HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1988.12.05CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame city council was held on the above date in the city HaII Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by Mayor Irving S. Amstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Malcolm Towns, Fire Chief, from the audience. ROLL CALL BURLINGAME, December CALIFORNIA 5, 1988 BARTON, LEMBf, MANGINI (i11) COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES AMSTRUP, PAGLIARO Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 21, 1988 were approved. CONTINUE APPEAL HEARING TO JANUARY 4 19 89 Mayor Amstrup continued the appeal hearing for variances forat 433 occidental to the January 4 meeting at the request of Asplund, appellant. n the eas and requ enant ofrovide st rom the s on site; decks DonaId REVIEW OF SPECIAL PERMIT FOR COLLEGE CLASSES AT THE IB]S HOTEL _ 835 AIRPORT BOULEVARD - RESOLUTION 109-88 - APPROVING SAME City Planner reviewed her memo of November 29 in which she requested council hold public hearing and take action. Bev Bronken of Saint Mary's CoIIege is reguesting a special use permit in order to hold extended education classes for 25 students and one instructor in a 490 square foot meeting room at the Ibis Hote1. The classes would be held on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. for a 15 monthperiod. students attending these cl-asses rrould be from the local area and not overnight guests at the hoteI. The Planning Commission approved this request at its meeting of November 14. Mayor Amstrup opened the public hearing. Bev Bronken, Saint Mary's CoIIege, was present and requested approval . The hearing was closed. Mayor Amstrup noted that he had called this up for review, he could approve this request sj.nce the classes are aLready going on, but he would Iike to limit future classes of this type held in hotels. Councilman Mangini moved approval of the special permit with conditions listed in staff report by adoption of RESoLUTIoN L09-88. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously 4-0 by roIIcall vote, Councilman Pagliaro being absent. SECOND READING - OFDINANCE 1383 - REGUTAT]NG AUTOMOBILE RENTAL BUSINESSES IN THE M-1 AND C-4 DISTRICTS City Planner reviewed her memo of November 30 which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action. In May council directed staff to prepare a study of the number and impact of car rental businesses on traffic and development in the M-1 district. After revievr of the study, the Planning Commission recommended a new ordinance which would not aIIo\^' car rental in the M-1 district on the \"rest side of 1 require a use permit for those busj-nesses inide of 101, prohibit car rental in officecertain criteria to further limit use: that itite; that the site be minimum size of one acre;ge for at least 25 percent of the cars rented ; that it provide parking for customers and aIId that it meet trip generation assigned the traffic analyzer at all critj-ca1 the M-1 o bui ldings be sole tthat it p monthly f employees 01,tsireas oraite an onrequirements based 293 294 intersections. The ordinance also prohibited car rental businessesin the C-4 zone except those incidental to hotel use. If council wished to place additional requirements that limit car rentals to an absolute number, there is suggested wording in the staff report that could be added to the ordinance. If council desires to add this wording to the ordinance the city Attorney recommends that, sincethis is a substantial change in the ordinance, the public hearing be contj-nued to the next meeting. Mayor Amstrup opened the public hearing. There being no cofiunents, the hearing was closed. Councilman Lembi inquired what parking a hotel would use, since this ordinance precludes a hotel from using its allotted parking spacesfor car rental uses. City Planner replied that some of our hotels have surplus parking spaces, those hotels could allocate some oftheir surplus spaces for car rental uses. Councilman Mangini corunented that he had originally asked for alimit on the number of car rental businesses, but he novr thinks thatthis ordinance would provide adequate control of this type business. Councilwoman Barton moved adoption of ORDINANCE 1383. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously 4-0 by voice vote. AMUSEMENT PERMIT FOR SAFARI Rl'N 1305 BAYSHORE City Manager reviewed the City Attorney's memo of November 29 which recoNnended council grant an amusement permit to this business for a period of seven months, until July l-, 1989 when other amusement permits are reviewed for renevral . Edward Austin has taken over the operation of the former 'rCheeks" and changed the name to Safari Run. He did not realize that he needed a new amusement permit until contacted by the city. The Po1ice Department has experienced problems with this site, particularly the mix of crowds j-n the parking Iot which is shared by Partnerrs and the Hyatt theater. Mr. Austj-n's attorney has submitted a letter with plans for additional security personnel in the parking lots to control the problems' Councilwoman Barton expressed concern that seven months may be too long to grant for the amusement permit with all the problems listedin the potice report. Commander Chase reviewed problems experienced by police; that it is hard to determine which bar these people are patrons of; that Austin has hired several large persons to enforce control in the parking 1ots. Councilman Mangini wanted Partnerrs to be made aware of the problems. Mayor Amstrup opened the floor to corunents. Richard Mortola, attorney for Austin, noted the seven people hired to patrol the lots, they are in contact by radios to assist each other in control; the area is a very busy parking 1ot; Austin has invested much money in this business and needs the amusement permit for as long as possible. Councilwoman Barton commented that Austin appears to be willing to cooperate. She moved to al1ow the amusement permit until JuIy 1, 1989. Seconded by Councilman Lembi, carried unanimously by roll call vote. COMMISSION APPOINTI.{ENTS SET FOR JANUARY 4 1989 Mayor Amstrup scheduled appointments for January 4, 1989 meeting. SCHEDULE APPEAL HEARING Mayor Amstrup acknowledged a letter requesting an appeal hearing for Galleria de Farsh, 1199 Broadway. Hearj.ng was scheduled for the January 4, !989 meeting. COUNCIL ASSIGNMENTS FOR 1989 Mayor Amstrup asked council members to keep their same assignments as last year. Councilman Lembi commented he would like to try 295 b RESOLUTfON 110-88 - SETTING PUBtlC HEARING FOR AMENDING BOI'ND- ARY OF I'NDERGROUND DISTRICT 8 . CATIFORNIA DRIVE Public Works' memo of November 30 recommended council schedule a public hearing January 4, 1989 for amending the California Drive Underground District 8 by extending the boundary to include the area from the intersection of Broadway and Carolanto Rollins Road. The city's share of the costs is estimated to be $65,000, in addition the city would install street lights at a cost of $81,000. RESOLUTION 111-88 - EXTENDING AGREEMENTS WITH HIGH SCHOOL AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOT DISTRICTS FOR COLLECTION OF SCHOOL FEES city Manager's memo of November 22 recommended council approvethis resolution extending separate agreements with each of our school districts for collection of the School Facilities Fees. These fees are collected as part of the building fees. There have been no major administrative problems in collecting the fees for the schools and this saves developers the time andeffort of making separate payments to the schools. The agreements are subject to a 30 day termination clause. (1) RESOLUT]ON 112-88 - DESTRUCTfON OF TREASURER RECORDS(2) RESOLUT]ON 113-88 - DESTRUCEION OF ENGINEERING RECORDS (1) Finance Director's memo of November 22 recornmended council approve destruction of certain records over two years old.(2) Pubtic works' memo of November 23 recommended destructionof obsolete records over two years old. e. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP FOR L249 VANCoWER AVENUE Public worksr memo of November 30 recommended council concurwith the Planning Commission and approve the map as both atentative and final parcel map subject to conditions. f. DENIAL OF CLAIMS: (1) JERRY PELUFFO; (2) SHAN LAM KAN, CHf KWONG KAN AND CHf KEUNG KAN City Attorney recommended denial of these claims for (1) car damage from a storm drain gratei and (2) injuries from a car crash caused by a stolen car being chased by Millbrae police. Pub1ic Works memo of November 21 recommended council grant thispermit for a four foot wrought iron fence along the back of the sidewalk. h. TENTATM AND FINAL MAP FOR 1209 AliD 1221 HOI,IARD AVENUE Public works memo of November 29 recommended council concurwith Planning coNnission and approve this map for a lot combination. d something e1se, but was willing to keep the same assigrunent. other council members concurred. CANCELLATION OF DECEMBER 19, 1988 MEETING Mayor Amstrup canceled the December 19 meeting due to the holidays. CONSENT CATENDAR a. RESOLUTION 114-88 - AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FOR RESURFACING TENNIS AND BASKETBALL COURTS Park Director's memo of November 23 reco[unended council adopt a resol-ution approvinq application for grant funds under the Park Land Bond Act of 1988. Burlingame has received an allocationof $82,000, these funds cannot be applied to existing projects or used for maintenance or operation. Staff proposes to use funds for resurfacing several courts. 9.ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR FENCE AT 1480 HI GIIWAY ROAD 296 i. RESOLUTION 115-88 - ACCEPTING EASEMENT AT 623 ANSEL ROAD Public Works memo of November 30 recommended council acceptthis easement for sidewalk and public utilities. j FINAL CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR 623 ANSEL ROAD Pub1ic Works memo of November 29 recommended council approvethis final condo map for L9 units at 623 Ansel. K. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1384 - ACCEPTING POST STANDARDS FOR TRAINING OF PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHERS City Attorneyrs memo of November 30 recommended council introduce this ordinance as required by State to receive reimbursement for training of dispatchers. Councilman Mangini moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilman Lembi, carried unanimously by voice vote. NEW BUSINESS Airport Shuttle Buses: Councilman Mangini said the Airport Commission j-s considering a one dollar fee per trip for airport shuttle buses. He suggested a letter in opposition, council agreed. Water Conservation: Councilwoman Barton congratulated the citizens on being under allocation according to a memo from the City Manager. She hoped citizens were aware that the city did not establish the allocation method and the fines, the San Francisco Water Department established this method. Council of Mayors: Mayor tunstrup said Frank Cannizzaro of Millbrae City Council has asked support for selection as Chairman of the Council of Mayors. Council members supported his selection. CID: Mayor Amstrup acknowledged a letter from CID requesting city funding for housing modification for disabled people. He suggested council might study this request at a later date. Hote1 Tax Proposal: Mayor funstrup reviewed a meeting with local hotel managers regarding the hotel tax issue. This issue should be discussed at a later time. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Traffic, Safety and Parking, November 11; Park and Recreation, November 27; Library Board, November 22i Planning, November 28, 1988. b. Proclamations: Holiday Project Week; Lorine Gandolfi Upon Her Retirement; Dennis Knibbs Upon His Retirement. FROM THE FLOOR There were no comments from the floor. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 8:05 p.m. th A. MalfattiCity Clerk