HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1995.06.15MINUTES Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission Thursday, June 15, 1995 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Vice -Chairman Mike Pera at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Henderson, Larios, Nilmeyer, Nyhan, Pera, Roberts (arrived 7:35 p.m.) Commissioners Absent: Kelly Staff Present: Directors Quadri and Williams, Recreation Supervisor Mike Ciardella Guests Present: Nick Grijalva, 29 Bloomfield Road, Burlingame Marti Knight, 455 Chatham Road, Burlingame MINUTES �— The minutes of the May 18, 1995 meeting of the Commission were approved as submitted. OLD BUSINESS Installation of New Ray and Burlingame Village Park Playground Equipment. Director Quadri reported that work is progressing on preparation of the two park playground areas. It is now estimated that play equipment will be installed and ready for opening in late July. Teen Programs. Williams reported that all Recreation department programs are now in the between sessions period and summer activities will begin in the next two weeks. No particular new programs for teens are scheduled this summer, but many classes and programs are open to teen participation. The Tuesday -Thursday evening middle -school age drop -in program will begin at Burlingame Intermediate School next week. Capital Improvement Project Priority List. The Commission reviewed the list compiled by staff following the May meeting. It was the consensus of the Commission that all of the project listed were projects of interest to the Commission. It was resolved NOT to prioritize listed projects, but rather to retain all listed projects on the Commission's priority list. (Priority List attached.) I— NEW BUSINESS 1. Interview of Candidate for Youth Advisory Member to the Park and Recreation Commission. The Commission interviewed Burlingame High School student Nick Grijalva. Candidate Heather Mau was unable to attend this meeting because of a work commitment, but Commissioners reviewed her application and heard a positive recommendation for Heather from Commissioner Larios. Director Williams reported that he and Recreation Coordinator John Cannon had interviewed both Nick and Heather. Williams and Cannon recommended both Heather and Nick for appointment to the two youth advisory positions. It was moved by Commissioner Pera, seconded by Commissioner Henderson and unanimously approved to recommend that Nick Grijalva and Heather Mau be recommended for appointment by the City Council as advisory Park and Recreation Commissioners, effective in July, 1995, for a one year term. 2. August Meeting Vacation Conflicts. It was noted that at least three Commissioners will be unable to attend the regularly scheduled August meeting of the Commission. It was moved by Chairman Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Pera and unanimously approved to cancel the regular August meeting of the Commission due to vacation schedule conflicts. `- REPORTS Park Director. Director Quadri reported that the City Council budget study session had gone well and staff expects the proposed Park and Recreation budgets to be approved as presented. The City Council is scheduled to adopt the 1995-96 Operating and Capital Improvement budgets on Monday night, June 19, 1995. 2. Recreation Supervisor Program Report. Mike Ciardella reported on the sports programs which he manages for the City. Several Commissioners stated their appreciation for the strong program offered by the City. Williams noted that Burlingame has an outstanding sports program for a City of its size and praised Ciardella for his work over the years. Chairman Roberts asked that the Recreation Department consider ways to publicize the strong City -Burlingame High School connection and the cooperation between the two agencies that leads to more and better recreational opportunities for Burlingame citizens. Recreation Director. Director Williams reported that: a. Recreation Department revenues appear to be good and the Department will finish the fiscal year with an excess of revenue over budget. Expenditures will probably be slightly over as well due to reclassifications of Randy Schwartz and Tricia Pinney and the success of the Summer School enrichment program. 2 b. Staff expects a busy summer. Summer programs begin during the next two weeks. C. The 25th Anniversary Edition of Art in the Park was a grand success. It is estimated that about 20,000 people attended the two day event. Williams and several Commissioners who attended the event complimented Recreation Supervisor Tricia Pinney for her work on the event. Commissioners. a. Commissioner Henderson asked Supervisor Ciardella about the youth drop -in program at Burlingame Intermediate School. Ciardella indicated that the program is ready to go three nights each week, starting next week. A staff member and one or more parent volunteer will operate the program in the gym and lunch room. The Police Department is providing some athletic and game equipment from the P.D. youth fund. b. Commissioner Nyhan stated that he had attended his granddaughter's "graduation" from the Recreation Department pre school program and he complimented staff and teachers on the high quality of the program. The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 p.m. by Chairman Roberts. Res ectfully Submitted, � 4. U Jo Williams Director of Recreation Attachments: Commission C.I.P. Priority List 6/15/95 CITY OF BURLINGAME Park and Recreation Commission Draft 1995-2000 Capital Improvement Project Priority List Project Four tot lot playgrounds renovation Recreation Center seismic/other remodel Washington Park outfield lights Retrofit four existing playgrounds-ADA Renovate/Replace Village Park building Renovate BIS tennis courts BHS tennis courts lights Washington Park bandstand 2nd roller hockey facility Comments To meet ADA standards and update. Combine with 1995-96 project. Will be larger project if seniors contribute or other funds become available. Outfield lights are inefficient in electricity use and need upgrading. Bayside, Cuernavaca, Pershing, Washington ADA, increase uses & building flexibility Projects that have been tentatively approved by the City Council for 1995-96 FY. Final approval scheduled for Monday, 6/19/95. • Bayside Park ballfield lights • BHS small gym floor refinished • BIS athletic field irrigation system contribution • Laguna and Victoria Parks playground renovation • Ray Park basketball court conversion to roller hockey • Ray Park tennis court renovation • Victoria Park basketball court renovation • Recreation Center restroom and other remodelling (carried over from 1994-95) N.