HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1997.07.17MEETING MINUTES �. Burlingame Park & Recreation Commission Thursday, July 17, 1997 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Park & Recreation Commission was called to order by Acting Chairman Frank Kelly at 7:30 p.m. in Conference Room A, Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Kelly, Larios, Nyhan, Pera, Piccetti, Roberts Commissioner Absent: Nilmeyer Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director John Williams Others Present: Dorothea & George Chrisman, 1608 Deveraux, Burlingame; Mary Belle Cooper, 1560 Balboa, Burlingame; Kim Meneguzzi, 1564 Balboa, Burlingame; Kevin Mutto, 1217 Grove, Burlingame; Cathy Navarro, 1548 Balboa, Burlingame; Sarah & Thomas O'Connor, 1556 Balboa, Burlingame; Gary Reichard, 1604 Devereaux, Burlingame; Suzuya Fumiaki, 3080 Alcazar, Burlingame; James & Mary Tomlinson, 1540 Balboa; Burlingame MINUTES Minutes of the June 19, 1997 meeting were approved, as presented. COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC There were no comments from the public. OLD BUSINESS Cuernavaca Park Masterplan. Landscape Architect John Cahalan presented the proposed Cuernavaca Park masterplan for the northwest corner of the park where the current shade structure is located. Director Williams noted that copies of the masterplan had been mailed to park neighbors. A public plan review meeting was held July 10 with two neighbors, Police Commander John Parkin, Architect Cahalan and Director Williams were in attendance. Staff and Commission reviewed the proposed changes in the shade structure area. Park neighbor Suzuya Fumiaki spoke of neighbor concerns about park use and asked that the two new park benches proposed for the area east of the playground be relocated further from the street and his living room window. It was consensus that the park tables and benches could be relocated a bit more south and/or east. It was moved by Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Pera and approved 6-0 (Nilmeyer absent) to recommend approval of the Cuernavaca picnic and playground area masterplan, as proposed, but relocating two picnic tables. 2. Three Tot Lot Masterplans. Architect Cahalan presented the proposed masterplans for renovation of three of the City's tot lot mini parks. Cahalan has been working with a committee of parks staff, recreation staff and Commissioners to develop the three renovation plans. Funds are budgeted for improvements at Paloma Park this fiscal year and the '7 Lot playground will also be redesigned and ready to bid at such time as streetscape improvements come to "J" Lot. Alpine Park has been masterplanned, but construction drawing will not be started until more renovation funds are available. Yet to be considered are the Trenton and Laguna tot lots. The Burlingame Lions Club has pledged $5,000 per year, for three years, to assist with redevelopment of the three "Lions Club Playgrounds" at Paloma, Alpine and Trenton. Commissioners reviewed the proposed plans and Commissioners Piccetti and Nyhan, who participated in the planning session representing the Commission, discussed the plan development process. It was moved by Commissioner Piccetti, seconded by Commissioner Nyhan and approved 6-0 (Nilmeyer absent) to recommend approval of the three tot lot masterplan, as proposed. 3. Burlingame Aquatic Center Masterplan. Director Williams presented the proposed masterplan for the new Aquatic Center at Burlingame High School. He noted that the City has budgeted $1 million for this project and the San Mateo Union High School District will commit $200-300,000 to the project. City and District staff have agreed that the District will construct and maintain the facility. The City will operate the pool approximately 65% of each year when school is in not session and during school "off' hours and will pay 65% of the annual pool maintenance costs. The City will be responsible for maintaining new City offices, locker rooms and concession stand. Several Commissioners expressed their pleasure with the proposed facility. Commissioner Larios discussed the planning process and stated that the pool would be excellent not only for community use, but also for school instructional and competitive programs. It is the hope of City and District staff that the pool can be completed by June, 1998. It was moved by Commissioner Nyhan, seconded by Commissioner Larios and approved 6-0 (Nilmeyer absent) to recommend approval of the proposed Burlingame Aquatic Center masterplan, as proposed. 2 4. Status of Proposed All -Weather Track Project at High School. Commissioner Larios reported that the all weather track project is ready to move ahead at the high school. A community donor has contributed $190,000 and the District will open bids for the project in August. Construction may complicate the fall soccer and football seasons at the school, but conflicts do not appear unsurmountable. 5. Status of Recreation Center Remodel Project. Director Williams reported on the status of the remodeling presently going on at the Recreation Center. The project appears to be on track for a September completion date. Hopefully, Fall classes and activities will only be minimally impacted. 6. Report on Burlingame Together Summer Workshop. Commissioner Larios and Director Williams reported on the recent Burlingame Together Workshop held in Marshall, California. A total of 64 persons participated in the workshop. High school students from both Mills and Burlingame high schools were in attendance. 7. Report on Recruitment for Youth Advisory Commission Members. No potential members have been recruited to date. Staff will work with Burlingame High Principal Arrigoni when he returns from his summer vacation. Hopefully, the Commission will be able to review applications at its September meeting. NEW BUSINESS 1. Ray Park Neighbor Concerns re Girls Softball Play. Sarah O'Connor recently addressed a letter to the City Council, expressing concerns about Sunday girls softball play, as well as other noise, parking, traffic and related matters. The Commission has been asked to review and discuss the concerns for possible recommendations to the City Council. Mrs. O'Connor and several park neighbors were in the audience to address the Commission on the issue. Gary Reichard addressed the Commission with several concerns. He stated that he was unhappy that all neighbors who signed the petition were not sent invitations to the Commission meeting. He is not happy with the girls softball league hosting weekend tournaments at Ray Park. He said there is a problem with coaches using pitching machines that hit the backstop fence during late evening hours, creating an unpleasant noise. He was unhappy that the City did not renovate the top of the main backstop when the rest of the backstop was repaired. He indicated that the City had removed park landscaping in the area and left that area in a dirty and unkempt condition. He expressed frustration over parking problems with softball league park users and stated that he has called the Police over 100 times. Mr. Reichard stated that the Police will not cite or tow cars parked illegally. George Chrisman stated that the softball program has grown each year and it has reached a problem stage. He also is concerned about parking and police supervision. He 3 stated that he was told to "Go to hell" by a league participant who parked his car so as �— to block Mr. Chrisman's driveway. N Mary Tomlinson stated that the softball program has grown until it has outgrown the park capacity and ruined the neighborhood. She said that rules are not being followed. She indicated that inappropriate parking has become so bad that accidents are occurring. Marybelle Cooper stated that the park is now a dust bowl. The infield grass has been removed and the dirt infield causes a big mess. She believes there is too much fencing on the site. She reported that it has been difficult for her to exit her driveway on occasion, because of softball program cars parking inappropriately. George Chrisman asked Director Williams who supervises activities at the park. Williams reported that Recreation Division staff regularly supervises camps and other City programs. Girls softball is an independent organization and City staff only supervises that activity occasionally. Sarah O'Connor expressed concern about the manner in which softball league participants park around Ray Park. She believes that poor parking could restrict fire and police access. She asked if the baseball camp could be moved to another location. Cathy Navarro noted that the cars of softball participants have blocked her driveway. She also stated that the girls softball league participants leave the park littered after their use. Kim Meneguzzi stated that persons parking in front of her home are often rude and uncivil to her and to other park neighbors. She said that softball program participants make her life miserable. Kevin Mutto was in attendance at the meeting to represent the girls softball league. He expressed his concerns about the issues raised. He stated that the league does assign volunteers to patrol the area during league games and the league does check parking regularly. He noted that a parking "guru" to be especially active during opening day, tournaments, etc. might be a good idea. He noted that the softball program is growing and that the league does need more fields. Acting Chairman Kelly stated that this item would be carried forward to the Commission's next regular meeting in order that everyone could review concerns and be prepared to talk about some solutions to the various problems. Commissioner Nyhan asked Mr. Mutto to prepare a listing of teams for the next Commission meeting. 2. Cancel August Commission Meeting. It was the consensus of the Commission to cancel the regularly scheduled August meeting of the Commission due to vacation plans of several members. El REPORTS 1. Parks Division. Director Williams reported that the California Conservation Corps crew did fire prevention work in Mills Canyon for one week under the supervision of the Fire Department. A Division Tree Leadworker led Friends of Mills Canyon hike and discussed native trees with the group. Franklin and BIS fields have been maintained by the Parks Division staff since July 1. Numerous irrigation adjustments have been made at Franklin with positive results. Wet spots are being eliminated at the field. The cooperative program with UC Extension and CalTrans to test the new decay locator device will resume in August on El Camino Real trees. Numerous Elm trees in the community have contracted Dutch Elm Disease this year and removals are in process. 2. Recreation Division. Williams reported that all summer classes, camps and programs are in full swing and activities appear to be going well. The July Music in the Park concert series has attracted good crowds at the first two concerts. 3. Commissioners. There were no comments from Commissioners. Acting Chairman Kelly adjourned the meeting at 9:42 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, `.e 4. �� Jo W. Williams Parks & Recreation Director 5