HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1987.07.06'tb JOINT MEETING OF SOUTII SAN FRANCISCO MILLBRAE, BURLINGAME AND CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES June 22, L987 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed special meeting of the Burlingame City Council, neeting jointly uith the Mi1lbrae, and South San Francisco council members, was held on the above date in the Millbrae Cj.ty Hall. Mayor Gloria H. Barton, Councilnan Irving Amstrup and CounciLnan Victor Mangini were present. The neeting was ca1led to order at 7:00 p.m, by Millbrae Mayor Paul Van Iderstine. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the cit j-es respectlve positions and opinions on the San Mateo County Transportation Advisory Committeets plan of expenditures and proposed ballot measures. No formal action uas taken. Minutes of the meeting are attached. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m Judith A. Mal fat t i City Clerk BURL INGAME, CALIFORNIA July 6, 19 87 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE ELAG Led by Chief of Police, Alfred J. Palner. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS COUNCILMEMBERS MINUTES PRESENT: ABSENT: AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI, MANGINI, PAGLIARO NONE Minutes of the Study Meeting of June 10, 1987 and the Regular Meeting of June 15, 1987 were approved. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION ON TENCE EXCEPTION AT 14OO LINCOLN AVENUE City Planner reviewed her nemo of June 25 in which she recommended council hold public hearing and take action. The applicants, Ron Andreas and Dawn Blanken, are requesting a fence exception to add trellises in their side and rear yards adjacent to the property 1in e which exceed six feet in height. The proposal included two lattice trellises in the rear yard along the side property ] ine at nine f eet in height, a proposed trellis over the gate between the front and rear yards at eight feet in height, and four fan trellises each at eight feet in height located in the side yard between the front portions of the houses at 1400 and 1404 Lincoln. The neighbors at 1404 Lincoln appealed the apprgval of the fence excepEion. After the Planning Commission action the applicants had the side property line between 1400 and 1404 Lincoln surveyed and received a building permit for the CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingane City Council was held on the above date in the City Ha11 Council Chambers. The neeting was caIled to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Gloria H. Barton. 76 fence. The applicants also submitted atheir request by deleting aL1 the eightthe tue rear yard lattice trel,1i.ses. letter dated June 12 modifying fooL fan trellises and one of In response to council questions, City Planner said that since the trel-lises uere attached to the property line fence they are considereda fence, and that the neuly installed property line fence has been inspected. Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. Ron Andreas, applicant, said he uould like to have approval of the original request including fan trellises but if council couLd not approve that request he uould like the modified request dated June 12 approved; he wants the trellises for privacy and enjoyment of hisproperty; the trellises will not reduce light or create shadous on neighboring property; the new fence has been approved and had final inspection. Speaking in opposition vras Susan Bruschi, 1404 Lincoln, told of askingfor inspection of new fence because it was too high; eight or nine foot high tre111ses will cause shadows on her house and take away thevievl the fence is very close to her housel an extension on the garage at 1400 drips uater into her yard. Mauro Bruschi spoke in opposition saying the trellises would affecL the value of his property. Councilman Amstrup suggested if there are sti11 building inspections to be done, perhaps counci-1 should wait before taking action. City Planner noted the new fence has nothing to do uith this application, it will be required to neet code as stated in the building permit. Mayor Bartoo closed the public hearing. Councilman Pagliaro had visited the site and said the .tre111ses would be Lower than Lhe windows at the neighbors house and the wlndows are not the type of window used for views; if there is any problem vith the fence, the building inspector will see that it is corrected; he could support the fence exception. Councilman Lembi also viewed the property and supported the project; he noted the applicanL could plant bushes higher than Ehese trel1j^ses. Councilman Mangini also stated appLicant could plant Erees that would be higher than the trellises and uould create shadows. City PLanner shor,red visual of site and the original, plan conpared to the modified plan dated June 12. Councilnan Mangini moved approval of the fence exception as nodified by the plans dated June 12 removing the four fan trellises and one nine foot lattice trellis in the rear yard. Seconded by Councilnan Pagliaro, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. Councilman Pagliaro t.hen moved that the four fan treLlises originally requested also be allowed to remain. Seconded by Councilman Lembi, carried 3-2 ot ro11 call vote, Councilman AnsErup and Mayor Barton voting no. PUBLIC HEARING AN ADDITION AT - APPEAL OF 1611 WILLOW PLANNING COMMISSION USE DETERMINATION FOR - RESOLUTION 57-87 - APPROVING SAME City Planner reviewed her merno of June 25 in which she recommended council hold a public hearing and take action. Dr. and Mrs. De Ranieri, applj-cants, requesEed a use determination as to vrhether a remodeling made by them in a 525 square foot area of the basenent of the house a 1611 i{illow was a second unit. After construction of a second floor addj,tion, the vacant basement area below the addition and in an existing porch was improved to create a 260 square foot family/party room, a 143 square foot bedroom connected to an existing bathroom and a 100 square foot kitchen. A building permit was issued for the second story addition includlng framing and sheetrocking of A resident at 1311 Capuchino, adjacent to 1400 Lincoln, spoke infavor; he agreed with the need for privacy, particularly uith the large apartment house nearby. 77 the basement area, no permits were issued for these improvements to the basement area. These improvements were not shoun on the Plans submitEed to Lhe building department. When the basement improvements were disclosed at final inspection, staff determined Lhe basement area constituted a second unit because of the kitchen area. Staff directed the removal of the appliances and replacement of the ful1 sj-nk and garbage disposal with a bar sink. The applicant appealed to the Planning Commission and the commissi-on also found it was a second unit and directed the removal of the sink and appliances. The applicant then appealed to council. Mayor Barton opened the public hearinS. Joya and Albert De Ranieri, applicants' stated that the family room has been there since they moved ini they have a large family and do a 1ot of entertaining; they have three snal1 children and intend to continue living there; iE is difficult to go up and dovn stairs with food so the kitchen downstairs is necessary; they have no intention of using area as a secgnd unit. Tno neighbors spoke in favor; other neighbors were also present lending support to the applicant, Mayor Barton closed the public hearing. Council discussion: beautifut addition, but it looks bad on PaPer; don't see any moLivation for a second unit; City Attorney confirmed that 1ega11y this R-l zone does not a1low second units; city must depend on neighbors to report any i11ega1 uses. Councilnan Pagliaro moved to reverse the Planning Commissionrs us€ deEermination by adoption of RES0LUTION 57-87 finding the area is noL a second unit and a11or+ the basement lnproveme[ts to remain with conditions 3 and 4 of the staff report. Seconded by Councilman Lembi, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. PUBLIC HEARING - REVIEII OF SPECIAL PERM]T FOR STAT]ON AT 12OO BAYSHORE - RESOLUTION 58-87 - SNACK SALES AT GAS DENYING SAME City Planner reviewed her rnemo of June 30 in which she recommended council hold public hearing and take action. Larry lzzo, Ls request j-ng two special permits for retail sales of grocery itens and for take out food service in order that a snack shop at the gas station at 1200 Bayshore be allowed to remain. This snack shop was added sometime duri"ng the past tvo years without required city permits. The Planning Commj-ssion granted the special permits l.rith conditions at its neeting of June 8 finding that it would not set a precedent because the stat.ion is not near residential areas, but Ehat Mobil 0i1 should pay penalEy fees for Ehe retroactive building pernits. In response to council questions, City Planner reviewed the previous appLications for snack shops at gas stations. The Chevron station at Broadway and California redesigned its facility to eliminate a snack shop. Larry lzzo, applicant, reviewed the location freeway, it is a convenience for travelersl Councilman Lenbi stated that the park operates during Little League seasoni special permlts. Councilman Pagliaro l-s he on other side of the urged approval . Mayor Barton closed the public hearing. Councilman Amstrup noted he had called this item up for review; council has noved againsE this type of application in the pasti bothered him that Mobil added Ehese improvements uithout permiLs; hepointed out the adjacent Bayside Park and feared children would run across thi s busy street to buy snacks. has its oun snack he has no problem agreed. stand whi ch L'ith the Mayor Barton felt this is not the rlght place for a snack shop; Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. 7B Councilman no pernits Mangini for the uaiting to happen; they had Councilman Amstrup moved to reverse the Planning Commission approval and require removal of the improvenents within 60 days by adoption of RESOLUTI0N 58-87 denying special pernits. Seconded by CounciJ-man Mangini, carried 3-2 on ro11 call vote, Councilmen Lembi and Pagliaro voting no. EOS ANNUAL REPORT ON I{IASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Lorri Andersen presented council with the annual EOS report on the Burlingame Wastewater Treatment P1ant. She briefly reviewed the report and complimented city staff on its cooperation. Council congratulated her on her enthusiasn. Councilman Pagliaro suggested that copies of the excell-ent report be sent to our neighboring council members in Hi1-lsborough, COMM]SSIONER APPOINTMENTS said it is an accident inprovements. City Manager reviewed his meno of June 25 regarding appointmentsthe Library Board and the Civil Service Commission, and the need interview for the Traffic, Safety Parking Commission. to to Council interview teans reconmended Loretta Blevins and William Bacigalupi for the tuo vacancies on the tibrary Board, and Herbert Tanner for the one vacancy on the Civil Service Commission. There belng no other nominati-ons, the appointed to Ehe comrnissions. nominees were unanimo u s 1y Councilmen Lembi and Mangini will interview new applicants for the TSP vacancy in the near future. BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION REGARDING NEWS RACTS City Manager reviewed his memo of June 29 a/]d the attached letter from Ehe Beautification Conmission requesting council consider an ordinance Lo control newsracks at the post office, train station and Stanavay Market. He reviewed past council consideration of this issue, in 1984 council directed staff to r.trork with the newspapers to encourage use of new modular racks. Mayor Barton agreed there was a problen, she asked comnunicate uith the post office to try to resolve staff to this i"ssue. PARK AND RECREATION RECOMMENDATION REGARDING MILLS CANYON PARK Recreati,on Directorts memo of June L9 listed the Park and Recreation Commission's recommendations regarding improvements to the Mi11s Canyon Park. Park Director reviewed the various meetings he and commissioners had with neighbors and the Park Association. There have been problems with access to the park through Mercy Iligh School grounds and through private property. Council directed staff to implement Lhe recommendations. RESOLUTION 59-87 - CALLING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 3 City Clerkrs memo of June 29 recommended council adopt a calJ-ing a General Municipal Election on November 3, 198 7 requesting the County CIerk to render certain services. resolution and CounciLman Councilman Mangini moved adoption of RESOLUTI0N 59-87. Seconded by Anstrup, carried unanimously by voice vote. CANDIDATE STATEMENTS FOR NOVEMBER 3 ELECTION City Clerk's memo of June charge candidates for the limit the number of words 29 recommended council determine whether to costs of pri.nting candidate statements and to 200 as in previous years. Councilnan Mangini moved to continue the previous policy of limiting 79 words to 200 and charging candidates for the cost candidate st.atements. Motion carried unanimously print.ing voice vote. RENT CONTROL City Manager reviewed that the City Clerk was presented with the initi-ative petition for Rent Control on July 2. The opposing petition called Fair Property Rights is expected to be turned in shortly. The Clerk has 30 days in which to verify the signatures and determine if they qualify for the November 3 election. RESOLUTION 60-87 - AGREEMENT FOR COLLECTION OF SCHOOL FACILITY FEES City Manager reviewed his memo of June 25 in which he recommended council approve the agreement uith the Burlingame Elementary School District for collection of their school facilities fees. He also asked directlon regarding providing the sane service for the high school district. Council verified that the school district would be the last appeal for complaints about these fees I concerns about the cost of administering this program, City Manager said the city will assess the impact of staff time in administering the fee collection and if it is signifi-cant the city wl11 have to reassessl council would like the phone numbers of the school districts as Lhey are sure to receive complaints from Lhe public; had no objection to also collecting for the high school district. of by Mayor Barton stated she would like somethingcity cost of adninistering; she thought it acollect fees for another entity. added to terrible contracL f or mistake to City Attorney reviewed his memo of June 30 in shich he recommendedcouncil grant an amendment to Anusement Permit with conditions. He recommended conditions for the permit: (1) that performers not dancewith customers; (2) custoners not touch dancers; (3) dancers wear no less than bikinis; (4) male dancers only; (5) review permit in sixty days. Councilnan Mangini inquired of applicant whether they needed thisactivity for business. Maurice Bessiere responded Lhaq business 1s slow during the week and this may improve things. Mayor Barton not.ed she was pleased that Partner's had withdrawn its request for the sametype of amusement permit. Councilman Anstrup noved ap pr o val Permit with conditions. Seconded unaniroously by voice vote. the amendment to Cheeks Anusement Councilman Mangini, carried of by PARKING STRUCTURE FEASIBILITY STUDY PROPOSALS Director of PubIic LIorks reviewed his memo recomqended council direct staff regarding for the parking structure study. of July 2 in which he eight proposals received Council discussion: concern about the spread of thefamiliar with one firm that did attractive garages atsuggest staff pick three or four firms to interview; the number of lots it should cost less; would like toof proposed garages by the firms staff chooses. bid amounts; Stanf ord; if city linits see elevations Councilrnan Councilman one of the Lembi expressed an interest. in sitting Pagliaro noted he might have a cooflict firms which he has represented. in on interviews, of interest with Councilman Mangini. noved adoption of RES0LUTI0N 60-87 Adopting Agreement for Col,lection of Burlingaroe Elementary School DistrictEees. Seconded by Councilman Lembj., carried 4-1 on ro11 call vote, Mayor Barton voting no. AMENDMENT TO CHEEKIS AMUSEMENT PERMIT, 1308 BAYSITORE Council directed staff to interview three or four firns and cone back wlth a recommendation as soon as possible, 80 INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR 1987-88 City Attorney revieued his memo of June 30 in which he reconnendedcouncil approve obtaining insurance coverage for this fiscal year. During the past year the city has been self insured because cost of insurance was too expensive and extremely linited in coverage. our broker indicates that we can obtain insurance with a self insuredretention of $250,000 at a maximun coverage of $5 million and at acost of $305,924. Councilman Pagliaro abstained from the voLe. Councilman Amstrup moved approval of obtaining this insurance coverage. Seconded by Councilnan Lembi, carried unanimously by voice vote, excluding Pagliaro. FIRE DEIARTMENI REQUEST FOR AUTOMATIC MUTUAL AID WITH MILLBRAE Fire Chiefrs memo of July 1 recommended council approve or refer tostudy a proposal for autonatic nutual aid with the City of Millbrae for fire protection coverage of certain areas of the two cities. There are presentl,y areas of both cit j-es vhere, due to location, response times are at the maximum range. With automatic mutual aid,both cities would respond to these areas at once, rather than uaiting to be called for nutual aid, resulting in faster response time. Noncity equipment and manpoller would be Lhe first to be released from afire scene, Council agreed vith the concept and asked the Fire Chiefto prepare a contract for council approval. Mayor Barton recessed the neeting at 9:08. The neeting was reconvened at 9i15 with all council nembers present. Councilman Mangi.ni inquired about percentages of parking citation nonies thaE come to ciEy. Mayor Barton asked about the large chargesfor sone sidewalk repairs in item rrk. rr Director responded that theseare large properties such as apartment houses, most charges are smal1. a INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1346 - REVISING PROCEDURE FOR REVOKING SUSPENDING OR MODIFYING USE PERMITS AND VARIANCES Cit.y Attorneyts memo of June 30 recommended council adopt an ordinance to revise our current procedure for use permits. This will provide for written notice of intention to revoke a permit or variance to be given by the City Planner. A hearing beforethe Planning Commission would only be necessary if the person sorequests. This will al1ow elimination of inoperative permits rrithout setting a public hearing. b. RESOLUTION 6I-87 - EXTENDING PARKING CITATION PROCESSING Flnance Directorts memo of June 26 reconmended council approve an agreement extending processing parking citations by San Mateo County. The agreement expired last 0ctober, and cities have been negotiating with the county. Since they are in the proceqs of computerizing parking citations the cities and county have agreed to adopt an interim agreement retroactive to 0ctober. This agreement increases the city share of costs to $1 per citation from $.675. RESOLUTION 62-87 _ AGREEMENT WITH SAN MATEO COUNTY VISITORS BUREAU FOR PROMOTIONAL SERVICES CONVENTION AND City Manager's memo of June 19 reconmended council approve this agreement with the Convention Bureau for 1987-88. The council approved $240,000 in the city budget for the Bureau. d. RESOLUT]ON 63-87 REHABILITATION LOAN SERVICES City Planner's memo of June 19 recommended council approve the agreement with the County for adninistering CDBG federal funds for housing rehabilitation 1oans. The county has mailed information to each household in the cityrs designated rehab c RECESS CONSENT CALENDAR BX area. Beginning this year hone owners throughouE the be eligible for the program. In the fa11, the county undertake another promotion program. RESOLUTION 64-87 - IMPROVEMENTS - JOB COMPLETION OF MARSTEN PUMP STATION city will wi 11 e ACCEPTING 310 A City Engineer's meno of July 1 recommended council Marsten Pump Station flood proofing installed by R the amount of $223,7 7 L.7 O. accept the L. Davis in RESOLUTION 65-87 - ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF AIRPORT BOULEVARD REHABILITATION - JOB 629 City Engineer's memo of July l" reconmended Airport Boulevard rehabilitation performed amount of $158,082,58. council accept the by Raisch in the RESOLUTION 66-87 - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR EASTON CREEK IMPROVEMENTS - JOB 331 improvements from 101 freeway to the bay anount of $85,820. RESOLUTION JoB 505 1n OF67-87 - ACCEPTING COMPLETION SKYLINE BIKEPATH Assistant Civil Engineer's meno of JuIy 2 recomnended council accept l,lorks the Skyline Boulevard bike lanes as installed by Raymond J. Bragato in the amount of $54,738.85. City Engineerts memo of July I recomnended councll approve an agreement with Carroll/Resources Engineering for design of creek I RESOLUTION PHASE 1I - 68-87 -JoB 613 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR PENINSULA WATER MAIN City Engineerrs nemo of July 1 recommended council approve agreement with Carroll-/Resources for completing the design this project in the amount of $16,255. an of j k I RESOLUTIONS 69-87 AND 7O-87 - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENTS FOR DESIGN OF CALIFORNIA/GROVE DRAINAGE - JOB 415A AND 4158 City Engineerts memo of July 1 recommended council approve agreements uith Barrett Consul,ting for design of these projects in the respectj.ve amounts of $28,809 and $13,237. RESOLUTION 77-87 _ FIXING SIDEWALKS ASSESSMENTS FOR REPA]R OF PRIVATE Project Engineerts memo of July 1 recommended council fix assessments to be transmitted to the County Assessor for collection on the tax ro1l"s. SCHEDULE PUBLIC STATION PLACE HEARING EOR CHANGE OF STREET NAME VICTOR IA City Managerts nemo of June 23 requested council set public hearing for July 20 as required by law to change the name of thestreet from Victoria Station Place to Bay View Place. m SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING MASSAGE PARLOR PERMIT - FOR APPEAL OF REVOCATION OF LICENSE AND MISS LOUIS, 1308 BAYSHORE II City Managerts memo of June 26 recommended council set public hearing for July 20 for an appeal of the City Managerts revocatj-on of Miss Lours permits. DENIAL OF CLAIM: ELS]E DAB o Assistant Civil Engineerts memo of JuIy 2 recommended council L. h. City Attorney recomnended denial . ENCROACIiMENT PERMIT FOR 32 HIGITLAND grant an encroachment p ermi t concrete block waLl one foot for a three foot high decorativein back of sl dewalk. p q ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR 1601 DAVID DRIVE AssisLant Civil Engineer's memo of July 2 recommended councilgrant an encroachment permit for replacing a wood retaining wa11 with brick two feet into easenent. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR an 1800 BARROILHET AVENUE Assistant Civil Engi-neerts memo of July 1 recommended councilgrant an encroachnent permit for a six foot nood fence 3.1 feet into the city right of way. Councilman Pa9Liaro moved approval of the Consent Calendar. by Councilnan Mangini, carried unanimousJ-y by voice vote. Seconded Mayor BarEon opened the floor to comnents. Florence Rhoads, Mayor of San Mateo and member of the SMCTAC Conmittee, thanked council for its input during hearings and for attending the meetings. She reviewed benefits of the pJ-an such as saving CalTrain, funds will be directed t.o city for street and road improvements, 101 interchanges r*il-l be lmproved aL Broadway and Peninsula, railroad grade separations at Broadway and Peninsula Avenues, bike paths, plans included for seniors and disabled, andtransportation management systems. She reviewed dollars planned for various projects, She noted that BART is now a separate measure on the ballot, she urged approval to give the people a chance to vote on the mat ter . Paul Riemer, Burlingame businessman, toLd of his employees difficultyin getting to work due to traffic problems, he has employees comingfrom Fremont and Santa CIara, important to improve transportation, if county can provide fundi.ng for CalTrain the state wiLl also give funding, He urged council approval to put measures on ballot. Bud Bostwick, County Development Association,responsibility of elecLed officials to al1owvote on this issue. said it is the the people a chance to David Kort, Easter Sea1s, urged approval because of the programs provided for handicapped. Tom Huening, County Supervisor, complimented council an high attendance at the hearings and noted largeJ-y because of this councj-1 the BART issue was split to a separate baIloL measure. Mayor Barton asked hin why the matter must be on the November baI1ot and not June 1988. Huening sald a tremendous amount of work has gone into this p1an, if nay not be perfect but may be the best proposaL the county can come up with. We have a windor"r of opportunity to act on getting funds for CalTrain, if we donrt act now the funding may not be avallable from State. As a self help county, Ehe State would bewilling to help us. San Francisco is planning the Mission Bayproject, when it starts they will not be willing to conpromise on the Location of the downtown station; this plan is a compromise and needs approval of 10 cities to put it on the ballot. Board urged counci-Is to let the people vote on the p1an, Mrs. Kelly spoke in favor of putting the plan on the ballot, she was not sure she would vote in favor of it, but she vorks in Santa Clara County and transportation needs improving, She urged a vote in favor. Councilman Pagliaro discussed with Huening the monies dedicated to 82 OLD BUSINESS - COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE City Manager reviewed that council has received the final version of the Countywide Transport.ation Expenditure Plan as approved by MTC. Tim Auran, Burlingame resident and busi-nessman, presented two l"etters in support of the issue. Another Burl-ingame businessnan also urged council approval. B3 each project. Pagllaro asked if Huening favored extending BART to the county line; Huening replied we should wait to see hou the BART operation works at the airport; Pagliaro wondered if Huening was involved in the BART station at CoLoa, Huening said no; discussed the surcharge on BART services in San Mateo County. Councilman Pagliaro found it incredible that county would ask people to vote on this issue without more inputi glad it was split into tuo bal10t issuesi this council believes in SivinB the people a vote; this is a poor plan; it is a regressive tax and hits the low income and seniors; he has not recej-ved one phone call regarding what the plan would do for our citizens; Burlingame had better rePresentation at the SMCTAC meetings than some of the committee members; CalTrain needs more support in any new plan; railroad grade separations could danage city, lose houses and businesses to rnake rooml he was very upset by the entire procedure for thls plan and by the conduct of some county supervisors. Mayor Barton noted she has lots of questions on the issue, she Ehat lre need a tax, but should have better plans; she was glad BART split to a second ballot measure; council does uant to do sonething about transportat ion. agreed to see Councilman Amstrup stated he has never been so upset as over this matter; he went to a 1ot of meetings and couldn't get minutes of these meetings until Lhe next meeting; he did not believe the monies provided to purchase railroad right of way was sufficient; we want the people to vote, but these hearings moved too fast so many things were not considered; the plan is flawed' the system should be linked to CalTrain; although he favored a sales tax, there is no reason why county cantt come up with a better plan and vote on the matter in June of 1988. Councilman Mangini said been paying for BART; he to bail out their loses; that he did not b e1i eve tax money. Councilman Lernbi noted he had lent his name to of this issue, but he had sone reservations; he someEhing about transportation soon but agreed input. for many years people in the East Bay have feared BART would use funds from this county he couldn't urge people to vote for something in; he hras very concerned about control of the Lhe Board for favored dolng support county needs mor e Huening responded that the June 1988 election will be a prinary, a large ba11ot, the issue may be lost on thaL there is relatively 1itt1e flexibility regarding use of reviewed affirmative vote from Foster City. presidential ba1lot; he said the funds. He Councilman Pagliaro noved to disapprove the present proposal and suggest that a revised proposal, go on the June 1988 ba11ot. Seconded by Councllnan Amstrup, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. COUNTY CHILD CARE COMMITTEE Mayor Barton scheduled an appeal hearing for the July 20 meeti.ng for a parking variance ax 736 Acacia. WATER LEGISLATION Councilman Lembi. suggested council write a letter opposing AB I710.Council concurred. PHOTO OF CITY HALL Mayor Barton requesting a noted a letter from the photo of City Hall. League of California Cities Mayor Barton asked if council had any nominations for the Child Care Committee, After some discussion, Councilnan Lembi suggested that the school district be contacted for names of people who might be interested in serving on this committee. SCHEDULE APPEAL HEARING B4 Mayor Barton acknowledged a letter regarding a canper shel1 that has been stored for several years in a neighbors front yard. Staff reviewed that our code addresses vehicles, this is not a vehicle. Perhaps we should amend our ordinance to include storage of this type. Council referred the item to staff. MARRIOTT PARKING IMPACT Mayor Barton also noted a letter fron Joseph Ge11er obiecting to the parking inpact caused by Marriott not allowing employees to park on their property and by not allowing public use of their underground garage. Council agreed that this matter should be looked at aSain at a Study Meeting. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Comnission Minutes: Library Board, June 16; Park and Recreation, June 18; Planning, June 22i BeauEification, June 4, 1987. b. Treasurerrs Reports, May 31 and June 30, 1987. Police Report, June 30, 1987. a C Letter Putnam from Lee Correy Ma zd a/H i ghlan d s successful resolution of the privacy problems. re gar d ing residents Letter from Doris Zona 0ffice. FROM THE FLOOR There were no public comments. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Barton adjourned the meeting at 10:45 p.m regarding news racks at the Capuchino Post Judith A. Mal fat Ciry Clerk STORAGE OF CAMPER SHELLS d.