HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1997.01.16MEETING MINUTES Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission Thursday, January 16, 1997 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Don Roberts at 7:35 p.m. in Conference Room A, Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Kelly, Larios, Nilmeyer, Nyhan, Roberts and Youth Advisory Commissioner Cretan Commissioners Absent: Pera, Piccetti and Youth Cormnissioner Cretan Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Williams, Recreation Superintendent Schwartz, Recreation Supervisor Mike Ciardella Guests Present:. Christine Davis, 1132 Vancouver Avenue; Mike Galligan, 724B Linden Avenue; Marti Knight, 455 Chatham, Burlingame; Gary Michael, 116 Costa Rica; John J. Webb, 720 Paloma Avenue; and Christa Hazlett, Independent Newspapers. MINUTES The Minutes of the November 21, 1996 Regular Meeting were approved as presented. OLD BUSINESS 1. Teen Programs and Activities. A. Staff and the Commission noted the Teen "Mini Brochure" which was produced last month for distribution to young people in the community. The brochure is basically a compilation of existing recreation programs that might be attractive to teens. The Parks & Recreation Department has developed a similar target marketing piece for senior citizens. B. Superintendent Schwartz reported on the recent intergenerational program of computer training offered at Burlingame High School. The program was discussed at Burlingame Together and was jointly developed by the high school and the Recreation Division. The Burlingame Rotary Club will contribute to the high school computer lab in support of the program. C. Williams reported on activities of the City Council teen study committee. The committee has met once and will meet again on February 4. Two subcommittees have been formed to report back on BHS Swim Pool rehabilitation and teen facilities/ programs. The subcommittees will report back on February 4. 2. Washington Park Tennis Court "Bumps". City Attorney Larry Anderson has reported that the City and the Washington Park Tennis Court Contractor were unable to agree in arbitration on the monetary damages created by the tennis court "bumps" issue and that the case will go to trial soon. 3. B.I.S. Sports Program Status Report. Williams and Schwartz reported on the B.I.S. sports program. The 1996-97 program is running smoothly with record numbers of young people participating. There are currently 19 boys and girls basketball teams at the school, with the 6th grade program not due to begin until February (probably 12 teams). (There are also 35 elementary school basketball teams participating in this year's basketball program.) The Commission reviewed the Coaches Handbook prepared by staff this year for distribution to all coaches. All basketball coaches were scheduled for a training session conducted by Recreation Supervisor Mike Ciardella this year. Supervisor Ciardella answered questions from Commissioners about the program. This year Mike has been able to supervise all coaches and this year's coaches appear to be a very good group. He noted that the Burlingame program is still considered a model by the other league schools participating in the geographical area between South San Francisco and Palo Alto. 4. Cuernavaca Park Concerns. Williams reported that he has had contact with two other neighbors who have expressed their feelings that, although any park occasionally spawns problems, Cuernavaca appears to be no better or worse than other City parks in this regard. To date staff has removed one basketball rim to discourage extended full court basketball play. The Parks Division has received a supply of dog "pooper scoopers" and will mount a dispenser at the park for them soon. Contact with the City Electrician has revealed that the floodlight in the park parking lot has never been operational. Staff will review the cost and options for turning it on. Landscape Architect John Cahalan will be working on some alternative schemes for renovation or replacement of the existing park shade structure. Williams and City Attorney Anderson are finalizing a contract with Mr. Cahalan. The Police have not reported much police activity in the area during the winter months. 5. Capital Pr 'ect Status Reports. A. Franklin Field Update. The irrigation system changes proposed earlier will by done in February, after the Mercy High soccer season is completed. Staff has prepared a cost estimate for City Parks staff to maintain Franklin and B.I.S. fields. The proposal will be reviewed during the budget process. B. B.I.S. Athletic Field. The project is completed. The project is now being maintained by the contractor. C. Victoria Park Playground. The park improvements have been completed. The project is now being maintained by the contractor. la D. Ray. Park Tennis Court/Roller HockeyL3asketball Resurfacing. Public Works has not finally accepted all the work, however, the facilities are open to the public. The new basketball standard has been installed. NEW BUSINESS 4. Capital Proiect Priority List. General discussion of this agenda item came from Commissioners, staff and several members of the audience. This agenda item will be on the February Commission agenda for further action. A. Staff Capital Lists and Summaries. Williams distributed lists of capital projects and related maintenance projects for the Commission's review. The lists provide a history of improvement projects, scope and budget information, and staff proposals for the future. Commissioners will review for discussion in February. B. Proposals from the Audience. Gary Michael presented a letter (attached as Exhibit #A) asking that the Commission request that the City Council create a masterplan for the City park system. Mr. Michael stated that Burlingame is short of athletic playing fields. He believes that the only realistic solution to this shortage is a program to require hotel developers on the three remaining large sites at the bayfront to dedicate playing field space when hotels are developed. He requested that staff check with the City Planner and the City Attorney re hotel development status. �- Christine Davis noted the shortage of playfield space that she has observed, particularly during the soccer season when practice time is severely limited by field availability. John Webb spoke to the need to improve bicycle and circulation paths in the area of the bayfront. He noted that the airport was offering funds to Millbrae and San Bruno to locate the Bay bike trail on the west side of Highway 101 as a part of airport expansion. He stated that the City of Burlingame should investigate this funding opportunity. He is concerned about the breaks in our current trail and about trail maintenance. He presented an information sheet about the Bicycle Federation of America to the Commission (attached as Exhibit #B). Mike Galligan spoke in favor of asking the City Council to hire a consultant who can address City athletic field needs before all options are foreclosed. He stated that the City needs a plan. His group can and will generate a show of support for the plan and for more athletic fields, when appropriate. Commissioner Larios stated his support for a community recreation plan. Williams was directed to place the masterplan and bicycle trail issues on the February Commission meeting agenda. 5. Ray Park Lighting concerns. Director Williams presented a letter from Ross Bowling, 1512 Cabrillo Avenue, Burlingame (attached as Exhibit #C). In his letter, Mr. Bowling notes police problems and concerns in the neighborhood near his home, the Ray Park and Lincoln School. The park and the footbridge connecting the school and park to Cabrillo are very dark at night. There have been problems with young people loitering behind the west wing of school buildings and the creek. Williams reported that the School District has added a fence extension behind the classroom wing. Public works staff has agreed to look at the issue of lighting for the footbridge. Parks staff is investigating the placement of two lights on the Ray Park restroom building to illuminate the area in and around the playground equipment. Williams will report back on the status of these projects in February. REPORTS I. Parks. City parks and trees have fared reasonably well during the winter storms. There have been no major weather caused problems to date this winter. Parks maintenance staff are now beginning ballfield preseason improvements. 2. Recreation. Schwartz reported that the Holiday Tree Lighting and Open House went very well and spring activity registration appears good. He updated the Commission on the Recreation Center remodel project. 3. Commissioners. There were no Commissioner reports. It was agreed to reagendize the selection of the Commission chairman and vice chairman in February due to the absence of three Commissioners at this meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT Marti Knight noted that a proposal has been made to develop bike trails in the County along the CalTrain right of way. Mike Ciardella encouraged all Commissioners to call him at any time they might have questions about the City's sports programs. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Roberts at 9:21 p.m. Res ectfully Submitted, (— Jo W. Williams Parks & Recreation Director Attachments: #A. Letter from residents re athletic fields and masterplan #B. Paper presented re bicycle trails by John Webb #C. Letter from Ross Bowling re lighting issues in and around Ray Park 0