HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1995.10.19MINUTES Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission Thursday, October 19, 1995 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Don Roberts at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Henderson, Kelly, Larios, Nilmeyer, Nyhan, Pera, Roberts Commissioners Absent: Youth Advisory Commissioners Grijalva, Mau Staff Present: Directors Quadri and Williams, Recreation Supervisor Mike Ciardella Guests Present: Theone Cini, 181 Valde Flores Drive Tracy DeLeuw, 1104 Cabrillo Avenue Ray Gier, 709 Norfolk Street, San Mateo Bill Helman, 305 Concord Way Kevin Hicks, 2404 Easton Avenue Marti Knight, 455 Chatham Road Don Lembi, 229 Bloomfield Road Merry Ann Loukianoff, 1132 Palm Drive Anne Nannini, 1555 Alturas Drive Nancy Walsh, 1204 Mills Avenue MINUTES The minutes of the September 21, 1995 meeting of the Commission were corrected to note that Recreation Manager Randy Schwartz was NOT in attendance at the September 21 meeting. The minutes were approved, as corrected. OLD BUSINESS Girls Softball League Use of Ray Park. Recreation Director Williams discussed the issues involved with Girls Softball use of Ray Park. The Commission had earlier received copies of four (4) written letters, two from Williams and two from League representatives, and a written staff report from Williams. A letter received 10/19/95 from Ray Park neighbor Sarah O'Connor, 1556 Balboa Way, Burlingame was presented to the Commission. Williams indicated that he had received a phone call from park neighbor Paul Wetzel, 1544 Balboa Way, stating his opposition to any changes in the League -neighborhood agreement from 1994. Commissioner Henderson stated that she had been contacted by at least one park neighbor concerned about noise and trash generated by the League. Staff recommended that the starting date for league games be moved back to April 1 each year; that Sunday makeup games be limited to two per time (four per day) between the hours of 12:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.; and that the League be permitted to hold Opening Day ceremonies at Ray Park if public address and music were not started until after 10:00 a.m. Park Director Quadri discussed the history of girls league play at Ray Park and he and Recreation Supervisor Mike Ciardella discussed field scheduling and park concerns. League President Bill Helman addressed the Commission regarding starting date, Sunday makeup games and the League's opening day. The League wishes to start league play on Saturday, March 16. The League has eight weeks of play and takes the week before Easter off. League play begins play in mid -March and ends before Memorial Day. If the starting date has to be moved back, the league may not be able to operate in 1996. Don Lembi spoke about the history of the League and noted that girls softball has minimal impact on turfgrass and on the park. The League has garbage patrols and supervises parking. Lembi stated that most of the Ray Park neighbors are not strongly concerned about the League's play. Lembi suggested that Lincoln School be asked to open the school playground for parking on Opening Day. Tracy DeLeuw, former League President, spoke to the Commission regarding the League's history and the League's efforts to work with the City and protect the field. Quadri noted that girls do not damage the fields. The Park Department is concerned that it cannot get all of the fields in the City ready for play by girls, boys and adult programs during normal years with normal Bay Area rainfall. He further noted that infield material may not be in place by mid -March. Ray Gier, League Vice President, emphasized the League's insistence on playing only when field conditions are safe. Bill Helman stated that the umpires are the program's third fail safe, after the Park Department and the League officials. Umpires call -off games when conditions are not safe. Kevin Hicks asked that the Commission consider the use of City Parks and the reason why parks exist --for public use. Don Lembi asked if infield mix could be put in place this fall, before winter rains begin. Quadri commented that he believed that, given the Ray Park drainage design, the mix would probably all wash into Balboa Way during the winter rains. 2 Commissioner Pera asked League officials for clarification of post season softball tournaments and player participation. He also noted that the 1996 intermediate school 6th grade girls basketball leagues would continue through the month of March. He is concerned that intermediate school age girls not be pressured to short-change their school teams in order to play softball. Heiman stated that 20-25% of League participants played in several summer tournaments. He described the tournament schedule. Girls who do not qualify for tournament teams are finished with play prior to Memorial Day each year. The League is familiar with the new intermediate school league schedule and understands that there will be conflicts with basketball. Commissioner Nilmeyer asked about the use of Ray Park on an annual basis. It was noted that girls softball practice and play goes from February into August. There are not many other organized uses of Ray Park during the year in the evenings and on Saturday. Heiman explained how the League scheduled makeups. There is an automatic system in place so that players, coaches and parents know when makeups will occur as soon as a game is rained -out or cancelled. Commissioner Larios noted that park improvements have improved neighborhood property values and that Girls Softball League use has displaced other undesirable uses of the park, for example, young adult baseball players with beer bottles, noise, etc. Larios also asked if the League could schedule in open time for makeups during one week of the schedule. Heiman stated that the League tried to schedule spring vacation games differently, so as to consider parochial and private school participants, but there were numerous problems and forfeits. The League feels it must schedule the public school vacation week as its spring break week. Merry Ann Loukianoff stated that the younger girls 10 and under did lose some games during the 1995 season that were not made-up. Heiman explained the difficulties the League experiences in using auxiliary fields. He stated that the League can play at fields other than Ray park, but that logistics are difficult. Commissioner Nyhan asked for clarification on timing and scheduling of league games. Heiman indicated that weekday evening games are scheduled at 4:30 p.m. during Standard Time, but starting times are pushed back to 5:00 p.m. after Daylight Savings Time starts. The oldest girls play a 1:45 time limit for league games. Saturday schedules include 10 games starting at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. Time limits are two hours long. Two mini games are also played each Saturday. c Commissioners and League representatives discussed the possibility of playing six makeup games on Sundays, when required, between the hours of 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. as suggested by staff. Opening Day issues were also discussed. Helman stated that the League could conduct Opening Day ceremonies following the first game of the day, but no earlier than 10:00 a.m., as recommended by staff. Commissioner Henderson stated that there were neighborhood concerns about parking and trash. Quadri noted that the League now does a good job of cleaning -up the park after League activities. Complaints received by his Department usually relate to trash blown or dropped into neighbor's yards during softball play. Helman stated that the League is working hard each year with participants on parking and trash. Parking problems are often caused by persons parking unsafely on street corners. Tracy DeLeuw and Quadri both noted that painting corner curbs red should help circulation safety. Quadri will look into this. Commissioner Henderson asked about the use of Franklin Field. Was there an agreement that the League would use Franklin Field upon the completion of field renovation? Quadri stated that the League and neighbors had agreed that the league would only be required to use Franklin Field if the League grew over 300 girls. The league has not grown over 300 to date. The Commission made the following recommendations on this matter: a. Moved by Commissioner Pera, seconded by Commissioner Kelly, and unanimously approved to recommend that the Girls Softball League be permitted to conduct Opening Day ceremonies at Ray Park only if ceremonies be begun after 10: 00 a.m. in the morning. Parking to be encouraged inside the Lincoln School grounds and music and public address activity to be located only near the school buildings. b. Moved by Commissioner Pera, seconded by Commissioner Nilmeyer, and unanimously approved to recommend that when Sunday makeup games are required, a maximum of two games at a time should be permitted only between the hours of 12: 30 and 5: 30 p.m. The Recreation Department to be advised when Sunday makeup games are required so that neighbors can be informed. C. Moved by Commissioner Larios, seconded by Commissioner Kelly, and unanimously approved that the Girls Softball League be permitted to start league games no earlier than the second week of March each year. Chairman Roberts asked that the record show that it was NOT the wish of the Commission to increase the number of games or to expand the season, simply to avoid more makeup games. 0 2. Recreation Center Masterplan. Commissioners continued discussion of the Recreation Center Masterplan as proposed by staff and Architect Steve Nielsen in July. Chairman Roberts reported on his inspection tour of the Recreation Center, Lions Club Hall and Park department Corporation Yard. Roberts concurred with staff and said that he did not believe that a quality Teen Center could or should be included in the Recreation Center, given the Center's location, layout and heavy year-round program schedule. Roberts stated his continued interest in the development of an attractive, quality teen center that could serve the community's youth. He stated his belief that the current Park Corporation yard could be a good location for a teen center and suggested that Commission and staff look for ways to find a new location for the Corporation Yard. Director Quadri stated that he supports any actions which reduces buildings and work activity in an already overcrowded Washington Park. Larios stated that he would support the proposed masterplan if Commission and staff remained dedicated to finding a good location for a teen facility that would serve the needs of teens. It was moved by Commissioner Pera, seconded by Commissioner Henderson, and unanimously approved to recommend approval of the proposed Recreation Center Masterplan, as presented. 3. Washington Park Tennis Court "Bumps. Director Williams stated that there are no new developments in the lawsuit which the City has filed re this matter. Chairman Roberts requested that Williams ask the City Attorney for the Case Number so that he and Commissioner Kelly could keep themselves informed on this matter. Other issues regarding Washington Park Tennis Courts have been put over to the November Commission meeting. 2. Teen Pro rg ams. Director Williams reported that organized classes, leagues and activities have started for the fall season. There was no further teen news to report at this time. Commissioners asked that staff continue to include a Teen Program Report on each monthly agenda. Commissioners asked that a new teen survey be placed in the next edition of the recreation Department brochure. Staff will bring a draft of the survey form before the Commission in November. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to come before the Commission. 1 REPORTS 1. Park Director. Director Quadri reported that: a. Design work is beginning on Victoria Park playground renovation. Chairman Roberts appointed Commissioners Henderson and Nyhan to serve on the advisory committee for this project. b. Quadri reported that discussions are underway regarding the J Parking Lot playground. There are several options for redoing that playground and some consideration is being given to the idea of a tot lot behind the Post Office building. Quadri expressed his concerns regarding J Lot Playground safety. Commissioner Henderson stated that the J Lot could be smaller and better designed with the types of new equipment now available. C. New tot swings will be installed at Village Park soon. 2. Recreation Director. Director Williams reported that: a. Fall classes are underway and the new registration processes appear to have been well received. b. The annual Holiday Tree Lighting and Burlingame Avenue Open House will be held on a new date this year --the first Friday evening in December, NOT the day after Thanksgiving. C. The Burlingame High small gymnasium floor has recently been refinished. The High School District has been reimbursed $10,000 from the Recreation Department budget for the work, in recognition of the heavy community use that high school facilities receive each year. 3. Commissioners. a. Commissioner Kelly reported that he has been looking for teen center locations in the City. Kelly also asked Quadri about development status at Cuernavaca Park. Quadri gave some of the history of the development of that park. Commissioner Larios complimented Recreation Supervisor Ciardella on the Wednesday night open gym program. Many young people are participating. C. Chairman Roberts asked that the discussion of teen center site locations be placed on the agenda for the November Commission meeting. He asked that Commissioners think about possible site locations in Burlingame. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC 1. Marti Knight expressed a concern about developing unrealistic expectations in the proposed teen survey. It was agreed that questionnaire wording should be monitored closely to avoid that problem. 2. Recreation Supervisor Ciardella addressed the Commission regarding his concerns about younger players participating in highly competitive league and tournament settings. He has observed a dramatic overall increase in pressure to perform being put upon children at younger and younger ages. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Roberts at 10:10 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, q1t-'4- tt Jo W. Williams Director of Recreation