public Works reviewed his memo of September 29 in which he recommended that council adopt a resolution rai-sing water rates and fees. hlater rates have not been raised since 1983; some fees were adjusted lasE year. Rates were not raised because the General Fund has been contributing to Water Capital Inprovements and the San Francisco l^later Department decreased its rates last year. This year it is recomnended that rates be increased to $1.20 per Ehousand gallons for Burlingame and Eo $1.33 for Ehe Burlingame Hi1Is. In addition, a surcharge of $,89 per thousand gallons would be added to Burlingame Hi1ls for the installation of the hydrant on Adel j.ne Drive. Engineering is preparing plans for additional hydrants in that area and it appears the city wi 11 need the surcharge for the next few years. Fees or deposits for Fire Service connections, temporary fire hydrant meters and bonds for water system work should be increased. Councilman Mangini questioned whether 1,500 to 2,000 gallons per mj.nute was an adequate flow for fire fighting, Fire Chief replied yes; and commented on the informational memo regarding the rrquick f ixrr fire hydrant on Adeline noting the preferred easement was noE avai.lable and city is negotiating with another property owners for an easement for the water line to a new hydrant. Councilman Anstrup moved adoption of RESOLUTION 106-87. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. Gilbert RodIi, Burlingame Hi11s, again requested to make a comment; he noted the residents had jusE recently learned about the raise in water rates and the surcharge, and that they were concerned about the considerable rise j-n cost for their water; they hoped for something more equitable; this surcharge will benefit city residents who live on Adeline as well as county residents; they do want to cooPerate and work with Ehe city on solving water system problems, but would not want to see this melhod of financing used for aIl water inprovenents in the unincorporated county area. APPOINTMENT TO LIBRARY BOARD Councilnan Anstrup reviewed that he and Councilman Pagliaro had intervj-ewed si-x candidates for Library Board. They complinented the candidaEes and nominated Shirley Robertson. There beinB no other nominations, Shirley Robertson uas appointed to the Library Board. Council directed that letters of thanks be sent to all candidates. City Manager reviewed his memo of September 24 it which he listed commissioners whose terms expire before the end of the year. He stated that they will all be notified to reapply and would serve until reappointed or replaced. Council set deadl lne of November 6 for applications to these seven positions. L22 REQUEST FOR FUNDS FOR CHILD CARE TASX FORCE City Manager reviewed a letter from the Mayor of Foster City requesting Burlingame donate fron $2,000 to $5,000 to help fund thisproject to i.dentj.fy child care needs and possible solutions. Council had nany questions; would like a specific breakdown on how funds would be used; concern that this may be an overlapping project since other agencies may be working on same subject; would like to know vrhat other cities are doing; League of California Cities is also studylng the problem. Council directed staff write for rnore information. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Mangi-ni had a brief question on ttd, Agreement for Sewer Service to San Mateorr and Director noted there would be no cost to city. Councilnan Pagliaro asked renoval of itern ttb, Animal Control Ordinance. tr INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1353 PART OF LORTON AVENUE ESTABLISHING TWO HOUR PARKING ON b c a Traffic/Civi1 Engineerts memo of Septenber 25 recommended counciL adopt an ordinance establishing two hour parking for six I0 hour spaces along the east side of torton between Howard and Bayswater Avenues. Removed. RESOLUTION IO7-87 - AUTHORIZING COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY FOR CDBG FUNDS ADMINISTRATION RESOLUTION CITY SEWER 108-87 SERV]CE AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF SAN MATEO FOR INTER City Engineerts memo of September 30 recomnended council approve an agreenent allowing portions of the City of San Mateo to connect into our city seuer nains. RESOLUTION 109-87 - GRANTING FOR UNDERGROUNDING UTILITIES EASEMENTS TO PG&E AND PACIFIC BELL ON DONNELLY AVENUE - JOB 627 Traffic/Ci.vi1 Engineerts memo of Septenber 23 approve granting easements across Parking Lot of undergrounding utilities. recommended council C for the purpose f RESOLUTION MATERIAL - RESOLUTION MATERIAL - 110-87 PIPE - I I 1-87 VALVES - REJECTING JoB 405 - AWARDING - JOB 405 BID FOR SUPPLYING SEWER REPAIR BID FOR SUPPLYING SEWER REPAIR Senior Civil Engineerrs memo of 0ctober 1 reconmended council reject the bid by Ameron for 30 inch diameter pipe due to deviation from city specifications and the lack of competition ( only one bid received ) . He recomnended awarding the bid for valves for the same job to DeZurik in the amount of $44,915.17. RESOLUTION II2-87 - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICE FOR RELOCATION OF NORTHBOUND ON_RAMP AT BROADWAY - JOB 631 c City Engineerts memo of 0ctober 1 recommended an agreement. for engineering services with THM the anount of $88,090. council authorize and Associates in City Plannerrs nemo of September 23 recommended council approve an agreement with the County to adminisEer Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for the ci.tyrs participation in various housing rehabilitation loan programs. There is no cost to the city. d. t23 APPROVAL OP BLOCK PARTY IN COMMERCIAL ZONE OCTOBER 18 108 }4YRTLE AVENUE City Manager's memo of September 25 recommended council approve ablock party on Myrtle Avenue by Studio B on Sunday, october 18 from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. Staff suggested three conditions. Councilman Mangini moved approval of lhe Consent Calendar with exception of t.he removed item. Seconded by Councilman Lembi, unanimously by voice vote. the carried REMOVED CONSENT ITEM b. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE ANIMAL CONTROLS City Att.orneyts memo of September 23 recommended council adopt the San Mateo County uniform animal- control ordinance. This ordinance reflects the concern about Pit Bull dogs and other dangerous animalsi there are changes defining dangerous animals and requiring licenslng and impounding; and procedures for identiflcation and control of these ani-mals. Councilman Pagliaro questioned allowing vicious animals with a permit, he favored prohibiting vicious animals. Staff explained that city conEracts Lrith the Humane SocieLy, as do other cities in the county, to regulate animals and we would have to negotiate a different leve1 of service if Burlingame had different regulations than other cities. Mayor Barton agreed with Pagliaro and suggested corresponding with other cities regarding prohibiting these aninals. Councilman Pagliaro requested staff look at an ordinance prohibiting vicious aninals and also correspond with county regarding regulating this type ordinance. Council concurred. Mayor Barton noted that one candldate to Criminal Justice has dropped out and asked if any council members were interested. Council had no comments or recommendations. PARKING STRUCTURE STUDY Councilman Lembi requested council structure study ahead of the Study have sufficient time to revieu. results of the parking October 21 in order !o receive Me et ing the on Mayor Barton scheduled appeal hearings for for 173I Adrian (an office condo ) and 13 0I Mayor Barton stated there freeway fence on Ro11i-ns. FIRE DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE Mayor Barton congratulated the Fire Chief on the open house conducted last weekend by the Fire Department. ROLLINS ROAD/FREEWAY FRONTAGE TRASH Lhe meeting of 0ctober 19 Sanchez fence exception. was considerable trash collecting along the Staff wi 11 notify CalTrans. Commission Minutes: Park and Recreation, September 17; Library Board, September 15; Planning, September 28, L987. Proclamations: Ride Share Week, October 10; Red Ribbon - Drug Awareness lrleek, October 25i Spe11-A-Thon lleek, October 26, 1987. Carolyn Root, representing the Burlingame El-ementary School Distri.ct, thanked council for proclalming Spel1-A-Thon Week and presentedcouncil with badges. c. Meno from Bay Area Water Users regarding Interior Secretary Hodelrs visit to Hetch Hetchy. h. OLD BUSINESS - CRIMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL SCHEDULE APPEAL HEARINGS A CKN OWLEDGI'lENTS a. b. L21 City response to League of Cal,ifornia Citiesr water policy statement. City Attorney memo regarding Claim of Stuart Bacon, continued from last meeting. WATER MEETING Councilman Amstrup reviewed that Hetchy water system plan will be the meeting regarding the Hetch rescheduled. FROM THE FLOOR Alan Horn, L325 Paloma, commented that he supported Councilnan Pagliarors objection to allovIing vicious anlmalsl he was concerned abouL additional stops or signals being added when the Broadway freeway connection was relocated; he lras willing to share the costs of fixing the Burlingame Hi11s water system, no reason those people should pay for it all, all water users shoul-d share the cost. A boy scout questioned energency call-s in the Burlingame Hil,1s Area. Mayor Barton reviewed how 911 calls are recorded and responded to by the Fire Department. There were no other comnents from the floor. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 8:17 p.m Judith A. Ma City Clerk atti d. e.