HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1994.11.17MINUTES Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission Thursday, November 17, 1994 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Don Roberts at 7:32 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Henderson, Nyhan, Pera, Roberts Commissioners Absent: Kelly, Nilmeyer, Yawn Staff Present: City Attorney Coleman Directors Quadri and Williams Recreation Coordinator John Cannon Police Inspector Dawn Cutler Guests Present: Jack and Robin Ingles-Arkel, 605 Lexington Way Marti Knight, 455 Chatham Road Ian and Robin Liffmann, 401 Bloomfield Road Gia Rusciano, 907 Howard Ave., #3 Ray Tseng, 1528 Los Montes Drive MINUTES The minutes of the October 20, 1994 meeting of the Commission were approved as submitted. CLOSED SESSION Those present expressed concern about meeting with the City Attorney re the Washington Park Tennis Court "Bumps" in the absence of three Commissioners. It was moved by Commissioner Pera and seconded by Commissioner Nyhan and unanimously approved to continue the matter of tennis court "bumps" until the December meeting of the Commission. OLD BUSINESS Roller Hockey. City Attorney Coleman shared his concerns regarding possible liability exposure if the City should permit roller hockey in parks. Chairman Roberts explained the Commission's interest in making available the Ray Park basketball court for use by an organized roller hockey league. Roberts noted that any organized user group would be required to provide the City with liability insurance protection. Coleman noted that presently a City ordinance prohibits roller skating and/or roller blading in City parks. The City would not have any liability protection in the case of drop -in or casual roller hockey users. Roberts pointed -out that casual users now in any unscheduled or unregulated activity in any City park are likewise uninsured. Director Quadri reported that the City Public Works staff had given him a preliminary estimate of $10,000 to remove the Ray Park basketball standards and repave the court with a 2" asphalt overlay. Quadri noted that he was concerned that players who might use Ray Park for basketball could be unaware of the present discussion, because the item had been agendized as a roller hockey facility discussion, not a basketball court removal issue. It was the consensus of the Commission to consider the resurfacing of the Ray Park basketball court next spring when 1995-96 capital projects are considered for the budget. 2. Franklin Field Renovation Project Status. Quadri reported that the project was on target and that the contractor had begun the maintenance period. 3. Playground Equipment Selection Committee. Quadri, Henderson and Nyhan reported on the fast meeting of the playground equipment selection committee. The committee will meet again on December 1. 4. Teen Program Report. Williams reported on three recent public meetings conducted by the Commission sanctioned study committee. A good cross-section of parents and Burlingame groups and agencies were represented in the meetings, but unfortunately, only a small group of high school age young people participated. Williams also reported on other work that staff performed in contacting other groups and other cities on the Peninsula. No wonderful new program ideas for teens were discovered during the committee investigation. Several Commissioners and members of the audience spoke on this matter. Members of the Commission reiterated their desire to keep this discussion alive and to continue to search for ways to provide recreation programs for local teenagers. Chairman Roberts stated his interest in looking more closely at the Depot as a location for a teen drop -in program. A survey of Burlingame High School students was performed by the committee. Approximately 33 responses were received. 18 students said that they might participate in a drop -in teen center. Staff is tabulating the survey results and the summary will be mailed with the minutes of this Commission meeting, for review in December. It was moved by Commissioner Nyhan, seconded by Commissioner Henderson and approved 5-0 to adopt the following staff recommendations: 1. The Commission will not recommend a City operated teen drop -in program at this time. 2. Each month the Commission will include Teens on the Commission agenda as a discussion agenda, for the foreseeable future. 3. The Commission requests that the City Council permit the Commission to recruit two high school age young people to serve as ex-officio members of the Park and Recreation Commission. 4. The Commission requests that staff continue to investigate, monitor and report to the Commission re area programs and facilities for teens. 5. The Commission will continue to work with teens, parents, school staff and City staff to survey students from time to time about their interests. 5. Commission Capital Improvement Project Priority List. The Commission briefly reviewed the spring, 1994 priority list and Directors Quadri and Williams indicated that staff wished to propose a package of tennis court, basketball court and other resurfacing projects as their top priority for 1995-96 C.I.PA. Williams noted that the Burlingame Youth Baseball Association has proposed some improvements on the Bayside Park field lights. 6. Changes to Burlingame Villag . Park Gat .. Commissioner Henderson and Director Quadri noted that the new gate arrangement at Village Park seems to be a good compromise between accessibility and safety. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. by Chairman Roberts. Respectfully Submitted, JioJo W. Williams for of Recreation