HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1996.10.17MINUTES Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission Thursday, October 17, 1996 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission was called'to order by Chairman Don Roberts at 7:33 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Cretan, Larios, Nilmeyer, Nyhan, Pera, Piccetti, Roberts Commissioners Absent: Dougherty, Kelly Staff Present: Recreation Superintendent Schwartz Guests Present: Sue Webber, 1429 Benito Ave., Burlingame Dan Kaplan, 400 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame Sally Gettel, 2709 Hillside Dr., Burlingame MINUTES The minutes of the September 19, 1996 meeting were approved as presented. OLD BUSINESS A. Teen Program Issues & Teen Center 1. Approximately 400 Teen Program interest surveys have been turned in from parents and students at BIS, BHS, and Mercy High School. The results will be compiled for the next Commission meeting. 2. Staff announced that the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Committee on teen issues will hold its first meeting in Room 10 at BHS on Tuesday, October 22nd, at 12:00 noon. B. Report on Status of Washington Park Tennis Court "Bumps" Staff reported that the court date in October has been cancelled and mediation is set for November. C. BIS Athletic Field Project Staff reported that work has begun on the project with the goal being to have the field ready for September, 1997. D. Victoria Park Playground Project Staff reported that the equipment has been installed, sand has been delivered, and the Contractors are in the process of installing the irrigation in the new planting areas. Commissioner Nyhan has visited the park and reported that the parents and children using the new equipment loved it. Staff was unable to report on the progress of the basketball court, but will report back to the Commission. E. Ray Park Court Resurfacing Project Staff reported that, according to the Public Works Dept., the project was due to be com- pleted on 10/16/96. The next steps will be striping and placement of basketball posts. F. Franklin Field Status Director Williams had sent a memo to each Commissioner regarding the status of Franklin Field. Since the field opened for play, there have been problems keeping the field watered uniformly. The architectural firm of Callander and Associates has worked with the contractor, Environmental Care, to develop a solution. The three areas Director Williams highlighted were: 1) The field irrigation system was not designed to proper stan- dards, 2) The sprinkler heads did not perform satisfactorily and were pulled off the market, and 3) An inadequate effort from the maintenance contractor. The memo also lists steps planned to repair the field. Commissioner Pera mentioned that West School had similar planning problems with Callander. Dan Kaplan, from AYSO, asked about having the City take over the field's maintenance while pointing out the current over and under watering problems. Sue Webber described the uneven watering and an Injury caused by a sprinkler head that was too high. Chairman Roberts suggested that, with the joining of the departments, it might be time to re-examine taking over the field's maintenance. It was further suggested that this item be placed on the November agenda under Old Business and Mr. Callander be invited to address the Commission about "School Standards" and the newly started BIS project. Commissioner Larios suggested looking at Mercy High's use of the field. Chairman Roberts asked for a meeting at the field with the architect, contractor, City star Commission representatives, Mr. Kaplan, and school personnel in the upcoming week. NEW BUSINESS A. BIS Athletic Program Chairman Roberts relayed a past concern of Commissioner Kelly regarding the preparation of the BIS coaches. He also loaned staff two coaching manuals used by AYSO. Staff reported that each of the current BID coaches has been given a coaches handbook, developed by school and City staff prior to the start of the current season. Staff will mail each Commissioner a copy with the minutes. A discussion ensued as to the City/School joint adinunistration of the teams and the League's involvement. REPORTS A. Parks Division 1. The Easton Library landscape project should be completed by November. 2. Fall tree planting has started. The tree crew will plant over 100 street trees throughout the City this fall. B. Recreation Division 1. The Community Picnic went smoothly and was well attended. 2. The youth sub -group of Burlingame Together, Teens Working Together (T.W.T.) con- ducted a picnic for high school students last Sunday in Washington Park. Approximately 120 students attended and the youth did an excellent job of organizing the event. 3. Another Burlingame Together group, S.A.Y. (Seniors and Youth), is hoping to begin a computer class by early November. Using the high school computer labs after school, the students will teach senior citizens on a one-to-one basis. 4. Staff was approached by Bill Cox, from the First Baptist Church (on Palm Drive), regard- ing teen problems. The church may have a facility available for teen activities. A meeting to discuss some possible ideas was scheduled for next week. , C. Commissioners 1. Commissioner Pera asked about the windscreens on the backstop at Bayside Park. Staff responded that the screens will be tried during the leagues next spring. 2. Commissioner Nyhan reported that a new memorial tree was planted in his mother's honor and wished to convey his appreciation to the Parks Division. 3. Commissioner Larios reported that the BHS swimming pool has been condemned and asked if the City's plans for an aquatics center from ten years ago could be re-examined. Staff stated that the City is aware of the problem, has been in contact with the District and will have report for the November meeting. Chairman Roberts asked to have the pool placed on the November agenda under Old Business. 4. Commissioner Cretan asked why the BIS tennis courts are in such poor condition. Staff Staff answered that the courts are District property and the District has not chosen that as a joint City/District project. Staff suggested the court project be placed on the priority Est in November. 5. Commissioner Piccetti asked about the meeting regarding Cuernavaca Park and doesn't �- want the issue to be forgotten. Staff reported that Director Williams was trying to contact the neighbors to arrange such a meeting. This item will also be placed on the November agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT None. ADJOURNMENT With no further business pending, the meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Randy Schwartz Recreation Superintendent