HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - PR - 1997.10.16BURLINGAME PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION 7:30 P.M., Thursday, October 16, 1997 Conference Room A, City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame 1. Roll Call N� Kelly, Larios, Nilmeyer, Nyhan, Pera, Piccetti, Roberts 2. Approval of Minutes - Approve the minutes of the September 18, 1997, Regular Meeting 3. Public Comments This is the opportunityfor members of the public to address the Commission regarding items nor otherwise on the agenda. 4. Old Business A. Review Priority for Renovation of Alpine, Laguna & Trenton Tot Lots B. Report and Discussion on Cuernavaca Park Picnic Use Concerns C. Staff reports on Outstanding Issues re Ray Park Neighbor Concerns D. Report on Council Action re Bayside Park Soccer & Baseball/Softball Lights E. Status of BHS Running Track and Aquatic Center Projects F. Recommendation re Commission Youth Advisory Members 5. New Business 6. Reports A. Capital Improvement Projects Status 1) Recreation Center Remodel 2) Bayside Park Golf Range & Soccer Field 3) Paloma Park Playground Rehabilitation 4) Washington Park West Entrance & Restroom Rehabilitation B. Parks Division C. Recreation Division D. Monthly Revenue Report 7. Adjournment Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, November 20, 1997 CITY OF BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM October 9, 1997 TO: Park & Recreation Commission FROM: Parks & Recreation Director SUBJECT: Rehab Priorities for Tot Lots and ark Playgrounds Recommendation. It is recommended that the Commission, after hearing neighbor concerns and staff input regarding priorities for rehab of City tot lots and playgrounds, decide whether to: • prioritize future rehab projects at this time; • wait until the budget discussions in Spring, 1998 to prioritize; • ask the Playground Committee to make recommendations to the Commission at a future time; or • make some other recommendation on this matter. Background. In 1995, a landscape contractor was hired to design masterplans for three of the City tot lots that need to be rehabilitated in order to meet safety standards and ADA requirements. All five City tot lots are also unattractive and need to be spruced -up, relandscaped, etc. The three areas that were selected for attention first were Alpine, Paloma and J-Lot. All areas need attention as soon as possible, but staff believes that Alpine and Paloma are used the most and they are also located the farthest from any other City playground. J-Lot was included because we received direction from the Planning and Public Works Departments to be prepared to move ahead on that project as part of the Burlingame Avenue streetscape improvements being funded by parking fee increases. The Burlingame Lions Club will contribute $5,000 per year for three years in support of the three tot lots constructed by the club many years ago (Alpine, Paloma, Trenton). During the course of working with the landscape architect, the Playground Committee decided that it felt that the Paloma Tot Lot should be the number one priority for redevelopment. I believe that the group made that decision based upon the appearance of the park, the location of the park, and the drainage problems at Paloma caused by the layer of asphalt just under the sand. Commissioners Nyhan and Picetti may have additional input as to the thinking behind that decision. I concurred with the recommendation by the Committee. Parks Supervisor Disco and I advised the Commission of the priority for rehab projects at the �-- Commission's June 19, 1997 meeting. At your Commission's July 17, 1997 meeting, the project architect presented plans and discussed the projects. Staff and Commissioners Nyhan and Picetti discussed the process and some of the thinking by the Playground Committee. The Commission unanimously recommended approval of the three proposed tot lot masterplans. Work on final plans and specifications for Paloma and J-Lot was begun immediately thereafter. Final plans and specifications are now being reviewed and finalized. I anticipate we will go to bid on the Paloma project within 60 days. Allowing another 60-90 days for bid award and project mobilization should give us a construction start in March or April, weather permitting. The J-Lot plans will be placed on hold, pending direction and funding from Public Works. I anticipate that $100,000 will again be budgeted for park projects in the 1998-99 budget. My plan, unless the Commission and City Council wish to proceed differently, is to find funds next spring to develop the plans and specifications for Alpine Park. We can then to be ready to begin the bid process for the Alpine Tot Lot in July, 1998, with late summer and fall construction to follow. An additional $5,000 is promised from the Lions Club in FY `98-99. The Alpine and Paloma projects should both be completed during next year's building season. At this time we have no plans or budgets to proceed with either design or construction for the rehab of Laguna Tot Lot, Trenton Tot Lot or the three City parks that currently meet the playground safety standards, but not the ADA standards (Cuernavaca, Pershing and Washington Parks). We anticipate that each tot lot rehab will cost between $50,000 and $70,000 and we have no budget figures for the three park playgrounds. It does not appear that any of these five projects can occur before FY `99-00, unless funding is secured from some new source. Attachment: Letter from Marianne Saucedo cc: Marianne Saucedo Carolyn Burri RECEIVED October 3, 1997 OCT g 1997 Park and Recreation Commission CMY CLEF501 Primrose Road CRY OFFSUpU�,+ Burlingame, CA 94010 Dear Park and Recreation Commissioners, This is a follow up letter to my public comment September 16th regarding Alpine Park. I called Mr. Williams a few days after the meeting, and asked him why Paloma Park was recommended over Alpine Park for equipment replacement, and his answer was, he thought it was an uglier park. My comment was, it may be but, Alpine is less functional for the needs of the children in the Burlingame Gardens neighborhood. The equipment is geared for toddlers, and the only thing for older kids to play on are the swings. Another issue is the distance of the next closest park. Alpine has Washington Park 2 a mile away and Paloma has McKinley School 2 blocks away. Our children, daycares, and families rely on Alpine as our neighborhood park and to wait until December 1998 is too long for a new park. We want you to know we also care about our property values on the east side and deserve nice looking parks like the ones west of California Drive. It's time the Park and Rec, City Council, and City Manager pay some attention to our neighborhood. Can you please ask for more money for the 98/99 budget so all the other parks in need of new playground equipment can be completed? It's not fair to pit one neighboorhood against another. Burlingame is a wealthly financial city, so lets make our parks a safer and fun place to play. If possible could you please put Alpine Park first on the adgenda for the October 16th meeting because children and parents will be attending. Call me if you have and comments or questions my number is 347-3112. f Thank you, Marianne Saucedo on behalf of the Burlingame Gardens Neighborhood cc: City Manager, City Council, Bud Mary Janey Marty Knight Rosalie O'Mahony Mike Spinelli Dennis Argyres Harrison 4 4 CITY OF BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT October 9, 1997 TO: Park & Recreation Commission FROM: Park & Recreation Director I r, SUBJECT: Cuernavaca Park Use Issues Recommendation. It is recommended that the Commission review Ms. Musante's letter and the staff report, listen to any public comments, discuss the matter and decide whether any changes in the park use regulations should be proposed. Background.' Commission and staff have discussed the issues of Cuernavaca Park use, layout and the design of park facilities in recent months. Staff and neighbors conducted a neighborhood meeting in the area; staff and the park architect conducted a public meeting to review proposed park changes; and several mailings have been sent to park neighbors. Three neighborhood families have appeared before your Commission within the past year. To date the following actions have been taken by Parks staff and Police: • Pooper scooper dispenser has been installed. • One basketball rim has been removed at the park, other backstops are being removed. • A floodlight was installed on the park restroom building. • Police have been encouraged to increase patrols. • A new park masterplan has been developed, it includes razing existing shade structure. • Four new park use regulations were placed in the Municipal Code (attached). • Callers are now advised about park restrictions • Park signs with the new rules were prepared and installed in the park. • The Police Department has agreed to enforce the new park rules. Parks & Recreation Department staff believes the above actions will have an impact on reducing use problems at Cuernavaca Park. Razing the existing shade structure and redeveloping the park will probably be most important in reducing large group use. We believe that the changes made to date should stay in place for one full season so that we can analyze any changes in use during or after next summer. Completely redeveloping the park, as proposed in the recently approved masterplan, will cost approximately $123,000. Presently, there is no budget for this project. Attachments: Letter from Ms. Musante JW letter to Ms. Musante �.. Copy of new park regulations JANIS R. MUSANTE ATTORNEY AT LAW 1665 HUNT DRIVE BURLINGAME, CA. 940713 (415) 692-9666 FAX: 692-7317 E-Mail kazoot ®Pacbell.net September 27, 19+7 John Williams, Director Park and Recreation 850 Burlingame Avenue Burlingame, CA. 94010-2899 RE: Municipal Code Chapter 16.55, Section 030 Dear John: As you know, the Burlingame Police Department has chosen to interpret the above -referenced law to maan that there can be pore than one group of fifteen persons gathering in the group picnic area without specific permission from ta.rk and Rec. obviously, this was never the intent of the legislation. In the last two weeks, we have had in excess of thirty people using the picnic areas, one group brought in their own tables and chairs. The other was a PTA group from two diff-rent elementary schools. The week before involved a one year old b.,rthday party, and another group having nothing to do with the birthday party. The other group clearly was in excess of fifteen, but there was nothing we could do about it given the refusal of the dispatcher to send anyone. She told my neighbor that there could be 150 peor;.e i.n,t.he park as long as each "party" did not exceed fifteen. In essence„ the police have interpreted "group" to mean individual groups, and not an aggregate number of people. I think this :is a g%od indication of how much cooperation we TqF.y exoect to receive. I do not agree with Burlingame P.D.':, interpretation at all. A group may consist of one or more partieu, but, I have no control over the dispatchers, and it is the dispatcher who is making this judgment call. I suggest that you move for ratification by the City Council that the word "group" includes but is not: limited to one or more parties, and that new signs be made t-a read that no more t;1;,n, fifteen persons total regardless of the number of "part.ins" nay gather and/or use the picnic area without specific writtern permission from Park and Rec. I also suggest you talk to Chief Missel and find out why his weekend dispatchers are choosing to find ways to avoid sending out officers no enforce the law. Page Two Letter to John Williams September 27, 1997 I do hope that everything is going as we!.]- for you and your wife as can be expected under the circumstances. Believe me, I do know first-hand what you are going through. :I:f there is anything Ray or I can do for either of you, please do nct hesitate to contact us. Regards, R. Musante M CITY OF BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, California 94010-2899 Telephone (415) 696-3770 • Parks / Trees (415) 696-7245 Fax (415) 696-7216 • E-mail: burlrec@aol.com October 9, 1997 Janis Musante 1665 Hunt Drive Burlingame, CA 94010 Dear Jarvis: I received your letter of September 27, 1997 in which you expressed several concerns about Cuernavaca Park use and the enforcement of our new ordinances. Your letter will be forwarded to the Park & Recreation Commission along with my attached staff report. You and Ray are certainly welcome to attend the October 16 meeting if you wish. If you cannot attend, I will get back to you after the meeting and let you know what was discussed. It is unfortunate that we were not able to get the new rules in place before the season started. It would have helped to discourage groups from the beginning of the year. Unfortunately, many of the groups of people who have been to the park during the last two months probably did hear from us before July that there were no reservation or special restrictions in the park, when they called. We have been able to explain the new rules to several groups recently and I expect that some of them will go elsewhere next year. It is my understanding that there have not been quite as many incidents this past summer and I am confident that we will make an incremental difference in the problem again next year. Unfortunately, your interpretation of the 15 person rule is not the same as I envisioned, nor as the Police are now enforcing. I thought our target was large groups of all day users. I would not recommend that we make any changes until we have had at least a full year cycle to see how the current rules work. I continue to believe that park design directs use and we have a shade structure that presently attracts groups. The new plan will discourage groups. Hopefully, we can place Cuernavaca Park in the 1998- 99 Capital Improvement Budget. We are presently being heavily lobbied, however, by at least two parents groups to move two of our old tot lot renovation projects to the top of the C.I.P. list. Thank you for your letter and the kind thoughts. Sincerely, J2 W. Williams Parks & Recreation Director cc: Park & Recreation Commission CM Exhibit "A" June 12, 1997 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR USE OF CUERNAVACA PARK Pursuant to Burlingame Municipal Code Chapter 10.55, Section 030, the following special rules and regulations apply to the use of Cuernavaca Park. These rules and regulations are in addition to and supplement the general rules and regulations governing the use of City of Burlingame parks. No person may make or kindle any fire for any purpose in the Park. This includes any portable barbecues or gas grills or any other use that requires the ignition of flanmrable liquids or materials. 2. No person shall operate any of the following equipment in the Park: a. Any generator for producing electrical voltage. b. Any sound amplification equipment, except by written permit from the Director in connection with use of the athletic playing field. C. Any radio or sound reproduction equipment which causes any loud, unnecessary or unusual noise which disturbs the peace and quiet of the neighborhood. No person shall, place, operate or use any inflatable play equipment, such as astro jumps and similar items, in the Park. 4. No group of more than fifteen (15) persons shall gather in the group picric area without specific written permission from the City Parks & Recreation Director. A.DoP7 Jdruc ��, 1,7q ) N. CITY OF BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT October 9, 1997 TO: Park & Recreation Commissioners FROM: Parks & Recreation Director SUBJECT: Recommendation of Youth Advisory Commissioners At your September meeting, you recommended the appointment of Cindy Lin and Jeff Panek as Youth Advisory Members of the Commission for 1997-98. Unfortunately, we later discovered that neither of the young people's applications were accurate and, in fact, Cindy lives in Hillsborough and Jeff lives in San Mateo County. The City Council did not act on the appointments on October 6. We have recruited an excellent young lady, Emily Getchel, who definitely lives in Burlingame near the Rec Center. Emily has been a participant in several Burlingame Together and other community group activities and is someone you certainly would want playing on your volleyball team. Staff will attempt to recruit at least one more candidate before your October 16 meeting. I will invite Emily to attend the October meeting as a guest. Thank you for your patience in this process. Attachments: Emily Getchel application JW letter to Cindy Lin JW letter to Jeff Panek cc: Emily Getchel Randy Schwartz Christine Carlson EXHIBIT A r, CITY OF BURLINGAME 4U 11LIN•AM6 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, California 94010-2899 e — Telephone (415)696-3770 • Parks /Trees (415) 696-7245 Fax (415) 696-7216 • E-mail: burlrec@aot.com CITY OF BURLINGAME PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION YOUTH COMMISSIONER CANDIDATE APPLICATION (Please type or print clearly) NOTE: All applicants must be residents of the City of Burlingame Position is held from September to June The youth commissioners advise the Park and Recreation Commission on matters relating to the youth and teen population within the City of Burlingame. This may include programs relating to safety, recreation, drug awareness, special interests, sports, community involvement, socialization, and environmental concerns. The Park and Recreation Commission meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at City Hall at 7:30 p.m. You must be available to attend these meetings. M A M0 i 1. I Address: i v)(1.I•" Ili Date of Birth: Home Phone: -140l -C T-0 Length of Residence in Burlingame: 16p r Grade: LIMA— C115) What Community/school activities are you presently involved in, or have been in the past? rl./ _ IL• � �.1/ ►� ..�JI/.� / .•i♦ i • a.�i6 wit". 1IL FITS irl , ilU.il a iw •. . i U it .w W i 1 • � ' .,r s. over Why do you want to be a youth member of the Park and Recreation Commission? 1IFFFFF .M,U. I•I M 19 1 E re MUM a a Z[ L Mt• I NQ MM ■111111111 • • 01 •r, ♦ . \• What do you think you could contribute to the Park and Recreation Commission? i, a / ► r/ .r_e:, gun u � � i • . �� !".lira i � L' � a / 1 �- / • Jr 1 I v ► /11AM=O"' ' / . /�.." I. • ter_ /. I / W • a Date: -21-11 Signature: �{ Completed applications should be returned to the Parks & Recreation Dept., 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010. Applications will be accepted until vacancies are filled. For more information, please contact Chrissy Carlson at 696-3786. You will be notified by phone for an oral interview date and time. M CITY OF BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, California 94010-2899 Telephone (415) 696-3770 • Parks / Trees (415) 696-7245 Fax (415) 696-7216 • E-mail: burlrec@aol.com October 7, 1997 Jell Panek 120 Valdeflores Drive Burlingame, CA 94010 Dear Jeff. The Burlingame City Council did not act on your appointment as a Park & Recreation Youth Advisory Member last night after City staff and the Council Members realized that you do not live within the City of Burlingame. I have been advised that all of Valdeflores Drive lies within the County of San Mateo and not within the City limits. Unfortunately, all City Commissioners for the City of Burlingame must live within the City Limits of Burlingame. Thank you for your offer to help and for your participation in this process. Hopefully, you will continue your community service work and find other ways to promote better communication between youth and adults in the Burlingame area. Sincerely, John W. Williams & Recreation Director cc: Park & Recreation Commission