HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1994.01.20BURLINGAME PARK and RECREATION COMMISSION Thursday, January 20, 1994 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission, under t the direction of chairman Ron Burks, convened at 7:42 pm. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Burks, Marshall, Nyhan, Pere Absent Staff: Directors Quadri and Wagner Guests: Lorenzo Bernardini, 1004 Park Ave., Burlingame Joseph Bernardini, 1004 Park Ave., Burlingame Pat Bowling, 1033 Laguna, Burlingame Marti Knight, 455 Chatham Rd., Burlingame Commissioners: Kelly, Roberts, Yawn MINUTES The minutes of the November 18, 1993 were approved as submitted. COMMUNICATION 1. Lorenzo Bernardini: Regarding After School Sports Mr. Bernardini sent a letter to the Commission questioning the policy that would not allow his son to play after school sports on the Washington School 4th grade basketball team. His son Joseph attends St. Catherine's School and is currently enrolled in the 3rd grade. The recreation department runs the program for the four elementary schools in Burlingame and the program is only for 4th and 5th grade boys and girls. Mrs. Bernardini registered the boy as a fourth grader and his registration was accepted. When the grade discrepancy was brought to the attention of the sports supervisor, his parents were called and the boy was removed from the team. Director Wagner reported to the Commission that the recreation department invited St. Catherine's and O.L.A. to play in our leagues and they have participated since the 1960's. Mr. Bernardini's son was not allowed to play at St. Catherine's because he was a third grader. The recreation department has made exceptions to allow private school children participate when they were in the proper grade and had no school team to play on. The Commission voted 3-1 to back the department's policy (Marshall against), but requested the recreation director to clarify the advertisement for the program stating clearly that the program is for fourth and fifth grade boys and girls only attending Washington, McKinley, Lincoln or Franklin Schools. -2- Communication/Cont. 2. Burlingame Mothers Club: Easter Party_ Director Quadri presented a written request from the Burlingame Mothers Club to have an Easter party including a small petting zoo on Sunday, March 27 at Washington Park. The petting zoo will be placed on the patio at the recreation center and any children in the park would be welcome to participate. The provider of the zoo has full insurance and will name the city as additional insured. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the request. OLD BUSINESS 1. Village Park Playground: Director Quadri reported that plans for a new renovated playground at Village Park are being prepared. The playground equipment will all be new and will be in compliance with Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 and accessible to everyone. It is hoped that plans will be available by late February and that the project _ will be completed in the Summer. 2. Franklin Field: The park department had a geotechnical evaluation of Franklin Field. Core samples were taken and potential drainage problems were identified. The firm recommended the use of a sub surface drainage system. Cost estimates and a site plan should be available for City Council approval by early March. If approved the construction should begin in June. NEW BUSINESS 1. Non-resident Fees: Director Wagner prepared a non-resident fee philosophy statement for the Commission. The subject was discussed briefly and tabled for next month when the entire Commission will be in attendance. FROM THE FLOOR 1. Pat Bowling, President Burlingame Girl's Softball Association: Pat reported to the Commission that registrations have gone well. The league will have about 23 teams this year and have fewer non-residents participating. NEXT MEETING Thursday, February 17, 1994 The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 pm. LORENZO A. BERNARDINI 1004 PARK AVENUE BURLINGAME, CA 94010 January 7, 1994 Chairman Ron Burks BURLINGAME PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION 501 Primrose Avenue Burlingame, Ca 94010 Dear Mr. Burks: This letter is in response to the attached copy of a letter that I received from Mr. Wagner. In his letter he attempts to explain why my son was not allowed to play on a basketball team sponsored by the City of Burlingame and the Burlingame Elementary School District. I believe what he has written is discriminatory! I would like to make it perfectly clear that I am a resident of Burlingame in the Washington School District ands indeeda taxpayer for both the City and the School District. Based on Mr. Wagner's actions and letter, it is evident that I am a victim of discrimination because I have chosen to send my child to a parochial school. What Mr. Wagner fails to explain in his letter is that I paid $40.00 during the sign-up period for this activity. My $40.00 was accepted. No one said that the team was for children attending Burlingame Elementary Schools only. Nowhere is it written that the activity is for children attending Burlingame Elementary Schools only. I have attached a copy of the Burlingame �- Recreation Department Fall Program 1993, where we leamed of this basketball activity. As you can see, it does not say anything regarding the activity being available "ONLY TO CHILDREN ATTENDING BURLINGAME PUBLIC SCHOOLS". When did Mr. Wagner come up with this rule? IF one even exists, why was it not written in the attached program description? My son went to his first practice and was allowed to practice. After practice, I was told by a coach that 3rd graders are allowed to play because there were not enough 4th graders that registered to play, however, there may be a problem because my son attends St. Catherine's School. I told the coach to have the person in charge call me. A few days later, Mr. Wagner called and told my wife that our son cannot play. This was a situation where a 9 year old boy was devastated because he was removed from a team that he thought he was on and removed from an activity that he really wanted to do. This was done solely to make room for other 3rd graders based on the school of attendance. These 3rd graders were added to the team after all sign ups were accepted. In addition, these 3rd graders had not registered as my son did. My questions is when did the Burlingame Recreation Department start playing favorites? This is a tax funded department of recreation activity! Are other people's taxes better than mine? When my wife first talked with Mr. Wagner, she requested that he put the fact that my son would not be allowed to play, based on his school of attendance,in writing. He refused. When I talked to him, he again refused to put the reason he could not play in writing. It was not until I spoke with the City Manager that I received the aforementioned in writing. What was Mr. Wagner trying to hide? Why did he refuse to put it in writing? The fact that I got an explanatioryin writing,after speaking with the City Manager speaks for itself and is evidence that Mr. Wagner has acted irresponsibly. Please be advised that the conversation I had with Wagner turned into a shouting match. At one point, I said that I was going to take my son to practice regardless of his decision. BER Chairman Ron Burks BURLINGAME PARK& RECREATION COMMISSION January 7, 1994 Page 2 His reply was that he know I am a police officer, and that if I show up he will have the Burlingame Police Department there. I never mentioned that I was a police officer and there is certainly no reason to feel threatened because I am one. What kind of a statement is that? Why is he threatening me? What does the fact that I am a police officer have to do with any of this? It is completely irrelevant to this situation. Attached you will also find a schedule that was given to my son when he was led to believe that he was on the team. If he was already on the team roster, why not just let him play? This event was devastating to my 9 year old who does not understand why he is being discriminated against. As you can see, my wife and I are extremely upset over this matter. First, I believe our rights have been violated, therefore, a copy of this package will be sent to my attorney. Again, I am a taxpayer in the City of Burlingame, a taxpayer of the Burlingame School District, and I am in the Washington School boundaries. Second, the manner in which Wagner handled this situation was appalling (Eliminating my son from the team he was assigned to, the manner in which he talked to my wife and myself, and the refusal to put the explanation in writing). I believe he needs to be �— reprimanded, in writing, at minimum. I request to appear before the commission immediately to discuss these issues in hopes it never happens again to anyone. It would be a terrible shame foran injustice by the City of Burlingame Recreation Department to continue these discriminatory practices. It would be equally as bad to put some other family through the insensitivity and irresponsibility that my family has had to endure. I look forward to your immediate response. Sincerely, Lorenzo A. Bernardini LA/ab Enc. 3urfingame �Rerrea ivn Pepartrajent 850 BURLINGAME AVENUE BURLINGAME. CALIFORNIA 94010-2858 (415) 344-6386 November 23, 1993 Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Bernardini 1004 Park Avenue Burlingame, CA 94010 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Bernardini: I am responding to your request to have your third grade son that attends St. Catherine's -)chool play on the fourth grade basketball team at Washington School. As I told you on the phone, this is a program co -sponsored by the City of Burlingame and the Burlingame Elementary School District. We offer sports programs for boys and girls from 4th thru 8th grades. The program offered at the five schools (Franklin, Washington, McKinley, Lincoln, and Burlingame Intermediate School) is available only to children attending the Burlingame Elementary Schools and in the proper grade. Your son is registered in the third grade at St. Catherine's School and is ineligible to participate in the Washington School program. We have to. be extremely careful in regards to exceptions to the rule. As you are aware, the fourth grade team at Washington School had only four boys register for the program. We did not want to eliminate the program for the 4 fourth graders so the program supervisor agreed to take four Washington School third graders to fill the team. There were more third graders that showed an interest but we did not accept their registrations so we were not offering a third grade program at one school and not the others. We feel we are not discriminating against the private schools because we allow St. Catherine's, Our Lady of Angels, and other schools to enter teams in our Saturday leagues. St. Catherine's and O.L.A. pay $60 to enter teams in the league and play 10 to 12 games providing no gymnasium and no officials. Many years ago, before the parochial schools offered a fourth grade program, the city provided coaches and a 4th grade basketball opportunity for the boys at St. Catherine's and O.L.A. The refund for your son's registration was mailed yesterday. If you have any further questions in regards to the policy please contact the Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission, Chairman Ron Burks, c/o 501 Primrose Avenue, Burlingame. Sincerely Ray -Wagner_ cc: Dennis Argyres, City Manager Ron Burks, P&R Commission *1993.1994 4th-5th GRADE AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS AGE:4Jh/5th Grade Boys & Girls FEE: $40 per sport LOCATIONS: McKinley -Lincoln -Franklin -Washington Schools INSTRUCTORS: Staff The Burlingame Recreation Department will run flag football and basketball leagues for 4th-5th grade boys and girls at McKinley, Lincoln, Franklin and Washington schools during the Fall and Winter Practices and games will beset up after sign-ups are taken. Flqig football games are played during the week at Ray Park. Basketball games are played on Saturdays at Burlingame High School. All participants are given a jersey which they keep. For further information contact Mid e Ciardella at 344-6397. i 17-500 WASH. FOOTBALL M-F 3:00-4:00 pm 9113-10/39 17-501 WASH. BASKETBALL M-F TIMES VARY 11/15-30 17-502 MC KIN.FOOTBALL M-F 3:00-4-00 pm 9/13-10/20 17-503 MC KIN.BASKETBALL M-F TIMES VARY 11115-3/4 _ 17-504 LINC. FOOTBALL M-F 3:00-4:00 pm 9/13-10/29 17-505 LINC. BASKETBALL M-F TIMES VARY 11/15-3/4, 17-506 FRANK. FOOTBALL M-F 3:00-4:00 pm 9/13-10/29' 17-507 FRANK.BASKETBALL M-F TIMES VARY 11/15-3/4 \ 'UNDERSTANDING THE GAME OF FOOTBALL FOR WOMEN AGE: Teens & Adults (1 class) FEE: $13 Residents, $16 Non-resident LOCATION: Recreation Center INSTRUCTOR: John Gilmore If you area weekend football widow, this class is for youl Learn how to watch and understand the exciting game of football. The four hour class will cover offensive and defensive terminology plus officiating and other intricacies of the game. John Gilmore, Varsity Football Coach at Burlingame High School will instruct the class. All money collected from this class will be donated to the Burlingame High School Football Program. 22-702 FOOTBALL Th 6:30-9:30 pm 9/23 1993 FALL ADULT FULL COURT BASKETBALL LEAGUES (Sept. 21 -Nov. 11, 1993) TEAM FEE: $285 per team. Non-resident players will be charged an additional $10/player. 4 games plus playoffs. All teams make the playoffs. LOCATION: Burlingame High School Boys Gym LEAGUES: 15 teams will be broken down into a'C2' Division, 'C3' Division and'D' Division. No height limitation. Games will be played on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. REGISTRATION: for the 1993 Fall Adult Basketball Leagues will be taken on September 8 and 9 for Burlingame resident teams, and on September 10 for the non-resident teams. All registration will be taken at the Burlingame Recreation Center from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. BROCHURES for the 1993 Fail Basketball Leagues will be available on August 1, 1993. For further info, contact Mike Ciardella at 344-6397. BASKETBALL OPEN PLAY `AGE: 10 yrs. thru Adults lNO FEE LOCATION: Burlingame High School OPEN PLAY Sat — _ 11:00am3:00pm 9/11-10/30 'CO-ED VOLLEYBiiLL PLAY (13 classes) AGE: Teens & Adults (No children under 15 allowed in gy4L FEE: $26 Residents, $31 Non-residents LOCATION: Burlingame High School Small Gym COORDINATORS: Smith & Paragas (TUESDAY Is for INTERMEDIATE players). Team play and strategies will be stressed as well as an opportunity to improve on individual skills. I (WEDNESDAY Is for ADVANCED players). Players, who in the opinion of the coordinators are not advanced will be asked to change to Tuesday night. No ciasseswill be held on Sept 29th or in December. 32-930 INT. VOLLEYBALL T 7:00-9:00 pm ' 9/21-1/18 32-931 ADV. VOLLEYBALL W 7:00-9:00 pm 9122-1/26 r' -TEAM VOLLEYBALL (13 weeks) AGE: Teens & Adults (NO children under 15 allowed in gym) FEE: $130 per team - Team roster must be submitted LOCATION: Burlingame High School Small Gym COORDINATORS: Maher and Paragas Team nights will be held on Mondays for Co-ed Teams and Thursdays for womens teams. NO CLASSES WILL BE HELD IN DECEMBER. Six teams will be allowed to play each night. Team rosters must be submitted with your entry fee. Minimum of six (6) players- maximum of ten (10) players. Registration will be taken Wednesday, September8 and Thursday, September 9 for Burlingame Resident Teams - (if 50%or more of your players living in Burlingame.) Non-resident teams may register on Friday, September 10. All registration will be taken on a first come/first served basis from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm atthe Recreation Center. New teams entering are advised to contact the appropriate coordinator to discuss skill level. CO-ED TEAM VOLLEYBALL M 7:00-9:00 pm 9/20-1/24 WOMENS TEAM VOLLEYBALL Th 7:00-9:00 pm 9123-1/27 'BADMINTON PLAY (13 classes) AGE: Teens & Adults FEE: $16 Residents, $19 Non-residents LOCATION: Burlingame High School Boys Gym COORDINATOR: Dave Nardini Badminton play for players at all levels of ability. Six courts available for play. Must provide your own equipment. Players must be registered. NO CLASSES IN DECEMBER. (ALSO OMIT 1/17) i BADMINTON PLAY M 6:30-9:00pm 9/20-1/24 Registration Information is on page 3 1444, Holiday Schedule is on page 42 Burlingame Recreation Department 1993 Elementary School Basketball .November 6, 1993 TO: Elementary School Basketball Players FROM: Mike Ciardella, Recreation Supervisor The following Is the practice schedule for your school's basketball team. �shinaton School Basketball Teams ----- - ^J - - - G 86O Dlvi3ion�SX6 ?JfIl@ 11 P�6� 4th GMs Mondays & Wednesdays 4:00-5:OOpm McKinley 5th Girls Mondays & Wednesdays 4:cC 5:00pm McKinley 1 4th Boys Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:00-6:00pm M.:;Kinley 5th Boys Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:00-6:00pm McKtnl?-., _ McKinley School Sat= Basketball Teams Dw Time P1ii division 4th Girls Fridays 3:00-4:00pm McKinley 5th Girls Fridays 3:00.4:00pm McKinley 4th Boys Wednesdays & Fridays 5:00-6:00pm McKinley 5th' Boys Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:10-4:00pm McKinley 5th' Boys Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:10-5:00pm McKinley Uncoin School Basketball Teams 2111do Division 2"a Time Sm 4th Girls Mondays & 3:10-4:00pm Uncoln 5th Girls Tuesdays & Thursdays e:o.-_7:00pm Uncoln 4th Boys Mondays & Wednesdays 5:00-6:00Nrt Uncoln 5th Boys Mondays & Wednesdays 6:00-7:00pm .jncoln _ Franklin School QUWQ Basketball Teams DBA Time PA'j WiLim 4th Girls Mondays & Thursdays 5:00-6:00pm FrankM 5th Girls Thursdays & Fridays 4:00-5:00pm Franklin 4th" Boys Mondays & Wednesdays '3:00-4:00pm Franklin 4th" Boys Thursdays & Fridays 3:00-4:00pm Franklin 5th Boys Mondays & Wednesdays 4:00-5:00pm Franklin • The McKinley 5th Grade Boys will have two teams. The first week of practice they will practice from 3:10-5:00pm and they will then be split into two teams. One will practice from 3:10-4:00pm and the other from 4:10-5:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Franklin 4th Grade Boys will have two teams. The first week they will practice on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 3:00-4:00pm. They will split Into two teams. One team will practice on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00-4:00pm and the other team will practice on Thursdays and Fridays from 3:00-4:00pm. 650 Burlingame Avenue Ur �1Q?• eudino... I oaulo. I. Q4010 f Phone 344.6386 To: Ron Burks From: Ray Wagner Re: Letter of Complaint Enclosed M E M O R AN D U M January 11, 1994 Please find enclosed my November 23 letter to Mr. Bernardini. The bottom line of the problem is that Mrs. Bernardini, when registering their boy to play, showed his grade as being 4th not 3rd. Mike Ciardella accepted the registration. The boy would have not been accepted in the first place if his parents placed his proper grade (3rd) on the card. In mid -November a Washington School parent complained that her 3rd grade boy from Washington School was not allowed to play, but we were allowing a 3rd grader from St. Catherines to play. Upon investigation we found that Joseph Bernardini was a 3rd grader and not 4th grader as shown on his card. The coach contacted the parents and explained that the boy could no longer participate. (This was during the first week of practice). I would like to respond to my only conversation with Mrs. Bernardini. I listened to her concerns and explained the department's policy. She requested that I send to her the policy in writing and I told her I would only respond in writing to a written complaint or request. Our conversation was very calm and civil. A few days later Mr. Bernardini called and was very upset. I tried to explain our department's position and he did not want to take no for an answer. As he became louder I am sure that I also raised the vocal level of my voice. He threatened that "he would bring his son to practice and what could I do." I told him that it was an unfair position to put the coach, his son, and the other boys in and the coach would be told not to have a practice if he showed up. I then stated that I heard he was a police officer and if he bothered the coach or the team I would inform the coach to call the Burlingame Police Department. Mike Ciardella, Recreation Supervisor will attend the meeting to answer any specific questions in regards to the youth sports program that we run for the elementary schools. RW:pa encl. \/ Burlingame Recreation Department • Activity Registration Form PLEASE READ REFUND/CREDIT POLICY (pg. 3) CAREFULLY BEFORE REGISTERING yetus or up, Please Print check tYere; Last Name`SIET 9 CJ c /I7,? I ��L First Name address: I UU4/ CIYr: 6u)'4• ZV. 9q.0r c.) i L/ -2 Fvnnim phi - Aga BirdE Daw, S' Grade: ol. MiAorizi ContaclPorflorE: UYGnTn Time Location Staring Daw Fes Office Use Activity Number Name of Act w Da (s col -Sri 10 7R - 4 eZCrLd 11 I Hereby aWolw the Cay of B�Wgan� b wnpbyaas, aad odicets l min aY YaOdy rman may arlw at Ifa taxAa my Wopaion n as awvu aaMews; ard, in W ewn this IN at on nand pol open a a mim, I homby give ny pemn "br haw W Panwpw on x mdicaed and n w dolrq, olw Etw City of Ba4ngatrw. its empbycea atd oairam Imm wdt lialilltY. L ��; .r��)L-�. �.t rt-it,Ct p:•..<.. Date: .. Participant or Parenuca ldlen of Participant Burlingame Recreation Department a Activity Registration Form PLEASE READ REFUND/CREDIT POLICY (pg. 3) CAREFULLY BEFORE REGISTERING .._ �r Y�y � Please Print dEpck beta: 'Last Name !� enn GLrd ! /'� , First Name T � ' / ,. 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