HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1994.05.19BURLINGAME PARK and RECREATION COMMISSION Thursday, May 19, 1994 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission, under the direction of chairman Don Roberts, convened at 7:30 pm. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Henderson, Kelly, Nilmeyer, Nyhan, Pere, Roberts, Yawn MINUTES Staff: Director Quadri and Wagner Guests: Becky Kirchner, 1412 Bernal Avenue, Burlingame Marti Knight, 455 Chatham Rd., Burlingame The minutes of the April 21, 1994 meeting were approved as submitted. COMMUNICATION Jim Nantell. 1812 Easton Drive, Burlingame Re:Letter of appreciation for Commissions work. Mr. Nantell attended the April meeting and commended the Commission on their efficiency and effectiveness in handling their agenda. OLD BUSINESS 1. Roller Blade Hockey: Director Wagner presented a survey to the Commission that showed what eight cities on the peninsula are doing in regards to roller blade hockey. No cities have organized leagues or have designated specific playing areas. Most cities have had requests from residents but all are concerned with liability. It costs about $300 per player to outfit a player with skates and equipment and is not something that could be provided as a city sponsored sport. Mrs. Kirchner addressed the Commission again stating that she is trying to arrange for insurance for the 20 or so boys that are playing at Lincoln School two days per week. The Commission approved a motion at the April meeting that the park department should work on a proposal to remove the basketball standards at Ray Park if Mrs. Kirchner could arrange for insurance and if the size of the basketball court is big enough for roller hockey for different age groups. Director Quadri told Commission that if Mrs. Kirchner could provide insurance, the removal of the poles could be accomplished. It is a concern of both the Park and Recreation directors to remove the basketball goals permanently for only a two hour per week activity may not be in the best interest of the community. Director Wagner again suggested that Mrs. Kirchner consider organizing a non-profit youth league like A.Y.S.O., Pony League, etc. to establish a parents group to provide roller hockey for children in Burlingame. The City provides Old Business/Cont. playing fields for organized youth sports leagues with insurance, etc. and if requested would formally address the roller hockey need. During the interim it is recommended that the children continue to play on school sites where there is no ordinance against roller blades. Teams are playing at Burlingame High School and Washington School on a regular basis. 2. Youth Sports Non-resident Fee: This season both the Pony League and the Burlingame Girls Softball League charged a $20.00 per non- resident fee. This fee was charged for two reasons. One to discourage non-residents from playing youth sports in Burlingame and playing in their cities, and number two to donate the collected monies to provide a field maintenance fund for the park department. Commissioner Kelly and Director Wagner met with Mike Bader, Commissioner of Burlingame A.Y.S.O. to discuss a similar donation from A.Y.S.O. The A.Y.S.O. league offered to donate $1,000 to such a fund but may elect = to charge non- residents an additional fee. The Commission requested that the recreation department ask C.Y.S.A. for a similar donation of $20 per non- resident player. 3. Washington Park Tennis Courts: The bumps at the tennis courts have been removed and painted. Time and materials will be billed to the contractor. 4. Girls Softball - Ray Park: The Burlingame Girls Softball League will be ending their season in two weeks. The neighbors, the league, and the recreation department met a few months ago to discuss the neighbors request of no Sunday games. A compromise was agreed that allowed the League to play games after 3:00 pm on Sundays only on the southwest field. For 1995 the League will not play any Sunday games at Ray Park. The League will be allowed Franklin field for Saturday or Sunday games in 1995. 5. Recreation Needs Priority List Update: The Commission reviewed and updated the priority list. NEW BUSINESS 1. Office Addition and Remodel: The office renovation project will begin next week at the recreation center. The contractor hopes to complete the project in 60 working days which should bring the project until the end of August. 2. Washington Park Playground: Commissioner Henderson requested Director Quadri to consider a small fence around the Washington Park playground. The Commission asked the item be placed as an agenda item for June. FROM THE FLOOR No comments. NEXT MEETING Thursday, June 16, 1994 The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm. Number Item Comment 1. Franklin Field Baffield Renovation Final plans and specification have been prepared. Contract should go to bid in June. Play to begin in Spring 1995. 2. Burlingame High School Tennis The Washington Park courts often have long waits for court use. Estimate of $25,000 to $30,000 to install new lighting system on four courts. 3. Tennis Court Resurfacing The Ray Park and B.I.S. courts need resurfacing. The completion of the Washington Park and Laguna courts give the city 6 outstanding recreation courts. Estimates of $30,000 for each project. 4. Basketball Court Resurfacing Washington Park courts will be resurfaced in June. Ray Park might be an alternative site for roller hockey and poles removed. Victoria and Cuernavaca may be in 1995-96. 5. Playground Renovation Plans being completed on Village Park. Ray Park budgeted in 1994-95. Possibility both projects could be bid together. 6. Washington Park Baseball/Softball Final phase to upgrade field lights. ('A' poles - 1990/'B' poles lights (four'C' poles) 1993) Budget'C' poles 1995-1996. 7. Burlingame High School Annual In 1994-95 $10,000 is budgeted to resurface the 8 BHS courts. Maintenance Peninsula Tennis Club will donate $1,000 or $2,000. 0' April 21, 1994 Mr. Donald J. Roberts, Chairman Burlingame Park & Recreation Commission 850 Burlingame Drive Burlingame, Ca. 94010 Dear Mr Roberts and Members of the Commission, I enjoyed the opportunity to watch the Commission in action at your April meeting. Although I have decided to with draw my name as a candidate for the Director of Recreation position, as a Burlingame resident I did want to express my appreciation for the commitment you make as Commissioners to protect and enhance the quality of life that we enjoy in Burlingame. Although I have enjoyed the challenges of my work with the City of San Mateo, the uniqueness of Burlingame, which my family and I have enjoyed for 20 years, presented a very attractive opportunity. That uniqueness was exemplified in the positive and supportive way in which you went about your deliberations. One final note is that I have worked with a lot of commissions in my 20 years of public service but I have not seen one cut through the agenda as efficiently and effectively as you did. On behalf of my family thanks for your continued work for the benefit of all of us. ames Nantell NANTELLS 1812 Easton Drive ■ Burlingame, Ca. 94010 (415) 343-3884 0 (415) 571-8850 fax l l Recreation Needs Prlority List - Undated Mall 1994 Number item Comment 1. Franklin Field Ballfield Renovation Final plans and specification have been prepared. Contract should go to bid in June. Play to begin in Spring 1995. 2. Burlingame High School Tennis The Washington Park courts often have long waits for court use. Estimate of $25,000 to $30,000 to install new lighting system on four courts. 3. Tennis Court Resurfacing The Ray Park and B.I.S. courts need resurfacing. The completion of the Washington Park and Laguna courts give the city 6 outstanding recreation courts. Estimates of $30,000 for each project. 4. Basketball Court Resurfacing Washington Park courts will be resurfaced in June. Ray Park might be an alternative site for roller hockey and poles removed. Victoria and Cuernavaca may be in 1995-96. 5. Playground Renovation Plans being completed on Village Park. Ray Park budgeted in 1994-95. Possibility both projects could be bid together. 6. Washington Park Baseball/Softball Final phase to upgrade field lights. ('A' poles - 1990/'B' poles lights (four'C' poles) 1993) Budget'C' poles 1995-1996. 7. Burlingame High School Annual In 1994-95 $10,000 is budgeted to resurface the 8 BHS courts. Maintenance Peninsula Tennis Club will donate $1,000 or $2,000. BURLINGAME RECREATION DEPARTMENT Collection Report May 1994 1993-94 1992-93 FISCALYEAR (11 MONTHSI ACCUMULATION FISCALYEAR (11 MONTHSI ACCUMULATION 1 Playschool (Pre-school, Crafts, Music) $4,536.00 $46,326.68 $44,031.01 2 Packages ........................... 34,510.04 55,363.39 50,840.31 3 Trips .............................. 1,644.00 5,866.50 6,089.06 4 Advertising ......................... 645.00 1,957.00 2,445.00 5 Domestic Arts ....................... 1,651.50 7,240.50 4,236.50 6 Special Interest Classes ................ 10,008.52 66,337.10 62,834.62 7 Singles .................. .......... 0.00 1,314.65 3,070.00 8 Art -In -Park .......................... 325.28 27,270.64 22,876.76 9 Childrens Art ........................ 5,249.50 21,195.55 20,167.01 10 Adult Arts/Crafts..................... 5,180.68 48,286.13 45,558.51 1 1 Office Supplies ....................... 13.60 419.45 724.42 12 Tennis Court Rentals .................. 240.00 3,387.00 4,457.50 13 Music (Guitar,Piano,Voice). ............ 3,137.00 10,627.81 8,993.00 14 Theatrics . ......................... 208.00 468.00 741.00 15 Dance (Ballet, Ballroom) ................ 4,628.50 19,461.05 17,099.00 16 Tennis Lights ........................ 156.00 2,916.35 3,008.70 17 Elementary School Sports .............. 28.00 10,349.00 9,400.75 18 Junior Sports ........................ 605.00 20,055.50 18,017.50 19 Physical Fitness ................ ..... 6,964.80 50,757.24 52,175.77 20 Tickets/Gymnastics................... 0.00 2,032.05 2,955.00 21 Golf ............................... 1,490.00 4,882.24 9,167.75 22 Sports,Misc.(Badminton,Sports Clinic)...... 70,202.24 92,023.74 69,461.80 23 Manual Arts (Judo,Karate,SeIf Defense).... 1,904.00 9,394.00 7,197.44 24 Building Rental ....................... 2,187.50 15,667.00 19,747.30 25 Tennis ............................. 17,151.38 38,587.58 31,360.81 26 Vending ............................ 513.00 4,259.31 4,191.34 27 Materials Sold . ...................... 152.40 14,501.81 15,156.58 28 Field Lights ......................... 5.00 671.75 164.25 29 Field Permits ......................... 0.00 2,611.00 2,282.50 30 Softball ............................ 284.00 69,748.85 66,524.50 31 Basketball .......................... 3,575.00 16,258.00 18,135.00 32 Volleyball ........................... 1,891.50 9,884.50 8,131.30 33 Park Permits ........................ 375.00 1,830.00 2,756.00 34 Art Sales ......... ................. 49.00 1,242.55 1,030.85 35 Swimming .......................... 140.00 8,745.10 9,540.88 36 Senior Nutrition Program ............... 1,088.75 11,380.89 10,907.55 37 School District .. .................... 60,311.00 60,513.63 37,235.00 Totals $241,051.19 $763,833.54 $692,712.27 Less Refunds $1,002.00 $18,350.25 $16,866.14