HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1995.03.16MINUTES Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission Thursday, March 16, 1995 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Don Roberts at 7:31 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Henderson, Kelly, Nyhan, Pera, Roberts Commissioners Absent: Nilmeyer Staff Present: Directors Quadri and Williams SFSU Student Intern Angela Sakkos Guests Present: Marti Knight, 455 Chatham Road MINUTES The minutes of the February 16, 1995 meeting of the Commission were approved as submitted. OLD BUSINESS Washington Park Tennis Court "Bumps" (Informational report) Director Williams reported that he had been advised by City Attorney Coleman that a soils engineer and a paving contractor have been retained by the City to take some core samples at the courts in an attempt to discover what was causing the bumps. The samples will be taken as soon as weather,permits and the City Attorney will report back to the Commission in April. 2. Addition of Two Teen Advisory Members to the Commission. Director Williams reported that the City Council had approved the procedures and calendar for the addition of the youth members , as proposed by the Commission. Staff is presently preparing the application packets for distribution to the three high schools. Teen Programs. Williams reported that staff was successful in offering an after school fitness class for teens. Ages have been dropped for the next youth/adult line dancing activities and more are being planned specifically for teens this summer. A summary of all programs open to teens will appear in one place in the summer program brochure. 4. Report on Together We Can Make a Difference Program. Williams reported that two public meetings have been held to acquaint community group representatives with the ., concept of community action planning to develop proactive, preventive programs for youth and family. Commissioner Nilmeyer attended one of the meetings. All Commissioners were urged to attend the next meeting at 4:00 p.m., on Wednesday, March 22 at the California Avenue Fire Station. NEW BUSINESS 1995-96 FY Capital Improvement Proiect Review. Director Quadri reported that the City Manager has asked both the Park and Recreation Departments to propose $100.000 each for Capital Improvement work in 1995-96. Commission and staff reviewed the Commission's project priority list from last year (see attached Exhibit A). All of the priorities from last year have been addressed in the staff proposals, except the lighting of the Burlingame High School Tennis Court. Staff has not proposed that project for 1995- 96. It was moved by Chairman Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Kelly and approved 6-0 to recommend approval of the 1995-96 C.I.P. priority list as submitted by staff. REPORTS 1. Park Director. a. Quadri reported on the very successful Arbor Day and Franklin Field Dedication ceremonies held on March 7 at Franklin School. There was also discussion about the planned use and maintenance at Franklin Field. b. Park Department staff has had to put -in some overtime work due to recent storms, however, maintenance problems have been manageable this year, even with the severe winter storms. C. Quadri noted that the Spring Garden Seminar is set for Saturday, March 18„ 1995 at the Recreation Center. d. Good bids were received for the first phase of landfill site closure and gas testing. Construction will begin soon. 2. Student Intern Re o�rt. SFSU Student Intern Angela Sakkos reported to the Commission on her work assignments with the Recreation Department this spring. Recreation Director. a. Williams reported that staff is now busy preparing the 1995-96 FY budget and summer recreation program. b. Staff is planning to conduct a survey of Burlingame seniors, with assistance from "Senior Focus," a Peninsula Hospital program for senior citizens. C. Applications are now being received for the 25 th Anniversary edition of Art In the Park, to be held June 10 and I 1 this year. It appears as though the show will be full again this year and a first class event is anticipated. 4. Commissioners. a. Commissioners asked that staff agendize a review of the Commission's Capital Improvement Project Priority List for the May meeting. b. Commissioner Kelly asked several questions regarding the landfill closure and staff was requested to update the Commission at its April meeting on landfill closure and tentative design plans. The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m. by Chairman Roberts. Respectfully Submitted, Joh W. Williams Director of Recreation