HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1995.11.16MINUTES Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission Thursday, November 16, 1995 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Don Roberts at 7:32 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Henderson, Kelly, Larios, Nilmeyer, Nyhan, Pera, Roberts Commissioners Absent: Youth Advisory Commissioners Grijalva, Mau Staff Present: Directors Quadri and Williams Guests Present: Bill Smith, City Tennis Contractor, 1100 Cabrillo, Burlingame MINUTES The minutes of the October 19, 1995 meeting of the Commission were approved, as submitted. OLD BUSINESS City Tennis Program. City Tennis Contractor Bill Smith reviewed the tennis program with the Commission. He discussed lesson programs and ways to monitor the length of play during busy court use periods. Smith, Commissioners and staff agreed to continue seeking out ways to make the courts more user-friendly and minimize the monopoly of court time by players or groups of players. Commissioners complimented Smith on the quality and variety of the tennis programs being offered through the Recreation Department. 2. Washinaton Park Tennis Court 'Bumps." Director Williams reported that staff has submitted a current map of bumps on the courts for use by the City Attorney. Only three new bumps have been identified during the past eight months and some bumps either have disappeared or become smaller. Staff anticipates that more bumps will emerge or "reemerge" when winter rains return. 3. Teen Issues and Prop -rams. Commissioners and staff expressed concern about the absence of both Youth Advisory Commissioners for the second meeting in a row. The Commission reviewed and approved a draft teen interest survey for the next edition of the Recreation Department Program Brochure. The Commission discussed the concept of utilizing the current Park Department Corporation Yard site as a teen center. Several Commissioners had visited the site and were optimistic about siting a teen center in that location. Quadri indicated his willingness to relocate the Park Department Yard if a new suitable location could be found. There was discussion regarding the type of site required for a corp yard and costs involved in making a change. The Commission also discussed alternatives for developing and promoting programs for teens. It was noted that the Recreation Department staff has no one assigned to teen programs. Which comes first? Programs for teens? Or a facility that could house teen programs? Teen programs seldom generate revenue and the Recreation Department has been organized so that revenues currently cover over 60% of the department operating budget. Commissioners also reviewed the new "Teen Scene" publication produced by the City of Millbrae. Commissioners and staff were unanimously in favor of some similar publication which could be distributed in Burlingame. Commissioners and staff discussed the possibilities for a dedicated Teen Coordinator within the Recreation Department. Williams indicated that he felt that a strong 1/2 time coordinator could make a good start on developing teen programs and providing a visible presence in the community, much as the Police Department is now doing with its onsite police presence. Williams did not believe that such a position could be carved -out of the existing budget. He will prepare the 1996-97 budget under guidelines from the City Manager that are anticipated to be as tight as those in recent years. �— It was the consensus of the Commission to request that staff come back with a proposal to develop a new Teen Coordinator position within the Recreation Department for the 1996-97 budget. Commissioners will discuss that proposal during the budget review process. NEW BUSINESS Franklin Field Maintenance. There was considerable discussion from Commissioners and staff about the current maintenance issues at Franklin Field. Quadri distributed copies of a letter from the field architect to the maintenance company and a copy of the agreement between the City and School District to develop and operate the field. It was noted that the School District is solely responsible for the maintenance of the field, but there is a budget within the Park Department for the City to pay 60% of the field maintenance costs. Two meetings about maintenance of the field are scheduled for Monday, November 20 and Quadri will send a report to the Commissioners following those meetings. 2. Cancellation of the December 21 Commission Meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Nilmeyer, seconded by Commissioner Kelly and approved 7- 0 to cancel the regular December meeting of the Commission due to its proximity to the Christmas holiday. The next meeting of the Commission will be January 18, 1996. REPORTS 1. Park Director. No further reports. Recreation Director. Director Williams reported that: a. Fall classes and programs are now winding down for the holidays. b. The annual Holiday Tree Lighting and Burlingame Avenue Open House will be held on Friday night, December 1. C. The Spring Recreation Program Brochure will be going to press next week. Commissioners. a. Commissioner Henderson complimented Recreation Supervisor Tricia Pinney for her efforts in organizing the after school science program at Lincoln School. b. Commissioner Larios complimented the Park Department on the appearance of Washington Park and the Group Picnic Area. C. Chairman Roberts asked Quadri about the severity of dog defecation problems in the parks. Quadri indicated that there is an ongoing problem in all parks. Although some residents carefully clean-up after their dogs, many persons make no attempt to do so. Roberts asked that Quadri come back to the Commission with a review of some of the systems now available for dog clean-up in parks. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC There were no comments from the public. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Roberts at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Joh Williams Dir ctor of Recreation