HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - PR - 1995.10.19BURLINGAME PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION �-- 7:30 p.m., Thursday, October 19, 1995 Conference Room A, City Hall 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame 1. Roll Call Grijalva, Henderson, Kelly, Larios, Mau, Nilmeyer, Nyhan, Pera, Roberts 2. Approval of Minutes Approve the minutes of the September 21, 1995 meeting 3. Old Business A. Review schedule and field use issues re Girls Softball/Ray Park B. Presentation of Proposed Recreation Center Masterplan (Commission review and recommend.) C. Teen program status report D. No new report on status of Washington Park Tennis Court "bumps" actions 4. New Business 5. Reports A. Park Director B. Recreation Director C. Commissioners 6. Public Comments This is the opportunityfor members of the public to address the Commission regarding items not otherwise on the agenda. 7. Adjournment NOTE: Staff report and Commission discussion on tennis court scheduling systems is postponed until the November Commission meeting. Next Meeting: Thursday, November 16, 1995 CITY o� Burlingame Recreation. Department BURUNGAME 850 Burlingame Avenue Burlingame, California 94010 3997 Telephone (415) 696-3770 (415) 696-7216 Fax w MEETING NOTICE October 17, 1995 TO: Ray Park Neighbors FROM: John Williams, Director of Recreation SUBJECT: Girls Softball Use of Ray Park On Thursday night, October 19, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room #A, the Park and Recreation Commission will consider three issues related to the Girls Softball League use of Ray Park next spring: l . City staff is requesting that the League not start league play until approximately April I each year. This two week delay will enable the Park Department to prepare fields better for the season; provide safer playing conditions; and reduce the amount of Sunday rain makeup games each year. 2. City staff is proposing that onl h o games at a time (4 games per day total) be allowed m Ray Park on Sundays between�f2: 30 and 5: 30 p.m. when makeup games are required. (Hopefully, less Sunday rain makeups will be required if league games start later in the season.) 3. The League is requesting permission to hold its Opening Day ceremonies at Ray Park. City staff is recommending that &remonies be permitted only if begun after 10:00 a.m .� on the first Saturday of league play. These items are scheduled to be considered by the Commission in the first part of the meeting, at 7:30 p.m. All interested persons are welcome to attend this public meeting. if you wish to make written comments to the Commission, you should get those written comments to me before 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 19 so that they can be copied for Commissioners. Comments should be delivered to me at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue. Burlingame Recreation'' Department MEMORANDUM October 12, 1995 TO: Park & Recreation Commission FROM: John Williams SUBJECT: . Burlingame GirlsTSball League Schedule and Use of Ray Park Last spring Rich Quadri and I shared our concerns with the Commission re the early starting dates for girls softball play. Although Boys Baseball and City Adult Softball leagues have changed to an April 1 start date in recent years, girls softball has still started league play in mid -March and finished the league prior to Memorial Day. The early start date creates maintenance problems and, inevitably, rain creates situations where makeup games are required or games are played under unsafe conditions. Your Commission directed us to schedule this question for review this fall if the new Girls Softball League Board had concerns about this change. The League has asked to have the schedule question brought before you this month. There is some urgency in coming to an agreement so that league schedules can be developed. On a different, but related matter, the Girls Softball League has asked the City Council for relief from the restrictions which I asked the league to honor last year regarding makeup games on Sunday at Ray Park and the scheduling of opening day. Enclosed is a copy of the League's October 6 letter to the Council for your review. I expect the City Council to refer the League's concerns to you for a recommendation prior to the Council taking any action. I believe that the schedule starting date is directly related to the Sunday issues because, most years, at least some of the rainouts which have to be madeup occur before the April 1 date. Starting league play two weeks later should reduce the number of Sunday makeups required. Last fall I asked League officials to meet with me and with the neighbors to review the ground rules for the 1995 season. League official declined to do so, saying that the League would abide by the 1994 ground rules. The League now says that some of the ground rules were only acceptable to them for the 1994 year. Clearly, we need an ongoing agreement about how makeup games will be played. I have invited Recrcaliuu Supervisor Mike Ciardella and any interested neighbors to join with us at your meeting on Thursday night. \1. I suggest that the Commission review written information and listen io the discussion, then take action to advise City Council, staff and the League regarding the starting date, Sunday schedules at Ray Park, site location for opening day, and any other related matters that the Commission would like to speak to. I would be happy to meet with neighbors and League representatives to discuss the matter further, but time is becoming of the essence on the matter of the scheduled starting date: Staff recommendation. Based upon my previous discussions with City staff, neighbors, softball parents and league officials, and my review of the site, I recommend that the Commission recommend to the City Council, staff and League that: No league games for baseball or softball groups be scheduled on City or School facilities prior to April 1 each year. (March 31 is acceptable when Easter or Spring Break schedules are a factor.) 2. A maximum of four (4) makeup games per Sunday be permitted at Ray Park. Two games at a time may be played on Sunday during the hours 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. The Recreation Department to be advised immediately when Sunday makeup games are required so that neighbors can be advised about the games. Opening Day ceremonies be permitted at Ray Park, providing ceremonies are held on Saturday and that no music be played or public address announcements be made before the hour of 10:00 a.m. attachments: Heiman letter of 10/6/95 Williams letter of 9/22/95 Williams letter of4/15/95 Bowling letter of 3/23/95 • Oct. 6,1995 Burlingame City Hall 501 Primose Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Burlingame City Council Members Ms. Marti Knight, Mayor Mr. A.C. Harrison Ms. Rosalie O'Mahony Mr. Michael Spinelli Mr. Frank Pagliaro, Jr. Dear City Council Members, �. Burlingame Girls Softball has been part of the Burlingame community for over twenty years. The program has provided an opportunity for young ladies, ages 7 to 18, to participate in an organized sport. Good sportsmanship, teamwork, individual skills and a sense of competition and self confidence are just some of the many attributes learned by the players. Our program has over 300 girls from 200 families participating on approximately 25 teams plus a summer league for the older girls. The league is staffed totally by volunteer parents from our community whose goal is to ensure a very high quality program for the players. That goal has been accomplished since Burlingame Girls Softball is consistently recognized as one of the premier girls softball organizations in our Northern California District. The success of our program needs to be shared with the Burlingame Park and Recreation Departments whose continued support regarding overall coordination, fields and maintenance is invaluable. Our program also contributes financially to the Burlingame community. The Ray Park facility, our home fields, has been provided with over $6,000 worth of improvements by us in just the last four years: new and temporary backstops; new fencing; a storage container. We built the new Frosh-Soph backstop at BHS and contributed to the new bleachers for a total cost of over $2,800. We contribute to the City's capital improvement fund $1,000 each year. Lastly, between the rental fees for the Depot for our board meetings and our ads in the Burlingame Recreation Department Catalog, we contributed an additional $500 per year to the Burlingame Recreation Department. We feel that the relationship we've enjoyed with the City over all these years has been very beneficial for everyone. However, the families of Burlingame Girls Softball are quite concerned and upset with the City's posture regarding the restrictions prohibiting our use of Ray Park on Sunday. Our League begins the middle of March and ends the weekend prior to Memorial Day, which means we use Ray Park on 9 to 10 weekends a year (excluding Easter weekend) for scheduled games. Our affiliation with Millbrae over the last two years has allowed us to avoid scheduling games on Sunday. Between the two leagues we schedule approximately 330 games. Games are scheduled every weeknight and every Saturday throughout the season. Weekly practices are concurrently taking place at BHS Fields, Franklin Field, North School and Village Park. The only day of the week that Ray Park, our home field, is available for rain make-up games is Sunday. The coordination required for a rain make-up game cannot be done at the last minute. The notification of all coaches and teams, request to the Peninsula Sport Association (ASA umpire organization that provides umpires for the entire Peninsula) to find and schedule umpires for us, the field and equipment coordination and the possible opening of the snack bar all require thoughtful prior planning. We instituted a policy that allowed for all the above to be accomplished in an efficient and timely manner. Naively, any weeknight or Saturday rain -out would be played the following Sunday at Ray Park at a specific time depending upon the day of the rain -out. The important fact to realize is that a Sunday make-up game at Ray Park is in lieu of a game that was previously rained out at Ray Park. In other works, we are just trading days and only playing on Sunday when we couldn't use Ray Park on our regularly scheduled day. Furthermore, the Sunday play only happens if we have a rain -out. The above described policy was agreed to with the Park and Recreation Departn1rnts and was workint, vcry smoothly last year until Mr. Paul Wetzel started calling various city officials and complaining. Mr. John Williams explained that Burlingame Girls Softball would have to restrict their use to Ray Park on Sunday afternoons, a single game at time m son. the back field after 12:00 noon, for the remaining four weeks of the agreed to the compromise only for the remainder of last season but discussed with John Williams the need to revise this arrangement for all seasons. . The restricted use at the end of last season resulted in numerous problems for Burlingame Girls Softball: 1. We don't have enough equipment (bases, pitching rubbers, line markers) to have games at different field locations. The equipment that we do have is at Ray Park in our storage area. 2. The high school fields are not maintained by the Park Department so that all field preparation must be done by the League. I A truck or similar vehicle is needed to transport the necessary playing equipment to and from the high school fields. Not all coaches who would be playing the first and last games can transport the equipment. 4. The high school fields are set up (length of bases and 8 a thingnd rubber) only to accommodate our 14 and Under Division. The 12, 10, Divisions need to set up new pitching rubbers and find, if possible,thetrying i to pegs e are `.. for the shorter distance bases which is very e 8tai d Under , iffield Nrfield (grass field) is make up a Saturday rain -out, the use of th required at Ray Park for our younger players. 5. The Scheduling of umpires was next to impossible since the umpires are scheduled per the respective age division game (10 and Under uses one umpire, 12 & 14 and Under uses 2 umpires). The umpires work in sets and rotate from one game to another. It was hard to coordinate umpires us more pwith the way we had to schedule games to complete last season and it c money. 6. We need to be able to schedule our make-up games at Ray k base upon our field configurations per the age group playing the games to oid the problems discussed above. n Sundays. We 7. Lastly, we were deprived of the use of our snack be rl registration fees ow. depend upon those revenues to offset our costs and keep r g By not allowing us full utilization of Ray Park on Sunday afternoons our revenues suffered. The parents, the players and all others associated with Burlingame involves so Girls Softball cannot understand why our organization, many members of the Burlingame community and gives so much to the Burlingame community, is being denied the use of our softball field, Ray Park, because of one vocal homeowner. The park is a public facility supported by all the Taxpayers in Burlingame. People who live next to parks, schools and churches recognize that activities that benefit the community as a whole often takes place at these public locations. All Burlingame Girls Softball is requesting is the opportunity to use our field, Ray Park, on Sunday afternoons when necessary. We are not asking for more days at Ray Park since Sunday use would be a trade, a substitute day for a day we did not use the park due to weather. Finally, we see no reason why we cannot have our Opening Day Ceremonies at Ray Park. Ray Park is our home field. It is set up for the necessary games and our snack bar is there. The attempt to use the BHS fields and Washington Park is not conducive to Opening Day for all the reasons previously stated plus the fact that we are too spread out between the two locations which diminishes the camaraderie of the day. Opening Day is only one Saturday a year and the ceremonies last less than an hour before all the games are scheduled to begin. The players and families of the Burlingame community who are involved with Burlingame Girls Softball just want to use Ray Park as we have for over twenty years and we hope that the Burlingame City Council will give us the support we need to make this happen. Please do not deprive the many taxpayers in our league in order to accommodate the wishes of one. We need to resolve this issue as soon as possible. We would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss this if necessary. Thank you very much for your attention on this matter. Sincerely, Burlingame Girls Softball Board of Directions by:/ Bill Flelman, President Ray Gier, Vice President Suzette Tolifson, Secretary Kevin Hicks, Treasurer Anne Nannini, Funds Director Nancy Walsh, Player Agent Merry Ann Loukianoff, Player Agent Theone Cini, Player Agent CC: Mr. Don Roberts Mr. John Williams Mr. Rich Quadri Burlingame Recreation. Departinent 850 Burlingame Avenue Burlingame, California 94010-3997 Telephone (415) 696-3770 • (415) 696-7216 Fax September 22, 1995 Mr. Bill Heiman, President Burlingame Girls Softball P. O. Box 4234 Burlingame, CA 94010 Dear Bill: City staff and the Park and Recreation Commission are concerned about the early starting date wluch your league has been scheduling. As you are probably aware, both BYBA and City adult softball opening dates have been pushed back to April 1 to give the Park Department a chance to get fields into good shape for the season; to minimize rain -outs and make -ups; and to lessen the chance of players playing under dangerous field conditions. We would like your league to adhere to that same schedule. We understand that there are issues around spring vacation schedule each year and weekends slide forward and back each year. Your goal should be to try and liit April I --we can work together on exact dates. Last night the Park and Recreation Commission indicated that you are welcome to attend the Thursday, October 19 meeting of the Commission if you would like to discuss the matter with the Commission. You are, of course always welcome to call Rich Quadri, Mike Ciardella or myself at any time, as well. Please let me know if you would like to be on the October 19 Commission agenda by October 11. Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation. Sincerely, John . Williams Director of Recreation cc: Rich Quadri Mike Ciardella cl;ltillll��21111C �Zcc�-r2l#iau �c�2tl:#tuett# S50 BURLINGAME AVENUE April 15, 1995 BURLINGAME. CALIFORNIA 94010-2858 (415) 344-6386 Bill Heiman, President Burlingame Girls Softball P. O. Box 4234 Burlingame, CA 94010 Dear Bill: Following our recent discussions regarding Sunday afternoon make-up games at Ray Park, 1 contacted Ray Wagner for more clarification. Ray confirmed what several others had told me. He said that it was agreed by all parties - City staff, neighbors, Park would anon edummissionled at and Girls Softball representatives - that only afternoon make-up games Park; that only one game at a time would be scheduled; and that all Sunday afternoon games would be played on the diamond furthest from the street. Hopefully, only minimal make -ups will be required during the remaining foul onef the field season, but you should make plans to follow the agreed -upon procedures - afternoon, game, furthest from the street. You may need to review your "automatic" make-up procedures, as well. I am sorry that this piece got missed last tall when we talked about the 1995 season, but I will make sure that my file is complete for next year. I appreciate each week as soonoasrn making you know tthat his change in your procedures. Please do continue to call me there are makeups to be scheduled, so that I can alert the neighbors in a timely manner. Sincerely, Joh(r,VV. Williams Director of Recreation cc: Suzette Tolifson, Secretary Park R Iecreation Commission Paul Wetzel Rich Quadri Mike Ciardella i March 23, 1994 i Ray Wagner Burl. Park and Recrea Lion Burl ingame Ave. Burlingame, California j Dear Ray, We had a board meeting last night, March 22, 1994 and Hie discussed at length the issue of Sunday play at Ray Park. ['n► sure you re►ti►ember all the discussions and concessions Burlingame Girls Softball made last )ear. We have fulfilled all the agreements that we made with the neighbors last year. When you and I spoke at the beginning of the year we discussed "IimiLed" use of Ray Park on Sundays. Limited meaning after 12:00 noon games o►► the south field. away from the neighbors. [his would usuaO y involve one game but occaionally, because of rain outs or any other u►►forseen scheduling problem.>, more. This was agreeable at the time but now it seems the neighbors want. MORE control of our program which we as a board can noi: go along with. the board decided that the league will abide by the ljail i.eil use of one game, or more, if rescheduling or rain outs are necessar•yj We will -also limit our play to the south field away from the neighbors, �le have also gotten permission to use the Lincoln parking lot for these cla sso thc3 parking will be kept at a minimum. Instead of anticipating problem beforn, they happen we would like to try this plan and agree to promptly/ meet if aIl,Y p►"0111ems do arise. Since none agreements of can predict what next year will bring-wei can only connni 1, to which involve this year's league and Board kf Diredtors. I hope this is me if you have that you think agreeable to all parties involved. Qle0se feel free i.o call any further questions. Also please 4iirect any neighbor calls 1 should handle to me. , Sincerely, Pat :ricia Bowling President &E-n -, ,vaT r n r A d 0 Burlingame Recreation. Department 850 Burlingame Avenue Burlingame, California 94010-3997 Telephone (415) 696-3770 • (415) 696-7216 Fax MEETING NOTICE October 17, 1995 TO: Ray Park Neighbors FROM: John Williams, Director of Recreation SUBJECT: Girls Softball Use of Ray Park On Thursday night, October 19, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room #A, the Park and Recreation Commission will consider three issues related to the Girls Softball League use of Ray Park next spring: 1. City staff is requesting that the League not start league play until approximately April 1 each year. This two week delay will enable the Park Department to prepare fields better for the season; provide safer playing conditions; and reduce the amount of Sunday rain makeup games each year. 2. City staff is proposing that only two games at a time (4 games per day total) be allowed at Ray Park on Sundays between 12: 30 and 5: 30 p.m. when makeup games are required. (Hopefully, less Sunday rain makeups will be required if league games start later in the season.) 3. The League is requesting permission to hold its Opening Day ceremonies at Ray Park. City staff is recommending that ceremonies be permitted only if begun after 10:00 a.m. on the first Saturday of league play. These items are scheduled to be considered by the Commission in the first part of the meeting, at 7:30 p.m. All interested persons are welcome to attend this public meeting. If you wish to make written comments to the Commission, you should get those written comments to me before 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 19 so that they can be copied for Commissioners. Comments should be delivered to me at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue. BURLINGAME RECREA1ION DEPARTMENT Collection Report October 1995 '95-'96 '94-'95 '93-'94 COLL. YTD COLL. YTD COLL. YTD Ke Pro ram 4 MONTHS 4 MONTHS $0.00 4 MONTHS $0.00 00 Rec. Admin. $0.00 10 Advertisin 767.00 716.00 450.00 12 Tickets/Books il 17,496.86 5,422.55 7,478.95 13 Bld . Rental 10,110.50 5,598.550 14 Miscellaneous 3,847.61 2,536.24 2,919.88 16 Park Permit 150.00 750.00 675.00 405.00 1 7 iSchool Dist. 0.00 8,482.00 2,325.00 0.00 20 ISr.Lunch 1,075.50 4,618.37 5,340.90 4,375.45 21 ISr. Trips 0.00 11.00 660.62 273.30 30 Pre-school 302.00 23,805.00 19,813.90 19,605.18 40 IMUSic 41.00 5,471.00 3,685.50 3,554.00 42 1 Dance Classes 682.00 7,631.00 6,508.54 6,739.75 43 Art Sales 198.00 274.00 432.03 430.90 44 jAdult Art 2,595.50 17,320.58 14,708.60 17,624.00 45 Culinary 853.00 3,407.50 1,754.62 2,078.00 46 Child Art 310.00 7,806.00 4,330.00 6,298.50 47 Art Misc. 0.00 1,049.00 82.00 114.00 50 Art in Park 0.00 311.00 1.59 0.36 31 Music -Park 0.00 106.00 0.00 0.00 52 Tree Light 0.00 43.00 0.00 0.00 60 S . Int. Classes 3,228.50 29,972.75 27,496.77 22,805.08 61 Fitness 1,560.25 19,617.81 17,104.67 17,559.15 62 Boatin /Bailin 0.00 586.00 1,489.05 1,086.60 63 Skatin 74.00 1,497.00 3,063.31 2,153.10 70 Youth Cams 668.00 12,902.00 10,332.23 11,502.77 71 Youth Trips 0.00 2,893.00 5,945.58 ,.0 72 Athl. Camps 2,838.00 28,717.50 14,295.46 10,04747.80 80 Elem. Sports 160.00 160.00 6,586.00 7,288.00 81 Jr. Sports 5,851.00 7,146.00 7,140.00 7,070.00 82 Tennis 653.00 13,249.00 11,427.63 11 ,107.00 83 Swimming 0.00 8,915.05 8,670.49 8,605.10 84 Golf 312.00 3,850.00 1,716.94 2,487.24 85 Misc. Sports 0.00 503.00 3,063.31 2,153.10 86 Mart. Arts 1 2.00 3,389.00 2,657.63 1,950.00 87 Softball 550.00 33,935.00 41,775.00 38,801.85 88 Basketball 0.00 3,911.00 3,605.00 3,742.00 89 Volleyball 820.00 4,979.50 3,474.45 2,535.40 90 Field Lights 328.00 1,590.76 1,197.00 1,587.75 91 Field Permit 0.00 1,114.00 1,430.00 1,285.00 92 Tennis Court 628.00 1,22U.QQ 620.00 1 050.00 Totals $29,657.44 $293,463.79 $249,682.11 $233,897.41 Less Refunds 2 066.39 11 892.89 6,875.25 6 295.00 $242,806.86 $227,602.41 Net $27,591.05 $281,570.90