HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1995.02.16MINUTES Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission Thursday, February 16, 1995 The regular February meeting of the Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Don Roberts at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Guests Present: MINUTES Henderson, Nilmeyer, Nyhan, Pera, Roberts, Yawn Kelly arrived 7:45 p.m. None Directors Quadri and Williams Recreation Supervisor Tricia Pinney Marti Knight, 455 Chatham Road Susie Roberts, 1381 DeSoto Avenue The minutes of the January 19, 1995 meeting of the Commission were approved as submitted. OLD BUSINESS Washington Park Tennis Court MumpC. The members of the Commission received a confidential report (possible litigation) from the City Attorney. The City Attorney will report back to the Commission further regarding this matter at the Commission's March meeting. 2. Arbor Day_ Celebration/Field Dedication at Franklin School. Director Quadri announced that this year's Arbor Day celebration will be combined with the dedication of the renovated Franklin Field. The combined activities will be held at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 7, 1995 at Franklin School. All members of the Commission are urged to attend. The project contractor has asked to voluntarily extend the athletic field maintenance period for one month to insure that the turf is in the best possible playing condition. Consequently, the athletic field will not be open to the public until April 1 so that the turf can be well -established. 3. Procedures to Add Two Advisory Members to Commission. The Commission reviewed the staff report presented by Director Williams. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Nyhan and approved 6-0 that the Commission recommends that two Advisory Commissioners be added to the Park and Recreation Commission and that the City Council approve the staff Proposed Annual Schedule for Youth Advisory Commission Members and Selection Procedure for Youth Advisory Commission Members. (attached) 4. Teen Programs. Williams reported that staff has scheduled two new activities for teens: (after school fitness class and expanded line dance class opportunities) and is preparing a list of Recreation Department and other group teen activities to include in the next Recreation Brochure. NEW BUSINESS 1. Together We Can Make a Difference Program. Williams reported on the community action planning program which has been proposed for the community by the School District. The intent is to increase community involvement in the development of programs and activities that support kids and families in Burlingame. Two informational meetings have been planned at the Recreation Center. The first meeting will be at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 1 and the second will be at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 8. Several Commissioners indicated an interest in attending one of the sessions. Recreation �— staff will call to verify attendance prior to the end of February. REPORTS a. Park Department Staff is consulting with Chris Baughman from Mills -Peninsula Hospital regarding the A.D.A. aspects of the new playgrounds at Ray and Burlingame Village Parks. The City Council will be asked to approve the demolition of existing playground equipment at the two parks at its March 6 meeting. Quadri will bring playground equipment proposal to the Commission's April meeting for review. b. Burlingame Youth Baseball Association is proposing to do fence improvements at the south field in Bayside Park. Commission reviewed proposal and suggested that B.Y.B.A. consider extending the proposed fence a few feet further down the first base line, so as to protect more spectators from overthrown balls. Quadri will carry this suggestion back to the league. Fa 2. Recreation Supervisor. Recreation Supervisor Tricia Pinney was introduced to the Commission. She reported on the special events and special classes which she directs. The Commission commended Pinney and other City staff on the quality of the programs offered by the Recreation Department for the community. :- M6 a. Williams reported that winter classes are underway. Recreation program revenue appears to be ahead of last year at this time. Staff is now beginning the budget preparation process for the 1995-96 fiscal year. b. An architect is being retained to assist staff with the preparation of a new Recreation Center masterplan so that Phase II (restroom remodel) and other future building improvements (e.g., seismic upgrades) can be coordinated. C. Staff is meeting with cable TV representatives regarding the development of a quarterly TV show with a recreation and parks focus. d. Williams reported that he was approving the Mothers Club Easter party at the Recreation Center next month, with specific conditions as approved in 1994 by the Commission. 4. Commissioners. Commissioner Yawn announced that he is resigning from the Commission due to a new work assignment which now requires him to travel extensively and regularly. The members of the Commission expressed their disappointment with Yawn's resignation and wished him well in his new job assignment. PUBLIC COMMENTS 1. Marti Knight reminded all of the Commissioners of the City's Commissioners Dinner, to be held on Friday, March 24. She expressed her hope that all of the Commissioners would attend the dinner. The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Roberts at 8:16 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, N . M4' Jo . Williams Director of Recreation attachment: Staff Report re Teen Advisory Members to the Park & Recreation Commission 3 Exhibit A to February 10, 1995 TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Director of Recreation SUBJECT: Proposed Procedure for Youth Advisory Commission Members Recommendation. I recommend that the Park and Recreation Commission approve the procedures and time schedules attached and then request City Council approval and direction to proceed with the addition of two Youth Advisory Commissioners to the Park and Recreation Commission. Background. After discussion of program ideas for young people at two Commission meetings and three public Teen Committee meetings, the Park and Recreation Commission recommended that the City Council approve the addition of two youth advisory members to the Park and Recreation Commission. At its December 5, 1994 meeting, the Burlingame City Council approved the youth member concept and directed the Commission to return to the Council with proposed procedures for implementing the youth member proposal. At the Commission's January meeting, Commissioners reviewed staff proposals and directed staff to return to the February meeting of the Commission with specific proposals for implementation of the new youth program. Discussion. After reviewing this idea with Commissioners, school personnel and other City staff, the consensus opinion is that high school seniors tend to be distracted with the many activities surrounding their final year and we should limit applications to young people entering their sophomore or junior years. Although it is desirable to have one boy and one girl representative, it may not be desirable to state that, but rather to see what the applicant pool brings. The youth advisory member position should be open to all otherwise qualified young people who reside in Burlingame, irregardless of where they attend school. In order to permit the maximum number of young people to participate in the program, youth member terms should probably be limited to one year terms. If terms are designed to fit the City's fiscal year, new members could be selected in the spring each year and then ease their way into their new assignment over the summer months. Youth members could be "up -to -speed" and ready to participate fully for the balance of their one-year term when school resumes in September. Recruitment fliers and applications will be circulated to each of the local high schools and throughout the community. Burlingame High School Principal Larry Teshara has volunteered to circulate fliers and applications, as well as assisting in any other way possible. Applications can be collected by the Recreation Department staff. It may also be appropriate to require that applicants attend one Commission meeting prior to the final screening process so that they have some idea how the Commission does its business. There are several different ways that the selection process could be structured. I believe that the most efficient process would be for the Commission to conduct the selection process and then ask the City Council to ratify the two finalists for appointment as Youth Advisory Commissioners. Attached is a schedule with a proposed timeline. It will need to be flexible for at least the first year, since we have no hint as to the number of applications that might be received. attach: 1. Proposed Schedule for Selection of Youth Advisory Commissioners 2. Proposed Procedures for Selection of Youth Advisory Commissioners am- Attachment 1 CITY OF BURLINGAME Park and Recreation Commission ANNUAL SCHEDULE FOR YOUTH ADVISORY COMMISSION MEMBERS March - Announcement fliers and application forms distributed April - Applications accepted May - Screening of applicants, preliminary interviews 3rd Thur in June - Final interviews & selection by Park and Recreation Commission 1st Mon in July - City Council review and appoint Youth Advisory Commission Members 3rd Thur in July - Youth Members attend 1st Commission meeting June 30 (Next year) - Youth Members terns end Attachment 2 2/9/95 CITY OF BURLINGAME Park and Recreation Commission SELECTION PROCEDURE FOR YOUTH ADVISORY COMMISSION Youth Members will be selected annually in the Spring for a one year term beginning with the first Park and Recreation Commission meeting in July and ending June 30 of the following year. 2. Youth Members will be selected by the Park and Recreation Commission in a competitive process and two finalist candidates will be recommended by the Commission to the City Council for ratification and appointment. 3. Youth Members must be residents of the City of Burlingame and, at the time of application, must be students currently enrolled in grades 9 or 10. 4. All candidates must fill -out the prescribed City of Burlingame application form. Resumes and/or written statements may be attached to the application to provide further information about the candidate. 5. All candidates are required to have attended one regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission prior to the Commission's final selection on the 3rd Thursday evening of June. 6. Specific selection and appointment procedures will be announced annually at the beginning of the recruitment process for the following year.